970 resultados para Trigonometry Formulas
En la primera parte del presente trabajo se investigan diferentes formas de cálculo de la razón de concentración conocida como Coeficiente o Índice de Gini, y el no cumplimiento del axioma conocido como de "invariancia a la replicación" o "Principio de Población de Dalton" en algunas de ellas. El alcance de las conclusiones se limita al comportamiento de las fórmulas sometidas a prueba (se encuentran entre las más conocidas) cuando son aplicadas a distribuciones de datos desagregados. En la segunda parte se propone un factor de corrección para las fórmulas de cálculo analizadas, de manera que satisfagan el Principio de Población.
En todos los pueblos el origen de la creación, al interior de las distintas religiones y dentro del universo entero, se manifiesta por la palabra, a la que se considera la fuerza genérica, de origen divino, fundadora y productora de todas las cosas tanto materiales como espirituales. La voz se equipara a la emisión de un soplo milagroso. Nombrar es un acto de creación; crear y nombrar, entonces, se convierten en sinónimos: "en el principio era el Verbo y el Verbo era Dios". Sobre esas antiguas creencias se generaron mitos, se conformaron relatos legendarios y nacieron fórmulas de comunicación. Las culturas indígenas conservan hermosas leyendas entregadas por la tradición oral; recuerdo de ideales épocas y "tiempo de los sueños": la edad de la poesía. Poesía que transmite historia y mitos; cantos que permiten investigar y mantener la inteligencia activa: la permanencia de la memoria genética
El contexto ideológico jónico ha sido considerado básico como sustento de la elegía solónica. El presente artículo explora la relación intertextual entre el fr.3 D., llamado Eunomía, de Solón y Odisea. A partir del lenguaje compartido por ambos textos, de la absorción de fórmulas épicas y de conceptos nuevamente definidos se propone explicar el papel admonitorio que Solón adquiere como la expresión de una acción heroica ejecutada en una dimensión política
Los epigramas son pequeñas composiciones en verso grabadas inicialmente sobre algún objeto, bien con fines votivos, como fórmulas de maldición, o simplemente como marcas de propiedad. Dentro de los epigramas destacan los funerarios, consistentes, en su origen, en versos inscritos sobre las tumbas, que indicaban filiación, edad y alguna característica del difunto, pero que más tarde se convirtieron en verdaderas composiciones literarias, por lo que resultan testimonios útiles para conocer a la sociedad griega. En esta ponencia se analizará la concepción griega de la vejez a través de los epigramas funerarios áticos de la época clásica (siglos V y IV a. C.). Este análisis se hará comparando lo inscrito en éstos con lo que algunos autores clásicos dijeron acerca de ese tema (ya sea con o sin intención). El objetivo es conocer más de esta cultura y demostrar cómo el imaginario social se reflejó en estos testimonios funerarios
El contexto ideológico jónico ha sido considerado básico como sustento de la elegía solónica. El presente artículo explora la relación intertextual entre el fr.3 D., llamado Eunomía, de Solón y Odisea. A partir del lenguaje compartido por ambos textos, de la absorción de fórmulas épicas y de conceptos nuevamente definidos se propone explicar el papel admonitorio que Solón adquiere como la expresión de una acción heroica ejecutada en una dimensión política
The upper part of the basaltic substratum of the Atlantic abyssal plain, approaching subduction beneath the Barbados Ridge and thus presumably beneath the Lesser Antilles island arc, is made of typical LREE-depleted oceanic tholeiites. Mineralogical (microprobe) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analyses) data are given for 12 samples from the bottom of Hole 543A, which is 3.5 km seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge complex. These basalts are overlain by a Quaternary to Maestrichtian-Campanian sedimentary sequence. Most of the basalts are relatively fresh (in spite of the alteration of olivine and development of some celadonite, clays, and chlorite in their groundmass), and their mineralogical and geochemical compositions are similar to those of LREE-depleted recent basalts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The most altered samples occur at the top of the basaltic sequence, and show trends of enrichment in alkali metals typical of altered oceanic tholeiites.
En la primera parte del presente trabajo se investigan diferentes formas de cálculo de la razón de concentración conocida como Coeficiente o Índice de Gini, y el no cumplimiento del axioma conocido como de "invariancia a la replicación" o "Principio de Población de Dalton" en algunas de ellas. El alcance de las conclusiones se limita al comportamiento de las fórmulas sometidas a prueba (se encuentran entre las más conocidas) cuando son aplicadas a distribuciones de datos desagregados. En la segunda parte se propone un factor de corrección para las fórmulas de cálculo analizadas, de manera que satisfagan el Principio de Población.
Los epigramas son pequeñas composiciones en verso grabadas inicialmente sobre algún objeto, bien con fines votivos, como fórmulas de maldición, o simplemente como marcas de propiedad. Dentro de los epigramas destacan los funerarios, consistentes, en su origen, en versos inscritos sobre las tumbas, que indicaban filiación, edad y alguna característica del difunto, pero que más tarde se convirtieron en verdaderas composiciones literarias, por lo que resultan testimonios útiles para conocer a la sociedad griega. En esta ponencia se analizará la concepción griega de la vejez a través de los epigramas funerarios áticos de la época clásica (siglos V y IV a. C.). Este análisis se hará comparando lo inscrito en éstos con lo que algunos autores clásicos dijeron acerca de ese tema (ya sea con o sin intención). El objetivo es conocer más de esta cultura y demostrar cómo el imaginario social se reflejó en estos testimonios funerarios
En todos los pueblos el origen de la creación, al interior de las distintas religiones y dentro del universo entero, se manifiesta por la palabra, a la que se considera la fuerza genérica, de origen divino, fundadora y productora de todas las cosas tanto materiales como espirituales. La voz se equipara a la emisión de un soplo milagroso. Nombrar es un acto de creación; crear y nombrar, entonces, se convierten en sinónimos: "en el principio era el Verbo y el Verbo era Dios". Sobre esas antiguas creencias se generaron mitos, se conformaron relatos legendarios y nacieron fórmulas de comunicación. Las culturas indígenas conservan hermosas leyendas entregadas por la tradición oral; recuerdo de ideales épocas y "tiempo de los sueños": la edad de la poesía. Poesía que transmite historia y mitos; cantos que permiten investigar y mantener la inteligencia activa: la permanencia de la memoria genética
Duplicate, filtered samples of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) were irradiated for 28 days in a solar simulator. Duplicate dark controls were placed alongside the irradiated samples. After 28 days, samples were extensively photo-degraded based upon colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) photo-bleaching (> 95%). Samples were solid phase extracted using PPL resin to isolate, concentrate and desalt the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the samples. Ultrahigh resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) enabled 3024 molecular formulas to be identified in the dark control. Photo-degradation decreased molecular diversity, with 2402 formulas assigned post-irradiation. Molecular formulas were classified based upon their photo-lability as 1) photo-resistant; 2) photo-labile; and, 3) photo-produced. Photo-resistant DOM made up 73% of all formulas and was dominated by highly unsaturated molecular signatures consistent with carboxylic-rich alicyclic molecules, suggesting that these apparently bio-refractory compounds may also survive multiple passages through sunlit surface waters and thus accumulate for timeframes exceeding ocean ventilation. Photo-labile DOM was enriched in low molecular weight formulas, aromatic molecular formulas, and sulfur and phosphorous containing formulas. Compounds containing both sulfur and nitrogen were particularly photo-labile and may represent an underappreciated component of the photo-reactive CDOM pool. Photo-produced DOM was enriched in higher molecular weight formulas, as well as aliphatic and peptide formulas. Molecular formulas are indexed by their photo-lability classification in the supplementary information.
Gabbroic rocks and their late differentiates recovered at Site 735 represent 500 m of oceanic layer 3. The original cooling of a mid-ocean ridge magma chamber, its penetration by ductile shear zones and late intrusives, and the subsequent penetration of seawater through a network of cracks and into highly permeable magmatic hydrofracture horizons are recorded in the metamorphic stratigraphy of the core. Ductile shear zones are characterized by extensive dynamic recrystallization of primary phases, beginning in the granulite facies and continuing into the lower amphibolite facies. Increasing availability of seawater during dynamic recrystallization is reflected in depletions in 18O, increasing abundance of amphibole of variable composition and metamorphic plagioclase of intermediate composition, and more complete coronitic or pseudomorphous static replacement of magmatic minerals. Downcore correlation of synkinematic assemblages, bulk-rock oxygen isotopic compositions, and vein abundance suggest that seawater is introduced into the crust by way of small cracks and veins that mark the end of the ductile phase of deformation. This "deformation-enhanced" metamorphism dominates the upper 180 and the lower 100 m of the core. In the lower 300 m of the core, mineral assemblages of greenschist and zeolite facies are abundant within or adjacent to brecciated zones. Leucocratic veins found in these zones and adjacent host rock contain diopside, sodic plagioclase, epidote, chlorite, analcime, thomsonite, natrolite, albite, quartz, actinolite, sphene, brookite, and sulfides. The presence of zircon, Cl-apatite, sodic plagioclase, sulfides, and diopside in leucocratic veins having local magmatic textures suggests that some of the veins originated from late magmas or from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from such magmas that were subsequently replaced by (seawater-derived) hydrothermal assemblages. The frequent association of these late magmatic intrusive rocks within the brecciated zones suggests that they are both artifacts of magmatic hydrofracture. Such catastrophic fracture and hydrothermal circulation could produce episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids as well as the incorporation of a magmatically derived hydrothermal component. The enhanced permeability of the brecciated zones produced lower temperature assemblages because of larger volumes of seawater that penetrated the crust. The last fractures were sealed either by these hydrothermal minerals or by late carbonate-smectite veins, resulting in the observed low permeability of the core.
To deliver sample estimates provided with the necessary probability foundation to permit generalization from the sample data subset to the whole target population being sampled, probability sampling strategies are required to satisfy three necessary not sufficient conditions: (i) All inclusion probabilities be greater than zero in the target population to be sampled. If some sampling units have an inclusion probability of zero, then a map accuracy assessment does not represent the entire target region depicted in the map to be assessed. (ii) The inclusion probabilities must be: (a) knowable for nonsampled units and (b) known for those units selected in the sample: since the inclusion probability determines the weight attached to each sampling unit in the accuracy estimation formulas, if the inclusion probabilities are unknown, so are the estimation weights. This original work presents a novel (to the best of these authors' knowledge, the first) probability sampling protocol for quality assessment and comparison of thematic maps generated from spaceborne/airborne Very High Resolution (VHR) images, where: (I) an original Categorical Variable Pair Similarity Index (CVPSI, proposed in two different formulations) is estimated as a fuzzy degree of match between a reference and a test semantic vocabulary, which may not coincide, and (II) both symbolic pixel-based thematic quality indicators (TQIs) and sub-symbolic object-based spatial quality indicators (SQIs) are estimated with a degree of uncertainty in measurement in compliance with the well-known Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO) guidelines. Like a decision-tree, any protocol (guidelines for best practice) comprises a set of rules, equivalent to structural knowledge, and an order of presentation of the rule set, known as procedural knowledge. The combination of these two levels of knowledge makes an original protocol worth more than the sum of its parts. The several degrees of novelty of the proposed probability sampling protocol are highlighted in this paper, at the levels of understanding of both structural and procedural knowledge, in comparison with related multi-disciplinary works selected from the existing literature. In the experimental session the proposed protocol is tested for accuracy validation of preliminary classification maps automatically generated by the Satellite Image Automatic MapperT (SIAMT) software product from two WorldView-2 images and one QuickBird-2 image provided by DigitalGlobe for testing purposes. In these experiments, collected TQIs and SQIs are statistically valid, statistically significant, consistent across maps and in agreement with theoretical expectations, visual (qualitative) evidence and quantitative quality indexes of operativeness (OQIs) claimed for SIAMT by related papers. As a subsidiary conclusion, the statistically consistent and statistically significant accuracy validation of the SIAMT pre-classification maps proposed in this contribution, together with OQIs claimed for SIAMT by related works, make the operational (automatic, accurate, near real-time, robust, scalable) SIAMT software product eligible for opening up new inter-disciplinary research and market opportunities in accordance with the visionary goal of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative and the QA4EO international guidelines.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in marine sediments is a complex mixture of thousands of individual constituents that participate in biogeochemical reactions and serve as substrates for benthic microbes. Knowledge of the molecular composition of DOM is a prerequisite for a comprehensive understanding of the biogeochemical processes in sediments. In this study, interstitial water DOM was extracted with Rhizon samplers from a sediment core from the Black Sea and compared to the corresponding water-extractable organic matter fraction (<0.4 µm) obtained by Soxhlet extraction, which mobilizes labile particulate organic matter and DOM. After solid phase extraction (SPE) of DOM, samples were analyzed for the molecular composition by Fourier Transform Ion-Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) with electrospray ionization in negative ion mode. The average SPE extraction yield of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in interstitial water was 63%, whereas less than 30% of the DOC in Soxhlet-extracted organic matter was recovered. Nevertheless, Soxhlet extraction yielded up to 4.35% of the total sedimentary organic carbon, which is more than 30-times the organic carbon content of the interstitial water. While interstitial water DOM consisted primarily of carbon-, hydrogen- and oxygen-bearing compounds, Soxhlet extracts yielded more complex FT-ICR mass spectra with more peaks and higher abundances of nitrogen- and sulfur-bearing compounds. The molecular composition of both sample types was affected by the geochemical conditions in the sediment; elevated concentrations of HS- promoted the early diagenetic sulfurization of organic matter. The Soxhlet extracts from shallow sediment contained specific three- and four-nitrogen-bearing molecular formulas that were also detected in bacterial cell extracts and presumably represent proteinaceous molecules. These compounds decreased with increasing sediment depth while one- and two-nitrogen-bearing molecules increased, resulting in a higher similarity of both sample types in the deep sediment. In summary, Soxhlet extraction of sediments accessed a larger and more complex pool of organic matter than present in interstitial water DOM.
Radiocarbon datings are used to calculate mean sedimentation rates of metalliferous sediments in the southern arid zone of the Pacific Ocean adjoining the axis of the East Pacific rise (20°S). Owing to low sedimentation rates and intense mixing, only averaged figures could be obtained for ages less than 16 ky. Sedimentation rate varies from 0.3 to about 1 cm/1000 years in the surface layer and is several times higher in the time interval from 20 ky to 45 ky ago. Formulas for calculating mean sedimentation rates with allowance for benthic mixing are presented.