1000 resultados para Turismo - Rancharia (SP)
A novel Acinetobacter sp. BTJR-IO isolated from highly acidic (pH 2.5-4.5) rubber latex centrifugation effluent with high COD (22000 rng/L) and BOD (5000 rng/L). This strain could effect 39.5% COD reduction on free cell inoculation of effluent without incorporation of additional nutrients after 8 days. CalciLnn alginate irrmobilized cells showed 16.4% and 25% COD reduction after 6 hra, without aeration and after 1 hr. with mild aeration under batch process respectively. Whereas 44.0% COD reduction could be achieved after 6 hrs. on continuous treatment in a packed bed reactor with mild aeration. Further, even after 3 cycles 37% COD reduction was recorded with continuous treatment
Halobacteria, members of the domain Archaea that live under extremely halophilic conditions, are often considered as dependable source for deriving novel enzymes, novel genes, bioactive compounds and other industrially important molecules. Protein antibiotics have potential for application as preserving agents in food industry, leather industry and in control of infectious bacteria. Halocins are proteinaceous antibiotics synthesized and released into the environment by extreme halophiles, a universal characteristic of halophilic bacteria. Herein, we report the production of halocin (SH10) by an extremely halophilic archeon Natrinema sp. BTSH10 isolated from salt pan of Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India and optimization of medium for enhanced production of halocin. It was found that the optimal conditions for maximal halocin production were 42 C, pH 8.0, and 104 h of incubation at 200 rpm with 2% (V/V) inoculum concentration in Zobell’s medium containing 3 M NaCl, Galactose, beef extract, and calcium chloride as additional supplements. Results indicated scope for fermentation production of halocin for probable applications using halophilic archeon Natrinema sp. BTSH10
Increasing amounts of plastic waste in the environment have become a problem of gigantic proportions. The case of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is especially significant as it is widely used for packaging and other applications. This synthetic polymer is normally not biodegradable until it is degraded into low molecular mass fragments that can be assimilated by microorganisms. Blends of nonbiodegradable polymers and biodegradable commercial polymers such as poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can facilitate a reduction in the volume of plastic waste when they undergo partial degradation. Further, the remaining fragments stand a greater chance of undergoing biodegradation in a much shorter span of time. In this investigation, LLDPE was blended with different proportions of PVA (5–30%) in a torque rheometer. Mechanical, thermal, and biodegradation studies were carried out on the blends. The biodegradability of LLDPE/PVA blends has been studied in two environments: (1) in a culture medium containing Vibrio sp. and (2) soil environment, both over a period of 15 weeks. Blends exposed to culture medium degraded more than that exposed to soil environment. Changes in various properties of LLDPE/PVA blends before and after degradation were monitored using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for crystallinity, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphology among other things. Percentage crystallinity decreased as the PVA content increased and biodegradation resulted in an increase of crystallinity in LLDPE/PVA blends. The results prove that partial biodegradation of the blends has occurred holding promise for an eventual biodegradable product
Bioethanol is a liquid fuel obtained from fermentation of sugar/starch crops. Lignocellulosic biomass being less expensive is considered a future alternative for the food crops. One of the main challenges for the use of lignocellulosics is the development of an efficient pre-treatment process. Pretreatments are classified into three - physical, chemical, and biological pretreatment. Chemical process has not been proven suitable so far, due to high costs and production of undesired by-products. Biologically, hydrolysis can be enhanced by microbial or enzymatic pretreatment. Studies show that the edible mushrooms of Pleurotus sp. produce several extracellular enzymes which reduce the structural and chemical complexity of fibre. In the present study, P. ostreatus and P. eous were cultivated on paddy straw. Spent substrate left after mushroom cultivation was powdered and used for ethanol production. Saccharomyces sp. was used for fermentation studies. Untreated paddy straw was used as control. Production of ethanol from P. ostreatus substrate was 5.5 times more when compared to untreated paddy straw, while the spent substrate of P. eous gave 5 times increase in ethanol yield. Assays showed the presence of several extracellular enzymes in the spent substrate of both species, which together contributed to the increase in ethanol yield
Phenol is an aromatic hydrocarbon which exists as a colorless or white solid in its pure state. Over the past several decades, there is growing concern about wide spread contamination of surface and ground water by phenol, due to rapid development of chemical and petrochemical industries. Phenol affects aquatic life even at relatively low concentration (5-25mg/L). Treatment for removal of phenol includes chemical as well as biological processes. Studies show that ligninases such as Lignin Peroxidase and Laccase, produced by Pleurotus sp., can degrade phenol. Spent substrate of Pleurotus mushrooms consists of ligninases. Present work was to investigate the potential of spent substrate of edible mushroom P. ostreatus for biodegradation of phenol. P. ostreatus was cultivated on paddy straw. After harvest, spent substrate was utilized for phenol degradation. According to the enzyme profile of two ligninases present in the spent substrate of P. ostreatus, maximum specific activity for Laccase was observed in 35 day old spent substrate and LiP activity was maximum in 56 day old spent substrate, which together contributed significantly for removal of phenol. Spent substrate of 35th and 56th day were each incubated with phenol sample (1:1w/v) for one day, which resulted in degradation of phenol by 48% and 45% respectively. From these results it appears that, spent substrate of P. ostreatus can be used effectively to remove phenol from industrial effluents
The present study led to the recognition of Natrinema sp. BTSH 10 isolated from saltern ponds, as an ideal candidate species for production of gelatinase, which was noted as a halozyme capable of showing enzyme activity in the presence of 15% NaCl. Results obtained during the course of the present study indicated potential for application of this enzyme in industrial catalysis that are performed in the presence of high concentrations of salt. The enzyme characteristics noted with this gelatinase also indicate the scope for probable applications in leather industry, meat tenderization, production of fish sauce and soy sauce. Since halophilic proteases are tolerant to organic solvents, they could be used in antifouling coating preparations used to prevent biofouling of submarine equipments. The gelatinase from haloarchaea could be considered as a probable candidate for peptide synthesis. However, further studies are warranted on this haloarcheal gelatinase particularly on structure elucidation and enzyme engineering to suit a wide range of applications. There is immense scope for developing this halozyme as an industrial enzyme once thorough biochemistry of this gelatinase is studied and a pilot scale study is conducted towards industrial production of this enzyme under fermentation is facilitated. Based on the present study it is concluded that haloarchaea Natrinema sp. that inhabit solar saltern ponds are ideal source for deriving industrially important halozymes and molecular studies on enzymes are prerequisite for their probable industrial applications. This is the first time this species of archaea is recognized as a source of gelatinase enzyme that has potential for industrial applications.
Bakterien existieren bevorzugt in Biofilmen. Das Zusammenleben in diesen Gemeinschaften bietet den einzelnen Mikroben einen wirksamen Schutz und ermöglicht die Ausbildung langfristiger, synergistischer Wechselwirkungen, die mit multizellulären Systemen verglichen werden können. Biofilme bestehen aus Mikrooganismen-Populationen, die sich an Grenzflächen ansammeln und typischerweise von einer Matrix aus extrazellulären polymeren Substanzen umgeben sind. Auch auf Pflanzen-Oberflächen bilden viele Bakterien Biofilme, um ihre Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Biofilmbildung bei Pflanzen-assoziierten Bakterien der Gattung Methylobacterium (Mtb.) untersucht, wobei molekular- und mikrobiologische sowie mikroskopische Techniken eingesetzt wurden. Es zeigte sich, dass alle untersuchten Vertreter der Gattung Methylobacterium in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß Biofilme bilden. Die Ausprägung ist dabei Taxon (bzw. Isolat)-spezifisch und vor allem von der Stickstoff-Verfügbarkeit abhängig. Jedoch spielen auch andere Umweltfaktoren, wie die Versorgung der Zellen mit Phosphat und die Zelldichte, bei der Ausbildung der überzellulären Einheiten eine wichtige Rolle. Die Matrix der Biofilme wird meist durch ein fibrilläres Netzwerk gebildet. Dabei handelt es sich um Heteropolysaccharide, die von den Bakterien synthetisiert und sezerniert werden. Einige Isolate bilden zusätzlich zahlreiche Fimbrien (Auswüchse), durch die sie an andere Zellen oder Oberflächen binden können. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere neue Methylobacterium-Isolate physiologisch und molekulargenetisch charakterisiert (Nährstoffverwertung, DNA-Sequenzen verschiedener Gene, phylogenetische Analysen usw.). Im Vordergrund stand hierbei der von einer urtümlichen Landpflanze, dem Lebermoos (Marchantia polymorpha), isolierte Stamm Mtb. sp. JT1. Dabei zeigten sich deutliche Unterschiede in der Morphologie und Physiologie des Bakterienstamms JT1 und dem nahe verwandten Stamm 5b.2.20 zu den bereits beschriebenen Taxa der Gattung, so dass eine Spezies-Neubeschreibung erforderlich war. Als Artname wurde aufgrund der außergewöhnlichen Oberflächenstrukturen Mtb. fimbriae sp. nov. eingeführt. Auch andere Methylobakterien (unter anderem Isolat Mtb. sp. F3.2, isoliert vom Laubmoos Funaria hygrometrica) stellen wahrscheinlich Vertreter einer neue Spezies dar (Artname Mtb. funariae sp. nov.). Jedoch zeigen Mtb. fimbriae und Mtb. funariae nur geringe physiologische und morphologische Unterschiede und konnten auf Grundlage umfassender DNA-DNA-Hybridisierungs-Studien nicht eindeutig voneinander abgegrenzt werden.
The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity
La Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Valencia ha reaccionado ante los retos que le plantea el nuevo marco académico de referencia (el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) y el siempre cambiante entorno socio-económico y laboral con una fuerte apuesta por la mejora de la calidad. Esta mejora de la calidad se ha puesto de manifiesto a través de los Programas de Evaluación institucional en los que ha participado, promovidos por el Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria, por la Agencia Nacional de la Calidad y de la Acreditación (ANECA), por organismos de la propia universidad y con el apoyo del Gabinet d’Avaluació i Diagnòstic Educatiu (GADE), tales como el Plan de Evaluación y Mejora del Rendimiento Académico (PEMRA), el Plan de Evaluación de Doctorado y el Programa de Evaluación de las Prácticas en Empresas (PAPE). El tema de la presente comunicación se inserta dentro de los ejes de este nuevo marco académico y del entorno social, económico y laboral en que nos encontramos: la relevancia del Practicum como elemento formativo, de orientación, asesoramiento, inserción profesional y de vinculación con la sociedad de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal consiste en reflexionar acerca del funcionamiento del Practicum en la Diplomatura en Turismo de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Valencia. Revisaremos lo que ha supuesto el Practicum desde la puesta en marcha de la Diplomatura y analizaremos los resultados de la evaluación institucional que se ha llevado a cabo, tanto en la Diplomatura, con el Plan de Evaluación y Mejora del Rendimiento Académico, como en las prácticas en empresa, a través del Programa de Evaluación de las Prácticas en Empresas. A continuación, ofreceremos propuestas de futuro; propuestas surgidas a partir de las áreas de mejora detectadas en los programas de evaluación institucional (PEMRA y PAPE). Otras propuestas provienen de la información proporcionada directamente por nuestros estudiantes, como tutores académicos de prácticas y, por último, aportamos otras sugerencias inspiradas en las prácticas que se llevan a cabo en países de nuestro entorno, como Gran Bretaña, con el programa de “Planificación del Desarrollo Personal” -Personal Development Planification (PDP)- o Finlandia – con sus “entornos de aprendizaje personalizados” -Internship Labs
Se ha desarrollado una aplicación móvil dirigida a turistas que visitan Extremadura, con los objetivos de ofrecerles un rápido y sencillo acceso a mapas y recursos culturales de interés de la Región de Extremadura. La aplicación funciona sobre teléfonos móviles convencionales que soporten Java. Permite acceder de forma rápida a cartografía de toda la región, así como a puntos de interés turísticos, con capacidades de navegación y de consulta de información. Se ha creado un sistema de cálculo de rutas para poder organizar desplazamientos entre dos puntos, así como planificar visitas pasando por varios puntos de interés. El sistema está basado 100% en software libre (licencia GPL), y se encuentra disponible para ser utilizado por los turistas que visitan la región, así como por los desarrolladores interesados en conocer las tecnologías utilizadas
Extremadura. El proyecto tiene varias fases que van encaminadas a un fin común, difundir el conocimiento sobre los recursos e infraestructuras turísticas de Extremadura. Por un lado se realiza la integración y geocodificación de toda la información de la Consejería susceptible de ser representada espacialmente. Como base de datos se optó por Postgre-PostGis, siguiendo la política de software libre puesta en marcha por la Junta de Extremadura y adoptada por la Consejería de Cultura y Turismo. Esta base de datos ha sido dotada de una aplicación informática para la gestión y actualización de los datos alfanuméricos, siendo gvSIG el cliente pesado de la misma, y por lo tanto el medio de representación y actualización de los datos espaciales. Tras los trabajos de recopilación, normalización y geocodificación de la información espacial de la Consejería SIGATEX se convierte en un SIG con más de sesenta capas temáticas y más de 20.000 registros. Por otro lado, destaca como aplicación novedosa la integración del Cálculo de Rutas en gvSIG Mobile y en un cliente SIG Ligero OpenLayers, y su puesta en marcha con los datos turísticos de la región. De esta forma se crea un portal que pondrá a disposición del usuario generar rutas turísticas tanto en web como en su móvil. En definitiva, SIGATEX se convierte en una herramienta que, a través del software libre, pone Extremadura en la mano del viajero
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'