966 resultados para Stochastic processes -- Mathematical models


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Organic aerosol (OA) in the atmosphere consists of a multitude of organic species which are either directly emitted or the products of a variety of chemical reactions. This complexity challenges our ability to explicitly characterize the chemical composition of these particles. We find that the bulk composition of OA from a variety of environments (laboratory and field) occupies a narrow range in the space of a Van Krevelen diagram (H: C versus O:C), characterized by a slope of similar to-1. The data show that atmospheric aging, involving processes such as volatilization, oxidation, mixing of air masses or condensation of further products, is consistent with movement along this line, producing a more oxidized aerosol. This finding has implications for our understanding of the evolution of atmospheric OA and representation of these processes in models. Citation: Heald, C. L., J. H. Kroll, J. L. Jimenez, K. S. Docherty, P. F. DeCarlo, A. C. Aiken, Q. Chen, S. T. Martin, D. K. Farmer, and P. Artaxo (2010), A simplified description of the evolution of organic aerosol composition in the atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08803, doi: 10.1029/2010GL042737.


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A statistical data analysis methodology was developed to evaluate the field emission properties of many samples of copper oxide nanostructured field emitters. This analysis was largely done in terms of Seppen-Katamuki (SK) charts, field strength and emission current. Some physical and mathematical models were derived to describe the effect of small electric field perturbations in the Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) equation, and then to explain the trend of the data represented in the SK charts. The field enhancement factor and the emission area parameters showed to be very sensitive to variations in the electric field for most of the samples. We have found that the anode-cathode distance is critical in the field emission characterization of samples having a non-rigid nanostructure. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We revisit the problem of an otherwise classical particle immersed in the zero-point radiation field, with the purpose of tracing the origin of the nonlocality characteristic of Schrodinger`s equation. The Fokker-Planck-type equation in the particles phase-space leads to an infinite hierarchy of equations in configuration space. In the radiationless limit the first two equations decouple from the rest. The first is the continuity equation: the second one, for the particle flux, contains a nonlocal term due to the momentum fluctuations impressed by the field. These equations are shown to lead to Schrodinger`s equation. Nonlocality (obtained here for the one-particle system) appears thus as a property of the description, not of Nature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the reconstruction of visual stimuli from spike trains, representing the reconstructed stimulus by a Volterra series up to second order. We illustrate this procedure in a prominent example of spiking neurons, recording simultaneously from the two H1 neurons located in the lobula plate of the fly Chrysomya megacephala. The fly views two types of stimuli, corresponding to rotational and translational displacements. Second-order reconstructions require the manipulation of potentially very large matrices, which obstructs the use of this approach when there are many neurons. We avoid the computation and inversion of these matrices using a convenient set of basis functions to expand our variables in. This requires approximating the spike train four-point functions by combinations of two-point functions similar to relations, which would be true for gaussian stochastic processes. In our test case, this approximation does not reduce the quality of the reconstruction. The overall contribution to stimulus reconstruction of the second-order kernels, measured by the mean squared error, is only about 5% of the first-order contribution. Yet at specific stimulus-dependent instants, the addition of second-order kernels represents up to 100% improvement, but only for rotational stimuli. We present a perturbative scheme to facilitate the application of our method to weakly correlated neurons.


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We study random walks systems on Z whose general description follows. At time zero, there is a number N >= 1 of particles at each vertex of N, all being inactive, except for those placed at the vertex one. Each active particle performs a simple random walk on Z and, up to the time it dies, it activates all inactive particles that it meets along its way. An active particle dies at the instant it reaches a certain fixed total of jumps (L >= 1) without activating any particle, so that its lifetime depends strongly on the past of the process. We investigate how the probability of survival of the process depends on L and on the jumping probabilities of the active particles.


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Migration, Unemployment and Trade focuses on the issues of migration, welfare and unemployment in a trade and development framework. Several chapters of the book analyze the implications of internal labor mobility in a model designed to highlight its implications for regional welfare, urban unemployment, rural-urban dichotomy and structural adjustment. An important innovation in this work is the disaggregation of the economy and the use of separate utility functions to highlight non-homogeneity of preferences. The book also deals with international mobility of factors in different frameworks. In particular it concentrates on the highly emotive issue of legal and illegal migration. Thus this work incorporates interesting and important features of labor economics and factor mobility into trade and distortion theory.


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This paper will draw on Richard Dawkin's idea of the 'meme' to discuss how the creative arts exegesis can operate as valorisation and validation of creative arts research. According to Dawkins, the rate and fecundity of replication permits an artefact to achieve recognition and stability as a meme within a culture. The value and application of traditional forms of research is underpinned by a secondary order of production, publication, that establishes visibility of the work and articulates its empirical processes and findings as sources of social benefit and cultural enhancement.

In the arts, conventional modes of valorisation such as the gallery system, reviews and criticism focus on the artistic product and hence, lack sustained engagement with the creative processes as models of research. Such engagement is necessary to articulate and validate studio practices as modes of enquiry.

A crucial question to initiate this engagement is: 'What did the studio process reveal that could not have been revealed by any other mode of enquiry?'

Re-versioning of the studio process and its significant moments through the exegesis locates the work within the broader field of practice and theory. It is also part of the replication process that establishes the creative arts as a stable research discipline, able to withstand peer and wider assessment. The exegesis is a primary means of realising creative arts research as 'meme'.


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Fabric energy storage (FES) systems have gained in popularity in the recent years in response to the demand for energy efficient buildings. The dynamic heat transfer mechanisms of an FES require specialised techniques to predict its thermal performance. This requirement has been one of the barriers to the wider use of FES systems. Based on the research literature, this paper presents a critical review of the published mathematical models of FES systems. The paper discusses the usefulness of these models based on the following criteria: the inputs required; the accuracy of predictions; the ability to link with commercially available simulation software: and the degree of difficulty in using the models. The review found that the currently available mathematical models are either not able to predict the thermal behaviour of a building space with an FES system reliably or the models are too complicated and/or require too much specialised knowledge to make them useful.


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A new design method for a distributed power system stabiliser for interconnected power systems is introduced in this paper. The stabiliser is of a low order, dynamic and robust. To generate the required local control signals, each local stabiliser requires information about either the rotor speed or the load angle of the other subsystems. A simple MATLAB based design algorithm is given and used on a three-machine unstable power system. The resulting stabiliser is simulated and sample results are presented.


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This paper will draw on Richard Dawkin's idea of the 'meme' to discuss how the creative arts exegesis can operate as valorisation and validation of creative arts research. According to Dawkins, the rate and fecundity of replication permits an artefact to achieve recognition and stability as a meme within a culture. The value and application of traditional forms of research is underpinned by a secondary order of production, publication, that establishes visibility of the work and articulates its empirical processes and findings as sources of social benefit and cultural enhancement.

In the arts, conventional modes of valorisation such as the gallery system, reviews and criticism focus on the artistic product and hence, lack sustained engagement with the creative processes as models of research. Such engagement is necessary to articulate and validate studio practices as modes of enquiry.

A crucial question to initiate this engagement is: 'What did the studio process reveal that could not have been revealed by any other mode of enquiry?'

Re-versioning of the studio process and its significant moments through the exegesis locates the work within the broader field of practice and theory. It is also part of the replication process that establishes the creative arts as a stable research discipline, able to withstand peer and wider assessment. The exegesis is a primary means of realising creative arts research as 'meme'.


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