974 resultados para Training status


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Weaning Swiss mice were percutaneously infected with 30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and submitted to a shifting either from a deficient to a balanced diet or vice-versa, for 24 weeks. The nutritional status was weekly evaluated by measurements of growth curves and food intake. Hepatic fibrosis and periovular granulomas were studied by histological, morphometric and biochemical methods. All mice fed on a deficient diet failed to develop periportal "pipestem" fibrosis after chronic infection. An unexpected finding was the absence of pipestem fibrosis in mice on normal diet, probably related to the sample size. The lower values for nutritional parameters were mainly due to the deficient diet, rather than to infection. Liver/body weight ratio was higher in "early undernutrition" group, after shifting to the balanced diet. Volume density and numerical density of egg granulomas reached lowest values in undernourished animals. The amount of collagen was reduced in undernourished mice, attaining higher concentrations in well-fed controls and in "late undernutrition" (balanced diet shifted to a deficient one), where collagen deposition appeared increased in granulomas. That finding suggested interference with collagen degradation and resorption in "late" undernourished animals. Thus, host nutritional status plays a role in connective tissue changes of hepatic schistosomiasis in mice.


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Introduction Walk-in centers may improve access to healthcare for some patients, due to their convenient location and extensive opening hours, with no need for appointment. Herein we describe and assess a new model of walk-in centre, characterized by care provided by residents and supervision achieved by experienced family doctors. Main aim of the study was to assess patients satisfaction about the care they received from residents and the supervision by family doctors. Secondary aim was to describe walk-in patients demographic characteristics and to identify potential associations with satisfaction. Methods The study was conducted in the walk-in centre of Lausanne. Patients who consulted between in April 2011 were automatically included and received a questionnaire in French. We used a five-point Likert scale, from "not at all satisfied" to "very satisfied", converted from 1 to 5. We focused on the satisfaction regarding residents care and supervision by a family doctor. The former was divided in three categories: "Skills", "Treatment" and "Behaviour". Mean satisfaction was calculated for each category and a multivariable logistic model was applied in order to identify associations among patients demographics. Results Response rate was 47% [184/395], Walk-in patients were more likely to be women, young, with a high education level. Patients were very satisfied with residents care, with median satisfaction between 4.5 and 5, for each category. Over than 90% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" that a family doctor was involved in the consultation. Age showed the major association of satisfaction. Discussion Patients were highly satisfied with care provided by residents and with involvement of a family doctor in the consultation. Older age showed the major association with satisfaction with a positive impact. The high satisfaction reported by walk-in patients supports this new model of walk-in centre.


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CONTEXT: Sarcopenia is thought to be associated with mitochondrial (Mito) loss. It is unclear whether the decrease in Mito content is consequent to aging per se or to decreased physical activity. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to examine the influence of fitness on Mito content and function and to assess whether exercise could improve Mito function in older adults. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Three distinct studies were conducted: 1) a cross-sectional observation comparing Mito content and fitness in a large heterogeneous cohort of older adults; 2) a case-control study comparing chronically endurance-trained older adults and sedentary (S) subjects matched for age and gender; and 3) a 4-month exercise intervention in S. SETTING: The study was conducted at a university-based clinical research center. OUTCOMES: Mito volume density (MitoVd) was assessed by electron microscopy from vastus lateralis biopsies, electron transport chain proteins by Western blotting, mRNAs for transcription factors involved in M biogenesis by quantitative RT-PCR, and in vivo oxidative capacity (ATPmax) by (31)P-magnetice resonance spectroscopy. Peak oxygen uptake was measured by graded exercise test. RESULTS: Peak oxygen uptake was strongly correlated with MitoVd in 80 60- to 80-year-old adults. Comparison of chronically endurance-trained older adults vs S revealed differences in MitoVd, ATPmax, and some electron transport chain protein complexes. Finally, exercise intervention confirmed that S subjects are able to recover MitoVd, ATPmax, and specific transcription factors. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the following: 1) aging per se is not the primary culprit leading to Mito dysfunction; 2) an aerobic exercise program, even at an older age, can ameliorate the loss in skeletal muscle Mito content and may prevent aging muscle comorbidities; and 3) the improvement of Mito function is all about content.


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Objective. Vibration training (VT) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects, due to its passive principle: the machine moves the subject, not the opposite. We hypothesize that untrained subjects can benefit from a greater cardiovascular and metabolic stimulation than trained athletes, resembling classical aerobic-type activity, in addition of eliciting strength gains shown in diverse studies. Methods. 3 group of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance trained athletes (END) and strength trained athletes (STR) underwent fitness (VO2max) and lower-body strength tests (isokinetic). Subjects were submitted to a session of oscillating VT, composed of 3 exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), each of 3 minutes duration, and repeated at 3 frequencies. VO2, heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Results. 27 healthy subjects (10 SED, 9 END and 8 STR), mean age 24.5 (SED), 25.0 (STR) and 29.8 (END) were included. VO2max was significantly different as expected (47.9 vs. 52.9 vs. 63.9 ml/kg/min, resp. for SED, STR and END). Isokinetic dominant leg extensors strength was higher in STR (3.32 Nm/kg vs. 2.60 and 2.74 in SED and END). During VT, peak oxygen consumption (% of VO2max) attained was 59.3 in SED, 50.8 in STR and 48.0 in END (P<0.001 between SED and other subjects). Peak heart rate (% of heart rate max) was 82.7 in SED, 80.4 in STR and 72.4 in END. In SED, dynamic exercises without extra load elicited 51.0% of VO2max and 72.1% of heart rate max, and perceived effort reached 15.1/20. Conclusions. VT is an unconventional type of exercise, which has been shown to enhance strength, bone density, balance and flexibility. Users are attracted by the relative passivity. In SED, we show that VT elicits sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness in addition to the known strength effects. VT's higher acceptance as an exercise in sedentary people, compared to jogging or cycling for example, can lead to better adherence to physical activity. Although long-term effects of VT on health are not avalaible, we believe this type of combination of aerobic and resistance-type exercise can be beneficial on multiple health parameters, especially cardiovascular health.


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The findings of a Public Health Agency evaluation report on a suicide prevention training programme were today presented at the North South Ministerial Council Health Sector meeting.ASIST, The Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training programme, has to date been delivered to more than 20,000 people in the Republic of Ireland and more than 11,000 people in Northern Ireland. This two day course, delivered by a wide range of organisations including those from the voluntary/community sector, for professionals and the public helps individuals provide emergency help to people at risk of suicidal behaviour. It also develops a cooperative network among participants, since often many people have to work together to prevent suicide.Talking about the findings of this work, Dr Eddie Rooney, Chief Executive, PHA, said: "Both the PHA and the National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP), based in the Republic of Ireland, are concerned for any loss of life through suicide and we send our condolences to all families who have been bereaved. We know ASIST training brings a positive element to suicide prevention. Those who have been trained said that the two biggest advantages are that they know when, how and have the confidence to help people who are under pressure and that it helps to build positive links between community and voluntary organisations and the health service. I am pleased that this has been borne out in the evaluation and we hope ASIST will continue to be of enormous benefit and will contribute to a reduction in suicidal behaviour and the tragedy that this brings to our community".This evaluation found that within organisations where staff had participated in ASIST training, there were improvements in service development; staff attitudes, confidence and skills in relation to suicide and suicide intervention and in policies and procedures. At a community level, ASIST was found to have contributed to a sense of empowerment through an increased confidence in being able to deal with suicide and suicidal behaviour.The report also shows that the ASIST model offers a common language, helping communication between the community or voluntary organisations and those from a health background. In fact this training helped to cancel out any differences between those with mental health qualifications and those without, in terms of knowledge, skills, attitude and willingness to intervene. The study also confirmed that ASIST training was most relevant to those who were likely to be in contact with a person 'at risk'.In welcoming the publication of the report Geoff Day, Director of the NOSP, said: "This report is an independent evaluation of the ASIST programme, it has allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the programme in increasing community participants confidence and ability to respond to individuals in suicidal crisis.He added: "The fact the evaluation was completed on an all-island basis allows the NOSP and the PHA to avoid duplication of resources, improve coordination of suicide prevention training programmes across both jurisdictions and allows us to learn from different approaches used in suicide prevention across the island of Ireland."He reiterated the Health Service Executive commitment to the continued implementation of quality assured training programmes as part of Reach out: the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention.ASIST training is being rolled out in Northern Ireland as part of the implementation of the 'Protect Life' suicide prevention strategy, which was published by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in 2006.A copy of the evaluation report can be found below and in the publications section of this website, by clicking here


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Contexte et but de l'étude :Le statut socio-économique est suspecté d'avoir une influence significative sur l'incidence des attaques cérébrales (AVC), sur les facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire, ainsi que sur le pronostic. L'influence de ce statut socio-économique sur la sévérité de l'AVC et sur les mécanismes physiopathologiques sous-jacents est moins connue.Méthode :Sur une période de 4 ans, nous avons collecté de manière prospective (dans un registre) des données concernant tous les patients avec AVC aigus admis à l'Unité Cérébrovasculaire du CHUV. Les données comprenaient le statut assécurologique du patient (assurance privée ou générale), les données démographiques, les facteurs de risque cérébrovasculaires, l'utilisation de traitements aigus de recanalisation vasculaire, le délai avant l'admission à l'hôpital, ainsi que la sévérité et le pronostic de l'AVC en phase aiguë, à 7 jours et à 3 mois des symptômes. Les patients avec assurance privée ont été comparés à ceux avec assurance générale.Résultats :Sur 1062 patients avec AVC, 203 avaient une assurance privée et 859 avaient une assurance générale. Il y a avait 585 hommes et 477 femmes. Les deux populations étaient similaires en âge. Les facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire, la médication préventive, le délai d'arrivée à l'hôpital, l'incidence du taux de thrombolyse et l'étiologie de l'AVC ne différaient pas dans les deux populations. Le score de gravité de l'AVC en phase aiguë, mesuré par le NIHSS, était significativement plus élevé chez les patients avec assurance générale. Un pronostic favorable, mesuré par le score de Rankin modifié (mRS), était plus fréquemment obtenu à 7 jours et à 3 mois chez les patients avec assurance privée.Commentaires :Un statut socio-économique bas est associé à une incidence plus élevée de maladies cérébrovasculaires ainsi qu'à un plus mauvais pronostic, comme cela a été démontré dans différents pays. Il a été suspecté que l'accès à une prise en charge spécialisée en phase aiguë ou en rééducation soit différent selon le statut socio-économique. Comme la Suisse a un système de santé universel, avec une couverture assécurologique obligatoire pour chaque habitant, il y a là une occasion unique de comparer l'influence de l'aspect socio-économique sur la sévérité et le pronostic de l'AVC. De plus, les patients ont été admis dans la même Unité Cérébrovasculaire et pris en charge par la même équipe médicale.Conclusion et perspectives :Le lien entre le statut assécurologique et le statut socio-économique a déjà été prouvé par le passé dans d'autres pays. Nous avons mis en évidence une sévérité plus importante et un plus mauvais pronostic chez les patients avec assurance générale dans la population étudiée. L'étiologie de cette différence dans un système de santé à couverture universelle comme celui de la Suisse reste peu claire. Elle devrait être étudiée à plus grande échelle.


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Evidence Review 3 - Reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) Briefing 3 - Reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, examine how to help young people into employment, education or training. They describe the relationship between being NEET and health; inequalities in prevalence of being NEET; and the scale of the problem. The papers show that being NEET, particularly for prolonged periods, is associated with negative effects on health and a range of other outcomes. Furthermore, the chances of becoming NEET are not equally or randomly distributed throughout society – those who are relatively disadvantaged, from poor backgrounds, or who have had negative experiences at school are more likely to spend some time being NEET. The papers also propose actions that can be taken at a local level in order to reduce the proportion of young people who are NEET. There is good evidence on what works in order to enable and support young people to enter employment, education and training. Taking action to reduce NEET levels is both possible and necessary – both to ensure young people have opportunities, and also as an important way to improve public health and reduce inequalities. The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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Although leishmaniasis is regarded as a significant health problem in Ecuador by the Ministry of Health, and the incidence has increased over the last years, an official map on the geographic distribution of disease and sand fly vectors or a control strategy do not exist yet. This article reviews the current situation based on published information to improve our knowledge and understand the epidemiological situation of leishmaniasis in Ecuador in order to help future research and to develop a national control strategy. The disease is endemic in most provinces throughout Pacific coastal region, Amazonian lowlands, and some inter-Andean valleys with a total 21,805 cases reported during 1990-2003. Whereas cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is found throughout Ecuador, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) appears to be restricted to the Amazon region; one, parasitologically unconfirmed case of visceral form was reported in 1949. Most human infections are caused by Leishmania (Viannia) spp., which is distributed in the subtropical and tropical lowlands; infections due to L. (Leishmania) spp. are found in the Andean highlands and in the Pacific lowlands as well. The proven vectors are Lutzomyia trapidoi and Lu. ayacuchensis. Canis familiaris, Sciurus vulgaris, Potos flavus, and Tamandua tetradactyla have been found infected with Leishmania spp. It is estimated that around 3000-4500 people may be infected every year, and that 3.1 to 4.5 millions people are estimated to be at risk of contracting leishmaniasis.


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Homeless people have been identified as a group that experience inequality in health and a target group in relation to health promotion initiatives. In developing health promotion initiatives it is important to take account of the broader determinants of health and to address the physical, mental and social well-being of homeless people. The study aimed to identify the health status and health promotion needs of homeless people in the Western Health Board region.To gain an understanding of the health problems and health promotion needs of homeless people one to one interviews were carried out with homeless people and focus groups were carried out with service providers. Sixty five interviews were carried out with people currently accessing voluntary services in Galway and Mayo. Three focus groups were carried out with service providers from voluntary and statutory services.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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BACKGROUND: Brief motivational intervention (BMI) has shown promising results to reduce alcohol use in young adults. Knowledge on mechanisms that predict BMI efficacy could potentially improve treatment effect sizes through data that optimize clinical training and implementation. Particularly, little attention has been given to counselor influence on treatment mechanisms. METHODS: We investigated the influence of counselors on BMI efficacy in reducing alcohol use among non-treatment-seeking young men (age 20) screened as hazardous drinkers. Participants were randomly allocated to (i) a group receiving a single BMI from 1 of 18 counselors selected to maximize differences in several of their characteristics (gender, professional status, clinical experience, and motivational interviewing [MI] experience) or (ii) a control group receiving assessment only. Drinking at 3-month follow-up was first compared between the BMI and control groups to assess efficacy. Then, the influence of counselors' characteristics (i.e., gender, professional status, clinical experience, MI experience, BMI attitudes, and expectancies) and within-session behaviors (i.e., measured by the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code) on outcome was tested in regression analyses. RESULTS: There was a significant (p = 0.02) decrease in alcohol use among the BMI group compared to the control group. Counselors that were male, more experienced, that had more favorable BMI attitudes and expectancies, higher MI skills, but surprisingly less MI-consistent behaviors, had significantly better outcomes than the control group while their counterparts did not. CONCLUSIONS: The current study demonstrated BMI efficacy on alcohol use reduction within a sample of non-treatment-seeking young adult males. Moreover, BMI effect was related to interindividual differences among counselors, and results therefore provide recommendations for BMI training and implementation with similar populations.


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The Global status report on alcohol and health (2011) presents a comprehensive perspective on the global, regional and country consumption of alcohol, patterns of drinking, health consequences and policy responses in Member States. It represents a continuing effort by the World Health Organization (WHO) to support Member States in collecting information in order to assist them in their efforts to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and its health and social consequences.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The report presents evidence on a range of factors affecting disparity between mental and physical health, and includes case studies and examples of good practice to illustrate some of the key issues and solutions. It should be seen as the first stage of an on-going process over the next 5"10 years that will deliver parity for mental health and make whole-person care a reality. It builds on the Implementation Framework for the Mental Health Strategy in providing further analysis of why parity does not currently exist, and the actions required to bring it about. A parity approach should enable NHS and local authority health and social care services to provide a holistic, whole person response to each individual, whatever their needs, and should ensure that all publicly funded services, including those provided by private organisations, give people's mental health equal status to their physical health needs. Central to this approach is the fact that there is a strong relationship between mental health and physical health, and that this influence works in both directions. Poor mental health is associated with a greater risk of physical health problems, and poor physical health is associated with a greater risk of mental health problems. Mental health affects physical health and vice versa. The report makes a series of key recommendations for the UK government, policy-makers and health professionals. Recommendations include: The government and the NHS Commissioning Board should work together to give people equivalent levels of access to treatment for mental health problems as for physical health problems, agreed standards for waiting times, and agreed standards for emergency/crisis mental healthcare. Action to promote good mental health and to address mental health problems needs to start at the earliest stage of a person's life and continue throughout the life course. Preventing premature mortality " there must be a major focus on improving the physical health of people with mental health problems. Public health programmes must include a focus on the mental health dimension of issues commonly considered as physical health concerns, such as smoking, obesity and substance misuse. Commissioners need to regard liaison doctors (who work across physical and mental healthcare) as an absolute necessity rather than an optional luxury. NHS and social care commissioners should commission liaison psychiatry and liaison physician services to drive a whole-person, integrated approach to healthcare in acute, secure, primary care and community settings, for all ages. Mental health services and mental health research must receive funding that reflects the prevalence of mental health problems and their cost to society. Mental illness is responsible for the largest proportion of the disease burden in the UK (22.8%), larger than that of cardiovascular disease (16.2%) or cancer (15.9%). However, only 11% of the NHS budget was spent on NHS services to treat mental health problems for all ages during 2010/11. Culture, attitudes and stigma " zero-tolerance policies in relation to discriminatory attitudes or behaviours should be introduced in all health settings to help combat the stigma that is still attached to mental illness within medicine. Political and managerial leadership is required at all levels. There should be a mechanism at national level for driving a parity approach to relevant policy areas across government; all local councils should have a lead councillor for mental health; all providers of specialist mental health services should have a board-level lead for physical health and all providers of physical healthcare services should have a board-level lead for mental health. The General Medical Council (GMC) and Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) should consider how medical and nursing study and training could give greater emphasis to mental health. Mental and physical health should be integrated within undergraduate medical education.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the mechanisms underlying the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, in humans, and to delineate dietary and environmental strategies for its prevention. DESIGN: Review of selected papers of the literature. RESULTS: Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance play a key role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. Strategies aimed at reducing insulin resistance may be effective in improving the metabolic syndrome. They include low saturated fat intake, consumption of low-glycemic-index foods, physical exercise and prevention of obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Future research, in particular the genetic basis of the metabolic syndrome and the interorgan interactions responsible for insulin resistance, is needed to improve therapeutic strategies for the metabolic syndrome.