964 resultados para Suppress vibration


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Työn tarkoituksena on perehdyttää Valmet Automotive Oy:n tuotekehitysosastoa dynamiikan simuloinnin perusperiaatteisiin ja kehittää osastolle tulevaisuuden toimintamalli, jossa dynamiikan simulointi on strategisena osa-alueena tuotekehitysprosessissa. Dynamiikan simuloinnin periaatteita käsitellään teoriaosan avulla ja selvitetään kahden eri menetelmän, MBS-simuloinnin ja eksplisiittisen FE-analyysin soveltuvuutta analysointikeinona. Tutkitaan, mihin kohteisiin dynamiikan simulointia voitaisiin tuotekehitysosastolla käyttää ja esitetään toimintatavat kehitettyjen sovelluskohteiden analysoimiseksi. Lisäksi työssä kartoitetaan olemassa olevia dynamiikan simulointiohjelmistoja, joista potentiaalisimpia koekäytetään sovelluskohteisiin ja tuotekehityskeskuksen CAE-järjestelmään soveltuvuuden tarkistamiseksi. Dynamiikan simuloinnista saatavien hyötynäkökohtien perusteella ehdotetaan yritykselle jatkotoimenpiteitä.


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Atherosclerosis is a chronic cardiovascular disease that involves the thicken¬ing of the artery walls as well as the formation of plaques (lesions) causing the narrowing of the lumens, in vessels such as the aorta, the coronary and the carotid arteries. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a promising modality for the assessment of atherosclerosis, as it is a non-invasive and patient-friendly procedure that does not use ionizing radiation. MRI offers high soft tissue con¬trast already without the need of intravenous contrast media; while modifica¬tion of the MR pulse sequences allows for further adjustment of the contrast for specific diagnostic needs. As such, MRI can create angiographic images of the vessel lumens to assess stenoses at the late stage of the disease, as well as blood flow-suppressed images for the early investigation of the vessel wall and the characterization of the atherosclerotic plaques. However, despite the great technical progress that occurred over the past two decades, MRI is intrinsically a low sensitive technique and some limitations still exist in terms of accuracy and performance. A major challenge for coronary artery imaging is respiratory motion. State- of-the-art diaphragmatic navigators rely on an indirect measure of motion, per¬form a ID correction, and have long and unpredictable scan time. In response, self-navigation (SM) strategies have recently been introduced that offer 100% scan efficiency and increased ease of use. SN detects respiratory motion di¬rectly from the image data obtained at the level of the heart, and retrospectively corrects the same data before final image reconstruction. Thus, SN holds po-tential for multi-dimensional motion compensation. To this regard, this thesis presents novel SN methods that estimate 2D and 3D motion parameters from aliased sub-images that are obtained from the same raw data composing the final image. Combination of all corrected sub-images produces a final image with reduced motion artifacts for the visualization of the coronaries. The first study (section 2.2, 2D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing) consists of a method for 2D translational motion compensation. Here, the use of com- pressed sensing (CS) reconstruction is proposed and investigated to support motion detection by reducing aliasing artifacts. In healthy human subjects, CS demonstrated an improvement in motion detection accuracy with simula¬tions on in vivo data, while improved coronary artery visualization was demon¬strated on in vivo free-breathing acquisitions. However, the motion of the heart induced by respiration has been shown to occur in three dimensions and to be more complex than a simple translation. Therefore, the second study (section 2.3,3D Self-Navigation) consists of a method for 3D affine motion correction rather than 2D only. Here, different techniques were adopted to reduce background signal contribution in respiratory motion tracking, as this can be adversely affected by the static tissue that surrounds the heart. The proposed method demonstrated to improve conspicuity and vi¬sualization of coronary arteries in healthy and cardiovascular disease patient cohorts in comparison to a conventional ID SN method. In the third study (section 2.4, 3D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing), the same tracking methods were used to obtain sub-images sorted according to the respiratory position. Then, instead of motion correction, a compressed sensing reconstruction was performed on all sorted sub-image data. This process ex¬ploits the consistency of the sorted data to reduce aliasing artifacts such that the sub-image corresponding to the end-expiratory phase can directly be used to visualize the coronaries. In a healthy volunteer cohort, this strategy improved conspicuity and visualization of the coronary arteries when compared to a con¬ventional ID SN method. For the visualization of the vessel wall and atherosclerotic plaques, the state- of-the-art dual inversion recovery (DIR) technique is able to suppress the signal coming from flowing blood and provide positive wall-lumen contrast. How¬ever, optimal contrast may be difficult to obtain and is subject to RR variability. Furthermore, DIR imaging is time-inefficient and multislice acquisitions may lead to prolonged scanning times. In response and as a fourth study of this thesis (chapter 3, Vessel Wall MRI of the Carotid Arteries), a phase-sensitive DIR method has been implemented and tested in the carotid arteries of a healthy volunteer cohort. By exploiting the phase information of images acquired after DIR, the proposed phase-sensitive method enhances wall-lumen contrast while widens the window of opportunity for image acquisition. As a result, a 3-fold increase in volumetric coverage is obtained at no extra cost in scanning time, while image quality is improved. In conclusion, this thesis presented novel methods to address some of the main challenges for MRI of atherosclerosis: the suppression of motion and flow artifacts for improved visualization of vessel lumens, walls and plaques. Such methods showed to significantly improve image quality in human healthy sub¬jects, as well as scan efficiency and ease-of-use of MRI. Extensive validation is now warranted in patient populations to ascertain their diagnostic perfor¬mance. Eventually, these methods may bring the use of atherosclerosis MRI closer to the clinical practice. Résumé L'athérosclérose est une maladie cardiovasculaire chronique qui implique le épaississement de la paroi des artères, ainsi que la formation de plaques (lé¬sions) provoquant le rétrécissement des lumières, dans des vaisseaux tels que l'aorte, les coronaires et les artères carotides. L'imagerie par résonance magné¬tique (IRM) est une modalité prometteuse pour l'évaluation de l'athérosclérose, car il s'agit d'une procédure non-invasive et conviviale pour les patients, qui n'utilise pas des rayonnements ionisants. L'IRM offre un contraste des tissus mous très élevé sans avoir besoin de médias de contraste intraveineux, tan¬dis que la modification des séquences d'impulsions de RM permet en outre le réglage du contraste pour des besoins diagnostiques spécifiques. À ce titre, l'IRM peut créer des images angiographiques des lumières des vaisseaux pour évaluer les sténoses à la fin du stade de la maladie, ainsi que des images avec suppression du flux sanguin pour une première enquête des parois des vais¬seaux et une caractérisation des plaques d'athérosclérose. Cependant, malgré les grands progrès techniques qui ont eu lieu au cours des deux dernières dé¬cennies, l'IRM est une technique peu sensible et certaines limitations existent encore en termes de précision et de performance. Un des principaux défis pour l'imagerie de l'artère coronaire est le mou¬vement respiratoire. Les navigateurs diaphragmatiques de pointe comptent sur une mesure indirecte de mouvement, effectuent une correction 1D, et ont un temps d'acquisition long et imprévisible. En réponse, les stratégies d'auto- navigation (self-navigation: SN) ont été introduites récemment et offrent 100% d'efficacité d'acquisition et une meilleure facilité d'utilisation. Les SN détectent le mouvement respiratoire directement à partir des données brutes de l'image obtenue au niveau du coeur, et rétrospectivement corrigent ces mêmes données avant la reconstruction finale de l'image. Ainsi, les SN détiennent un poten¬tiel pour une compensation multidimensionnelle du mouvement. A cet égard, cette thèse présente de nouvelles méthodes SN qui estiment les paramètres de mouvement 2D et 3D à partir de sous-images qui sont obtenues à partir des mêmes données brutes qui composent l'image finale. La combinaison de toutes les sous-images corrigées produit une image finale pour la visualisation des coronaires ou les artefacts du mouvement sont réduits. La première étude (section 2.2,2D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing) traite d'une méthode pour une compensation 2D de mouvement de translation. Ici, on étudie l'utilisation de la reconstruction d'acquisition comprimée (compressed sensing: CS) pour soutenir la détection de mouvement en réduisant les artefacts de sous-échantillonnage. Chez des sujets humains sains, CS a démontré une amélioration de la précision de la détection de mouvement avec des simula¬tions sur des données in vivo, tandis que la visualisation de l'artère coronaire sur des acquisitions de respiration libre in vivo a aussi été améliorée. Pourtant, le mouvement du coeur induite par la respiration se produit en trois dimensions et il est plus complexe qu'un simple déplacement. Par conséquent, la deuxième étude (section 2.3, 3D Self-Navigation) traite d'une méthode de cor¬rection du mouvement 3D plutôt que 2D uniquement. Ici, différentes tech¬niques ont été adoptées pour réduire la contribution du signal du fond dans le suivi de mouvement respiratoire, qui peut être influencé négativement par le tissu statique qui entoure le coeur. La méthode proposée a démontré une amélioration, par rapport à la procédure classique SN de correction 1D, de la visualisation des artères coronaires dans le groupe de sujets sains et des pa¬tients avec maladies cardio-vasculaires. Dans la troisième étude (section 2.4,3D Self-Navigation with Compressed Sensing), les mêmes méthodes de suivi ont été utilisées pour obtenir des sous-images triées selon la position respiratoire. Au lieu de la correction du mouvement, une reconstruction de CS a été réalisée sur toutes les sous-images triées. Cette procédure exploite la cohérence des données pour réduire les artefacts de sous- échantillonnage de telle sorte que la sous-image correspondant à la phase de fin d'expiration peut directement être utilisée pour visualiser les coronaires. Dans un échantillon de volontaires en bonne santé, cette stratégie a amélioré la netteté et la visualisation des artères coronaires par rapport à une méthode classique SN ID. Pour la visualisation des parois des vaisseaux et de plaques d'athérosclérose, la technique de pointe avec double récupération d'inversion (DIR) est capa¬ble de supprimer le signal provenant du sang et de fournir un contraste posi¬tif entre la paroi et la lumière. Pourtant, il est difficile d'obtenir un contraste optimal car cela est soumis à la variabilité du rythme cardiaque. Par ailleurs, l'imagerie DIR est inefficace du point de vue du temps et les acquisitions "mul- tislice" peuvent conduire à des temps de scan prolongés. En réponse à ce prob¬lème et comme quatrième étude de cette thèse (chapitre 3, Vessel Wall MRI of the Carotid Arteries), une méthode de DIR phase-sensitive a été implémenté et testé


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In vitro differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) into osteocytes (human differentiated osteogenic cells, hDOC) before implantation has been proposed to optimize bone regeneration. However, a deep characterization of the immunological properties of DOC, including their effect on dendritic cell (DC) function, is not available. DOC can be used either as cellular suspension (detached, Det-DOC) or as adherent cells implanted on scaffolds (adherent, Adh-DOC). By mimicking in vitro these two different routes of administration, we show that both Det-DOC and Adh-DOC can modulate DC functions. Specifically, the weak downregulation of CD80 and CD86 caused by Det-DOC on DC surface results in a weak modulation of DC functions, which indeed retain a high capacity to induce T-cell proliferation and to generate CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Moreover, Det-DOC enhance the DC capacity to differentiate CD4(+)CD161(+)CD196(+) Th17-cells by upregulating IL-6 secretion. Conversely, Adh-DOC strongly suppress DC functions by a profound downregulation of CD80 and CD86 on DC as well as by the inhibition of TGF-β production. In conclusion, we demonstrate that different types of DOC cell preparation may have a different impact on the modulation of the host immune system. This finding may have relevant implications for the design of cell-based tissue-engineering strategies.


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Bacterial-fungal interactions have important physiologic and medical ramifications, but the mechanisms of these interactions are poorly understood. The gut is host to trillions of microorganisms, and bacterial-fungal interactions are likely to be important. Using a neutropenic mouse model of microbial gastrointestinal colonization and dissemination, we show that the fungus Candida albicans inhibits the virulence of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa by inhibiting P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine gene expression, which plays a critical role in iron acquisition and virulence. Accordingly, deletion of both P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine genes attenuates P. aeruginosa virulence. Heat-killed C. albicans has no effect on P. aeruginosa, whereas C. albicans secreted proteins directly suppress P. aeruginosa pyoverdine and pyochelin expression and inhibit P. aeruginosa virulence in mice. Interestingly, suppression or deletion of pyochelin and pyoverdine genes has no effect on P. aeruginosa's ability to colonize the GI tract but does decrease P. aeruginosa's cytotoxic effect on cultured colonocytes. Finally, oral iron supplementation restores P. aeruginosa virulence in P. aeruginosa and C. albicans colonized mice. Together, our findings provide insight into how a bacterial-fungal interaction can modulate bacterial virulence in the intestine. Previously described bacterial-fungal antagonistic interactions have focused on growth inhibition or colonization inhibition/modulation, yet here we describe a novel observation of fungal-inhibition of bacterial effectors critical for virulence but not important for colonization. These findings validate the use of a mammalian model system to explore the complexities of polymicrobial, polykingdom infections in order to identify new therapeutic targets for preventing microbial disease.


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To survive and complete their life cycle, herbivorous insects face the difficult challenge of coping with the arsenal of plant defences. A new study reports that aphids secrete evolutionarily conserved cytokines in their saliva to suppress host immune responses.


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Industry's growing need for higher productivity is placing new demands on mechanisms connected with electrical motors, because these can easily lead to vibration problems due to fast dynamics. Furthermore, the nonlinear effects caused by a motor frequently reduce servo stability, which diminishes the controller's ability to predict and maintain speed. Hence, the flexibility of a mechanism and its control has become an important area of research. The basic approach in control system engineering is to assume that the mechanism connected to a motor is rigid, so that vibrations in the tool mechanism, reel, gripper or any apparatus connected to the motor are not taken into account. This might reduce the ability of the machine system to carry out its assignment and shorten the lifetime of the equipment. Nonetheless, it is usually more important to know how the mechanism, or in other words the load on the motor, behaves. A nonlinear load control method for a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor is developed and implemented in the thesis. The purpose of the controller is to track a flexible load to the desired velocity reference as fast as possible and without awkward oscillations. The control method is based on an adaptive backstepping algorithm with its stability ensured by the Lyapunov stability theorem. As a reference controller for the backstepping method, a hybrid neural controller is introduced in which the linear motor itself is controlled by a conventional PI velocity controller and the vibration of the associated flexible mechanism is suppressed from an outer control loop using a compensation signal from a multilayer perceptron network. To avoid the local minimum problem entailed in neural networks, the initial weights are searched for offline by means of a differential evolution algorithm. The states of a mechanical system for controllers are estimated using the Kalman filter. The theoretical results obtained from the control design are validated with the lumped mass model for a mechanism. Generalization of the mechanism allows the methods derived here to be widely implemented in machine automation. The control algorithms are first designed in a specially introduced nonlinear simulation model and then implemented in the physical linear motor using a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) application. The measurements prove that both controllers are capable of suppressing vibration, but that the backstepping method is superior to others due to its accuracy of response and stability properties.


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The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a rare X-linked primary immunodeficiency characterized by recurrent infections, thrombocytopenia, eczema, and high incidence of malignancy and autoimmunity. The cellular mechanisms underlying autoimmune complications in WAS have been extensively studied; however, they remain incompletely defined. We investigated the characteristics of IL-10-producing CD19+CD1dhighCD5+ B cells (CD1dhighCD5+ Breg) obtained from Was gene knockout (WKO) mice and found that their numbers were significantly lower in these mice compared to wild type (WT) controls. Moreover, we found a significant age-dependent reduction of the percentage of IL-10-expressing cells in WKO CD1dhighCD5+ Breg cells as compared to age-matched WT control mice. CD1dhighCD5+ Breg cells from older WKO mice did not suppress the in vitro production of inflammatory cytokines from activated CD4+ T cells. Interestingly, CD1dhighCD5+ Breg cells from older WKO mice displayed a basal activated phenotype which may prevent normal cellular responses, among which is the expression of IL-10. These defects may contribute to the susceptibility to autoimmunity with age in patients with WAS.


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Ample evidence indicates that inhibitory control (IC), a key executive component referring to the ability to suppress cognitive or motor processes, relies on a right-lateralized fronto-basal brain network. However, whether and how IC can be improved with training and the underlying neuroplastic mechanisms remains largely unresolved. We used functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging to measure the effects of 2 weeks of training with a Go/NoGo task specifically designed to improve frontal top-down IC mechanisms. The training-induced behavioral improvements were accompanied by a decrease in neural activity to inhibition trials within the right pars opercularis and triangularis, and in the left pars orbitalis of the inferior frontal gyri. Analyses of changes in brain anatomy induced by the IC training revealed increases in grey matter volume in the right pars orbitalis and modulations of white matter microstructure in the right pars triangularis. The task-specificity of the effects of training was confirmed by an absence of change in neural activity to a control working memory task. Our combined anatomical and functional findings indicate that differential patterns of functional and structural plasticity between and within inferior frontal gyri enhanced the speed of top-down inhibition processes and in turn IC proficiency. The results suggest that training-based interventions might help overcoming the anatomic and functional deficits of inferior frontal gyri manifesting in inhibition-related clinical conditions. More generally, we demonstrate how multimodal neuroimaging investigations of training-induced neuroplasticity enable revealing novel anatomo-functional dissociations within frontal executive brain networks. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2527-2543, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Radanohjaimia käytetään radan poikkisuuntaiseen paikoitukseen sekä oskillointiin ja ne ovat osa paperinvalmistuslinjojen radanhallintajärjestelmiä. Oikein suunnitellulla ja sijoitetulla radanohjaimella voidaan estää haitallisten ratasiirtymien esiintyminen, pienentää hylkymateriaalin määrää sekä parantaa rullauksen laatua. Ohjausperiaatteet sekä niihin liittyvä laitetekniikka on tunnettu jo vuosikymmenten ajan, joskin todelliset radanohjaustarpeet ja -laitteet ovat tähän asti rajoittuneet paino-, tekstiili- ja metalliteollisuudessa käytössä oleville kapeille radoille. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää 5… 12 metriä leveälle, modernissa päällystyskoneessa kulkevalle paperiradalle soveltuvat ohjausperiaatteet sekä muodostaa radan todennäköisimpiin vauriomuotoihin perustuvat suunnittelukriteerit kahdelle erityyppiselle ohjainkonstruktiolle. Yksitelainen, taivuttava radanohjain soveltuu kohteisiin, joissa ohjainta edeltää suhteellisen pitkä vapaa ratavienti. Kaksitelainen, taittava radanohjain on puolestaan sijoitettavissa huomattavasti lyhyempään ratavientiin. Radanohjauksen teoria pohjautuu pitävän telan ja radan väliseen kohtisuoran tulokulman periaatteeseen, jonka perusteella mikä tahansa yhdensuuntaisuuspoikkeama kahden telan välillä johtaa radan poikkisuuntaiseen siirtymään. Tämän periaatteen pohjalta voidaan dynaamista ohjaustilannetta approksimoida staattisin menetelmin sekä muodostaa kireysmuutoksiin ja aaltoiluun perustuvat geometrian mitoitusperiaatteet ohjaimen ympäristön ratavienneille. Nopean ohjauksen toteutus edellyttää radanohjaimen liikkeen olevan nivelen ympäri tapahtuvaa yhdistettyä translaatio- ja rotaatioliikettä. Ohjainkonstruktiot suunnitellaan siten, että teorian mukaiset optimaaliset liikeradat toteutuvat vaaditulla ohjausnopeudella. Suunnittelua ohjaavat tuotteille asetetut lujuus- ja värähtelykriteerit sekä aiheeseen liittyvät koneturvallisuusstandardit. Konstruointi suoritetaan järjestelmällisen tuotesuunnitteluprosessin vaiheiden ja menetelmien mukaisesti.


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Adolescence is an important time for acquiring high peak bone mass. Physical activity is known to be beneficial to bone development. The effect of estrogen-progestin contraceptives (EPC) is still controversial. Altogether 142 (52 gymnasts, 46 runners, and 42 controls) adolescent women participated in this study, which is based on two 7-year (n =142), one 6-year (n =140) and one 4-year (n =122) follow-ups. Information on physical activity, menstrual history, sexual maturation, nutrition, living habits and health status was obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) were measured by dual- energy X-ray absoptiometry. Calcaneal sonographic measurements were also made. The physical activity of the athletes participating in this study decreased after 3-year follow-up. High-impact exercise was beneficial to bones. LS and FN BMC was higher in gymnasts than in controls during the follow-up. Reduction in physical activity had negative effects on bone mass. LS and FN BMC increased less in the group having reduced their physical activity more than 50%, compared with those continuing at the previous level (1.69 g, p=0.021; 0.14 g, p=0.015, respectively). The amount of physical activity was the only significant parameter accounting for the calcaneal sonography measurements at 6-year follow-up (11.3%) and reduced activity level was associated with lower sonographic values. Long-term low-dose EPC use seemed to prevent normal bone mass acquisition. There was a significant trend towards a smaller increase in LS and FN BMC among long-term EPC users. In conclusion, this study confirms that high-impact exercise is beneficial to bones and that the benefits are partly maintained even after a clear reduction in training level at least for 4 years. Continued exercise is needed to retain all acquired benefits. The bone mass gained and maintained can possibly be maximized in adolescence by implementing high-impact exercise for youngsters. The peak bone mass of the young women participating in the study may be reached before the age of 20. Use of low-dose EPCs seems to suppress normal bone mass acquisition.


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In this thesis the factors affecting lime mud filterability were studied. In the literature part there is information about recausticizing process, lime mud properties and filterability, and general filtration theory. In the experimental part the properties of lime mud particles and the properties of lime mud filter cake were investigated and the behavior of lime mud precoat was studied. The experiments were also carried out with R-PCC (rhombohedral precipitated calcium carbonate). The filtration and precoat studies were performed with a laboratory scale pressure filter. The pressure differences used were between 0.25-1.50 bars. Six different lime mud samples with varying amount of impurities and two R-PCC samples were used in the experiments. The average specific cake resistance of different lime mud samples varied quite extensively. The most influential factor affecting the lime mud filterability and dry solids content was found to be silica content. As the lime mud contained silica, the average specific cake resistance was high and the lime mud dryness was low. If the lime mud samples containing silica were not taken into account, the smaller the mean particle size, the higher the average specific cake resistance of the lime mud. The R-PCC had also a high average specific cake resistance, which was because of small particle size. In addition, the pressure difference affected the average specific cake resistance of some lime mud samples. In those cases lime mud was compressible material. During the precoat experiments the lime mud samples having the largest mean particle sizes, compressed. However, the average specific cake resistances of the filtration and precoat part were approximately the same magnitude. A brief displacement by air did not affect the behavior of the precoat. Instead, vibration and a brief but relatively great change in pressure difference had a slight influence.


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Dixon techniques are part of the methods used to suppress the signal of fat in MRI. They present many advantages compared with other fat suppression techniques including (1) the robustness of fat signal suppression, (2) the possibility to combine these techniques with all types of sequences (gradient echo, spin echo) and different weightings (T1-, T2-, proton density-, intermediate-weighted sequences), and (3) the availability of images both with and without fat suppression from one single acquisition. These advantages have opened many applications in musculoskeletal imaging. We first review the technical aspects of Dixon techniques including their advantages and disadvantages. We then illustrate their applications for the imaging of different body parts, as well as for tumors, neuromuscular disorders, and the imaging of metallic hardware.


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NOD-like receptors (NLR) are a family of cytosolic pattern recognition receptors that include many key drivers of innate immune responses. NLRP12 is an emerging member of the NLR family that is closely related to the well-known inflammasome scaffold, NLRP3. Since its discovery, various functions have been proposed for NLRP12, including the positive regulation of dendritic cell (DC) and neutrophil migration and the inhibition of NF-κB and ERK signalling in DC and macrophages. We show here that NLRP12 is poorly expressed in murine macrophages and DC, but is strongly expressed in neutrophils. Using myeloid cells from WT and Nlrp12(-/)(-) mice, we show that, contrary to previous reports, NLRP12 does not suppress LPS- or infection-induced NF-κB or ERK activation in myeloid cells, and is not required for DC migration in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that Nlrp12 deficiency caused increased rather than decreased neutrophil migration towards the chemokine CXCL1 and the neutrophil parasite Leishmania major, revealing NLRP12 as a negative regulator of directed neutrophil migration under these conditions.


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All plants are typically confronted to simultaneous biotic and abiotic stress throughout their life cycle. Low inorganic phosphate (Pi) is the most common nutrient deficiency limiting plant growth in natural and agricultural ecosystems while insect herbivory accounts for major losses in plant productivity and impacts on ecological and evolutionary changes in plant populations. Here we report that plants experiencing Pi deficiency induce the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and enhance their defence against insect herbivory. The phol mutant is impaired in the translocation of Pi from roots to shoots and shows the typical symptoms associated with Pi deficiency, including high anthocyanin and poor shoot growth. These phol shoot phenotypes were significantly attenuated by blocking the JA biosynthesis or signalling pathways. Wounded phol leaves hyper-accumulated JA in comparison to wild type, leading to increased resistance against the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis. Pi deficiency also triggered enhanced resistance to herbivory in wild-type Arabidopsis as well as tomato and tobacco, revealing that the link between Pi deficiency and JA-mediated herbivory resistance is conserved in a diversity of plants, including crops. We performed a phol suppressor screen to identify new components involved in the adaptation of plants to Pi deficiency. We report that the THO RNA TRANSCRIPTION AND EXPORT (THO/TREX) complex is a crucial component involved in modulating the Pi- deficiency response. Knockout mutants of at least three members of the THO/TREX complex, including TEX1, HPR1, and TH06, can suppress the phol shoot phenotype. Grafting experiments showed that loss of function of TEX1 only in the root was sufficient to suppress the reduced shoot growth phenotype of phol while maintaining low Pi contents. This indicates that TEX1 is involved in a long distance root-to-shoot signalling component of the Pi-deficiency response. We identified a small MYB-like transcription factor, RAD LIKE 3 (RL3), as a potential downstream target of the THO/TREX complex. RL3 expression is induced in phol mutants but attenuated in phol-7 texl-4 double mutants. Identical to knockout mutants of the THO/TREX complex, rl3 mutants can suppress the phol shoot phenotypes. Interestingly, RL3 is induced during Pi deficiency and is described in the literature as likely being mobile. It is therefore a promising new candidate involved in the root-to-shoot Pi-deficiency signalling response. Finally, we report that PHOl and its homologue PH01:H3 are involved in the co-regulation of Pi and zinc (Zn) homeostasis. PH01;H3 is up-regulated in response to Zn deficiency and, like PHOl, is expressed in the root vascular cylinder and localizes to the Golgi when expressed transiently in tobacco cells. The phol;h3 mutant accumulates more Pi as compared to wild-type when grown in Zn-deficient medium, but this increase is abolished in the phol phol;h3 double mutant. These results suggest that PH01;H3 restricts the PHOl-mediated root-to-shoot Pi transfer in responsé to Zn deficiency. Résumé Au cours de leur cycle de vie, toutes les plantes sont généralement confrontées à divers stress biotiques et abiotiques. La carence nutritionnelle la plus fréquente, limitant la croissance des plantes dans les écosystèmes naturels et agricoles, est la faible teneur en phosphate inorganique (Pi). Au niveau des stress biotiques, les insectes herbivores sont responsables de pertes majeures de rendement et ont un impact considérable sur les changements écologiques et évolutifs dans les populations des plantes. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence que les plantes en situation de carence en Pi induisent la voie de l'acide jasmonique (JA) et augmentent leur défense contre les insectes herbivores. Le mutant phol est déficient dans le transport du phosphate des racines aux feuilles et démontre les symptômes typiques associés à la carence, tels que la forte concentration en anthocyane et une faible croissance foliaire. Ces phénotypes du mutant phol sont significativement atténués lors d'un blocage de la voie de la biosynthèse ou des voies de signalisation du JA. La blessure des feuilles induit une hyper-accumulation de JA chez phol, résultant en une augmentation de la résistance contre l'herbivore généraliste Spodoptera littoralis. Outre Arabidopsis, la carence en Pi induit une résistance accrue aux insectes herbivores aussi chez la tomate et le tabac. Cette découverte révèle que le lien entre la carence en Pi et la résistance aux insectes herbivores via le JA est conservé dans différentes espèces végétales, y compris les plantes de grandes cultures. Nous avons effectué un crible du suppresseur de phol afin d'identifier de nouveaux acteurs impliqués dans l'adaptation de la plante à la carence en Pi. Nous rapportons que le complexe nommé THO RNA TRANSCRIPTION AND EXPORT (THO/TREX) est un élément crucial participant à la réponse des feuilles à la carence en Pi. Les mutations d'au moins trois des membres que composent le complexe THO/TREX, incluant TEX1, HPR1 et 77/06, peuvent supprimer le phénotype de phol. Des expériences de greffes ont montré que la perte de fonction de TEX1, seulement dans la racine, est suffisante pour supprimer le phénotype de la croissance réduite des parties aériennes observé chez le mutant phol, tout en maintenant de faibles teneurs en Pi foliaire. Ceci indique que TEX1 est impliqué dans la signalisation longue distance entre les racines et les parties aériennes. Nous avons identifié un petit facteur de transcription proche de la famille des MYB, RAD LIKE 3 (RL3), comme une cible potentielle en aval du complexe THO / TREX. L'expression du gène RL3 est induite dans le mutant phol mais atténuée dans le double mutant phol-7 texl-4. Exactement comme les plantes mutées d'un des membres du complexe THO/TREX, le mutant rl3 peut supprimer le phénotype foliaire de phol. RL3 est induit au cours d'une carence en Pi et est décrit dans la littérature comme étant potentiellement mobile. Par conséquent, il serait un nouveau candidat potentiellement impliqué dans la réponse longue distance entre les racines et les parties aériennes lors d'un déficit en Pi. Enfin, nous reportons que PHOl et son homologue PHOl: H3 sont impliqués dans la co- régulation de l'homéostasie du Pi et du zinc (Zn). PHOl; H3 est sur-exprimé en réponse au déficit en Zn et, comme PHOl, est exprimé dans les tissus vasculaires des racines et se localise dans l'appareil de Golgi lorsqu'il est exprimé de manière transitoire dans des cellules de tabac. Le mutant phol; h3 accumule plus de Pi par rapport aux plantes sauvages lorsqu'il est cultivé sur un milieu déficient en Zn, mais cette augmentation en Pi est abolie dans le double mutant phol phol; h3. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'en réponse à une carence en Zn, PHOl; H3 limite l'action de PHOl et diminue le transfert du Pi des racines aux parties aériennes.


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BACKGROUND: Tinnitus is an often disabling condition for which there is no effective therapy. Current research suggests that tinnitus may develop due to maladaptive plastic changes and altered activity in the auditory and prefrontal cortex. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) modulates brain activity and has been shown to transiently suppress tinnitus in trials. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy and safety of tDCS in the treatment of chronic subjective tinnitus. METHODS: In a randomized, parallel, double-blind, sham-controlled study, the efficacy and safety of cathodal tDCS to the auditory cortex with anode over the prefrontal cortex was investigated in five sessions over five consecutive days. Tinnitus was assessed after the last session on day 5, and at follow-up visits 1 and 3 months post stimulation using the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI, primary outcome measure), Subjective Tinnitus Severity Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, Visual Analogue Scale, and Clinical Global Impression scale. RESULTS: 42 patients were investigated, 21 received tDCS and 21 sham stimulation. There were no beneficial effects of tDCS on tinnitus as assessed by primary and secondary outcome measures. Effect size assessed with Cohen's d amounted to 0.08 (95% CI: -0.52 to 0.69) at 1 month and 0.18 (95% CI: -0.43 to 0.78) at 3 months for the THI. CONCLUSION: tDCS of the auditory and prefrontal cortices is safe, but does not improve tinnitus. Different tDCS protocols might be beneficial.