996 resultados para Treinamento técnico
In the literature, it is possible to find a large number of studies directed toward athletic training in the physical, technical and tactical aspects of the Soccer game. In the other side, we are able to attest that there exists few instruments in the sport area of studies on evaluation of the athlete, in specific, rare are the instruments for assessment that takes into consideration the game situation. The most important aspect of an instrument of assessment is its validity. The present study has the objective to validate the “Instrument for Assessment of the Soccer Player” (IASP), proposed by Gama (2003). For the process of validation, participated nine university students, volunteers, four women and five men. The evaluators had a training period for acquaintance with the instrument and they analyzed, in individual basis, soccer games registered in video. This procedure was done via a 29 inches TV set, a DVD device and a voice recorder. Tests of reliability and objectivity were applied in order to measure intra and between observers consistency. As for the objectivity analysis, the results for each one of the soccer motor action with the ball in a game situation showed high correlation between possible score and obtained score. However these data did not allow for the validation of the IASP instrument as the criterion applied to the analyzed actions were different between observers even when of the observation of the same player in the same game. This problem was detected also in the evaluation of reliability. However, the present study was capable to point out inconsistencies within the Instrument for Assesment of the Soccer Player (IASP) so that after the needed changes being made, another validation will be done
The present study aimed to analyze the effects of exercise performed at aerobic/anaerobic transition on non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NAHS) markers in diabetic rats. Adult (60 days) male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), trained control (TC), sedentary diabetic (i.v. alloxan injection) (SD) and trained diabetic (TD). At the beginning of the experiment, all the animals were submitted to maximal lactate steady state test (MLSS) in order to identify the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition during swimming exercise. The trained groups were submitted to swimming, supporting overloads (% of body weight – b.w.) equivalent to MLSS intensity, 1h/day, 5 days/week, during 8 weeks. We analyzed: serum ALT, AST, albumin, glucose and free fat acids (FFA), body weight and total lipid concentrations in the liver. The diabetic groups showed higher (ANOVA two-way, p<0.05) serum glucose (SD=200% and TD= 150%) and weight loss (SD= 15.0% and TD= 8.5%) compared to controls and the SD showed higher glucose concentration and weight loss when compared to TD. The work load (% b.w.) equivalent to the MLSS was lower in TD (4.7%) than in TC (5.6%) group. The NAHS markers (U/L) did not show... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Nuclear medicine uses non-sealed sources for exams and treatments, because the movement of these sources, source of patients injected or not, involve a wide range of environmental radiometric levels. To better control of these levels this study was aimed at monitoring points strategically distributed in all environments Sector Technical Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the Botucatu Medical School, performing two measurements at random times daily for a period of three months, sampling the normal routine of the sector. The detector Geiger-Muller was used for the acquisition of exposure rates of the points, efficiency and reprodutibility test have shown good performance of this equipment for this purpose. The results allowed to make a projection of annual dose for each environment indicating higher risks for Occupationally Exposed Individuals as well as Public Individuals compared with the limits established by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy. Was developed a spatial map of dose that can be used as a visual warning to the regions with the highest exposure to ionizing radiation, enabling reduced risk of a potential exposure
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This work brings to its content proposed deployment of a system of quality management in paving asphalt based on the elaboration of a basic training to meet those entering this area of civil engineering at a technical manual for the implementation of major services running on paving of roads. The training was designed to serve both those entering the field of asphalt paving, synthesizing the complex processes involved in paving services and providing an overview of the steps in implementation thereof, as well as entrants must meet the enterprise user of this system, providing them an idea of the method used by the company designing the paving of roads. The technical manual presented in turn, has 8 (eight) of the main services components of a work of paving, which are: Mobilization and Maintenance of construction site, Regularization and subfloor preparation, execution or sub-base BGS base (graded gravel plain), Execution of sub-base or base BGTC (graded gravel treated with cement), Implementation of subbase or base Macadam hydraulic Priming bituminous waterproofing, asphalt binder Priming and finally the execution flexible pavement - HMA (hot milled asphalt concrete). These services are presented in the form of IT-Education work, this seven items are presented that guide the performance of services, thus providing overall guidelines to perform the services described in it. The development of IT's was based on experiences in day-to-day paving near the theoretical precepts presented in the literature, so the conditions specified in these documents aim to always guide the implementation of services in general, giving the process a versatility major operation, as this work takes into account the dynamics of such services, as well as the variety of their execution according to local conditions and specified in the project. So in general we can say that this ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative and progressive disease, mostly seen in elderly people, characterized by memory loss. This commitment leads causes deficits in functional capacity, compromising the individual in execution of activities of daily living, like dressing and bathing. This study, with a longitudinal character, aimed analyze the effects of a protocol of weights training (WT) in global cognitive status and realization of activities of daily living (ADL´s) basic and instrumental in AD patients, comparing the effects of four months of WT in the performance of ADL´s in global cognitive status. And also aimed to verify the possible relations between ADL's and global cognitive status of patients before and after the experimental period. The study included 24 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD, divided into two groups: a) training group (TG) consisted of 13 patients who underwent a protocol of WT b) Social Gathering Group (SCG) consists of 11 patients participating in a protocol of social gathering not systematized with activities of reading, writing and walking. Both protocols lasted four months, being developed in three non-consecutive weekly sessions, lasting 60 minutes each. To quantify global cognitive status and the basic and instrumental ADLs were used, respectively, the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Self Perception of Performance in Activities of Daily Living, along with the battery of tests of Activities of Daily Life of Andreotti and Okuma (1999). To analyze the results where complied the nature of the data, using analysis of variance for repeated measures ANOVA two-way and Pearson correlation for continuous data and tests of U Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation for non-continuous data, assuming level significance of 5% for all analysis. After analysis it´s possible... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Befor the vast economical growth and wild scientific and technological development, the companies are demanding, more and more qualification and acting of the services rendered by their employees. Like this, tasks are restricted the they be done with excellence, because the companies are always controlling the worker's development. They are several the tools used by the companies, as acting indexes to control the course of the worker's activities or certain section, integrations for new employees with the objective to present the line of work of the company so that the new employee is framed in these patterns, trainings offered for the employees to carry out their services with quality and compromising, evaluations of year end in order to test the worker's knowledge and to demand better results, finally, the companies hope the employee integrates normativamente into the reality of the company, in way to contribute for the atingimento of the organizational strategies, always collecting for this to obtain the best results and contribute to the growth of the company. This way, that research will present a tool of control of the total quality applied in a company in Rio Clearing's city and that it is managed by an educador. They will be verified the objectives that the company has in relationship a this control, the worker's subjectivity as participant subject of the tool of control of the System of Administration of the Quality and the worker's different glances before these aspects throught an interview.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether aerobic capacity (VO2max) would be modified by antihypertensive therapy in elderly and middle-age women after 12 weeks of exercise training. The volunteers were divided in two groups: normotensive (n=14) and hypertensive (n=14). Aerobic exercise was performed for 3 days/week, during 60 minutes, for 12 weeks with an intensity of 50-70% rest heart hate. Anthropometric parameters (weight and height), body fat index, % of fat mass, cardiopulmonary evaluation to calculated VO2max and a cardiovascular evaluation with blood pressure and rest heart hate were evaluated at baseline and after training program. At the end of study abdominal circumference and Borg scale were also evaluated. Our findings showed the aerobic program of 12 weeks was effective to reduce diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Systolic blood pressure was reduced only hypertensive group. No evidences were found the aerobic capacity was affected by hypertensive therapies. In conclusion, the aerobic program for 12 weeks was effective to reduce blood pressure and there was no influence of antihypertensive therapy on the aerobic capacity in this particular population.
The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia in the elderly. Among the harmful changes arising from the DA, there may be sleep disturbance and impaired quality of life. Physical activity is an important non-pharmacological feature that would provide positive effects for the treatment of disease. However, there are still few studies that clarify the effects of resistance training in this population. Thus, the present study has as objective analyzes the effects of the resistance training in sleep disturbance and quality of life of patients with AD. Participated in this study 22 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD divided into two groups: Training Group (TG) and Social Interaction Group (SIG). The subjects of TG underwent a resistance training protocol, appropriate to the individual conditions, during three days no consecutive in the week, with duration of 60 minutes each session, for 16 weeks. The SIG won't participate in any systematized physical activity, but they realized other activities, such as reading, poetry, hiking and painting, among others. This protocol also was realized three times in week for 16 weeks, with duration of 60 minutes each session. Both groups were assessed at the beginning of the program and after 16 weeks. For the assessment of sleep disturbance was used the Mini Sleep Questionnaire and to assess of quality of life was used the Scale for Assessment of Quality of Life in Alzheimer's disease (QL), versions: patient, caregiver, family and the final score. Due to the scalar nature of the data and small sample, all variables were analyzed by nonparametric statistics. The U-Mann Whitney test, Wilcoxon test and Spearman correlation test was used, except for the Modified Baecke... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The research shows that increasing the consumption of energy by households is growing rapidly and without adequate planning, due to population growth and therefore an increase in energy consumption. With the current concerns of sustainability and energy efficiency by industry, there is the need to prove to population that there are many ways to incorporate sustainable practices to their daily lives, starting from by their own residence. The quality certification of the energy efficiency level in residential buildings, shows how one can influence and improve housing issues on sustainable actions as rooted in our country
As influências do exercício físico crônico sobre o tecido ósseo e hematológico de ratos Wistar têm sido investigados na literatura, porém são raros os trabalhos que abordam tais aspectos numa faixa etária mais precoce, na qual os efeitos podem ser benéficos ou até prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento. Assim, os principais objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os efeitos do treinamento físico regular e predominantemente aeróbio sobre aspectos endócrinos e metabólicos, sobre o tecido ósseo e sistema imunológico. Foram utilizados ratos machos, da linhagem Wistar, recém-desmamados (30 dias), mantidos no Biotério do Laboratório de Biodinâmica do Departamento de Educação Física, sob condições controladas (temperatura ambiente controlada de 25ºC e fotoperíodo de 12h claro/12h escuro). Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo sedentário (GS) e grupo treinado (GT). Os animais treinados foram submetidos a um protocolo de natação, 5 vezes/semana, 1 hora/dia, com carga de 5% em relação ao peso corporal, durante 6 semanas consecutivas, em água com temperatura controlada (32±2ºC). Ao final do período experimental, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos e hematócrito. Após o sacrifício, foram coletadas amostras de soro para dosagem de glicose, proteínas totais, triglicérides, colesterol e amostras do fígado e músculo para a determinação dos teores de glicogênio, e tíbia para determinação do comprimento e área ósseas. Os dados foram apresentados como média ± desvio padrão. Para identificar diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos utilizou-se teste-t de Student para amostras independentes. O nível de significância foi pré-estabelecido em 5%. Pôde-se constatar que o treinamento físico regular realizado ...(Resumo completo clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A importância da mídia no mundo atual é evidente, pois ela exerce muita influência no âmbito da cultura corporal de movimento, que engloba lutas, danças, ginástica, conhecimento sobre o corpo, esporte e jogos, conteúdos de extrema importância para a formação do cidadão, ditando fazeres sobre as diversas práticas corporais e criando novos modelos de consumo. Dentro desse contexto o ídolo esportivo é intercambiável, negociável e consumível como imagem. Sendo assim a representação que um ídolo exerce sobre o indivíduo (telespectador) é referência de atitudes e a mídia contribui para a construção dessa imagem. Por causa dessa exposição, o técnico de vôlei Bernardo Rocha de Rezende passou a ter maior ascensão no cenário esportivo nacional, resolvi realizar esse estudo para investigar a opinião de alunos graduandos em Educação Física e professores da Educação Física escolar sobre a imagem do técnico Bernardinho. Objetivo: O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como a imagem do técnico Bernardo de Souza Rezende (Bernardinho), influenciada pela mídia, é interpretada por alunos graduandos em Educação Física e professores de Educação Física Escolar. Metodologia: A metodologia desta pesquisa de natureza qualitativa será realizada em duas etapas, sendo a primeira referente a uma pesquisa bibliográfica, e a segunda etapa relativa ao trabalho é entrevista semi-estruturada. A entrevista foi realizada com 10 alunos de graduação nos cursos de Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus Rio Claro e 5 professores de Educação Física escolar. Resultados e Discussões: Com as respostas obtidas podemos ver que o imaginário, dos alunos e professores entrevistados, em relação à imagem do Bernardo é de um técnico extremamente participativo, comprometido e o melhor técnico de vôlei. Porém, um técnico nervoso... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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This work analyses the chapter 35, book I, of the agricultural treatise Opus agriculturæ, written by Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius (V C.E.). In that chapter the author presents some recipes, called remedia, to protect the farm and the garden against weeds and weather phenomena, as blight and fogs. The magical practices are identified according to both the fundamental principles of magic (similarity, contiguity, contrariety), which rule magical thought, and some elements of magical symbology. As the author seems not to distinguish magic and science, for he brings together both kinds of recipes, the analysis of some remedia emphasizes a specific study on the materials and substances employed in those recipes and their value in Science today. This leads to the discussions of how magical thought works, what are the limits (if they actually exist) between Magic and Science and between Magic and Religion. This work covers the subjects above and it has the following pourposes: demonstrate the characteristics that authorize the remedia described by Palladius to be classified as folk magic; identify the relations between this kind of practice with more complex forms of magic, as with religion, with science; demonstrate the contribution of the folk magic in ancient Rome farming for the formulation of more apropriated criteria of evaluating magic in comparison to religious and scientific thought.
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT