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Chicken eggs were inoculated with suspensions of ambient air particles (<= 10 mu m, PM(10)) from Sao Paulo city in 3, 0.3 or 0.03 mu g doses on one of the four early days of embryo development. On the eleventh day of development alterations were observed on embryos inoculated with PM(10) 3 mu g on the third day. Particles analysis showed high content of metals. Hence, embryos were also inoculated with PM(10) (3 mu g) combined with metal chelating EDTA. PM(10) (3 mu g) embryos presented underdevelopment (stage 29.44 +/- 11.4) compared to vehicle and positive controls (stage 36.44 +/- 0.51 Saline and stage 31.20 +/- 9.7 Cyclophosphamide, p <= 0.05); higher (47%) mortality rate (23% Saline and 42% Cyclophosphamide) and low (68%) viability (100% Saline and 70% Cyclophosphamide, p = 0.04). Effects were attenuated when embryos received PM(10) + EDTA (stage 33.63 +/- 0.94, 18.9% mortality rate and 82% viability). PM(10) from Sao Paulo city is embryotoxic and metal may be implicated in the toxic mechanism. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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What entanglement is present in naturally occurring physical systems at thermal equilibrium? Most such systems are intractable and it is desirable to study simple but realistic systems that can be solved. An example of such a system is the one-dimensional infinite-lattice anisotropic XY model. This model is exactly solvable using the Jordan-Wigner transform, and it is possible to calculate the two-site reduced density matrix for all pairs of sites. Using the two-site density matrix, the entanglement of formation between any two sites is calculated for all parameter values and temperatures. We also study the entanglement in the transverse Ising model, a special case of the XY model, which exhibits a quantum phase transition. It is found that the next-nearest-neighbor entanglement (though not the nearest-neighbor entanglement) is a maximum at the critical point. Furthermore, we show that the critical point in the transverse Ising model corresponds to a transition in the behavior of the entanglement between a single site and the remainder of the lattice.


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We report complex ac magnetic susceptibility measurements of a superconducting transition in very high-quality single-crystal alpha-uranium using microfabricated coplanar magnetometers. We identify an onset of superconductivity at Tapproximate to0.7 K in both the real and imaginary components of the susceptibility which is confirmed by resistivity data. A superconducting volume fraction argument, based on a comparison with a calibration YBa2Cu3O7-delta sample, indicates that superconductivity in these samples may be filamentary. Our data also demonstrate the sensitivity of the coplanar micro-magnetometers, which are ideally suited to measurements in pulsed magnetic fields exceeding 100 T.


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The XSophe-Sophe-XeprView((R)) computer simulation software suite enables scientists to easily determine spin Hamiltonian parameters from isotropic, randomly oriented and single crystal continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectra from radicals and isolated paramagnetic metal ion centers or clusters found in metalloproteins, chemical systems and materials science. XSophe provides an X-windows graphical user interface to the Sophe programme and allows: creation of multiple input files, local and remote execution of Sophe, the display of sophelog (output from Sophe) and input parameters/files. Sophe is a sophisticated computer simulation software programme employing a number of innovative technologies including; the Sydney OPera HousE (SOPHE) partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, the mosaic misorientation linewidth model, parallelization and spectral optimisation. In conjunction with the SOPHE partition scheme and the field segmentation algorithm, the SOPHE interpolation scheme and the mosaic misorientation linewidth model greatly increase the speed of simulations for most spin systems. Employing brute force matrix diagonalization in the simulation of an EPR spectrum from a high spin Cr(III) complex with the spin Hamiltonian parameters g(e) = 2.00, D = 0.10 cm(-1), E/D = 0.25, A(x) = 120.0, A(y) = 120.0, A(z) = 240.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1) requires a SOPHE grid size of N = 400 (to produce a good signal to noise ratio) and takes 229.47 s. In contrast the use of either the SOPHE interpolation scheme or the mosaic misorientation linewidth model requires a SOPHE grid size of only N = 18 and takes 44.08 and 0.79 s, respectively. Results from Sophe are transferred via the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) to XSophe and subsequently to XeprView((R)) where the simulated CW EPR spectra (1D and 2D) can be compared to the experimental spectra. Energy level diagrams, transition roadmaps and transition surfaces aid the interpretation of complicated randomly oriented CW EPR spectra and can be viewed with a web browser and an OpenInventor scene graph viewer.


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The otoliths and lenses of the temperate damselfish Parma microlepis (Gunther) (Pomacentridae) showed similar differences in trace-metal profile for selected locations along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Otoliths and lenses displayed a differential ability to accumulate metals. Metal concentrations were ranked differently in the two structures (e.g. Sr > Ba > Pb > Rb > Hg in otoliths, and Hg > Sr similar or equal to Rb > Pb > Ba in lenses), and where similar metals were accumulated, they were accumulated at vastly different concentrations (e.g. Ba concentrations in otoliths are a thousand-fold greater than in lenses). Analyses of the otoliths and lenses of P. microlepis from locations close to Sydney and up to 100 kill from the city were able to distinguish amongst these locations with respect to a number of metals, namely Ba, Mn and Hg. Multivariate analyses of otolith and lens data gave similar results among locations (agreement was obtained for Ii out of 15 pair-wise comparisons), and differences were attributable to the differential ability of the two structures to accumulate metals such as Mn and Hg. Trace-metal differences between locations were found to coincide with the proximity of sewage (including industrial waste) and petroleum storage facilities to the different locations.


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The interlayer magnetoresistance of the quasi-two-dimensional metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4) is considered. In the temperature range from 0.5 to 10 K and for fields up to 10 T the magnetoresistance has a stronger temperature dependence than the zero-field resistance. Consequently Kohler's rule is not obeyed for any range of temperatures or fields. This means that the magnetoresistance cannot be described in terms of semiclassical transport on a single Fermi surface with a single scattering time. Possible explanations for the violations of Kohler's rule are considered, both within the framework of semiclassical transport theory and involving incoherent interlayer transport. The issues considered are similar to those raised by the magnetotransport of the cuprate superconductors. [S0163-1829(98)13219-8].


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The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the antiadiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalization group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.


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The complexes [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) ([9]aneN(2)S = 1-thia-4. 7-diazacyclononane and [9]aneNS(2) = 1,4-dithia-7-azacyclononane) have been prepared and the latter two characterised by X-ray crystallography. The Mossbauer spectra (isomer shift/mm s(-1), quadrupole splitting/mm s(-1), 4.2 K) for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (0.52, 0.57), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) (0.25, 2.72) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) (0.43, 0.28) are typical for iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. Variable-temperature susceptibility measurements for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (2-300 K) revealed temperature-dependent behaviour in both the solid state [2.95 mu(B) (300 K)-0.5 mu(B) (4.2 K)] and solution (Delta H degrees 20-22 kJ mol(-1), Delta S degrees 53-60 J mol(-1) K-1). For [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) in the solid state [2.3 mu(B) (300 K)-1.9 mu(B) (4.2 K)] the magnetic data were fit to a simple model (H = -lambda L . S + mu L-z) to give the spin-orbit coupling constant (lambda) of -260 +/- 10 cm(-1). The solid-state X-band EPR spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) revealed axial symmetry (g(perpendicular to) = 2.607, g(parallel to) = 1.599). Resolution of g(perpendicular to) into two components at Q-band frequencies indicated a rhombic distortion. The low-temperature single-crystal absorption spectra of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) exhibited additional bands which resembled pseudotetragonal low-symmetry splitting of the parent octahedral (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and (1)A(1g) ---> T-1(1g) transitions. However, the magnitude of these splittings was too large, requiring 10Dq for the thioether donors to be significantly larger than for the amine donors. Instead, these bands were tentatively assigned to weak, low-energy S --> Fe-II charge-transfer transitions. Above 200 K, thermal occupation of the high-spin T-5(2g) ground state resulted in observation of the T-5(2g) --> E-5(g) transition in the crystal spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2). From a temperature-dependence study, the separation of the low-spin (1)A(1g) and high-spin T-5(2g) ground states was approximately 1700 cm(-1). The spectrum of the iron(III) complex [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) is consistent with a low-spin d(5) configuration.


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We present models for the optical functions of 11 metals used as mirrors and contacts in optoelectronic and optical devices: noble metals (Ag, Au, Cu), aluminum, beryllium, and transition metals (Cr, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ti, W). We used two simple phenomenological models, the Lorentz-Drude (LD) and the Brendel-Bormann (BB), to interpret both the free-electron and the interband parts of the dielectric response of metals in a wide spectral range from 0.1 to 6 eV. Our results show that the BE model was needed to describe appropriately the interband absorption in noble metals, while for Al, Be, and the transition metals both models exhibit good agreement with the experimental data. A comparison with measurements on surface normal structures confirmed that the reflectance and the phase change on reflection from semiconductor-metal interfaces (including the case of metallic multilayers) can be accurately described by use of the proposed models for the optical functions of metallic films and the matrix method for multilayer calculations. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and X-ray absorption (EXAFS and XANES) data have been recorded for the manganese enzyme aminopeptidase P (AMPP, PepP protein) from Escherichia coli. The biological function of the protein, a tetramer of 50-kDa subunits, is the hydrolysis of N-terminal Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Activity assays confirm that the enzyme is activated by treatment with Mn2+. The EPR spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at liquid-He temperature is characteristic of an exchange-coupled dinuclear Mn(II) site, the Mn-Mn separation calculated from the zero-field splitting D of the quintet state being 3.5 (+/- 0.1) Angstrom. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at the Mn K edge, the near-edge features are consistent with octahedrally coordinated Mn atoms in oxidation state +2. EXAFS data, limited to k less than or equal to 12 Angstrom(-1) by traces of Fe in the protein, are consistent with a single coordination shell occupied predominantly by O donor atoms at an average Mn-ligand distance of 2.15 Angstrom, but the possibility of a mixture of O and N donor atoms is not excluded. The Mn-Mn interaction at 3.5 Angstrom, is not detected in the EXAFS, probably due to destructive interference from light outer-shell atoms. The biological function, amino acid sequence and metal-ion dependence of E. coli AMPP are closely related to those of human prolidase, an enzyme that specifically cleaves Xaa-Pro dipeptides. Mutations that lead to human prolidase deficiency and clinical symptoms have been identified. Several known inhibitors of prolidase also inhibit AMPP. When these inhibitors are added to Mn2+-activated AMPP, the EPR spectrum and EXAFS remain unchanged. It can be inferred that the inhibitors either do not bind directly to the Mn centres, or substitute for existing Mn ligands without a significant change in donor atoms or coordination geometry. The conclusions from the spectroscopic measurements on AMPP have been verified by, and complement, a recent crystal structure analysis.