947 resultados para The Voyage Out
Larry Summers has attracted much attention recently for invoking old theories of secular stagnation to explain the persistence of low interest rates in the recent past. The German economist Carl Christian von Weizsäcker has pointed to a retirement savings glut as the cause for low rates. In the view of Thomas Mayer, however, as expressed in this High-Level Brief, these theses lack both theoretical and empirical support and he offers as an alternative explanation the fall-out from the recent credit boom-bust cycle.
Why is Europe lagging on next generation access networks? Fibre-based next generation access (NGA) roll-out across the European Union is one of the goals of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda strategy, however, there remains considerable uncertainty about how the roll-out goal can best be achieved. The underlying differences between the economics of copper-based and new fibre-based broadband infrastructures should lead to a revision of the regulatory framework for telecommunications markets. While the current regulatory measures have been useful in the past decade to sustain competition and facilitate entry into a market with already-existing infrastructures, the need to create new, much faster broadband networks calls for a rethink of the scope and strictness of regulation.
On 9 May 2016, in a further attempt to discourage the British public opinion from opting for their country’s abandonment of the European Union (EU) in the ‘in/out’ referendum on 23 June, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that the UK has regretted "turning its back" on Europe in the past, and that the EU had "helped reconcile" countries and maintain peace on the Old Continent.
During Termination 1, millennial-scale weakening events of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) supposedly produced major changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) of the western South Atlantic, and in mean air temperatures (MATs) over southeastern South America. It has been suggested, for instance, that the Brazil Current (BC) would strengthen (weaken) and the North Brazil Current (NBC) would weaken (strengthen) during slowdown (speed-up) events of the AMOC. This anti-phase pattern was claimed to be a necessary response to the decreased North Atlantic heat piracy during periods of weak AMOC. However, the thermal evolution of the western South Atlantic and the adjacent continent is so far largely unknown. Here we address this issue, presenting high-temporal-resolution SST and MAT records from the BC and southeastern South America, respectively. We identify a warming in the western South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), which is followed first by a drop and then by increasing temperatures during the Bølling-Allerød, in phase with an existing SST record from the NBC. Additionally, a similar SST evolution is shown by a southernmost eastern South Atlantic record, suggesting a South Atlantic-wide pattern in SST evolution during most of Termination 1. Over southeastern South America, our MAT record shows a two-step increase during Termination 1, synchronous with atmospheric CO2 rise (i.e., during the second half of HS1 and during the Younger Dryas), and lagging abrupt SST changes by several thousand years. This delay corroborates the notion that the long duration of HS1 was fundamental in driving the Earth out of the last glacial.
"This book consists in the main of reprints of articles on the teaching of mathematics and on related topics which the author has written and published in educational journals at various times during the past ten years."--Foreword.
Each volume has special title-page.
Publisher varies.
References: Howes, U.S.IANA, no. P.240.
Series title also at head of t.-p.
"Prose and verse word-pictures of buds and flowers and the life out-of-doors ... originally intended for only 'one little girl with a face of morning,'--the author's granddaughter."--Publisher's announcement.
No. 1. The supervisor's job. -2. How to get the work out. - 3. How to train employees. -4. How to work with people.
On verso: A few nice ones with Harold on the car...Part of the logs out of the largest pine tree cut by Ward's at Deward with Harold Ward on R.R. car. Harold the grandson of David Ward and son of Willis C. Ward. Multiple prints of this image with different verso inscriptions exist
[ First baseman Gedeon makes the put-out]
A translation of K. G. T. Winkler's German version of the "Voyage dantesque" in Ampère's "La Grèce, Rome et Dante," which was published under title "Mein Weg in Dante's Fusstapfen nach J. J. Ampère bearbeitet von Theodor Hell.
Appendici: 1. Del doversi scrivere e stampare costantemente Dante Allighieri con doppia elle e non altrimenti ... (signed: F. Scolari).--Compendio della cronologia scaligera (signed: G.M. [i.e. Giovanni Mazzocchi])--3. Delle memorie trivigiane che trovansi nella Divina commedia, lettera dell'abate d. Giuseppe Polanzani ...