994 resultados para Static simulation


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Bei der Auslegung von Trocknungsprozessen empfindlicher biologischer Güter spielt die Produktqualität eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Obwohl der Einfluss der Trocknungsparameter auf die Trocknungskinetik von Äpfeln bereits Gegenstand vieler Studien war, sind die Auswirkungen auf die Produktqualität bisher kaum bekannt. Die Untersuchung dieses Sachverhalts und die Entwicklung geeigneter Prozessstrategien zur Verbesserung der Qualität des resultierenden Produkts, waren das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. In einem ersten Schritt wurden zunächst umfangreiche stationäre Grundlagenversuche durchgeführt, die zeigten, dass eine Lufttemperatur im höheren Bereich, eine möglichst hohe Luftgeschwindigkeit und eine niedrige Taupunkttemperatur zur geringsten Trocknungszeit bei gleichzeitig guter optischer Qualität führt. Die Beurteilung dieser Qualitätsveränderungen erfolgte mit Hilfe einer neu eingeführten Bezugsgröße, der kumulierten thermischen Belastung, die durch das zeitliche Integral über der Oberflächentemperatur repräsentiert wird und die Vergleichbarkeit der Versuchsergebnisse entscheidend verbessert. Im zweiten Schritt wurden die Ergebnisse der Einzelschichtversuche zur Aufstellung eines numerischen Simulationsmodells verwendet, welches sowohl die entsprechenden Transportvorgänge, als auch die Formveränderung des Trocknungsgutes berücksichtigt. Das Simulationsmodell sowie die experimentellen Daten waren die Grundlage zur anschließenden Entwicklung von Prozessstrategien für die konvektive Trocknung von Äpfeln, die die resultierende Produktqualität, repräsentiert durch die Produktfarbe und –form, verbessern und gleichzeitig möglichst energieeffizient sein sollten. In einem weiteren Schritt wurde die Übertragbarkeit auf den industriellen Maßstab untersucht, wobei die entsprechenden Prozessstrategien an einer neu entwickelten, kostengünstigen Trocknungsanlage erfolgreich implementiert werden konnten. Das Ziel einer verbesserten Produktqualität konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher instationärer Trocknungsschemata sowohl am Einzelschichttrockner, als auch im größeren Maßstab erreicht werden. Das vorgestellte numerische Simulationsmodell zeigte auch bei der Vorhersage des instationären Trocknungsprozesses eine hohe Genauigkeit und war außerdem in der Lage, den Trocknungsverlauf im industriellen Maßstab zuverlässig voraus zu berechnen.


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The next generations of both biological engineering and computer engineering demand that control be exerted at the molecular level. Creating, characterizing and controlling synthetic biological systems may provide us with the ability to build cells that are capable of a plethora of activities, from computation to synthesizing nanostructures. To develop these systems, we must have a set of tools not only for synthesizing systems, but also designing and simulating them. The BioJADE project provides a comprehensive, extensible design and simulation platform for synthetic biology. BioJADE is a graphical design tool built in Java, utilizing a database back end, and supports a range of simulations using an XML communication protocol. BioJADE currently supports a library of over 100 parts with which it can compile designs into actual DNA, and then generate synthesis instructions to build the physical parts. The BioJADE project contributes several tools to Synthetic Biology. BioJADE in itself is a powerful tool for synthetic biology designers. Additionally, we developed and now make use of a centralized BioBricks repository, which enables the sharing of BioBrick components between researchers, and vastly reduces the barriers to entry for aspiring Synthetic Biologists.


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This paper describes a general, trainable architecture for object detection that has previously been applied to face and peoplesdetection with a new application to car detection in static images. Our technique is a learning based approach that uses a set of labeled training data from which an implicit model of an object class -- here, cars -- is learned. Instead of pixel representations that may be noisy and therefore not provide a compact representation for learning, our training images are transformed from pixel space to that of Haar wavelets that respond to local, oriented, multiscale intensity differences. These feature vectors are then used to train a support vector machine classifier. The detection of cars in images is an important step in applications such as traffic monitoring, driver assistance systems, and surveillance, among others. We show several examples of car detection on out-of-sample images and show an ROC curve that highlights the performance of our system.


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The Kineticist's Workbench is a program that simulates chemical reaction mechanisms by predicting, generating, and interpreting numerical data. Prior to simulation, it analyzes a given mechanism to predict that mechanism's behavior; it then simulates the mechanism numerically; and afterward, it interprets and summarizes the data it has generated. In performing these tasks, the Workbench uses a variety of techniques: graph- theoretic algorithms (for analyzing mechanisms), traditional numerical simulation methods, and algorithms that examine simulation results and reinterpret them in qualitative terms. The Workbench thus serves as a prototype for a new class of scientific computational tools---tools that provide symbiotic collaborations between qualitative and quantitative methods.


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Modeling and simulation permeate all areas of business, science and engineering. With the increase in the scale and complexity of simulations, large amounts of computational resources are required, and collaborative model development is needed, as multiple parties could be involved in the development process. The Grid provides a platform for coordinated resource sharing and application development and execution. In this paper, we survey existing technologies in modeling and simulation, and we focus on interoperability and composability of simulation components for both simulation development and execution. We also present our recent work on an HLA-based simulation framework on the Grid, and discuss the issues to achieve composability.


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Electroosmotic flow is a convenient mechanism for transporting polar fluid in a microfluidic device. The flow is generated through the application of an external electric field that acts on the free charges that exists in a thin Debye layer at the channel walls. The charge on the wall is due to the chemistry of the solid-fluid interface, and it can vary along the channel, e.g. due to modification of the wall. This investigation focuses on the simulation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) profile in a cylindrical microchannel with step change in zeta potential. The modified Navier-Stoke equation governing the velocity field and a non-linear two-dimensional Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the electrical double-layer (EDL) field distribution are solved numerically using finite control-volume method. Continuities of flow rate and electric current are enforced resulting in a non-uniform electrical field and pressure gradient distribution along the channel. The resulting parabolic velocity distribution at the junction of the step change in zeta potential, which is more typical of a pressure-driven velocity flow profile, is obtained.


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This article studies the static pricing problem of a network service provider who has a fixed capacity and faces different types of customers (classes). Each type of customers can have its own capacity constraint but it is assumed that all classes have the same resource requirement. The provider must decide a static price for each class. The customer types are characterized by their arrival process, with a price-dependant arrival rate, and the random time they remain in the system. Many real-life situations could fit in this framework, for example an Internet provider or a call center, but originally this problem was thought for a company that sells phone-cards and needs to set the price-per-minute for each destination. Our goal is to characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the provider's revenue. We note that the model here presented, with some slight modifications and additional assumptions can be used in those cases when the objective is to maximize social welfare.


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This paper presents a model and analysis of a synchronous tandem flow line that produces different part types on unreliable machines. The machines operate according to a static priority rule, operating on the highest priority part whenever possible, and operating on lower priority parts only when unable to produce those with higher priorities. We develop a new decomposition method to analyze the behavior of the manufacturing system by decomposing the long production line into small analytically tractable components. As a first step in modeling a production line with more than one part type, we restrict ourselves to the case where there are two part types. Detailed modeling and derivations are presented with a small two-part-type production line that consists of two processing machines and two demand machines. Then, a generalized longer flow line is analyzed. Furthermore, estimates for performance measures, such as average buffer levels and production rates, are presented and compared to extensive discrete event simulation. The quantitative behavior of the two-part type processing line under different demand scenarios is also provided.


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In dam inspection tasks, an underwater robot has to grab images while surveying the wall meanwhile maintaining a certain distance and relative orientation. This paper proposes the use of an MSIS (mechanically scanned imaging sonar) for relative positioning of a robot with respect to the wall. An imaging sonar gathers polar image scans from which depth images (range & bearing) are generated. Depth scans are first processed to extract a line corresponding to the wall (with the Hough transform), which is then tracked by means of an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) using a static motion model and an implicit measurement equation associating the sensed points to the candidate line. The line estimate is referenced to the robot fixed frame and represented in polar coordinates (rho&thetas) which directly corresponds to the actual distance and relative orientation of the robot with respect to the wall. The proposed system has been tested in simulation as well as in water tank conditions


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Static Types of methods Instance Static Example Calling Static methods Why Static Final


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Discusses the influence of Nyquist sampling theory on carrier communication simulations.


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Simulation of AM, QAM, complex QAM, 4QAM and 16QAM carrier communication schemes in Matlab.


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Este proyecto de investigación busca usar un sistema de cómputo basado en modelación por agentes para medir la percepción de marca de una organización en una población heterogénea. Se espera proporcionar información que permita dar soluciones a una organización acerca del comportamiento de sus consumidores y la asociada percepción de marca. El propósito de este sistema es el de modelar el proceso de percepción-razonamiento-acción para simular un proceso de razonamiento como el resultado de una acumulación de percepciones que resultan en las acciones del consumidor. Este resultado definirá la aceptación de marca o el rechazo del consumidor hacia la empresa. Se realizó un proceso de recolección información acerca de una organización específica en el campo de marketing. Después de compilar y procesar la información obtenida de la empresa, el análisis de la percepción de marca es aplicado mediante procesos de simulación. Los resultados del experimento son emitidos a la organización mediante un informe basado en conclusiones y recomendaciones a nivel de marketing para mejorar la percepción de marca por parte de los consumidores.