981 resultados para Speratus, Paulus, 1484-1551.
Refractive and profilometric measurements of lenses were performed through holography with a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal as the recording medium. Two properly aligned diode lasers emitting in the red region were employed as light sources. Both lasers were tuned in order to provide millimetric and sub-millimetric synthetic wavelengths. The surfaces of the test lens were covered by a 25-μm opaque plastic tape in order to allow the lens profilometry upon illuminating them with a collimated beam. The resulting holographic images appear covered by interference fringes corresponding to the wavefront geometry of the wave scattered by the lens. For refractive index measurement a diffusely scattering flat surface was positioned behind the uncovered lens which was also illuminated by a plane wave. The resulting contour interferogram describes the form of the wavefront after the beam traveled back and forth through the lens. The fringe quantitative evaluation was carried out through the four-stepping technique and the resulting phase map and the Branch-cut method was employed for phase unwrapping. The only non-optical procedure for lens characterization was the thickness measurement, made by a dial caliper. Exact ray tracing calculation was performed in order to establish a relation between the output wavefront geometry and the lens parameters like radii of curvature, thickness and refractive index. By quantitatively comparing the theoretical wavefront geometry with the experimental results relative uncertainties bellow 3% for refractive index and 1 % for focal length were obtained. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
A novel optical setup for imaging through reflection holography with Bi12TiO20 (BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. Aiming a compact, robust and simple optical setup the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was chosen, using a He-Ne red laser as light source. In this setup the holographic medium is placed between the light source and the object. The beam impinging the crystal front face is the reference one, while the light scattered by the surface is the object beam in a holographic recording by diffusion. In order to allow the readout of the diffracted wave only and to keep the setup simplicity a polarizing beam splitter cube (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input. The reference beam is s-polarized (polarization direction perpendicular to the table top) and the crystal. 〈001〉-axis is rotated by an angle γ with respect to the input polarization in order to make the transmitted object beam and the diffracted beam to have orthogonal polarizations. While the transmitted wave is reflected by the PBS at a right angle, the diffracted wave carrying the holographic reconstruction of the object passes through the PBS, being collected by a positive lens in order to form the holographic image at a CCD camera. The holographic recording with the grating vector is parallel to the 〈100〉-axis. An expression for the diffracted wave intensity as a function of γ was derived, and this relation was experimentally investigated. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Back-to-Back Correlations (BBC) of particle-antiparticle pairs are predicted to appear if hot and dense hadronic matter is formed in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions. The BBC are related to in-medium mass-modification and squeezing of the quanta involved. Although the suppression of finite emission times were already known, the effects of finite system sizes and of collective phenomena had not been studied yet. Thus, for testing the survival and magnitude of the effect in more realistic situations, we study the BBC when mass-modification occurs in a finite sized, thermalized medium, considering a non-relativistically expanding fireball with finite emission time, and evaluating the width of the back-to-back correlation function. We show that the BBC signal indeed survives the expansion and flow effects, with sufficient magnitude to be observed at RHIC.
Water quality is very important for the health and the population welfare, and the public supply system must provide water quality and suffi cient quantity for the entire population. Water treatment stations, are the main way to obtain water quality. When this doesn’t occur, several problems can affect the population, in this case, using water with poor quality is a constant risk of emergence causing various diseases. The elimination of microorganisms in treated water reduces competition, encouraging the multiplication of chlorine resistant bacteria as Mycobacterium genus frequently isolated from treated and chlorinated water. Considering the lack of indication from examinations of mycobacteria routine laboratory for quality control of drinking water and other human uses, the objective was to verify the presence isolate and identify the environmental mycobacteria in the system water source surface of Araraquara - SP. We analyzed 40 water samples, distributed as follows: ten water gross collected at Station Water Treatment Plant (WTP), harvested after ten fi ltration; ten collected in the reservoir after chlorination and ten in the network distribution. Were recovered 43 isolates of mycobacteria. All isolates were subjected to PCR-PRA. The mycobacteria were identifi ed as M. lentifl avum, M. parafortuitum, M. genavense, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. confl uent, M. duvalii, M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis and M. szulgai. With these results, was concluded that water is an important source of environmental mycobacteria probably related to several human diseases, suggesting the carrying out continuous monitoring of the microorganisms in the system drinking water.
The management of urban areas must consider aspects related to urban drainage, especially in hot and humid environments, and such aspects must be incorporated on director plans. This is quite important in urban areas settled on natural fragile hydro-geomorphologic areas. So, the main aim of this paper was to present the urban drainage diagnostic made in Rio Claro (SP-Brazil), discussing its results and evaluating the applied techniques. Further, there were presented some proposed directions based on such analyses. From the obtained results it was possible to verify that the impacts caused by the inefficient urban drainage system incur on direct and indirect effects such as flood, erosion and water quality degradation.
Avaliação do gasto energético de repouso em pacientes com sepse associada ou não à lesão renal aguda
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cathetocephalus thatcheri gen. et sp. n. is described from the spiral valve of the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas (Valenciennes), taken in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of Florida. A new family is erected for the new genus. The species most closely resembles Pillersium owenium Southwell, 1927, in that both possess a scolex which is perpendicular to the long axis of the strobila. It differs, however, in having a single neck and holdfast organ rather than a bifurcate neck with two bothridia. Also, the surfaces of the scolex differ from those of P. owenium by possessing fleshy papilliform structures on the leading and trailing edges rather than leaflike folds. Specimens with several strobilae are figured and discussed.
French abstract: La faune des Trématodes Microphallidés d'Alaska étudiée comporte neuf espèces différentes, distribuées en quatre genres: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) et M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933). M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952. M. gratiosum Nicoll, 1907. M. megametrios Deblock et Rausch, 1968 et enfin, 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Les caractéristiques morphologiques essentielles de ces Trématodes sont décrites, sauf celles de la dernière espèce citée qui a déjà fait l'objet d'une étude antérieure. English abstract: Microphallid trematodes of nine species, representing four genera, have been studied from birds and mammals collected in Alaska: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) and M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933), M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952, M. gratiosum, Nicoll, 1907 and M. megametrios Deblock and Rausch, 1968 and 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Morphological characteristics of these trematodes are described, with the exception of Pseudospelotrema sp. to be considered elsewhere.
The complete I-V characteristics of SnO(2)-based varistors, particularly of the Pianaro system SCNCr consisting in 98.9%SnO(2)+1%CoO+0.05%Nb(2)O(5)+0.05%Cr(2)O(3), all in mol%, have been seldom reported in the literature. A comparative study at low and high currents of the nonohmic behavior of SCNCr- and ZnO-based varistors (modified Matsuoka system) is proposed in this work. The SCNCr system showed higher nonlinearity coefficients in the whole range of measured current. The electrical breakdown field (E(b)) was twice as high for the SCNCr system (5400 V/cm) than for the ZnO varistor (2600 V/cm) due to a smaller average grain size of the former (4.5 mu m) with respect to the latter (8.5 mu m). Nevertheless, we consider that another important factor responsible for the high E(b) in the SCNCr system is the great number of electrically active interfaces (85%) as determined with electrostatic force microscopy (EFM). It was also established that the SCNCr system might be produced in disks of smaller dimensions than that of commercial ZnO-based product, with a 5.0 cm(-1) minimal area-volume (A/V) ratio. The SCNCr reached the saturation current in a short time because of the high resistivity of the grains, which is five times higher than that of the grains in ZnO-based varistors.
Purpose Sorafenib is a multikinase inhibitor with antiangiogenic/antiproliferative activity. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIB trial assessed sorafenib with capecitabine for locally advanced or metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) -negative breast cancer. Patients and Methods Patients were randomly assigned to first-or second-line capecitabine 1,000 mg/m(2) orally twice a day for days 1 to 14 of every 21-day cycle with sorafenib 400 mg orally twice a day or placebo. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS). Results In total, 229 patients were enrolled. The addition of sorafenib to capecitabine resulted in a significant improvement in PFS versus placebo (median, 6.4 v 4.1 months; hazard ratio [HR], 0.58; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.81; P = .001) with sorafenib favored across subgroups, including first-line (HR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.82) and second-line (HR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.41 to 1.04) treatment. There was no significant improvement for overall survival (median, 22.2 v 20.9 months; HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.61 to 1.23; P = .42) and overall response (38% v 31%; P = .25). Toxicities (sorafenib v placebo) of any grade included rash (22% v 8%), diarrhea (58% v 30%), mucosal inflammation (33% v 21%), neutropenia (13% v 4%), hypertension (18% v 12%), and hand-foot skin reaction/hand-foot syndrome (HFSR/HFS; 90% v 66%); grade 3 to 4 toxicities were comparable between treatment arms except HFSR/HFS (44% v 14%). Reasons for discontinuation in the sorafenib and placebo arms included disease progression (63% v 82%, respectively), adverse events (20% v 9%, respectively), and death (0% v 1%, respectively). Conclusion Addition of sorafenib to capecitabine improved PFS in patients with HER2-negative advanced breast cancer. The dose of sorafenib used in this trial resulted in unacceptable toxicity for many patients. A phase III confirmatory trial has been initiated with a reduced sorafenib dose.
Almost fifty years after the discovery of the peroxyoxalate reaction by E. A. Chandross in the early nineteen sixties, this review article intends to give a general overview on mechanistic aspects of this system and to describe the principles of its analytical application. After a short general introduction on the principles of chemiluminescence and the history of peroxyoxalate discovery, mechanistic aspects of high-energy intermediate formation, its structure and its reaction with an activator in the peroxyoxalate system are discussed. Finally, analytical applications of peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence are exemplified using representative recent examples, including oxalic acid detection in biological samples.
To report a case of triple association of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), juvenile dermatomyositis and urticarial vasculitis as well as a review of the relevant literature. A 12-year-old male patient diagnosed with overlap syndrome between SLE and juvenile dermatomyositis since 2004 evolved with erythematous plaques, which were compatible with an urticarial rash. Clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings indicated a diagnosis of urticarial vasculitis. The patient previously had a C1q deficiency. Using the established treatment with methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 3 days), increasing doses of deflazacort and introduction of a dapsone, as well as mycophenolate mofetil regimen, with the suspension of azathioprine resulted in complete resolution of skin lesions. Urticarial vasculitis can present in various diseases. In SLE, presentation of urticarial vasculitis in children is rarely found. The triple association of juvenile-onset SLE, juvenile dermatomyositis and urticarial vasculitis is unusual, and this is the first case described in literature.
In sepsis, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 modulates the migration of neutrophils to infectious foci, favoring bacteremia and mortality. In experimental sepsis, organ dysfunction and cytokines released by activated macrophages can be reduced by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor (GRPR) antagonist RC-3095. Here we report a link between GRPR and TLR-4 in experimental models and in sepsis patients. RAW 264.7 culture cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and RC-3095 (10 ng/mL), Male Wistar rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and RC-3095 was administered (3 mg/kg, subcutaneously); after 6 h, we removed the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, peritoneal lavage and lung. Human patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis received a continuous infusion with RC-3095 (3 mg/kg, intravenous) over a period of 12 h, and plasma was collected before and after RC-3095 administration and, in a different set of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis. GRP plasma levels were determined. RC-3095 inhibited TLR-4, extracellular-signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and Akt and decreased activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and interleukin (IL)-6 in macrophages stimulated by LPS. It also decreased IL-6 release from macrophages stimulated by TNF-alpha. RC-3095 treatment in CLP rats decreased lung TLR-4, reduced the migration of cells to the lung and reduced systemic cytokines and bacterial dissemination. Patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have elevated plasma levels of GRP which associates with clinical outcome in the sepsis patients. These findings highlight the role of GRPR signaling in sepsis outcome and the beneficial action of GRPR antagonists in controlling the inflammatory response in sepsis through a mechanism involving at least inhibition of TLR-4 signaling. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.00083