994 resultados para Surfaces - Measurements


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The core-level energy shifts observed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have been used to determine the band bending at Si(111) surfaces terminated with Si-Br, Si-H, and Si-CH3 groups, respectively. The surface termination influenced the band bending, with the Si 2p3/2 binding energy affected more by the surface chemistry than by the dopant type. The highest binding energies were measured on Si(111)-Br (whose Fermi level was positioned near the conduction band at the surface), followed by Si(111)-H, followed by Si(111)-CH3 (whose Fermi level was positioned near mid-gap at the surface). Si(111)-CH3 surfaces exposed to Br2(g) yielded the lowest binding energies, with the Fermi level positioned between mid-gap and the valence band. The Fermi level position of Br2(g)-exposed Si(111)-CH3 was consistent with the presence of negatively charged bromine-containing ions on such surfaces. The binding energies of all of the species detected on the surface (C, O, Br) shifted with the band bending, illustrating the importance of isolating the effects of band bending when measuring chemical shifts on semiconductor surfaces. The influence of band bending was confirmed by surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements, which showed that the core levels shifted toward their flat-band values upon illumination. Where applicable, the contribution from the X-ray source to the SPV was isolated and quantified. Work functions were measured by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), allowing for calculation of the sign and magnitude of the surface dipole in such systems. The values of the surface dipoles were in good agreement with previous measurements as well as with electronegativity considerations. The binding energies of the adventitious carbon signals were affected by band bending as well as by the surface dipole. A model of band bending in which charged surface states are located exterior to the surface dipole is consistent with the XPS and UPS behavior of the chemically functionalized Si(111) surfaces investigated herein.


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This paper studies the correlation properties of the speckles in the deep Fresnel diffraction region produced by the scattering of rough self-affine fractal surfaces. The autocorrelation function of the speckle intensities is formulated by the combination of the light scattering theory of Kirchhoff approximation and the principles of speckle statistics. We propose a method for extracting the three surface parameters, i.e. the roughness w, the lateral correlation length xi and the roughness exponent alpha, from the autocorrelation functions of speckles. This method is verified by simulating the speckle intensities and calculating the speckle autocorrelation function. We also find the phenomenon that for rough surfaces with alpha = 1, the structure of the speckles resembles that of the surface heights, which results from the effect of the peak and the valley parts of the surface, acting as micro-lenses converging and diverging the light waves.


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Based on the rigorous formulation of integral equations for the propagations of light waves at the medium interface, we carry out the numerical solutions of the random light field scattered from self-affine fractal surface samples. The light intensities produced by the same surface samples are also calculated in Kirchhoff's approximation, and their comparisons with the corresponding rigorous results show directly the degree of the accuracy of the approximation. It is indicated that Kirchhoff's approximation is of good accuracy for random surfaces with small roughness value w and large roughness exponent alpha. For random surfaces with larger w and smaller alpha, the approximation results in considerable errors, and detailed calculations show that the inaccuracy comes from the simplification that the transmitted light field is proportional to the incident field and from the neglect of light field derivative at the interface.


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A comprehensive study was made of the flocculation of dispersed E. coli bacterial cells by the cationic polymer polyethyleneimine (PEI). The three objectives of this study were to determine the primary mechanism involved in the flocculation of a colloid with an oppositely charged polymer, to determine quantitative correlations between four commonly-used measurements of the extent of flocculation, and to record the effect of varying selected system parameters on the degree of flocculation. The quantitative relationships derived for the four measurements of the extent of flocculation should be of direct assistance to the sanitary engineer in evaluating the effectiveness of specific coagulation processes.

A review of prior statistical mechanical treatments of absorbed polymer configuration revealed that at low degrees of surface site coverage, an oppositely- charged polymer molecule is strongly adsorbed to the colloidal surface, with only short loops or end sequences extending into the solution phase. Even for high molecular weight PEI species, these extensions from the surface are theorized to be less than 50 Å in length. Although the radii of gyration of the five PEI species investigated were found to be large enough to form interparticle bridges, the low surface site coverage at optimum flocculation doses indicates that the predominant mechanism of flocculation is adsorption coagulation.

The effectiveness of the high-molecular weight PEI species 1n producing rapid flocculation at small doses is attributed to the formation of a charge mosaic on the oppositely-charged E. coli surfaces. The large adsorbed PEI molecules not only neutralize the surface charge at the adsorption sites, but also cause charge reversal with excess cationic segments. The alignment of these positive surface patches with negative patches on approaching cells results in strong electrostatic attraction in addition to a reduction of the double-layer interaction energies. The comparative ineffectiveness of low-molecular weight PEI species in producing E. coli flocculation is caused by the size of the individual molecules, which is insufficient to both neutralize and reverse the negative E.coli surface charge. Consequently, coagulation produced by low molecular weight species is attributed solely to the reduction of double-layer interaction energies via adsorption.

Electrophoretic mobility experiments supported the above conclusions, since only the high-molecular weight species were able to reverse the mobility of the E. coli cells. In addition, electron microscope examination of the seam of agglutination between E. coli cells flocculation by PEI revealed tightly- bound cells, with intercellular separation distances of less than 100-200 Å in most instances. This intercellular separation is partially due to cell shrinkage in preparation of the electron micrographs.

The extent of flocculation was measured as a function of PEl molecular weight, PEl dose, and the intensity of reactor chamber mixing. Neither the intensity of mixing, within the common treatment practice limits, nor the time of mixing for up to four hours appeared to play any significant role in either the size or number of E.coli aggregates formed. The extent of flocculation was highly molecular weight dependent: the high-molecular-weight PEl species produce the larger aggregates, the greater turbidity reductions, and the higher filtration flow rates. The PEl dose required for optimum flocculation decreased as the species molecular weight increased. At large doses of high-molecular-weight species, redispersion of the macroflocs occurred, caused by excess adsorption of cationic molecules. The excess adsorption reversed the surface charge on the E.coli cells, as recorded by electrophoretic mobility measurements.

Successful quantitative comparisons were made between changes in suspension turbidity with flocculation and corresponding changes in aggregate size distribution. E. coli aggregates were treated as coalesced spheres, with Mie scattering coefficients determined for spheres in the anomalous diffraction regime. Good quantitative comparisons were also found to exist between the reduction in refiltration time and the reduction of the total colloid surface area caused by flocculation. As with turbidity measurements, a coalesced sphere model was used since the equivalent spherical volume is the only information available from the Coulter particle counter. However, the coalesced sphere model was not applicable to electrophoretic mobility measurements. The aggregates produced at each PEl dose moved at approximately the same vlocity, almost independently of particle size.

PEl was found to be an effective flocculant of E. coli cells at weight ratios of 1 mg PEl: 100 mg E. coli. While PEl itself is toxic to E.coli at these levels, similar cationic polymers could be effectively applied to water and wastewater treatment facilities to enhance sedimentation and filtration characteristics.


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We present a mixed entanglement distillation protocol by means of the parity measurement of qubits. Without the use of controlled-NOT (CNOT) operations, the efficiency of our protocol can approach that of the CNOT protocol. In comparison, the total successful probability of our protocol can reach a quantity twice as large as that of the linear optics-based protocol.


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We report selective metallization on surfaces of insulators ( glass slides and lithium niobate crystal) based on femtosecond laser modification combined with electroless plating. The process is mainly composed of four steps: (1) formation of silver nitrate thin films on the surfaces of glass or crystal substrates; (2) generation of silver particles in the irradiated area by femtosecond laser direct writing; (3) removal of unirradiated silver nitrate films; and (4) selective electroless plating in the modified area. We discuss the mechanism of selective metallization on the insulators. Moreover, we investigate the electrical and adhesive properties of the copper microstructures patterned on the insulator surfaces, showing great potential of integrating electrical functions into lab-on-a-chip devices. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Com a introdução do flúor como o principal agente anticariogênico e, talvez, um aumento do flúor na nossa cadeia alimentar, a fluorose dentária tornou-se um problema mundial. Os mecanismos que conduzem à formação do esmalte fluorótico são desconhecidos, mas devem envolver modificações nas reações físico-químicas básicas de desmineralização e remineralização do esmalte dentário. O aumento daquantidade de flúor no cristal apatita resulta no aumento dos parâmetros de rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o esmalte dentário humano saudável e fluorótico usando difração de raios X com luz síncrotron. Todos os perfis de espalhamento foram medidos na linha de difração de raios X (XRD1) do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas SP. Os experimentos foram realizados usando amostras em pó e em lâminas polidas. As amostras em pó foram analisadas a fim de obter a caracterização do esmalte dentário saudável. As lâminas foram analisadas em áreas do esmalte específicas identificadas como fluoróticas. Todos os perfis foram comparados com amostras de esmalte de controle e também com a literatura. A evidente similaridade entre os perfis de difração mostraram a analogia entre as estruturas do esmalte dentário e a hidroxiapatita padrão. Fica evidente que os perfis de difração do esmalte dentário das amostras em lâmina são diferentes daqueles obtidos para o esmalte em pó. As diferenças encontradas incluem variação na cristalinidade e orientação preferencial. Os valores encontrados para as distâncias interplanares para o esmalte de controle e fluorótico das amostras em lâmina não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato que a hidroxiapatita e a fluoropatita formam cristais com a mesma estrutura hexagonal, mesmo grupo de simetria e têm parâmetros de rede muito próximos, os quais a habilidade do sistema não foi suficiente para resolver. Finalmente, este trabalho mostra que a difração de raios X usando radiação síncrotron é uma técnica poderosa para o estudo da cristalografia e microestrutura do esmalte dentário e, ainda, pode ser igualmente aplicada no estudo de outros tecidos biológicos duros e de biomateriais sintéticos.