980 resultados para Sweet passion fruit


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The combined effects of shoot pruning (one or two stems) and inflorescence thinning (five or ten flowers per inflorescence) on greenhouse tomato yield and fruit quality were studied during the dry season (DS) and rainy season (RS) in Central Thailand. Poor fruit set, development of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) fruits, as well as the physiological disorders blossom-end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC) turned out to be the prevailing causes deteriorating fruit yield and quality. The proportion of marketable fruits was less than 10% in the RS and around 65% in the DS. In both seasons, total yield was significantly increased when plants were cultivated with two stems, resulting in higher marketable yields only in the DS. While the fraction of undersized fruits was increased in both seasons when plants were grown with a secondary stem, the proportions of BER and FC were significantly reduced. Restricting the number of flowers per inflorescence invariably resulted in reduced total yield. However, in neither season did fruit load considerably affect quantity or proportion of the marketable yield fraction. Inflorescence thinning tended to promote BER and FC, an effect which was only significant for BER in the RS. In conclusion, for greenhouse tomato production under climate conditions as they are prevalent in Central Thailand, the cultivation with two stems appears to be highly recommendable whereas the measures to control fruit load tested in this study did not proof to be advisable.


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Módulo cuatro del primer crédito para el área de Inglés del ciclo 12-16. Trabaja las funciones de la descripción de la gente, lo que gusta y no gusta, las explicaciones, la narración de historietas y las expresiones de cantidad a través de los siguientes temas: animales salvajes (en libertad, granja y zoo), estados anímicos, colores, texturas, partes del cuerpo y tiempo libre. Plantea los objetivos didácticos del crédito, los contenidos y las actividades de aprendizaje. Éstas son de diversos tipos y fomentan la comprensión y expresión oral del inglés.


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Material no publicado


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El aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera es mucho m??s f??cil a una temprana edad, cuando los ni??os poseen una mayor capacidad de asimilaci??n de palabras y sonidos en diferentes idiomas. Por eso, la Consejer??a de Educaci??n ha dise??ado estas unidades did??cticas destinadas al aprendizaje de ingl??s de los ni??os de tres a??os. Los objetivos son: identificar, por parte del alumno, algunas frutas y sus caracter??sticas; que comprendan una historia globalmente e instrucciones sencillas; y que reconozcan h??bitos de higiene en la alimentaci??n. La obra est?? dividida en tres partes. Primero se explican las orientaci??n did??cticas, despu??s la programaci??n de la unidad did??ctica y, por ??ltimo, se establece la secuenciaci??n de actividades por sesiones.


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Los niños pequeños podrán disfrutar reconociendo las distintas frutas y conociendo sus nombres. Y después, levantar las solapas para ver cómo unos niños las saborean. Elige tus favoritas con tus amigos.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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La intenció d'aquesta tesi ha estat analitzar la dimensió biogràfica i crítica de Ramon Esquerra (1909-1938?). Es pretén arribar a la seva teoria a través de la seva pràctica, reconstruir el pensament global d'Esquerra a partir de l'obra dispersa que ens ha llegat i deixar constància d'un pensament literari -un pensament que mai no formularia de manera completa, però que existia i evolucionava a través de la ressenya de les obres d'altri o de la publicació de manuals i estudis-. L'activitat vital i professional de Ramon Esquerra parteix d'una autèntica passió per la literatura i la crítica literària. Aquesta activitat s'articula principalment i té el seu fruit en el camp del periodisme, la traducció i la docència. En tots tres camps, es revela com a intermediari i peça fonamental en la difusió de la literatura occidental i universal a Catalunya, que introdueix, primer, a través d'una crítica comparatista intuïtiva i, després, a través del model francès de la literatura comparada d'entreguerres, que disciplina la primera i en canvia bona part dels centres d'interès.


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Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. DRK) were grown with a split root system to determine the effect of an unequal distribution of salinity in the root zone on yield and quality. The roots of the plant were divided into two portions and each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions differing in EC levels achieved by adding Na or K. The maximum yield was observed in treatments with unequal EC when one portion of the roots received only water and the lowest in the high EC treatments. The reduced yield in the high EC treatment was due to the incidence of blossom-end rot and reduced fruit size. Fruit size in the treatments receiving solutions of unequal EC was up to 12% greater than that in the control. No significant differences were found in soluble solids and acidity between control and all other unequal EC treatments. Ca concentration was significantly higher in the treatments where one portion of the root system received water. It was concluded that high salinity had positive effects on yield and quality provided that one portion of the root system were placed in low EC or only water.


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Objective To examine die sociodemographic determinants of fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption in England and determine the differential effects of socioeconomic variables at various parts of the intake distribution, with a special focus on severely inadequate intakes Design Quantile regression, expressing F&V intake as a function of sociodemographic variables, is employed. Here, quantile regression flexibly allows variables such as ethnicity to exert effects on F&V intake that. vary depending oil existing levels of intake. Setting The 2003 Health survey of England. Subjects Data were from 11044 adult individuals. Results The influence of particular sociodemographic variables is found to vary significantly across the intake distribution We conclude that women consume more F&V than men, Asians and Hacks mole dian Whites, co-habiting individuals more than single-living ones Increased incomes and education also boost intake However, the key general finding of the present study is that the influence of most variables is relatively weak in the area of greatest concern, i e among those with the most inadequate intakes in any reference group. Conclusions. Our findings emphasise the importance of allowing the effects of socio-economic drivers to vary across the intake distribution The main finding, that variables which exert significant influence on F&V Intake at other parts Of the conditional distribution have a relatively weak influence at the lower tail, is cause for concern. It implies that in any defined group, those consuming the lease F&V are hard to influence using compaigns or policy levers.


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Organic sweet maize consists of a new industrial crop product. Field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of cultural systems on growth, photosynthesis and yield components of sweet maize crop (Zea mays L. F-1 hybrid 'Midas'). A randomized complete block design was employed with four replicates per treatment (organic fertilization: cow manure (5, 10 and 20 t ha(-1)), poultry manure (5, 10 and 20 t ha(-1)) and barley mulch (5, 10 and 20 t ha(-1)), synthetic fertilizer (240 kg N ha(-1)): 21-0-0 and control). The lowest dry weight, height and leaf area index and sod organic matter were measured in the control treatment. Organic matter content was proportionate to the amount of manure applied. The control plots had the lowest yield (1593 kg ha(-1)) and the double rate cow manure plots the had,greatest one. (6104 kg ha(-1)). High correlation between sweet corn yield and organic matter was registered. Moreover, the lowest values of 1000-grain weight were obtained with control plot. The fertilizer plot gave values which were similar to the full rate cow manure treatment. The photosynthetic race of the untreated control was significantly lower than that of the other treatments. The phorosynthetic rate increased as poultry manure and barley mulch ram decreased and as cow manure increased. Furthermore the untreated control had the lowest stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content. Our results indicated that sweet corn growth and yield in the organic plots was significantly higher than those in the conventional plots.


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The effects of temperature and light integral on fruit growth and development of five cacao genotypes (Amelonado, AMAZ 15/15, SCA 6, SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) were studied in semi-controlled environment glasshouses in which the thermal regimes of cacao-growing regions of Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia were simulated. Fruit losses because of physiological will (cherelle will) were greater at higher temperatures and also differed significantly between genotypes, reflecting genetic differences in competition for assimilates between vegetative and reproductive components. Short-term measurements of fruit growth indicated faster growth rates at higher temperatures. In addition, a significant negative linear relationship between temperature and development time was observed. There was an effect of genotype on this relationship, such that time to fruit maturation at a given temperature was greatest for the clone UF 676 and least for AMAZ 15/15. Analysis of base temperatures, derived from these relationships indicated genetic variability in sensitivity of cacao fruit growth to temperature (base temperatures ranged from 7.5 degrees C for Amelonado and AMAZ 15/15 to 12.9 for SPEC 54/1). Final fruit size was a positive function of beam number for all genotypes and a positive function of light integral for Amelonado in the Malaysia simulated environment (where the temperature was almost constant). In simulated environments where temperature was the main variable (Brazil and Ghana) increases in temperature resulted in a significant decrease in final pod size for one genotype (Amelonado) in Brazil and for two genotypes (SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) in Ghana. It was hypothesised that pod growth duration (mediated by temperature), assimilation and beam number are all determinants of final pod size but that under specific conditions one of these factors may override the others. There was variability between genotypes in the response of beam size and beam lipid content to temperature. Negative relationships between temperature and bean size were found for Amelonado and UF 676. Lipid concentration was a curvilinear function of temperature for Amelonado and UF 676, with optimal temperatures of 23 degrees C and 24 degrees C, respectively. The variability observed here of different cacao genotypes to temperature highlights the need and opportunities for appropriate matching of planting material with local environments.


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Growth patterns and cropping were evaluated over the season for the everbearing strawberry 'Everest' at a range of temperatures (15-27degreesC) in two light environments (ambient and 50% shade). The highest yield was recorded for unshaded plants grown at 23degreesC, but the optimum temperature for vegetative growth was 15degreesC. With increasing temperature fruit number increased, but fruit weight decreased. Fruit weight was also significantly reduced by shade, and although 'Everest' showed a degree of shade tolerance in vegetative growth, yield was consistently reduced by shade. Shade also reduced the number of crowns developed by the plants over the course of the season, emphasising that crown number was ultimately the limiting factor for yield potential. We conclude that, in contrast to Junebearers which partition more assimilates to fruit at temperatures around 15degreesC (Le Miere et al., 1998), optimised cropping in the everbearer 'Everest' is achieved at the significantly higher temperature of 23degreesC. These findings have significance for commercial production, in which protection tends to reduce light levels but increase average temperature throughout the season.


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Chestnuts are an important economic resource in the chestnut growing regions, not only for the fruit, but also for the wood. The content of ellagic acid (EA), a naturally occurring inhibitor of carcinogenesis, was determined in chestnut fruits and bark. EA was extracted with methanol and free ellagic acid was determined by HPLC with UV detection, both in the crude extract and after hydrolysis. The concentration of EA was generally increased after hydrolysis due to the presence of ellagitannins in the crude extract. The concentration varied between 0.71 and 21.6 ing g(-1) (d.w.) in un-hydrolyzed samples, and between 2.83 and 18.4 mg g(-1) (d.w.) ill hydrolyzed samples. In chestnut fruits, traces of EA were present in the seed, with higher concentrations in the pellicle and pericarp. However, all fruit tissues had lower concentrations of EA than had the bark. The concentration of EA in the hydrolyzed samples showed a non-linear correlation with the concentration in the unhydrolyzed extracts. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.