851 resultados para Texture image
A method is presented for determining the time to first division of individual bacterial cells growing on agar media. Bacteria were inoculated onto agar-coated slides and viewed by phase-contrast microscopy. Digital images of the growing bacteria were captured at intervals and the time to first division estimated by calculating the "box area ratio". This is the area of the smallest rectangle that can be drawn around an object, divided by the area of the object itself. The box area ratios of cells were found to increase suddenly during growth at a time that correlated with cell division as estimated by visual inspection of the digital images. This was caused by a change in the orientation of the two daughter cells that occurred when sufficient flexibility arose at their point of attachment. This method was used successfully to generate lag time distributions for populations of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but did not work with the coccoid organism Staphylococcus aureus. This method provides an objective measure of the time to first cell division, whilst automation of the data processing allows a large number of cells to be examined per experiment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of high pressure (to 800 MPa) applied at different temperatures (20-70 degreesC) for 20 min on beef post-rigor longissimus dorsi texture were studied. Texture profile analysis showed that when heated at ambient pressure there was the expected increase in hardness with increasing temperature and when pressure was applied at room temperature there was again the expected increase in hardness with increasing pressure. Similar results to those found at ambient temperature were found when pressure was applied at 40 degreesC. However, at higher temperatures, 60 and 70 degreesC it was found that pressures of 200 MPa caused large and significant decreases in hardness. The results found for hardness were mirrored by those for gumminess and chewiness. To further understand the changes in texture observed, intact beef longissimus dorsi samples and extracted myofibrils were both subjected to differential scanning calorimetry after being subjected to the same pressure/temperature regimes. As expected collagen was reasonably inert to pressure and only at temperatures of 60-70 degreesC was it denatured/unfolded. However, myosin was relatively easily unfolded by both pressure and temperature and when pressure denatured a new and modified structure was formed of low thermal stability. Although this new structure had low thermal stability at ambient pressure it still formed in both the meat and myofibrils when pressure was applied at 60 degreesC. It seems unlikely that structurally induced changes can be a major cause of the significant loss of hardness observed when beef is treated at high temperature (60-70 degreesC) and 200 MPa and it is suggested that accelerated proteolysis under these conditions is the major cause. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bubbles impart a very unique texture, chew, and mouth feel to foods. However, little is known about the relationship between structure of such products and consumer response in terms of mouth-feel and eating experience. The objective of this article is to investigate the sensory properties of 4 types of bubble-containing chocolates, produced by using different gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and argon. The structure of these chocolates were characterized in terms of (1) gas hold-up values determined by density measurements and (2) bubble size distribution which was measured by undertaking an image analysis of X-ray microtomograph sections. Bubble size distributions were obtained by measuring bubble volumes after reconstructing 3D images from the tomographic sections. A sensory study was undertaken by a nonexpert panel of 20 panelists and their responses were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The results show that chocolates made from the 4 gases could be divided into 2 groups on the basis of bubble volume and gas hold-up: the samples produced using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide had a distinctly higher gas hold-up containing larger bubbles in comparison with those produced using argon and nitrogen. The sensory study also demonstrated that chocolates made with the latter were perceived to be harder, less aerated, slow to melt in the mouth, and having overall flavor intensity. These products were further found to be creamier than the chocolates made by using carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide; the latter sample also showed a higher intensity of cocoa flavor.
Eye-movements have long been considered a problem when trying to understand the visual control of locomotion. They transform the retinal image from a simple expanding pattern of moving texture elements (pure optic flow), into a complex combination of translation and rotation components (retinal flow). In this article we investigate whether there are measurable advantages to having an active free gaze, over a static gaze or tracking gaze, when steering along a winding path. We also examine patterns of free gaze behavior to determine preferred gaze strategies during active locomotion. Participants were asked to steer along a computer-simulated textured roadway with free gaze, fixed gaze, or gaze tracking the center of the roadway. Deviation of position from the center of the road was recorded along with their point of gaze. It was found that visually tracking the middle of the road produced smaller steering errors than for fixed gaze. Participants performed best at the steering task when allowed to sample naturally from the road ahead with free gaze. There was some variation in the gaze strategies used, but sampling was predominantly of areas proximal to the center of the road. These results diverge from traditional models of flow analysis.
In this paper, we address issues in segmentation Of remotely sensed LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data. The LIDAR data, which were captured by airborne laser scanner, contain 2.5 dimensional (2.5D) terrain surface height information, e.g. houses, vegetation, flat field, river, basin, etc. Our aim in this paper is to segment ground (flat field)from non-ground (houses and high vegetation) in hilly urban areas. By projecting the 2.5D data onto a surface, we obtain a texture map as a grey-level image. Based on the image, Gabor wavelet filters are applied to generate Gabor wavelet features. These features are then grouped into various windows. Among these windows, a combination of their first and second order of statistics is used as a measure to determine the surface properties. The test results have shown that ground areas can successfully be segmented from LIDAR data. Most buildings and high vegetation can be detected. In addition, Gabor wavelet transform can partially remove hill or slope effects in the original data by tuning Gabor parameters.
In this paper, a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) video surveillance system is presented for collision avoidance of moving ships to bridge piers. An image preprocessing algorithm is proposed to reduce clutter background by multi-scale fractal analysis, in which the blanket method is used for fractal feature computation. Then, the moving ship detection algorithm is developed from image differentials of the fractal feature in the region of surveillance between regularly interval frames. When the moving ships are detected in region of surveillance, the device for safety alert is triggered. Experimental results have shown that the approach is feasible and effective. It has achieved real-time and reliable alert to avoid collisions of moving ships to bridge piers.
The level set method is commonly used to address image noise removal. Existing studies concentrate mainly on determining the speed function of the evolution equation. Based on the idea of a Canny operator, this letter introduces a new method of controlling the level set evolution, in which the edge strength is taken into account in choosing curvature flows for the speed function and the normal to edge direction is used to orient the diffusion of the moving interface. The addition of an energy term to penalize the irregularity allows for better preservation of local edge information. In contrast with previous Canny-based level set methods that usually adopt a two-stage framework, the proposed algorithm can execute all the above operations in one process during noise removal.
This paper presents a unique two-stage image restoration framework especially for further application of a novel rectangular poor-pixels detector, which, with properties of miniature size, light weight and low power consumption, has great value in the micro vision system. To meet the demand of fast processing, only a few measured images shifted up to subpixel level are needed to join the fusion operation, fewer than those required in traditional approaches. By maximum likelihood estimation with a least squares method, a preliminary restored image is linearly interpolated. After noise removal via Canny operator based level set evolution, the final high-quality restored image is achieved. Experimental results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed framework. It is a sensible step towards subsequent image understanding and object identification.
A new man-made target tracking algorithm integrating features from (Forward Looking InfraRed) image sequence is presented based on particle filter. Firstly, a multiscale fractal feature is used to enhance targets in FLIR images. Secondly, the gray space feature is defined by Bhattacharyya distance between intensity histograms of the reference target and a sample target from MFF (Multi-scale Fractal Feature) image. Thirdly, the motion feature is obtained by differencing between two MFF images. Fourthly, a fusion coefficient can be automatically obtained by online feature selection method for features integrating based on fuzzy logic. Finally, a particle filtering framework is developed to fulfill the target tracking. Experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithm can accurately track weak or small man-made target in FLIR images with complicated background. The algorithm is effective, robust and satisfied to real time tracking.