845 resultados para Story, Thomas, 1662-1742.
A lo largo del siglo XIX, el pensamiento de Thomas Jefferson fue un punto de encuentro entre Hispanoamérica y los Estados Unidos. Esas aproximaciones estuvieron cruzadas al mismo tiempo por un sentido de admiración y por una serie de temores. Este ensayo reúne y analiza algunos de los fragmentos en que la imagen de Jefferson, su pensamiento y sus escritos evidencian esa relación ambigua en escritores decimonónicos clave como Andrés Bello, Domingo Sarmiento y Esteban Echeverría. Por otra parte, el ensayo reúne fragmentos de las cartas escritas por Jefferson a Alexander von Humboldt, en las que manifiesta su escaso interés por las independencias hispanoamericanas y su desconocimiento sobre los procesos ilustrados que allí se habían desarrollado.
Globalization has been accompanied by the rapid spread of infectious diseases, and further strain on working conditions for health workers globally. Post-SARS, Canadian occupational health and infection control researchers got together to study how to better protect health workers, and found that training was indeed perceived as key to a positive safety culture. This led to developing information and communication technology (ICT) tools. The research conducted also showed the need for better workplace inspections, so a workplace audit tool was also developed to supplement worker questionnaires and the ICT. When invited to join Ecuadorean colleagues to promote occupational health and infection control, these tools were collectively adapted and improved, including face-to-face as well as on-line problem-based learning scenarios. The South African government then invited the team to work with local colleagues to improve occupational health and infection control, resulting in an improved web-based health information system to track incidents, exposures, and occupational injury and diseases. As the H1N1 pandemic struck, the online infection control course was adapted and translated into Spanish, as was a novel skill-building learning tool that permits health workers to practice selecting personal protective equipment. This tool was originally developed in collaboration with the countries from the Caribbean region and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Research from these experiences led to strengthened focus on building capacity of health and safety committees, and new modules are thus being created, informed by that work. The products developed have been widely heralded as innovative and interactive, leading to their inclusion into “toolkits” used internationally. The tools used in Canada were substantially improved from the collaborative adaptation process for South and Central America and South Africa. This international collaboration between occupational health and infection control researchers led to the improvement of the research framework and development of tools, guidelines and information systems. Furthermore, the research and knowledge-transfer experience highlighted the value of partnership amongst Northern and Southern researchers in terms of sharing resources, experiences and knowledge.
En el mundo cada cinco minutos se produce un suicidio en adolescentes por problemas inherentes a su sexualidad. Frente a este escenario la genealogía de los discursos médico, jurídico y literario se entreteje apretando los hilos, convirtiéndose en cábala del suicidio; un reflejo difuso de una realidad menos ficcional y más dolorosa. A pesar de las cifras alarmantes, no se ha trabajado el tema; menos aún con la perspectiva de encontrar relación entre los discursos históricos que en su búsqueda de poder y control han dibujado sobre los cuerpos, representaciones de una disciplina heterosexual. Es indispensable una perspectiva cualitativa, reflexiones que aporten a una práctica ética diferente, que incluya los nuevos cuerpos filosóficos, legales, concibiendo al adolescente como sujeto, con la agencia que deben tener sus cuerpos. En contraste en la literatura (¿mundo ficticio?) se describe y resignifica de manera exhaustiva esta realidad, rescatando la capacidad creativa y re-creativa del lenguaje. Esto por un lado permite analizar los contextos y coyunturas sociales, culturales; y, por otro interpretar los imaginarios sociales y las metáforas que refuerzan este contexto. Como mencionara Stuart Hall, a través de la representación conectamos el lenguaje al sentido y la cultura. Y esto nos licencia a referirnos al mundo real pero también a un mundo ficticio. Esta exploración pretende aportar a esta problemática mediante la descripción de esa compleja interseccionalidad y la identificación de posibles intersticios en el lenguaje que pudieran dar sentido y descodificar ciertas incertidumbres, contribuir a cambios micro sociales y, quizás, conducir a lo que pudiera ser el comienzo de un diálogo más amplio que empuje posicionamientos y cambios estructurales, frente a discursos vetustos que siempre encuentran mecanismos para reinventarse. ¿Cómo se representan y entretejen los discursos de homoerotismo1 adolescente y suicidio representados en las novelas Conquering Venus de Collin Kelley, Suicide Notes de Michael Thomas Ford? Lo podremos averiguar examinando las matrices discursivas del homoerotismo y su castigo, la homosexualidad; analizando el suicidio como un acto humano complejo, incomprensible, un tabú en nuestra sociedad, e identificando en las novelas escogidas, las intersecciones entre homoerotismo y tendencias suicidas en el cuerpo adolescente.
This paper constitutes an attempt to find a means to represent multiple stories in the strong narrative of conventional sustainable development (SD) projects. The authors' experience of such projects in various parts of the world indicates that they have a tendency to arise from and reflect a dominant mindset, placing the SD project in what can be a working environment that is inimical to the very ideals that SD is supposed to represent. Short-termism and value for money drive project formats and objectives, whilst counter-narratives and alternative stories arising from stakeholders in such projects are often ignored. Yet these alternative threads often contain strong SD messages of their own and could, if effectively utilized, enhance the SD project process. This paper sets out the case for a new field - 'project ethnography' - allied with the growing use of meta-analysis to compare project 'stories'. The analytical model applied to compare projects is based on the Kolb learning cycle and involves a (3 X 4)-fold questioning of project conceptual ization and roll-out. Copyright @ 2oo6 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.