951 resultados para Thermal and pH stability


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The research carried out in this thesis was mainly concerned with the effects of large induction motors and their transient performance in power systems. Computer packages using the three phase co-ordinate frame of reference were developed to simulate the induction motor transient performance. A technique using matrix algebra was developed to allow extension of the three phase co-ordinate method to analyse asymmetrical and symmetrical faults on both sides of the three phase delta-star transformer which is usually required when connecting large induction motors to the supply system. System simulation, applying these two techniques, was used to study the transient stability of a power system. The response of a typical system, loaded with a group of large induction motors, two three-phase delta-star transformers, a synchronous generator and an infinite system was analysed. The computer software developed to study this system has the advantage that different types of fault at different locations can be studied by simple changes in input data. The research also involved investigating the possibility of using different integrating routines such as Runge-Kutta-Gill, RungeKutta-Fehlberg and the Predictor-Corrector methods. The investigation enables the reduction of computation time, which is necessary when solving the induction motor equations expressed in terms of the three phase variables. The outcome of this investigation was utilised in analysing an introductory model (containing only minimal control action) of an isolated system having a significant induction motor load compared to the size of the generator energising the system.


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The past decade has seen an influx of speciality plant seed oils arriving into the market place. The need to characterise these oils has become an important aspect of the oil industry. The characterisation of the oils allows for the physical and chemical properties of the oil to be determined. Speciality oils were characterised based on their lipid and fatty acid profiles and categorised as monounsaturated rich (oleic acid as the major acyl components e.g. Moringa and Marula oil), linoleic acid rich (Grape seed and Evening Primrose oil) or linolenic acid rich (Flaxseed and Kiwi oil). The quality of the oils was evaluated by determining the free fatty acid content, the peroxide value (that measures initial oxidation) and p-anisidine values (that determines secondary oxidation products containing the carbonyl function). A reference database was constructed for the oils in order to compare batches of oils for their overall quality including oxidative stability. For some of the speciality oils, the stereochemistry of the triacylglycerols was determined. Calophyllum, Coffee, Poppy and Sea Buckthorn oils stereochemistry was determined. The oils were enriched with saturated and/or a monounsaturated fatty acids at position sn-1 and sn-3. The sn-2 position of the four oils was esterified with a polyunsaturated and/or a monounsaturated fatty acid indicating that they follow a typical acylation pathway and no novel acylation activity was evident from these studies (e.g enrichment of saturates at the sn-2 position). The oxidative stability of the oils was evaluated at 18oC and 60oC and the effect of adding a-tocopherol at commercially used level i.e 750ppm was assessed. The addition of 750ppm of a-tocopherol at 18oC increased the oxidative stability of Brown flax, Moringa, Wheat germ and Yangu oils. At 60oC Brown Flax, Manketti and Pomegranate oil polymerised after 48 hours. The addition of 750ppm a-tocopherol delayed the onset of polymerisation by up to 48 hours in Brown Flax seed oil. Pomegranate oil showed a high resistance to oxidation, and was blended into other speciality oils at 1%. Pomegranate oil increased the oxidative stability of Yangu oil at 18oC. The addition of Pomegranate oil to Wheat germ oil at 60oC, decreased the peroxide content by 10%. In Manketti and Brown Flaxseed oil at elevated temperatures, Pomegranate oil delayed the onset of polymerisation. Preliminary studies of Pomegranate oil blending to Moringa and Borage oil showed it to be more effective than a-tocopherol for certain oils. The antioxidant effects observed following the addition of Pomegranate oil may be due to its conjugated linolenic acid fatty acid, punicic acid.


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Purpose: To assess the stability of the Akreos AO intraocular lens (IOL) platform with a simulated toric design using objective image analysis. Setting: Six hospital eye clinics across Europe. Methods: After implantation in 1 eye of patients, IOLs with orientation marks were imaged at 1 to 2 days, 7 to 14 days, 30 to 60 days, and 120 to 180 days. The axis of rotation and IOL centration were objectively assessed using validated image analysis. Results: The study enrolled 107 patients with a mean age of 69.9 years ± 7.7 (SD). The image quality was sufficient for IOL rotation analysis in 91% of eyes. The mean rotation between the first day postoperatively and 120 to 180 days was 1.93 ± 2.33 degrees, with 96% of IOLs rotating fewer than 5 degrees and 99% rotating fewer than 10 degrees. There was no significant rotation between visits and no clear bias in the direction of rotation. In 71% of eyes, the dilation and image quality was sufficient for image analysis of centration. The mean change in centration between 1 day and 120 to 180 days was 0.21 ± 0.11 mm, with all IOLs decentering less than 0.5 mm. There was no significant decentration between visits and no clear bias in the direction of the decentration. Conclusion: Objective analysis of digital retroillumination images taken at different postoperative periods shows the aspheric IOL platform was stable in the eye and is therefore suitable for the application of a toric surface to correct corneal astigmatism.


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Single- and multi-core passive and active germanate and tellurite glass fibers represent a new class of fiber host for in-fiber photonics devices and applications in mid-IR wavelength range, which are in increasing demand. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) structures have been proven as one of the most functional in-fiber devices and have been mass-produced in silicate fibers by UV-inscription for almost countless laser and sensor applications. However, because of the strong UV absorption in germanate and tellurite fibers, FBG structures cannot be produced by UVinscription. In recent years femtosecond (fs) lasers have been developed for laser machining and microstructuring in a variety of glass fibers and planar substrates. A number of papers have been reported on fabrication of FBGs and long-period gratings in optical fibers and also on the photosensitivity mechanism using 800nm fs lasers. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the fabrication of FBG structures created in passive and active single- and three-core germanate and tellurite glass fibers by using 800nm fs-inscription and phase mask technique. With a fs peak power intensity in the order of 1011W/cm2, the FBG spectra with 2nd and 3rd order resonances at 1540nm and 1033nm in a single-core germanate glass fiber and 2nd order resonances between ~1694nm and ~1677nm with strengths up to 14dB in all three cores of three-core passive and active tellurite fibers were observed. Thermal and strain properties of the FBGs made in these mid-IR glass fibers were characterized, showing an average temperature responsivity of ~20pm/°C and a strain sensitivity of 1.219±0.003pm/µe.


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The aging responses of 2124 Al-SiC p metal matrix composite (MMC) and unreinforced matrix alloy are studied and related to variations in tensile properties. The MMC is aged from Wo starting conditions: (i) stretched and naturally aged and (ii) re-solution treated. Accelerated aging occurs in both MMC conditions compared with unreinforced alloy. Tensile strengths and elastic moduli are improved in the MMC compared with the alloy, but ductility is reduced. Stretched MMC exhibits higher strength but lower ductility and modulus than re-solutioned MMC. The re-solutioned MMC fails by microvoid coalescence in low aging conditions, and by void nucleation and shear in high aging conditions. Failure of the stretched MMC initiates at the surface at specimen shoulders, illustrating the increased notch sensitivity of this condition, and propagates via a zigzag shear fracture mode. Zigzag facet size increases on gross aging. Particle fracture occurs during tensile failure, but also before testing as a result of the manufacturing process. © 1995 The Institute of Materials.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 45G10, 45M99, 47H09


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Hydrogen bonds play important roles in maintaining the structure of proteins and in the formation of most biomolecular protein-ligand complexes. All amino acids can act as hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Among amino acids, Histidine is unique, as it can exist in neutral or positively charged forms within the physiological pH range of 5.0 to 7.0. Histidine can thus interact with other aromatic residues as well as forming hydrogen bonds with polar and charged residues. The ability of His to exchange a proton lies at the heart of many important functional biomolecular interactions, including immunological ones. By using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, we examine the influence of His protonation/deprotonation on peptide binding affinity to MHC class II proteins from locus HLA-DP. Peptide-MHC interaction underlies the adaptive cellular immune response, upon which the next generation of commercially-important vaccines will depend. Consistent with experiment, we find that peptides containing protonated His residues bind better to HLA-DP proteins than those with unprotonated His. Enhanced binding at pH 5.0 is due, in part, to additional hydrogen bonds formed between peptide His+ and DP proteins. In acidic endosomes, protein His79β is predominantly protonated. As a result, the peptide binding cleft narrows in the vicinity of His79β, which stabilizes the peptide - HLA-DP protein complex. © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers.


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Long-lived light bullets fully localized in both space and time can be generated in novel photonic media such as multicore optical fiber or waveguide arrays. In this paper we present detailed theoretical analysis on the existence and stability of the discrete-continuous light bullets using a very generic model that occurs in a number of applications.


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In dimensional metrology, often the largest source of uncertainty of measurement is thermal variation. Dimensional measurements are currently scaled linearly, using ambient temperature measurements and coefficients of thermal expansion, to ideal metrology conditions at 20˚C. This scaling is particularly difficult to implement with confidence in large volumes as the temperature is unlikely to be uniform, resulting in thermal gradients. A number of well-established computational methods are used in the design phase of product development for the prediction of thermal and gravitational effects, which could be used to a greater extent in metrology. This paper outlines the theory of how physical measurements of dimension and temperature can be combined more comprehensively throughout the product lifecycle, from design through to the manufacturing phase. The Hybrid Metrology concept is also introduced: an approach to metrology, which promises to improve product and equipment integrity in future manufacturing environments. The Hybrid Metrology System combines various state of the art physical dimensional and temperature measurement techniques with established computational methods to better predict thermal and gravitational effects.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J45, 60K25


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Background: HLA-DPs are class II MHC proteins mediating immune responses to many diseases. Peptides bind MHC class II proteins in the acidic environment within endosomes. Acidic pH markedly elevates association rate constants but dissociation rates are almost unchanged in the pH range 5.0 - 7.0. This pH-driven effect can be explained by the protonation/deprotonation states of Histidine, whose imidazole has a pKa of 6.0. At pH 5.0, imidazole ring is protonated, making Histidine positively charged and very hydrophilic, while at pH 7.0 imidazole is unprotonated, making Histidine less hydrophilic. We develop here a method to predict peptide binding to the four most frequent HLA-DP proteins: DP1, DP41, DP42 and DP5, using a molecular docking protocol. Dockings to virtual combinatorial peptide libraries were performed at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. Results: The X-ray structure of the peptide - HLA-DP2 protein complex was used as a starting template to model by homology the structure of the four DP proteins. The resulting models were used to produce virtual combinatorial peptide libraries constructed using the single amino acid substitution (SAAS) principle. Peptides were docked into the DP binding site using AutoDock at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. The resulting scores were normalized and used to generate Docking Score-based Quantitative Matrices (DS-QMs). The predictive ability of these QMs was tested using an external test set of 484 known DP binders. They were also compared to existing servers for DP binding prediction. The models derived at pH 5.0 predict better than those derived at pH 7.0 and showed significantly improved predictions for three of the four DP proteins, when compared to the existing servers. They are able to recognize 50% of the known binders in the top 5% of predicted peptides. Conclusions: The higher predictive ability of DS-QMs derived at pH 5.0 may be rationalised by the additional hydrogen bond formed between the backbone carbonyl oxygen belonging to the peptide position before p1 (p-1) and the protonated ε-nitrogen of His 79β. Additionally, protonated His residues are well accepted at most of the peptide binding core positions which is in a good agreement with the overall negatively charged peptide binding site of most MHC proteins. © 2012 Patronov et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Porosity development of mesostructured colloidal silica nanoparticles is related to the removal of the organic templates and co-templates which is often carried out by calcination at high temperatures, 500-600 °C. In this study a mild detemplation method based on the oxidative Fenton chemistry has been investigated. The Fenton reaction involves the generation of OH radicals following a redox Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle that is used as catalyst and H2O2 as oxidant source. Improved material properties are anticipated since the Fenton chemistry comprises milder conditions than calcination. However, the general application of this methodology is not straightforward due to limitations in the hydrothermal stability of the particular system under study. The objective of this work is three-fold: 1) reducing the residual Fe in the resulting solid as this can be detrimental for the application of the material, 2) shortening the reaction time by optimizing the reaction temperature to minimize possible particle agglomeration, and finally 3) investigating the structural and textural properties of the resulting material in comparison to the calcined counterparts. It appears that the Fenton detemplation can be optimized by shortening the reaction time significantly at low Fe concentration. The milder conditions of detemplation give rise to enhanced properties in terms of surface area, pore volume, structural preservation, low Fe residue and high degree of surface hydroxylation; the colloidal particles are stable during storage. A relative particle size increase, expressed as 0.11%·h-1, has been determined.


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Fizikai példákon és matematikai modelleken bemutatjuk, hogy a rendszerek működésének hatékonyságnövekedése instabilitást eredményezhet. Megvizsgáljuk, hogy az informatika és a telekommunikáció fejlődése okozhat-e rendszerszintű instabilitást, illetve milyen gazdasági eszközök vannak a stabilitás fenntartására. / === / Using examples from physics and mathematical modeling, the paper shows that increasing efficiency in systems can lead to instability. The question thus arises whether the development of information and telecommunication technology can lead to instability in the economic system. The policy tools used to maintain stability are also discussed.


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The current study examined the role of three important components in the use of structured employment interviewing in performance prediction: construct bandwidth, observed communication skill, and the stability/dynamicity of performance criteria over time. A matched sample of 242 hospitality managers was derived from a field data set provided by a large hospitality management organization. Interview data and two years of performance appraisal data were provided. Bandwidth analysis demonstrated only minimal differences in prediction between matched predictor-criterion pairs compared with predictor to overall aggregate ratings (unmatched). The communication skill analysis revealed that this interviewer rated observation significantly predicted a number of the individual performance dimensions as well as overall performance over time. Of the five interview items, the strongest overall predictor of performance was interviewer rated communication skill. The stability/dynamicity analyses demonstrated the performance criteria to be generally stable over the two year period examined, which provides support for the long held notion that performance criteria is stabile over time. However, there were two exceptions. The interview dimension customer service orientation had shifting relationships over time with four of the criteria over the two year period. The performance criteria employee development also demonstrated some instability in its relationships with predictors. Thus, some evidence of dynamicity in performance criteria was revealed. Interestingly, both of the most noteworthy findings in the study involved items that were rated differently than the others in the study. The rated interview item communication skill and the rated performance criteria client satisfaction were ratings that involved a more direct level of observation. Additional analyses also revealed evidence of a general factor of performance. These two themes are more fully covered in the discussion.