923 resultados para Survival rate


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Le cancer pulmonaire est la principale cause de décès parmi tous les cancers au Canada. Le pronostic est généralement faible, de l'ordre de 15% de taux de survie après 5 ans. Les déplacements internes des structures anatomiques apportent une incertitude sur la précision des traitements en radio-oncologie, ce qui diminue leur efficacité. Dans cette optique, certaines techniques comme la radio-chirurgie et la radiothérapie par modulation de l'intensité (IMRT) visent à améliorer les résultats cliniques en ciblant davantage la tumeur. Ceci permet d'augmenter la dose reçue par les tissus cancéreux et de réduire celle administrée aux tissus sains avoisinants. Ce projet vise à mieux évaluer la dose réelle reçue pendant un traitement considérant une anatomie en mouvement. Pour ce faire, des plans de CyberKnife et d'IMRT sont recalculés en utilisant un algorithme Monte Carlo 4D de transport de particules qui permet d'effectuer de l'accumulation de dose dans une géométrie déformable. Un environnement de simulation a été développé afin de modéliser ces deux modalités pour comparer les distributions de doses standard et 4D. Les déformations dans le patient sont obtenues en utilisant un algorithme de recalage déformable d'image (DIR) entre les différentes phases respiratoire générées par le scan CT 4D. Ceci permet de conserver une correspondance de voxels à voxels entre la géométrie de référence et celles déformées. La DIR est calculée en utilisant la suite ANTs («Advanced Normalization Tools») et est basée sur des difféomorphismes. Une version modifiée de DOSXYZnrc de la suite EGSnrc, defDOSXYZnrc, est utilisée pour le transport de particule en 4D. Les résultats sont comparés à une planification standard afin de valider le modèle actuel qui constitue une approximation par rapport à une vraie accumulation de dose en 4D.


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INTRODUCTION: The dichotomization of non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) subtype into squamous (SQCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC) has become important in recent years and is increasingly required with regard to management. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of a panel of commercially available antibodies in refining the diagnosis on small biopsies and also to determine whether cytologic material is suitable for somatic EGFR genotyping in a prospectively analyzed series of patients undergoing investigation for suspected lung cancer. METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive cases of NSCLC were first tested using a panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, 34betaE12, and a D-PAS stain for mucin, to determine their value in refining diagnosis of NSCLC. After this test phase, two further pathologists independently reviewed the cases using a refined panel that excluded 34betaE12 because of its low specificity for SQCC, and refinement of diagnosis and concordance were assessed. Ten cases of ADC, including eight derived from cytologic samples, were sent for EGFR mutation analysis. RESULTS: There was refinement of diagnosis in 65% of cases of NSCLC to either SQCC or ADC in the test phase. This included 10 of 13 cases where cell pellets had been prepared from transbronchial needle aspirates. Validation by two further pathologists with varying expertise in lung pathology confirmed increased refinement and concordance of diagnosis. All samples were adequate for analysis, and they all showed a wild-type EGFR genotype. CONCLUSION: A panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, and a D-PAS stain for mucin increases diagnostic accuracy and agreement between pathologists when faced with refining a diagnosis of NSCLC to SQCC or ADC. These small samples, even cell pellets derived from transbronchial needle aspirates, seem to be adequate for EGFR mutation analysis.


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PURPOSE: Myeloma is a clonal malignancy of plasma cells. Poor-prognosis risk is currently identified by clinical and cytogenetic features. However, these indicators do not capture all prognostic information. Gene expression analysis can be used to identify poor-prognosis patients and this can be improved by combination with information about DNA-level changes. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Using single nucleotide polymorphism-based gene mapping in combination with global gene expression analysis, we have identified homozygous deletions in genes and networks that are relevant to myeloma pathogenesis and outcome. RESULTS: We identified 170 genes with homozygous deletions and corresponding loss of expression. Deletion within the "cell death" network was overrepresented and cases with these deletions had impaired overall survival. From further analysis of these events, we have generated an expression-based signature associated with shorter survival in 258 patients and confirmed this signature in data from two independent groups totaling 800 patients. We defined a gene expression signature of 97 cell death genes that reflects prognosis and confirmed this in two independent data sets. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a simple 6-gene expression signature from the 97-gene signature that can be used to identify poor-prognosis myeloma in the clinical environment. This signature could form the basis of future trials aimed at improving the outcome of poor-prognosis myeloma.


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Amphotericin B (AmB), an antifungal agent that presents a broad spectrum of activity, remains the gold standard in the antifungal therapy. However, sometimes the high level of toxicity forbids its clinical use. The aim of this work was to evaluate and compare the efficacy and toxicity in vitro of Fungizon™ (AmB-D) and two new different AmB formulations. Methods: three products were studied: Fungizon™, and two Fungizon™ /Lipofundin™ admixtures, which were diluted through two methods: in the first one, Fungizon™ was previously diluted with water for injection and then, in Lipofundin™ (AmB-DAL); the second method consisted of a primary dilution of AmB-D as a powder in the referred emulsion (AmB-DL). For the in vitro assay, two cell models were used: Red Blood Cells (RBC) from human donors and Candida tropicallis (Ct). The in vitro evaluation (K+ leakage, hemoglobin leakage and cell survival rate-CSR) was performed at four AmB concentrations (from 50 to 0.05mg.L-1). Results: The results showed that the action of AmB was not only concentration dependent, but also cellular type and vehicle kind dependent. At AmB concentrations of 50 mg.L-1, although the hemoglobin leakage for AmB-D was almost complete (99.51), for AmB-DAL and AmB-DL this value tended to zero. The p = 0.000 showed that AmB-D was significantly more hemolytic. Conclusion: The Fungizon™- Lipofundin™ admixtures seem to be the more valuable AmB carrier systems due to their best therapeutic index presented


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Background: Medial UKA performed in England and Wales represents 7 to 11% of all knee arthroplasty procedures, and is most commonly performed using mobile-bearing designs. Fixed bearing eliminates the risk of bearing dislocation, however some studies have shown higher revision rates for all-polyethylene tibial components compared to those that utilize metal-backed implants. The aim of the study is to analyse survivorship and maximum 8-year clinical outcome of medial fixed bearing, Uniglide unicompartmental knee arthroplasty performed using an all-polyethylene tibial component with a minimal invasive approach. Methods: Between 2002 and 2009, 270 medial fixed UKAs were performed in our unit. Patients were reviewed pre-operatively, 5 and 8 years post-operatively. Clinical and radiographic reviews were carried out. Patients’ outcome scores (Oxford, WOMAC and American Knee Score) were documented in our database and analysed. Results: Survival and clinical outcome data of 236 knees with a mean 7.3 years follow-up are reported. Every patient with less than 4.93 years follow-up underwent a revision. The patients’ average age at the time of surgery was 69.5 years. The American Knee Society Pain and Function scores, the Oxford Knee Score and the WOMAC score all improved significantly. The 5 years survival rate was 94.1% with implant revision surgery as an end point. The estimated 10 years survival rate is 91.3%. 14 patients were revised before the 5 year follow-up. Conclusion: Fixed bearing Uniglide UKA with an all-polyethylene tibial component is a valuable tool in the management of a medial compartment osteoarthritis, affording good short term survivorship.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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La chicouté (Rubus chamaemorus L.) pousse naturellement dans les tourbières ombrotrophes. La culture de la chicouté dans les tourbières en fin d’exploitation serait très intéressante afin de maintenir des activités économiques sur ces sites ainsi que d’améliorer la disponibilité de ce petit fruit pour une future commercialisation. L’implantation de cette culture fait toutefois face à certains problèmes tels la faible survie des boutures au cours de la première année et un rendement fruitier très variable. Des essais de fertilisation et d’application d’auxine ont été réalisés pour augmenter la production de racines sur les boutures de rhizome au moment de la plantation afin de réduire leur mortalité. La fertilisation a permis d’augmenter la longueur des racines, mais seulement à la fin de la saison. Les fertilisants ont également stimulé la croissance des plants. Par contre, les concentrations d’auxine utilisées ont entraîné une très forte mortalité des boutures de chicouté. Aucun de ces traitements n’a permis d’augmenter la survie des boutures lors de la plantation. Afin de mieux comprendre les limitations nutritives liées aux faibles rendements fruitiers, nous avons utilisé une analyse compositionnelle (CND) nous permettant d’identifier les débalancements nutritifs. Cette analyse a montré que les parcelles moins productives sont caractérisées par une concentration foliaire plus élevée en manganèse, fer, soufre et cuivre. Les résultats de ce projet de maîtrise vont permettre d’améliorer la régie de fertilisation lors de la plantation de la chicouté en tourbière résiduelle, mais d’autres recherches doivent être menées afin de réduire la mortalité des boutures lors de la plantation.


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The authors describe a clinical case of a patient with neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung diagnosed after the onset of an intestinal obstruction from an ileal metastasis. A review of literature reveals that the incidence of symptomatic gastro-intestinal metastases from lung cancer has been estimated to be about 2-3% and is exceedingly rare that the intestinal symptoms may be the initial presentation of cancer of the lung. The authors emphasize the difficulty of preoperative diagnosis of gastro-intestinal metastases which is made, almost always, too late because of the lack of specific symptoms. In our case, on account of the computed tomography, we leaned towards the diagnosis of lymphoma because of the double mediastinal and abdominal localization. Furthermore, this diagnosis was supported by the fact that the pulmonary lesion did not have clear radiological features of a lung cancer. The prognosis is poor because once intestinal metastases occur, other metastatic sites, which would make surgery only a palliative measure, are already present. The review of the literature shows that the average survival rate of these patients is 136 days. In our case the patient survived 277 days.


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The availability of African lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) in many communities in Uganda is declining. Indigenous efforts to culture this fish usually produce poor yields and depend on feeding fish fry, minced meat, and leftover food. This study evaluates three formulated diets (diet-1, diet-2, diet-3) fed to wild caught lungfish fingerlings reared in indoor tanks for 77 days. Experimental fish gradually accepted sinking pellets, and marginal increases in average body weight were observed. Mean (± SE) final weight (15.86 ± 0.80 g) for fish fed on diet-3 was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than fish fed diet-1 and diet-2. Specific growth rates (SGR) for diet- 3 were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than diet-1, and marginally more than diet-2 (0.37 ± 0.04 %/ d). Feed conversions were similar (p >0.05), ranging from 1.61 ± 0.26 to 2.07 ± 0.11. Survivals after an 11-week culture were relatively low (< 60%), but generally increased (R2 = 0.667, P = 0.007) with increasing dietary proteins. Diet-3 had a significant higher survival rate (p< 0.05) than diet-1 and diet-2. Significant growth performance was attained with diet-3. This study demonstrated that sinking fish feed pellets can be used to culture wild-caught African fingerlings in captivity.


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Stroke is currently one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Despite recent advances in the treatment of stroke there is a major unmet clinical need for novel therapeutics for intervention. miRNAs are small coding RNAs which act to post-transcriptionally inhibit expression of genes. Emerging evidence has supported the view that miRNAs play an important role in the development and progression of ischaemic stroke, although understanding remains relatively poor. This research uses several models to investigate the effects of miRNAs in the context of stroke in vivo and in vitro, as well as assessment of patient serum samples in order to identify biomarkers for stroke. miR-29b was found to be significantly upregulated in SHRSP rat brain peri-infarct at 72h following stroke, and downregulated in ischaemic core at 24h and 72h following stroke, whilst miR-29c was significantly downregulated in remainder tissue at 24h following stroke and in infarct at 72h following stroke. The upreglation of miR-29b at 72h corresponded to a significant downregulation of miR-29 target genes MMP2, MMP9 and TGF-β1 in peri-infarct tissue at 72h following stroke. Modulation of miR-29b and miR-29c was achieved in a rat neuronal cell line but suppression of genes of interest was not observed following oxygen glucose deprivation. Several candidate miRNAs were then identified by microRNA Openarray analysis in stroke patient serum samples. Validation of these miRNAs was not demonstrated in the population studied, but assessment of these miRNAs in rat serum and isolated exosomes demonstrated that several of these miRNAs were significantly altered in SHRSP rats following stroke. Finally miR-21 was demonstrated to be significantly upregulated in SHRSP rat peri-infarct following stroke. This was associated with a change in miR-21 localization as determined by in situ hybridization. Modulation of miR-21 via the use of CAG-miR-21 mice demonstrated no difference in infarct size as measured by T2 -weighted MRI scan nor was any difference present in behavioural tests versus wild type. KO of miR-21 resulted in a reduction of survival rate compared with wild type. This thesis demonstrates that miR-29 and miR-21 are modulated following stroke in animal models, and these are potential candidates for therapeutic intervention in the future. Analysis of clinical samples has illustrated difficulties in the identification of serum miRNA profiles and suggests that looking at the exosomal component of serum may provide better information regarding miRNA profiles after stroke.


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Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) comprise a heterogenenous group of greater than 50 malignancies of putative mesenchymal cell origin and as such they may arise in diverse tissue types in various anatomical locations throughout the whole body. Collectively they account for approximately 1% of all human malignancies yet have a spectrum of aggressive behaviours amongst their subtypes. They thus pose a particular challenge to manage and remain an under investigated group of cancers with no generally applicable new therapies in the past 40 years and an overall 5-year survival rate that remains stagnant at around 50%. From September 2000 to July 2006 I undertook a full time post-doctoral level research fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA in the department of Surgical Oncology to investigate the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and test novel anti- sarcoma adenovirus-based therapy in the preclinical nude rat model of isolated limb perfusion against human sarcoma xenografts. This work, in collaboration with colleagues as indicated herein, led to a number of publications in the scientific literature furthering our understanding of the malignant phenotype of sarcoma and reported preclinical studies with wild-type p53, in a replication deficient adenovirus vector, and oncolytic adenoviruses administered by isolated limb perfusion. Additional collaborative and pioneering preclinical studies reported the molecular imaging of sarcoma response to systemically delivered therapeutic phage RGD-4c AAVP. Doxorubicin chemotherapy is the single most active broadly applicable anti-sarcoma chemotherapeutic yet only has an approximate 30% overall response rate with additional breakthrough tumour progression and recurrence after initial chemo-responsiveness further problematic features in STS management. Doxorubicin is a substrate for the multi- drug resistance (mdr) gene product p-glycoprotein drug efflux pump and exerts its main mode of action by induction of DNA double-strand breaks during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Two papers in my thesis characterise different aspects of chemoresistance in sarcoma. The first shows that wild-type p53 suppresses Protein Kinase Calpha (PKCα) phosphorylation (and activation) of p-glycoprotein by transcriptional repression of PKCα through a Sp-1 transcription factor binding site in its -244/-234 promoter region. The second paper demonstrates that Rad51 (a central mediator of homologous recombination repair of double strand breaks) has elevated levels in sarcoma and particularly in the S- G2 phase of the cell cycle. Suppression of Rad51 with small interfering RNA in sarcoma cell culture led to doxorubicin chemosensitisation. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into STS cell lines resulted in decreased Rad51 protein and mRNA expression via transcriptional repression of the Rad51 promoter through increased AP-2 binding. In light of poor response rates to chemotherapy, escape from local control portends a poor prognosis for patients with sarcoma. Two papers in my thesis characterise aspects of sarcoma angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. Human sarcoma samples were found to have high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) with expression levels that correlated with p53 mutational status. MMP-9 is known to degrade extracellular collagen, contribute to the control of the angiogenic switch necessary in primary tumour progression and facilitate invasion and metastasis. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 function led to decreased levels of MMP-9 protein and mRNA as well as zymography-assessed MMP-9 proteolytic activity and decreased tumour cell invasiveness. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into human sarcoma xenografts in-vivo decreased tumour growth and MMP-9 protein expression. Wild-type p53 was found to suppress mmp-9 transcription via decreased binding of NF-κB to its -607/-595 mmp-9 promoter element. Studies on the role of the VEGF165 in sarcoma found that sarcoma cells stably transfected with VEGF165 formed more aggressive xenografted tumours with increased vascularity, growth rate, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy. Use of the anti-VEGFR2 antibody DC101 enhanced doxorubicin sensitivity at sub-conventional dosing, inhibited tumour growth, decreased development of metastases, and reduced tumour micro-vessel density while increasing the vessel maturation index. These effects were explained primarily through effects on endothelial cells (e.c.s), rather than the tumour cells per se, where DC101 induced e.c. sensitivity to doxorubicin and suppressed e.c. production of MMPs. The p53 tumour suppressor pathway is the most frequently mutated pathway in sarcoma. Recapitulation of wild-type p53 function in sarcoma exerts a number of anti-cancer outcomes such as growth arrest, resensitisation to chemotherapy, suppression of invasion, and attenuation of angiogenesis. Using a modified nude rat-human sarcoma xenograft model for isolated limb perfusion (ILP) delivery of wild-type p53 in a replication deficient adenovirus vector I showed that functionally competent wild-type p53 could be delivered to and detected in human leiomyosarcoma xenografts confirming preclinical feasibility - although not efficacious due to low transgene expression. Viral fibre modification to express the RGD tripeptide motif led to greater viral uptake by sarcoma cells in vitro (transductional targeting) and changing the transgene promoter to a response element active in cells with active telomerase expression restricted the transgene expression to the tumour intracellular environment (transcriptional targeting). Delivery of the fibre-modified, selectively replication proficient oncolytic adenovirus Ad.hTC.GFP/ E1a.RGD by ILP demonstrated a more robust, and tumour-restricted, transgene expression with evidence of anti-sarcoma effect confirmed microscopically. Collaborative studies using the fibre modified phage RGD-4C AAVP confirmed that systemic delivery specifically, efficiently, and repeatedly targets human sarcoma xenografts, binds to αv integrins in tumours, and demonstrates a durable, though heterogeneous, transgene expression of 1-4 weeks. Incorporation of the Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) transgene into RGD-4C AAVP permitted CT-PET spatial and temporal molecular imaging in vivo of transgene expression and allowed quantification of tumour metabolic activity both before and after interval administration of a systemic cytotoxic with predictable and measurable response to treatment before becoming apparent clinically. These papers further the medical and scientific community’s understanding of the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and report preclinical studies with novel and promising anti- sarcoma therapeutics.


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A teoria da história de vida tem como objetivo compreender os fatores que produzem variações na taxa de sobrevivência, tamanho no nascimento, idade de maturação, sazonalidade na reprodução, longevidade, razão sexual da prole. O gênero Cavia pallas 1776 apresenta a maior distribuição dentro da subfamília Cavinae, sendo composto por seis espécies, dentre elas Cavia magna, a qual habita regiões de restinga próximas a estuários ou lagos do norte do Uruguai ao sul do Brasil. Durante esse trabalho avaliamos os padrões da história de vida de uma população de Cavia magna da Ilha dos Marinheiros, RS, Brasil, devido ao fato de se tratar de uma espécie com baixa taxa reprodutiva, distribuição geográfica restrita, e estar exposta a alta pressão de predação. Para isso foi realizado um programa de captura-marcação-recaptura, durante 13 meses no qual foram capturados 129 animais, sendo 63 fêmeas e 66 machos. As longevidades máximas registradas, foram 233 dias para uma fêmea e 321 dias para um macho. Foram encontradas 13 fêmeas grávidas ou lactantes, dentre elas 9 estavam grávidas, sendo que 6 estavam prenhas de 2 filhotes e 3 estavam prenhas de 1 filhote apenas. Vários parâmetros foram testados, para estimar a taxa de sobrevivência e captura ,utilizamos o programa Mark, o método jacknife um modelo probabilístico, que permite heterogeneidade individual nas taxas de captura também foi utilizado. Não houve diferenças significativas no número de machos e fêmeas, a razão sexual foi 1:1. Em relação a estrutura etária, a população foi composta por adultos (82%) e a densidade populacional foi de 30 animais por hectare.


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Introdução: O melanoma maligno da mucosa (MMM) é uma doença rara com mau prognóstico. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de 32 doentes do Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil de Lisboa com MMM da cabeça e pescoço, no período de 1998 a 2012. Resultados: Dos 32 casos analisados a idade média foi de 70 anos. O tumor primário localizou-se na cavidade nasal e seios peri-nasais em 24 doentes e na cavidade oral em 8 casos. A maioria dos doentes (23) foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico. Destes, 16 foram propostos para terapêutica complementar com Radioterapia. O tempo de seguimento variou de 26 dias a 10 anos. A sobrevida aos 5 anos foi de 18%. Conclusões: A maioria dos doentes apresentou um estadio avançado na altura do diagnóstico e, apesar dos tratamentos instituídos, verificou-se uma elevada mortalidade. O tratamento de escolha é a cirurgia. O papel da radioterapia continua a ser controverso.


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Background: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) was introduced in Spain in the late 1980s. Our hospital was a pioneering medical centre in this field. Aim: Analyze outcomes of our HPN program. Methods: Retrospective study of patients receiving HPN between 1986-2012. Study variables are expressed as frequency, mean ± SD (range), median [interquartile range]. Parametrics, non-parametrics test and survival analysis (p < 0.05) were applied. Results: 91 patients (55 females and 36 males, mean age: 50.6 ± 5 yrs.) who received HPN for an accrual period of 55,470 days (median: 211 days [range: 63-573]) were included. The most prevalent underlying condition was cancer (49.5%), with the commonest HPN indication being short bowel syndrome (41.1%). The most frequently used catheter type was the tunneled catheter (70.7%). The complication rate was 3.58/1,000 HPN days (2.68, infection; 0.07, occlusion; 0.07 thrombosis; and 0.59, metabolic complications). Complications were consistently associated with both the underlying condition and HPN length. Infections were most frequent within the first 1,000 days of HPN. Liver disease incidence was related to HPN duration. HPN could be discontinued in 42.3% of patients. Ten-year survival rate was 42%, and varied across the underlying conditions. Conclusions: In the present series, the commonest reason for HPN was cancer. Our complication rate is in keeping with that reported in the literature. The overall survival rate was 42%, and varied across the underlying conditions.


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Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) has been considered since the 1990´s to be a promising flatfish species for diversifying European marine aquaculture. However, pathogen outbreaks leading to high mortality rates can impair Senegalese sole commercial production at the weaning phase. Different approaches have been shown to improve fish immunocompetence; with this in mind the objective of the work described herein was to determine whether increased levels of dietary vitamin A (VA) improve the immune response in early juveniles of Senegalese sole. For this purpose, Senegalese sole were reared and fed with Artemia metanauplii containing increased levels of VA (37,000; 44,666; 82,666 and 203,000 total VA IU Kg-1) from 6 to 60 days post-hatch (early juvenile stage). After an induced bacterial infection with a 50 % lethal dose of Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae, survival rate, as well as underlying gene expression of specific immune markers (C1inh, C3, C9, Lgals1, Hamp, LysC, Prdx1, Steap4 and Transf) were evaluated. Results showed that fish fed higher doses of dietary VA were more resistant to the bacterial challenge. The lower mortality was found to be related with differential expression of genes involved in the complement system and iron availability. We suggest that feeding metamorphosed Senegalese sole with 203,000 total VA IU Kg-1 might be an effective, inexpensive and environmentally friendly method to improve Senegalese sole immunocompetence, thereby improving survival of juveniles and reducing economic losses.