866 resultados para Technological developments
This article presents three stylized facts that characterized the evolution of labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean in the period 2003-2012 and represented breaks from previous trends. It is argued that these changes have to do with the economic and production context and the political and institutional framework. We show how the magnitude and patterns of economic growth impact on the nature of job creation, especially on shifts within and between economic sectors and the various segments of different productivity levels. We emphasize how changes in labour institutions have contributed to the evolution of labour indicators and, lastly, look at recent advances and persistent weaknesses in labour performance, as well as a number of risks to the continuity of recent favourable labour trends.
From the 1970s onward, the macroeconomic context in Argentina and Brazil was characterized by drastic economic changes and instability. Numerous studies have documented the generally negative effect of this environment on the innovation capacities of the manufacturing sector. This paper, however, analyses the possible emergence of new innovation capacities in the period, bringing two important phenomena to light. First, a quite substantial number of firms, even in unstable settings, redoubled their innovation efforts. Second, these firms are mainly found in a small group of sectors associated with the countries’ static advantages or in sectors favoured by specific sectoral regimes. The findings, although exploratory, are a contribution to the debate on the development of innovative capacities in unstable macroeconomic contexts and the ability of sectors associated with the two countries’ static advantages to generate spaces of innovation and value creation.
United States Trade Developments 2013-2014, is an annual report prepared by the ECLAC Washington Office. It provides an overview of the most relevant trade developments in the United States trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean and the measures that inhibit the free flow of goods among countries in the Western Hemisphere. The report presents trade figures and trends over the last few years to illustrate the nature of the U.S. engagement through trade with the world and with the Latin America and Caribbean region. Special emphasis was given to trade among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico on the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and to trade with Brazil, the second U.S .trade partner in the region, after Mexico.
Aspects of recent developments in the Latin American and Caribbean labour markets / Jürgen Weller .-- The earnings share of total income in Latin America, 1990-2010 / Martín Abeles, Verónica Amarante and Daniel Vega .-- Latin America: Total factor productivity and its components / Jair Andrade Araujo, Débora Gaspar Feitosa and Almir Bittencourt da Silva .-- Financial constraints on economic development: Theory and policy for developing countries / Jennifer Hermann .-- The impact of China’s incursion into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on intra-industry trade / Jorge Alberto López A., Óscar Rodil M. and Saúl Valdez G. .-- Work, family and public policy changes in Latin America: Equity, maternalism and co-responsibility / Merike Blofield and Juliana Martínez F. .-- A first approach to the impact of the real exchange rate on industrial sectors in Colombia / Lya Paola Sierra and Karina Manrique L. .-- Global integration, disarticulation and competitiveness in Mexico’s electromechanical sector: A structural analysis / Raúl Vázquez López .-- Technological capacity-building in unstable settings: Manufacturing firms in Argentina and Brazil / Anabel Marín, Lilia Stubrin and María Amelia Gibbons .-- Index of political instability in Brazil, 1889-2009 / Jaime Jordan Costantini and Mauricio Vaz Lobo Bittencourt
The objective of this report is to analyze the impact of recent global financial trends on the access to private external financing by Central American and Caribbean (CAC) economies, as well as their performance in international capital markets in recent years. The CAC economies, like many other countries in the world, were not immune to the negative consequences of the global economic and financial crisis of 2008. In fact, their openness, export driven growth and linkages to advanced economies, particularly to the U.S., as well as size, made them more vulnerable than other Latin American countries to the negative effects of the crisis. In addition, their recovery was hindered by their weak linkages to the larger emerging market countries that drove global growth in the post-crisis recovery. As China and other emerging market economies begin to slowdown, however, and the U.S. and other advanced economies show signs of a strengthening recovery, the linkages to advanced economies may once again become a source of strength.
A new methodology is proposed for evaluating the economic development opportunities associated with the different industries making up a country’s economic structure. To this end, neo-Schumpeterian concepts are used to reinterpret the tools afforded by the “product space” literature in an attempt to assess the technological pervasiveness and sophistication of different production sectors. The ultimate objective is to develop a description of today’s techno-productive paradigm and the differential role that the various sectors play in it. An analysis of export data from 113 countries and territories for 2005-2009 indicates that the key sectors in the world economy are: industrial machinery, scientific and medical instruments, and pharmaceuticals. The strong performance of sectors based on mature technologies suggests that key sectors originating in different stages in history can survive and overlap one another, much like geological strata, owing to the persistence of older technological systems.
This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Washington Office, presents and analyzes the most recent developments (first half of 2015) concerning capital flows to Latin America and the Caribbean.
This document, prepared by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Washington Office, presents and analyzes the most recent developments (third quarter of 2015) concerning capital flows to Latin America and the Caribbean.
United States Trade Developments, 2014-2015, provides an overview of the most relevant trade developments in the United States trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean and the measures that inhibit the free flow of goods among countries in the Western Hemisphere.The report presents trade figures and trends over the last few years to illustrate the nature of the U.S. engagement through trade with the world and with the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Nesse trabalho, foram caracterizadas algumas argilas coletadas nos municípios de São Luís, Rosário, Pinheiro e Mirinzal. A caracterização foi realizada através dos ensaios de difração de raios X, massa específica real, capacidade de troca de cátions (CTC), área superficial, distribuição granulométrica, análise química, análise térmica (TG-DTA) e limites de Atterberg. Ensaios tecnológicos de retração linear, antes e após a queima, absorção de água e tensão de ruptura a flexão, em três pontos, foram realizados em corpos de prova prensados uniaxialmente a 20 MPa e tratados termicamente em 850, 950, 1050, 1150 e 1250ºC. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar duas argilas de queima branca, constituídas de quartzo, caolim, feldspato e anatásio, com excelentes propriedades para uso em cerâmica branca. As restantes são queima vermelha e possuem composição mineralógica de quartzo, caolim, feldspato, montmorilonita, hematita e goetita. Estas últimas apresentaram valores moderados de plasticidade e são adequadas para aplicações em cerâmica vermelha.
O artigo pretende contribuir para a superação dos desafios relativos à capacidade de análise e de atuação para o desenvolvimento regional e territorial. Para tanto, discute a relação entre conhecimento e planejamento - entre ciência e ação baseada em ciência. Após uma análise dessa relação, no período anterior à prevalência da tese da New Public Management, na qual deverão ser investigadas as condições que levaram ao fracasso das estratégias do planejamento do desenvolvimento no pós-guerra, pergunta-se se se observa, desde então, evolução nas ciências da sociedade que possa oferecer base ao planejamento de um desenvolvimento fundamentado em crescimento, equidade e sustentabilidade. A partir daí, explora-se a possibilidade de as teorias do desenvolvimento endógeno e sustentável (TDES) subsidiarem novos processos de planejamento. Nessa tarefa, o foco principal é posto nas noções de clustering, de trajetórias tecnológicas, de cadeias de valor, de economias locais e regional.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS