911 resultados para Space flight to Mercury
The ion beam shepherd (IBS) is a recently proposed concept for modifying the orbit and/or attitude of a generic orbiting body in a contactless manner, which makes it a candidate technology for active space debris removal. In this paper we deal with the problem of controlling the relative position of a shepherd satellite coorbiting at small separation distance with a target debris. After deriving the orbit relative motion equations including the effect of the ion beam perturbation we study the system stability and propose different control strategies.
SMS 3D (simultaneous multiple surfaces in their three-dimensional version) is a well-known design method comprising two freeform surfaces that allow the perfect coupling of two wavefronts with another two. The design algorithm provides a collection of line pairs on both surfaces (called SMS spines), whose three-dimensional shape seems arbitrary at first sight. This paper shows that the shapes of the spines are partially governed by applying the étendue conservation theorem to the biparametric bundle of rays linking the paired spines, which is one lesser known étendue invariants found by Poincaré. The resulting formulae for the spines in three-dimensional space happen to coincide with the conventional étendue formulas of two-dimensional geometry, like for instance, the Hottel formula.
We demonstrate the existence of generalized synchronization in systems that act as mediators between two dynamical units that, in turn, show complete synchronization with each other. These are the so-called relay systems. Specifically, we analyze the Lyapunov spectrum of the full system to elucidate when complete and generalized synchronization appear. We show that once a critical coupling strength is achieved, complete synchronization emerges between the systems to be synchronized, and at the same point, generalized synchronization with the relay system also arises. Next, we use two nonlinear measures based on the distance between phase-space neighbors to quantify the generalized synchronization in discretized time series. Finally, we experimentally show the robustness of the phenomenon and of the theoretical tools here proposed to characterize it.
El Anillo Verde metropolitano, definido por el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana del Área Metropolitana de Madrid en 1963 siguiendo los modelos planteados por la cultura urbanística internacional, como armadura de la estructura urbana del AMM, espacio protagonista dentro del sistema de espacios libres, lugar de uso público destinado al recreo y contacto con la naturaleza de la población madrileña, se convierte en realidad en una reserva de suelo que va entrando en juego motivado por las alianzas entre el poder institucional y la clase social dominante actuando al margen del planeamiento, poniendo en evidencia la escasez de recursos legales y culturales disponibles para la salvaguarda de los intereses comunes y, donde los condicionantes geográficos y naturales del territorio madrileño han influido decisivamente en la especialización funcional y espacial del Área Metropolitana de Madrid. Así pues considerando esta idea como HIPÓTESIS, el objetivo de la TESIS sería demostrarla, para lo cual se hace necesario primero, acotar espacial y temporalmente el objeto de estudio, es decir, del Anillo Verde metropolitano1, segundo, contextualizar histórica y disciplinarmente los presupuestos teóricos que conformaban la idea del Anillo Verde, tercero, reconocer, localizar y documentar las piezas que han ido materializando la ocupación urbana del Anillo Verde, clasificándolas según parámetros temporales, funcionales, urbanísticos y, formales, lo que permite analizar la geografía, uso, instrumentación y forma de su transformación a escala general metropolitana y, cuarto, profundizar a modo de comprobación a escala municipal y urbana en dos escenarios representativos del conjunto metropolitano: el municipio de Pozuelo de Alarcón y el distrito de Hortaleza-Barajas. El contenido del documento se divide en tres bloques, el bloque I, se centra en las bases teóricas, el bloque II sitúa el hilo argumental de la tesis a escala metropolitana y el bloque III comprueba el fenómeno a escala municipal y urbana. De esta forma, se comienza por la comprensión del significado del concepto del Anillo Verde, que va más allá de la dimensión instrumental asignada de límite y contención urbana frente al crecimiento de la ciudad industrial de principios del siglo XX, basada en la descentralización de la ciudad tradicional, para adquirir un significado más complejo, como gran espacio de reserva y salvaguarda de valores naturales y culturales que se expresaban en su territorio y que permitirían alcanzar el equilibrio entre la ciudad y sus habitantes, es decir, entre el hombre y el espacio que habita. Se hace un recorrido por las principales corrientes urbanísticas que se van nutriendo de distintas disciplinas (economía, sociología, geografía, biología, ecología) para plantear teorías que permitieran materializar un nuevo orden urbano según principios de equidad social, económica y ambiental, en una secuencia donde Europa y Estados Unidos realizaban un constante intercambio -el movimiento de la Ciudad Jardín o el Regionalismo, que dieron paso a propuestas como el Greater London o el Gran Berlín, donde la figura del Anillo Verde tenía un papel protagonista, y del que también participaría nuestro país y la ciudad de Madrid, con modelos regionales como el Plan Besteiro y urbanos como el Plan Bidagor, antecedentes directos del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana del Área Metropolitana de Madrid de 1963 que pone en marcha la ordenación del crecimiento metropolitano de Madrid. El hilo argumental de la tesis se organiza en una doble aproximación: un acercamiento a escala metropolitana a partir del reconocimiento del modelo de ciudad definido en los distintos planes generales que acompañaron el desarrollo metropolitano (municipio de Madrid y de los siete términos municipales que rodeaban a este y que tenían suelo destinado a Anillo Verde), haciendo referencia además a las relaciones con el planeamiento regional, concretando en una escala de aproximación municipal que avanza hasta la interpretación urbana detallada. El primer acercamiento tiene lugar en el bloque II y se organiza en tres capítulos. El capítulo 4 se dedica al punto obligado de partida de la geografía local, describiendo las características biofísicas de los terrenos que formaban parte del Anillo Verde, que han marcado históricamente la forma de aprovechamiento del territorio, desde las extensiones de bosques mediterráneos al norte y al oeste continuación del Monte del Pardo, a los distintos tipos de cultivo que se adaptaban al sustrato geológico y la forma del terreno (de las suaves ondulaciones de sedimentos arcósicos al norte a las extensas plataformas arenosas y yesíferas del sur), además de las zonas de huertos aprovechando las depresiones y los cursos de agua (arroyo del Monte Carmelo, arroyo de Valdebebas, arroyo del Quinto, arroyo del Santo, arroyo Butarque, arroyo Meaques y arroyo Pozuelo). Una vez reconocida la realidad física, el capítulo 5, avanza en la descripción de los distintos modelos de ciudad propuestos desde el planeamiento urbanístico, en sus distintas escalas, la regional y la municipal, como respuesta a la coyuntura social, económica y política que ha caracterizado el proceso de ocupación del Anillo Verde al compás de la construcción del AMM. Se han reunido las propuestas de planeamiento municipal de los distintos municipios que disponían de terreno calificado como Anillo Verde: Madrid, Coslada, Getafe, Leganés, Alcorcón, Boadilla del Monte y Pozuelo de Alarcón. Además se han incorporado las distintas propuestas de ordenación territorial que han servido de referencia al planeamiento municipal, en todas sus versiones, desde las sectoriales, de mayor éxito y apoyo institucional, a los distintos intentos de ordenación integral, de mayor complejidad pero de menor calado, precisamente por la dificultad de consenso entre la ordenación física y el desarrollo económico, entre los intereses privados y el beneficio público. El primer horizonte, comienza con la formulación del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana del Área Metropolitana de Madrid de 1963, su desarrollo y la puesta en marcha de los primeros planes municipales en la década de los años setenta, donde se comprueba la necesidad de un marco regional que “ordene” el territorio de forma integral y sirva de referencia a las actuaciones sectoriales que habían marcado el primer desarrollo metropolitano. El segundo, se sitúa dos décadas más tarde con la aprobación del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid de 1985 y el conjunto de planes municipales de los términos limítrofes, que siguen su filosofía de austeridad en cuanto a crecimiento territorial. El tercero se inicia en 1997 con la siguiente generación de planes de corte neoliberal que imponen un modelo territorial basado en las grandes operaciones metropolitanas de centralidad, infraestructuras y equipamiento, que consumen de forma indiscriminada la totalidad del territorio madrileño. Será en el último capítulo del segundo bloque (capítulo 6) donde se represente gráficamente a escala metropolitana y se analicen las 229 piezas que han ido colmatando el espacio destinado a Anillo Verde, según los parámetros de estudio, en base a las cuales se plantean las primeras conclusiones generales de la tesis, poniendo de manifiesto que las alianzas entre los agentes soberanos en la construcción de la ciudad y su entorno han trasgredido sucesivamente las determinaciones del Planeamiento en su definición de modelo de ciudad y territorio, acusando la carencia de recursos instrumentales y jurídicos que alentaron el proceso de su desmantelamiento, y revelando la influencia de los condicionantes geográficos y naturales en la especialización funcional y segregación social en el conjunto del Área Metropolitana de Madrid. Se remata el discurso metropolitano con una batería de conclusiones que interpretan el fenómeno de ocupación del anillo de verdor metropolitano confirmando las hipótesis iniciales, reconociendo los valores medioambientales y culturales trasgredidos, sus diversos actores, las numerosas operaciones urbanísticas desarrolladas con distintos usos y envergadura, así como los instrumentos de planeamiento utilizados, en base a las cuales se materializa la construcción del AMM según un modelo extendido (spread), dibujando una mancha de aceite (o grase-spots según Geddes) que precisamente había querido evitarse desde el planeamiento urbanístico con la definición de un Anillo Verde, espacio inmune a la edificación, que se aleja de su papel estructurante (equilibrador entre la ciudad y sus habitantes) para convertirse en armadura de la estructura comunicativa, que una vez consolidada se convierte en la mejor aliada de la máquina inmobiliaria. El último paso, se desarrolla en el bloque III que se divide en los capítulo 7,8 y 9 y supone la comprobación de lo descrito en el conjunto de escala metropolitana, en dos aspectos fundamentales, la falta de consideración por los valores culturales y medioambientales que han modelado el territorio, imprimiéndole un carácter singular y específico y, la estructura del dominio del suelo, donde se reconoce de forma precisa el grupo social y los agentes encargados en cada momento de comercializar los suelos del anillo, que bajo el paraguas de la urgencia social y el engañoso beneficio popular, obtienen importantes beneficios económicos. Con esa intención, se da un salto hacia la escala municipal y urbana, seleccionando dos escenarios de estudio, el municipio de Pozuelo de Alarcón, que representa la materialización del crecimiento suburbano de la élite madrileña ocupando las zonas de mayor valor ecológico del anillo, y el distrito de Hortaleza-Barajas que ofrece su territorio a las grandes operaciones metropolitanas, apoyándose en el eje de actividad marcado por la conexión Madrid-Barcelona y el sistema aeroportuario de escala global, ambos situados al norte de la línea de borde entre la Sierra y la Mancha, ocupando por tanto los lugares más valiosos de la geografía madrileña (estructura funcional anticipada por Bidagor en 1946 en su modelo de ciudad adaptada al territorio madrileño) Una vez descrito este proceso trasgresor de límites, de normas, de conductas, y desde una perspectiva del fenómeno suficientemente documentada, en el capítulo 10, se realiza una reflexión sobre la incidencia real de la propuesta urbanística del Anillo Verde en la construcción del AMM, de la misma forma que se sugieren nuevos roles al planeamiento en un formato intencionado de largo recorrido en oposición a lo inmediato y circunstancial, que permita hacer una nueva lectura de los presupuestos teóricos que conformaban la idea del Anillo Verde, espacio articulador (medioambiental, social y cultural) del territorio madrileño. ABSTRACT The Metropolitan Greenbelt was defined by the 1963 Master Plan for the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA), following established international models of urban development, as the structural framework of the MMA, the principal open space within its network of open spaces and a public area of recreation and contact with nature for the residents of Madrid. In reality, however, it ha become a reserve of land in which various alliances between the institutional authorities and the dominant social class have been operating on the margin of the original plan, exposing a scarcity of legal and cultural resources for the safeguarding of common interests, and in which the geographical and natural characteristics of the territory itself have come to play an influential role in the functional specialization and spatial segregation of the MMA. With that idea as its HYPOTHESIS, the aim of this THESIS is to demonstrate its reality. The first step in this is to delineate, temporally and spatially, the object of study; i.e. the Metropolitan Greenbelt2. The second is to contextualize historically and disciplinarily those theoretical ideas which conform to the greenbelt concept. The third is to acknowledge, locate and document the elements which have characterized the urban occupation of the Greenbelt and classify these according to the parameters of time, function, urban development and form, which in turn would enable the geography, use, instrumentation and form of its transformation to be analysed on a general metropolitan scale. The fourth step, as a method of verification, is an in-depth analysis of two representative settings within the metropolitan network: the municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón and the Hortaleza-Barajas district. The content of the document is divided into three parts. Part I focuses on the study’s theoretical foundations, Part II establishes a line of argument at the metropolitan level and Part III examines the phenomenon from a municipal and urban perspective. The thesis, then, begins with a study of the greenbelt concept itself and its meaning, which is far more complex than the accepted instrumental dimension of limiting and containing urbanization in response to the growth of the industrial city of the early 20th century, and which is based on a decentralization of the traditional city. This wider purpose is the setting aside of a large reserved space to safeguard the natural and cultural values of the region and thereby achieve a balance between the city and its residents; that is to say, between man and the space he inhabits. The principal currents of thought in urban planning will then be examined. These have drawn upon a variety of disciplines (economics, sociology, geography, biology, ecology) to develop theories for establishing a new urban order according to the principles of social, economic and environmental equity, and have involved a constant interchange between Europe and the United States. Thus, the City Garden and Regionalist movements would clear the way for proposals such as Greater London and Great Berlin, Chicago and Washington, in which the greenbelt would play a fundamental role. The participation of our own country and the city of Madrid is also discussed, through regional models such as the Besteiro Plan and urban ones like the Bidagor Plan, direct forerunners of 1963’s General Organizational Plan for the Madrid Metropolitan Area, which would set into motion the organization of Madrid’s metropolitan growth. The line of argument followed in this thesis is two-fold: first, an examination of metropolitan development in keeping with the city model as defined in the various General Plans for the development of both the municipality of Madrid and the seven surrounding municipalities which have land designated for its Greenbelt; and second, an examination of this growth in relation to Regional Planning measures, is detailed on a smaller scale (municipal and district), where the conditioning factors affecting the land property structure and the network of biophysical units may be analysed in depth. The first of these is dealt with in Part II and organized into three chapters (4, 5 and 6). Chapter 4 is dedicated to the obligatory starting point of the geographical setting itself. The biophysical characteristics of the territories set aside for the Greenbelt, and which historically have played a role in the area’s exploitation, are described here. These range from expanses of Mediterranean woodland to the north and west of Monte del Pardo to the various types of farmland that have been adapted to the geological substratum and the contours of the terrain (gentle undulations of arkosic sediment in the north, and wide sandy and gypsiferous tableland in the south), as well as orchards planted in low valleys and along watercourses (the creeks of Monte Carmelo, Valdebebas, Quinto, Santo, Butarque, Meaques and Pozuelo). Once this physical reality ha been detailed, in Chapter 5 will examine the various city models proposed by urban planners, both regionally and municipally, in response to the confluence of social, economic and political interests that have characterized the process of occupation in the Greenbelt area during the construction of the MMA. Municipal planning proposals will be collected and examined for the various municipalities which have land designated for the Greenbelt: Madrid, Coslada, Getafe, Leganés, Alcorcón, Boadilla del Monte and Pozuelo de Alarcón. Furthermore, the various territorial organization proposals which have served as references for municipal planning will also be addressed here, in all of their versions –from the sectorial, which have met with more success and institutional approval, to the many attempts at integration, which have been more complex but less influential, precisely for the difficulty of reconciling physical organization with economic development, and private interest with public benefit. The first period in this process was the development of the General Plan of 1963, followed by the first municipal development plans of the 1970s, in which the need for a regional framework that “organized” the territory in an integral fashion was defined. This would serve as a reference for the sectorial actions that marked the metropolitan area’s initial development. The second came two decades later with the approval of the General Plan of 1985, and the network of municipal plans for the surrounding communities, which followed the same philosophy of austerity with regard to territorial growth. The third would begin to take form in 1997, as a new generation of neo-liberal development plans imposed a territorial model based on centralized large-scale metropolitan operations of infrastructure and equipment, which would indiscriminately consume the totality of Madrid’s land. At the end of the Part II, in Chapter 6, the metropolitan area will be represented graphically and the 229 pieces that have been gradually encroaching upon land designated for the Greenbelt will be analysed. This analysis will be carried out according to the parameters defined for the study, and the first general conclusions of the thesis will be based on its findings. It will show how alliances between the various governing authorities in the construction of the city and its environment have successively violated established plans with regard to the definitions of city and territory, how shortages of instrumental and judicial resources have accentuated the dismantling process, and how natural and geographical factors have influenced functional specialization and social segregation in the Madrid Metropolitan Area. The final step, detailed in Part III, will address two fundamental aspects of what has just been described: the lack of consideration for the cultural and environmental values which have shaped this territory and imprinted upon it a specific and unique character; and the structure of land domination, with a precise identification of the social group and agents responsible at each stage of the Greenbelt’s commercialization, who, under an umbrella of social urgency and deceptive public benefit, have used it to obtain substantial financial rewards. For this purpose, a closer look is taken at two specific areas: the municipality of Pozuelo de Alarcón, representative of the suburban growth of an elite population which has occupied the Greenbelt areas of the greatest ecological value; and the Hortaleza-Barajas district, which has offered its territory to large metropolitan business interests, based on activities centred on the connection between Madrid and Barcelona and the system of international air travel. Both of these settings are located to the north of the line which divides the Sierra from La Mancha, and thus occupy the most valuable land in the Madrid region (a functional structure anticipated by Bidagor in 1946, with his city model adapted to the territory of Madrid). Finally, an attempt will be made to interpret the phenomenon of metropolitan Greenbelt occupation, confirming initial hypotheses, specifying the environmental and cultural values that have been violated, and identifying the various players involved, as well as numerous urbanization operations of varying sizes and interests, and the instruments of planning they have used. It will be seen from this that the construction of the MMA has in fact followed a “spread” model, a “grease spot” (as Geddes calls it) which, from the outset of the planning process and according to the definition of a greenbelt as a construction-free zone, was precisely to be avoided. This structural role (to provide a balance between a city and its residents) has thus been abandoned and the Greenbelt converted instead into a communicative framework which, once consolidated, has become the greatest ally of the real estate machine. After this process of violating limits, norms and established behaviour has been described and solidly documented, a reflection will be made on the real influence of the Greenbelt proposal in the construction of the MMA. At the same time, new roles will be suggested for future planning, roles which are deliberate and long term, in opposition to the immediate and circumstantial. This will enable a new interpretation of the theoretical principles behind the greenbelt concept, a space designed to connect the territory of Madrid environmentally, socially and culturally.
Talking about participation is always taking into account economics, capitals and resources. Who can participate? How citizens can afford time and space resources to participate? We don¿t like to speak about participation rather than collective processes of empowerment. Connecting the personal and the social, a different analysis of the relations between the public sphere and the domestic space is needed. There is an emergent new collective realm based on networks opening and distributing domestic practices within the city. These processes are developed as extitucional informal processes around the house, revealing other forms of urban and citizen assemblages in Madrid. Studies on the urban citizen organization have not developed a system to explain the different modes and processes as a movement-rhizome formed around the housing. It is the purpose of this research to explain and track how they are formed, how they operate in the city, how the action enables trading and how other non econonomical capitals are at stake in this process. The article investigates the different modes in which the creation of citizen networks not come only from public space and squares but also from finantial negociations, banks, housing and bodies. House is not any more an individual, particular and intimate space. That is the main teaching that the Mortage citizens¿ platform show us in Madrid. The empowerment citizen initiative PaH and all the citizen initiatives around the access to housing perform another urbanism as an extitutional process. Madrid is also today a collective laboratory around the house.
Desde hace años se discute el concepto de realidad, tal como se concebía tradicionalmente, incluso llegando a dudar de la existencia de esa realidad. El espacio real también se cuestiona, pero es indudable que el ser humano experimenta los espacios naturales y artificiales; y entre estos últimos el arquitectónico, dentro del que se engloba el del espectador, relacionado con el espectáculo. Este espacio del espectador ha sufrido transformaciones según los espectáculos que se han ido sucediendo en la historia y seguirá modificándose y hoy en día coincide con entornos que antes no se empleaban para el espectáculo, ya que éste puede desarrollarse en cualquier lugar. El espacio escenográfico, propio del espectáculo, que se proyecta y construye con las normas de la escenografía, se ha ido completando de distintas maneras según el tipo de espectáculo y está relacionado con el arquitectónico gracias al movimiento, porque ambos, se pueden recorrer, físicamente o a través de la mediación de los creadores de los espectáculos; lo que implica una clasificación del espacio escenográfico cinético, según el movimiento. Para poder analizar ese espacio escenográfico cinético en profundidad y sentar bases para su estudio, se establece una tipología que denomina a cada una de las clasificaciones establecidas por categorías. Los instrumentos son necesarios para proyectar y construir el espacio escenográfico, algunos coinciden con los arquitectónicos, pero generalmente son diferentes y a su vez específicos según los distintos espectáculos. Se describen y catalogan para tener la posibilidad de saber cómo usarlos y así poder idear ese espacio. Los espacios arquitectónicos y espectaculares, se crean mediante el proyecto que según cada disciplina tiene particularidades diferentes. El principal objetivo del proyecto del espacio escenográfico es servir a la ficción y en general modificar y mejorar ese espectáculo, teniendo en la actualidad aspectos comunes con el espacio arquitectónico. La construcción del espacio arquitectónico hoy en día emplea técnicas y materiales con los que también se construye el espacio escenográfico. El espacio escenográfico cinético se puede construir además con técnicas propias que se definen y clasifican, incluyendo las nuevas composiciones de imágenes digitales. Según dónde se construye y la función que cumple lo construido en la ficción, surgen dos tipologías que también se analizan y definen. El objeto de la escenografía y la arquitectura es la creación de espacios que tienen características comunes, el espacio escenográfico también posee características específicas, que no existen en el arquitectónico. Así mismo las tipologías, los instrumentos, el proyecto y la construcción, difieren entre los dos espacios. Lo real se ha convertido en espectáculo, el espectáculo se proyecta y construye con las leyes y reglas de la escenografía, luego desde la arquitectura se han de conocer estas leyes y reglas, porque también sirven para construir lo real. ABSTRACT The reality is being questioned, even going so far as to doubt its existence; real space is also questioned, but the human being experiences the natural and artificial spaces; and amongst the latter the architectural, within which includes the performance one, related to the show. This performance space has been transformed according to the shows that have been happening in history and will continue modifying. Nowadays, it coincides with environments not previously employed for the show, because it can occur anywhere. The scenographic space, which belongs to the performance, is projected and built with the rules of the scenography. It has been completed in different ways depending on the type of show and is related to the architectural space thanks to movement, because both be travelled through, physically or through the mediation of the creators of the shows; implying a classification of the scenographic space, according to this movement. A typology which refers to each kinetic scenographic space based on classifications established by categories is essential to analyze deeply and lay the foundations to study this space. Instruments are necessary in order to project and build the scenographic space. Some coincide with the architectural ones, but are generally different and specific according to different performances. The instruments are described and catalogued to be able to know how to use them and to devise those spaces. Architectural and performance spaces are created by the project and have different characteristics according to each discipline. The main objective of the scenographic space project is to serve fiction and generally modify and improve the performance, which also happens today with the architectural space. The construction of architectural space nowadays employs techniques and materials with which the scenographic space is also constructed. The kinetic scenographic space can also be built with its own techniques that are defined and classified, including new compositions of digital images. Two types of spaces emerge depending on where they are built and the role played by this construction in fiction, which are also discussed and defined. The purpose of scenography and architecture is the creation of spaces that have common characteristics. The scenographic space also has specific characteristics which don’t exist in the architectural one. Also the typologies, the instruments, the project and the construction differ between the two spaces. Reality has become performance, the performance is projected and is built with the laws and rules of scenography, and then architecture must know these laws and rules, because they serve to construct reality.
"Si el hombre es el cuidador de las palabras y sólo de ellas emerge el sentido de las cosas, la arquitectura tiene un cometido preciso: hacer de las condiciones ya dadas de cada lugar palabras que signifiquen las cualidades de la existencia, y que desvelen la riqueza y contenidos que en ellas se contienen potencialmente" Ignasi Solá Morales. Lugar: permanencia o producción, 1992. Esta tesis surge tanto del afán por comprender la identidad de uno de los espacios más representativos de mi ciudad, asumido familiarmente pero que plantea muchas dudas respecto a su caracterización, como de la preocupación personal respecto a la aparente hegemonía del modelo urbano de la "ciudad genérica", crudamente expuesto por Rem Koolhaas a finales del siglo XX, que pone en crisis la ciudad histórica. El territorio, espacio físico concreto, y la memoria asociada a este, obliterados, son considerados como punto de partida para confrontarlos con la proclamación del nuevo modelo de "ciudad genérica", de raíz eminentemente económica y tecnológica. La realidad tangible de un espacio, aparentemente forjado en base a los valores denostados por el nuevo modelo propuesto, se estudia desde las premisas opuestas. La idea del no-lugar, teorizado por Marc Augé y tomado como modelo por Koolhaas, supone éste emancipado tanto de las preexistencias históricas como de su ubicación física concreta, planteando un tipo de espacio de representación al margen del territorio y la memoria. Sin pretender adoptar una postura resistente u opuesta, sino antitética y complementaria, se toman aquí las premisas de Koolhaas para contrastarlas con una porción del territorio a medio camino entre la arquitectura y la ciudad, a fin de desarrollar una reflexión que sirva de complemento y contrapeso al paradigma espacial que la “ciudad genérica” implica y cuya inmediatez y supuesta anomia parecen anular cualquier intención interpretativa al neutralizar los centros históricos y proclamar el agotamiento de la historia. El planteamiento de una teoría dicotómica frente al espacio y las teorías arquitectónicas asociadas a este ya fue formulado por Colin Rowe y Fred Koetter a finales de los años setenta del siglo pasado. Se plantea aquí la idea de una “ciudad tangible” como opuesta a la idea de la "ciudad genérica" enunciada por Koolhaas. Tomando el territorio y la memoria como referencia principal en un lugar concreto y huyendo de la premisa de la inmediatez del instante y el "presente perpetuo" proclamado por Koolhaas, del que según él seríamos prisioneros, se establece una distancia respecto al objeto de análisis que desarrolla el estudio en la dirección opuesta al supuesto origen del mismo, planteando la posibilidad de reactivar una reflexión en torno al territorio y la memoria en el seno del proceso global de habitación para poner de manifiesto determinados mecanismos de configuración de un espacio de representación al margen de la urgencia del presente, reactivando la memoria y su relación con el territorio como punto de partida. Desde de la reconstrucción hipotética del territorio, partiendo de la propia presencia física del mismo, su orografía, la paleo-biología, las analogías etológicas, los restos arqueológicos, la antropología o la historia, se reivindica la reflexión arquitectónica como disciplina diversa y privilegiada en cuanto al análisis espacial, tratando de discernir el proceso mediante el cual el Prado pasó de territorio a escenario. La organización cronológica del estudio y la incorporación de muy diversas fuentes, en su mayoría directas, pretende poner de manifiesto la condición transitiva del espacio de representación y contrastar el pasado remoto del lugar y su construcción con el momento actual, inevitablemente encarnado por el punto de vista desde el cual se desarrolla la tesis. El Prado parece albergar, agazapado en su nombre, la raíz de un origen remoto y olvidado. Si como enunciaba Ignasi Solá-Morales la función de la arquitectura es hacer aflorar los significados inherentes al lugar, esta tesis se plantea como una recuperación de la idea del vínculo entre el territorio y la memoria como fuente fundamental en la definición de un espacio de representación específico. El escrutinio del pasado constituye un acto eminentemente contemporáneo, pues el punto de vista y la distancia, inevitablemente condicionados por el presente, determinan la mirada. El culto contemporáneo a la inmediatez y la proclamación de la superación de los procesos históricos han relegado el pasado, en cierto grado, a depósito de restos o referente a superar, obviando su ineluctable condición de origen o momento anterior condicionante. Partiendo de la reconstrucción del lugar sobre el cual se halla el Prado ubicado y reconsiderando, según las premisas desarrolladas por la moderna historiografía, fundamentalmente desarrolladas por la Escuela francesa de los Annales, la cotidianeidad y lo anónimo como fuente de la que dimanan muchos de los actuales significados de nuestros espacios de representación, tomando como punto de partida un lugar remoto y olvidado, se estudia como se fue consolidando el Prado hasta devenir un lugar insigne de referencia asociado a los poderes fácticos y el espacio áulico de la capital de las Españas en el siglo XVII. El proceso mediante el cual el Prado pasó de territorio a escenario implica la recuperación de la memoria de un espacio agropecuario anónimo y el análisis de cómo, poco a poco, se fue depositando sobre el mismo el acervo de los diversos pobladores de la región que con sus particularidades culturales y sociales fueron condicionando, en mayor o menor grado, un lugar cuyo origen se extiende retrospectivamente hasta hace más de dos mil años, cuando se considera que pudo darse la primera habitación a partir de la cual, de manera ininterrumpida, el Prado ha venido siendo parte de lo que devino, más tarde, Madrid. La llegada de nuevos agentes, vinculados con estructuras de poder y territoriales que trascendían la inmediatez del territorio sobre el que se comenzó a erigir dicho lugar, sirven para repasar los diferentes depósitos ideológicos y culturales que han ido conformando el mismo, reivindicando la diversidad y lo heterogéneo del espacio de representación frente a la idea homogeneizadora que el modelo genérico implica. La constitución del Prado como un espacio de referencia asociado al paganismo arcaico a partir de la praxis espacial cotidiana, su relación con las estructuras defensivas de Al-Andalus y la atalaya Omeya, la apropiación del los primitivos santuarios por parte la iglesia, su relación con un determinado tipo de espiritualidad y las órdenes religiosas más poderosas de la época, la preferencia de Carlos V por Madrid y sus vínculos con la cultura europea del momento, o la definitiva metamorfosis del lugar a partir del siglo XVI y el advenimiento de un nuevo paganismo emblemático y estetizado, culminan con el advenimiento de lo económico como representación del poder en el seno de la corte y la erección del Palacio del Buen Retiro como manifestación tangible de la definitiva exaltación del Prado a espacio de representación áulico. Decía T.S. Elliot que la pugna por el espacio de la memoria constituye el principal rasgo del clasicismo, y el Prado, ciertamente, participa de ese carácter al que está profundamente asociado en la conciencia espacial de los madrileños como lugar de referencia. Acaso la obliteración del territorio y la memoria, propuestas en la “ciudad genérica” también tengan algo que ver con ello. ABSTRACT "If man is the caretaker of words and only they provide the sense of things, the architecture has a precise mission: to make out from the given conditions of each place words that mean the qualities of existence, and which unveil the wealth and content they potentially contain " Ignasi Solá Morales. Place: permanence or production, 1992. This thesis arises from both the desire to understand the identity of one of the most representative spaces of my city, assumed in a familiar way but that raises many doubts about its characterization, and from a personal concern about the apparent hegemony of the urban model of the "generic city " so crudely exposed by Rem Koolhaas in the late twentieth century that puts a strain on the historic city. The obliteration of the territory, specific physical space, and its associated memory, are considered as a starting point to confront them with the proclamation of the new model of "generic city" raised from eminently economic and technological roots. The tangible reality of a space, apparently forged based on the values reviled by the proposed new model, is studied from opposite premises. The idea of non-place, theorized by Marc Augé and modeled by Koolhaas, implies the emancipation from both historical preexistences and physical location, posing a type of space representation outside the territory and memory. Without wishing to establish a confrontational or opposite position, but an antithetical and complementary stance, the premises of Koolhaas are here taken to contrast them with a portion of territory halfway between architecture and the city, to develop a study that will complement and counterbalance the spatial paradigm that the "generic city" means and whose alleged immediacy and anomie appear to nullify any interpretative intention by neutralizing the historic centers and proclaiming the exhaustion of history. The approach of a dichotomous theory versus space and architectural theories associated with this were already formulated by Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter during the late seventies of last century. The idea of a "tangible city" as opposed to the idea of the "generic city" enunciated by Koolhaas arises here. Taking the territory and memory as the main reference in a particular place and trying to avoid the premise of the immediacy of the moment and the "perpetual present" proclaimed by Koolhaas, of which he pleas we would be prisoners, a distance is established from the object of analysis developing the study in the opposite direction to the alleged origin of it, raising the possibility of reactivating a reflection on the territory and memory within the overall process of inhabiting to reveal certain representational space configuration mechanisms outside the urgency of the present, reviving the memory and its relationship with the territory as a starting point. From the hypothetical reconstruction of the territory, starting from its physical presence, geography, paleo-biology, ethological analogies, archaeological remains, anthropology or history, architecture is claimed as a diverse as privileged discipline for spatial analysis, trying to discern the process by which the Prado moved from territory to stage. The chronological organization of the study and incorporating a variety of sources, most direct, aims to highlight the transitive condition of representational space and contrast the remote past of the place and its construction with the current moment, inevitably played by the view point from which the thesis develops. The Prado seems to harbor, in its name, the root of a remote and forgotten origin. If, as Ignasi Sola-Morales said, the aim of architecture is to bring out the meanings inherent in the site, this thesis is presented as a recovery of the idea of the link between the territory and memory as a key source in defining a specific space of representation. The scrutiny of the past is an eminently contemporary act, for the view and distance inevitably conditioned by the present, determine the way we look. The contemporary cult of immediacy and the proclamation of overcoming historical processes have relegated the past, to some extent, to remains deposit or a reference to overcome, ignoring its ineluctable condition as origin or previous constraint. From rebuilding the site on which the Prado is located and reconsidering everyday life and the anonymous as a source of many arising current meanings of our space of representation, according to the premises developed by modern historiography mainly developed by the French school of Annales, trying to recover the remote and forgotten is attempted, the thesis studies how el Prado was consolidated to become the most significant place of Madrid, deeply associated with the power in the capital of Spain during the XVII century. The process by which the Prado evolved from territory to stage involves the recovery of the memory of an anonymous agricultural space and the analysis of how, little by little, the influence of the various inhabitants of the region with their own and how their cultural and social peculiarities was deposited through time on the common ground and how that determined, to a greater or lesser degree, a place whose origin retrospectively extends over more than two thousand years ago, when we can consider the first inhabiting from which, without interruption, the Prado has come to be part of what became, later, Madrid. The arrival of new players, linked to power structures and territorial issues which transcended the immediacy of the territory on which the place begun to be a characteristic space, serve to review the different ideological and cultural deposits that have shaped the place, claiming diversity and heterogeneous space of representation before the homogenizing idea which the generic model implies. The constitution of the Prado as a benchmark associated with the archaic paganism developed from the ancient everyday spatial praxis, its relationship with the defensive structures of Al-Andalus and the Umayyad watchtower, the appropriation of the early sanctuaries by the roman church, its relationship with a certain type of spirituality and the most powerful religious orders of the time, the preference of Carlos V towards Madrid and its links with the European culture of the moment and the final metamorphosis of the place during the sixteenth century, end at the moment on which the advent of the economic as a representation of power within the court and the erection of the Palacio del Buen Retiro, as a tangible manifestation of the ultimate exaltation of courtly Prado space representation, happened in the mid XVII century. T. S. Elliot said that the struggle for memory space is the main feature of classicism, and the Prado certainly shares part of that character deeply associated in the mental spatial structure of the locals as a landmark. Perhaps the obliteration of territory and memory proposed in the "generic city" might also have something to do with that.
1. Nuestra investigación se centra en el estudio de los “ámbitos o espacios intermedios” en momentos de la arquitectura contemporánea, en un período de transición entre finales de los años 80 y nuestros días. Pretendemos analizar cómo se presenta el ámbito intermedio en el objeto o lugar arquitectónico y su función o relación con el entorno cercano, desde el proyecto hasta su repercusión en la experiencia vivida. 2. El concepto de intermedio entendido como ámbito o espacio intersticial, fronterizo y ambivalente (o multivalente), atraviesa en la presente investigación el campo de la etimología, de la ciencia, del pensamiento y del arte, para detenerse en la arquitectura actual, llevándose a cabo una indagación concreta en el proceso de concepción, en la propuesta formal, espacial y funcional, así como en la percepción y demás experiencias o vivencias en el lugar arquitectónico. 3. En primer lugar nos proponemos estudiar y explorar el concepto de “intermedio” en sus características, funciones y ubicaciones dentro de la cultura contemporánea, detectando sus antecedentes culturales más importantes, para a continuación aplicarlo reflexivamente a obras significativas de arquitectura. La investigación se enfoca en la modalidad figural (imprecisa) de lo intermedio (en alusión al “figural” deleuziano), cuyas metáforas base son lo translúcido, la penumbra y la espuma, vinculadas al actual paradigma cultural de la complejidad (C. Jencks). A continuación se analizan las relaciones o implicaciones de dicha modalidad figural en obras de arquitectos como Eisenman, Holl, Tschumi, Ito, Fujimoto, Van Berkel y Bos, y Siza, comprobando su valor operativo y poniendo de manifiesto su sentido e importancia en la actualidad y en la disciplina. El estudio tiene como trasfondo el concepto de in-between de la obra de Eisenman, y utiliza conceptos de la filosofía del límite de Trías como algunos de sus principales fundamentos. 4. En cada una de las obras de arquitectura presentadas esta modalidad imprecisa se traduce en un ámbito o espacio intermedio figural específico. Son obras en las que real y virtual, matricial y objetual, arquitectura y territorio, existente y nuevo, colectivo e individual, social e íntimo, interior y exterior, y demás usos y funciones se entrelazan o funden. Son arquitecturas cuya geometría ya no se encuentra tan determinada por aspectos bi o tridimensionales del dibujo o de la construcción. A través de la manipulación de estas geometrías más o menos complejas, dinámicas e intersticiales, estas obras reflejan (o intuyen) las premisas del actual Zeitgeist: un cambio de esquemas de objetos a relaciones basado en un pensamiento más holístico, transdisciplinar, sistémico o complejo (E. Morin), y una nueva conciencia colectiva sobre la realidad que anuncia la crisis de la percepción, el cambio de paradigma y nuevos valores (F. Capra). Emerge otra forma de sentir y percibir el mundo, los lugares y los espacios, que poco a poco está cambiando el modo de pensar y dibujar la arquitectura, y consecuentemente de interaccionar con ella. 5. El sentido del espacio intermedio figural, emerge en las cada vez más complejas cualidades morfológico-espaciales y funcionales de una parte importante de la arquitectura actual. Arquitectura, geometría y tecnología informática están más entrelazadas que nunca, y de un modo más libre, para así poder indagar en nuevas formas de pensar y crear lugares en que los “espacios intermedios” que investigamos son un testimonio. El espacio arquitectónico se vuelve afectivo e interactivo, un lugar intermedio figural, formalizado por espacialidades intersticiales que parecen aludir a lo líquido, donde la forma es más matriz que configuración, el espacio más espacialidad que compartimiento, la función más versátil y multivalente que específica o autónoma, y la perplejidad, la imaginación y la evocación se entrecruzan y vuelven patentes. 6. La arquitectura de los lugares intermedios valora no solamente el “plano”, la “configuración” y la “transparencia”, sino sobre todo el “espacio” y la “relación” en sus interrelaciones con los usuarios y demás contextos. De la identidad a la relacionalidad, de la representación a la presentación, es una arquitectura que propone “otros espacios” que más que espacios son topografías y espacialidades intersticiales, de tensión, transición, transformación, relación, intercambio e interacción. Son lugares intermedios reales y virtuales, que se sirven tanto de la morfología como de la topología para conquistar nuevas espacialidades, pretendiendo salir de la estricta operación de “forming”/”morphing”/formación/”conformación” para explorar la de “spacing”/espaciamiento. Son lugares que se basan en conceptos como la zona de indiscernibilidad de Deleuze, la imagen- flujo de Buci-Glucksmann, la suspensión-entre de Sloterdijk, o el espacio no-objetivo al que se refiere José Gil, plasmándose en la arquitectura contemporánea como tropos de lo intersticial. 7. Son los lugares intermedios de la arquitectura actual, de espacialidad háptica, más “afectiva”, generativa e interactiva, donde ese ámbito intermedio transforma y es transformado, “afecta”, “con-mueve” (nos hace mover/accionar) y evoca otros lugares, otras posibilidades de espacio habitable u ocupable. Emerge lo intermedio como lugar, algo que anuncia y exhibe, de manera paradigmática y manifiesta, el monumento de Eisenman en Berlín. ABSTRACT 1. Our research focuses on the study of “in-between spaces or environments” at particular times in contemporary architecture, in a transition period from the end of the 1980’s through to today. We aim to analyse how in-between environments are presented in the architectural object or place and their function or their relationship with the nearby surroundings, from the project through to the experience had. 2. In this research, the in-between concept, understood as an interstitial, border and ambivalent (or multi-purpose) environment or space, is assessed from the viewpoint of etymology, science, thought and art, to conclude in current architecture, with specific exploration of the conception process, of the formal, spatial and functional proposal, together with the perception and other experiences in the architectural place. 3. Firstly, we aim to study and explore the “in-between” concept as regards its features, functions and locations within contemporary culture, revealing its most important cultural background, to then apply it reflexively to important works of architecture. The research focuses on the figural (imprecise) mode of in-between (in allusion to Deleuze’s “figural” approach) whose base metaphors are the translucent, semi-darkness and foam, linked to the current cultural paradigm of complexity (C. Jenks). We then go on to assess the relationships or implications of said figural mode in architectural works by Eisenman, Holl, Tschumi, Ito, Fujimoto, Van Berkel and Bos, and Siza, verifying their operational worth and revealing their meaning and importance today and in this discipline. The backdrop of the study is the in-between concept of Eisenman’s work and it also uses concepts from the philosophy of the limit of Trías as its main underpinnings. 4. In each of the architectural works presented, this imprecise mode is translated into a specific in-between environment or space. They are works in which real and virtual, matricial and objectual, architecture and territory, existing and new, collective and individual, social and intimate, interior and exterior and other uses and functions all intertwine or blend together. They are architectures the geometry of which is not so much determined by bi- or tri-dimensional aspects of the drawing or construction. Through the manipulation of these more or less complex, dynamic and interstitial geometries, these works reflect (or insinuate) the premises of the current Zeitgeist: A change in the scheme of objects to relationships towards a more holistic, transdisciplinary, systemic or complex thought (E. Morin), and a new collective conscience about the reality which announces the crisis of perception, the change in paradigm and new values (F. Capra). Another way of feeling and perceiving the world, places and spaces, which little by little is changing the way of thinking and drawing architecture and hence of interacting with it. 5. The meaning of figural in-between space emerges in the increasingly complex, morphological-spatial and functional qualities of a large part of architecture today. Architecture, geometry and computer technology are more than ever intertwined in a freer way to inquire into other ways of thinking and making places, where the “in-between” spaces we research are a testimony. Architectural space becomes affective and interactive, a figural in-between place, formed by interstitial spatiality which seems to allude to something liquid, where shape is more matrix than configuration, space more spatiality than compartment, its function more versatile and multi-purpose than specific or autonomous, and perplexity, imagination and evocation criss-cross each other, becoming obvious. 6. The architecture of in-between places values not only “flat”, “configuration” and “transparency”, but above all “space” and the “relationship” in its interrelations with users and other contexts. From identity to relationality, from representation to presentation, it is an architecture that proposes “other spaces”, which more than spaces are topographies and interstitial spatialities, of tension, transition, transformation, relation, exchange and interaction. They are real and virtual in-between places, that take in both morphology and topology to conquer new spatialities, aiming to depart from the strict “forming”/”morphing” operation in order to explore “spacing”. They are places that derive both from Deleuze’s indiscernibility zone concept, from Buci-Glucksmann´s image-flow concept, from Sloterdijk’s suspension-between, and from the non-objective space referred to by José Gil, and they are embodied in contemporary architecture as tropes of the interstitial. 7. They are the in-between places in architecture today, of haptic spatiality, more “affective”, generative and interactive, where that in-between environment transforms and is transformed, “affects”, “moves” (it makes us move/act) and evokes other places, other possibilities of habitable or occupiable space. The in-between emerges as a place, which paradigmatically and declaredly, Eisenman´s monument in Berlin announces and exhibits. RESUMO 1. A investigação centra-se no estudo dos “âmbitos ou espaços intermédios” em momentos da arquitectura contemporânea, no período de transição entre os finais dos anos 80 e os nossos dias. Pretende-se analisar como se apresenta o âmbito intermédio no objecto ou lugar arquitectónico e sua função ou relação com o meio envolvente, desde o projecto até à sua repercussão na experiencia vivenciada. 2. O conceito de intermédio entendido como âmbito ou espaço intersticial, fronteiriço e ambivalente (ou multivalente), atravessa na presente investigação o campo da etimologia, da ciência, do pensamento e da arte, para deter-se na arquitectura actual, realizando-se uma indagação concreta no processo de concepção, na proposta formal, espacial e funcional, assim como na percepção e demais experiencias ou vivencias no lugar arquitectónico. 3. Em primeiro lugar, explora-se o conceito de “intermédio” nas suas características, funções e concretizações na cultura contemporânea, detectando os seus antecedentes culturais mais importantes, para em seguida aplicá-lo reflexivamente a obras significativas de arquitectura. A investigação centra-se na modalidade figural (imprecisa) do intermédio (alusão ao figural deleuziano) cujas metáforas base são o translúcido, a penumbra e a espuma, relacionadas com o actual paradigma da complexidade (C. Jencks). Em seguida analisam-se as relações ou implicações da referida modalidade figural em obras de arquitectos como Eisenman, Holl, Tschumi, Ito, Fujimoto, Van Berkel e Bos, e Siza, como modo de comprovar o seu valor operativo e revelar o seu sentido e importância na actualidade e na disciplina. O estudo tem como referencia o conceito de in-between da obra de Eisenman, e utiliza conceitos da filosofia do limite de Trias como alguns dos seus principais fundamentos. 4. Em cada uma das obras de arquitectura apresentadas esta modalidade imprecisa traduz-se num âmbito ou espaço intermédia figural especifico. São obras nas quais real e virtual, matricial e objectual, arquitectura e território, existente e novo, colectivo e individual, social e intimo, interior e exterior, e outros usos e funções se entrelaçam ou fundem. São arquitecturas cuja geometria já não está tão determinada por aspectos bi ou tridimensionais do desenho ou da construção. Através do uso destas geometrias mais ou menos complexas, dinâmicas e intersticiais, estas obras reflectem (ou intuem) as premissas do actual zeitgeist: uma mudança de esquemas de objectos a relações para um pensamento mais holístico, transdisciplinar, sistémico ou complexo (E. Morin) e uma nova consciência colectiva sobre a realidade, que anuncia a crise da percepção, a mudança de paradigma e novos valores (F. Capra). Emerge uma outra forma de sentir e perceber o mundo, os lugares e os espaços, que gradualmente vai alterando o modo de pensar e desenhar a arquitectura, e consequentemente de interagir com ela. 5. O sentido do espaço intermédio figural, emerge nas cada vez mais complexas qualidades morfológico-espaciais e funcionais de uma parte importante da arquitectura actual. Cada vez mais, arquitectura, geometria e tecnologia informática, relacionam-se de um modo mais livre para indagar outras formas de pensar e fazer lugares, onde os espaços intermédios que investigamos são um testemunho. O espaço arquitectónico torna-se afectivo e interactivo, um lugar intermédio figural, formalizado por espacialidades intersticiais que parecem aludir ao estado liquido, onde a forma é mais matriz que configuração, o espaço mais espacialidade que compartimento, a função mais versátil e multivalente que especifica ou autónoma, e a perplexidade, a imaginação e a evocação entrecruzam-se e tornam-se patentes. 6. A arquitectura dos lugares intermédios valoriza não só o “plano”, a “configuração” e a “transparência”, mas sobretudo o” espaço” e a ”relação” nas suas inter-relações com os utentes e restante contextos. Da identidade à relacionalidade, da representação à apresentação, é uma arquitectura que propõe “outros espaços”, que além de espaços são topografias e espacialidades intersticiais, de tensão, transição, transformação, relação, intercambio e interacção. São lugares intermédios reais e virtuais que utilizam tanto a morfologia como a topologia para conquistar novas espacialidades, pretendendo ultrapassar a estrita operação de “forming”/“morphing”/formação para explorar a de “spacing”/espaçamento. São lugares que se apoiam tanto no conceito de zona de indescernibilidade de Deleuze, como na de imagem-fluxo de Buci-Glucksmann como no de suspensão–entre de Sloterdijk ou de espaço-não objectivo que refere José Gil, e se plasmam na arquitectura contemporânea como tropos do intersticial. 7. São os lugares intermédios da arquitectura actual, de espacialidade háptica, mais “afectiva”, generativa e interactiva, onde esse âmbito intermédio transforma e é transformado, “afecta”, ”co-move “(nos faz mover/agir) e evoca outros lugares, outras possibilidades de espaço habitável ou ocupável. Emerge o intermédio como lugar que, paradigmática e manifestamente, o monumento de Eisenmann em Berlim, anuncia e exibe.
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é explicitar a relação entre a religião e a vida cotidiana na cid ade de Alto Paraíso (RO). Pretende discutir o papel do imaginário religioso no processo de ocupação de um novo espaço geográfico e na luta pela sobrevivência neste contexto. Sistematiza, assim, a história de uma cidade a partir de depoimentos de seus primeiros habitantes, perguntando pelo lugar da religião nesta memória. A metodologia privilegia o depoimento oral, colhido através da técnica de entrevistas, transcritas, sistematizadas e problematizadas como fonte plausível de investigação. Tenta captar e visibilizar os sentidos que sujeitos anônimos atribuem a suas experiências de vida num processo de transformação de um espaço inóspito em um lugar habitável e promissor em termos econômicos e sociais. A pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro sistematiza a história de Alto Paraíso, privilegiando a memória dos primeiros moradores da região. O segundo debate a religião como agente na formação do imaginário e das transformações sociais. O terceiro capítulo discute o embricamento entre o trânsito religioso, as magias populares e os milagres institucionalizados.(AU)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é explicitar a relação entre a religião e a vida cotidiana na cid ade de Alto Paraíso (RO). Pretende discutir o papel do imaginário religioso no processo de ocupação de um novo espaço geográfico e na luta pela sobrevivência neste contexto. Sistematiza, assim, a história de uma cidade a partir de depoimentos de seus primeiros habitantes, perguntando pelo lugar da religião nesta memória. A metodologia privilegia o depoimento oral, colhido através da técnica de entrevistas, transcritas, sistematizadas e problematizadas como fonte plausível de investigação. Tenta captar e visibilizar os sentidos que sujeitos anônimos atribuem a suas experiências de vida num processo de transformação de um espaço inóspito em um lugar habitável e promissor em termos econômicos e sociais. A pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro sistematiza a história de Alto Paraíso, privilegiando a memória dos primeiros moradores da região. O segundo debate a religião como agente na formação do imaginário e das transformações sociais. O terceiro capítulo discute o embricamento entre o trânsito religioso, as magias populares e os milagres institucionalizados.(AU)
Killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) protect class I HLAs expressing target cells from natural killer (NK) cell-mediated lysis. To understand the molecular basis of this receptor-ligand recognition, we have crystallized the extracellular ligand-binding domains of KIR2DL2, a member of the Ig superfamily receptors that recognize HLA-Cw1, 3, 7, and 8 allotypes. The structure was determined in two different crystal forms, an orthorhombic P212121 and a trigonal P3221 space group, to resolutions of 3.0 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The overall fold of this structure, like KIR2DL1, exhibits K-type Ig topology with cis-proline residues in both domains that define β-strand switching, which sets KIR apart from the C2-type hematopoietic growth hormone receptor fold. The hinge angle of KIR2DL2 is approximately 80°, 14° larger than that observed in KIR2DL1 despite the existence of conserved hydrophobic residues near the hinge region. There is also a 5° difference in the observed hinge angles in two crystal forms of 2DL2, suggesting that the interdomain hinge angle is not fixed. The putative ligand-binding site is formed by residues from several variable loops with charge distribution apparently complementary to that of HLA-C. The packing of the receptors in the orthorhombic crystal form offers an intriguing model for receptor aggregation on the cell surface.
For nearly 200 years since their discovery in 1756, geologists considered the zeolite minerals to occur as fairly large crystals in the vugs and cavities of basalts and other traprock formations. Here, they were prized by mineral collectors, but their small abundance and polymineralic nature defied commercial exploitation. As the synthetic zeolite (molecular sieve) business began to take hold in the late 1950s, huge beds of zeolite-rich sediments, formed by the alteration of volcanic ash (glass) in lake and marine waters, were discovered in the western United States and elsewhere in the world. These beds were found to contain as much as 95% of a single zeolite; they were generally flat-lying and easily mined by surface methods. The properties of these low-cost natural materials mimicked those of many of their synthetic counterparts, and considerable effort has made since that time to develop applications for them based on their unique adsorption, cation-exchange, dehydration–rehydration, and catalytic properties. Natural zeolites (i.e., those found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) have been and are being used as building stone, as lightweight aggregate and pozzolans in cements and concretes, as filler in paper, in the take-up of Cs and Sr from nuclear waste and fallout, as soil amendments in agronomy and horticulture, in the removal of ammonia from municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste and drinking waters, as energy exchangers in solar refrigerators, as dietary supplements in animal diets, as consumer deodorizers, in pet litters, in taking up ammonia from animal manures, and as ammonia filters in kidney-dialysis units. From their use in construction during Roman times, to their role as hydroponic (zeoponic) substrate for growing plants on space missions, to their recent success in the healing of cuts and wounds, natural zeolites are now considered to be full-fledged mineral commodities, the use of which promise to expand even more in the future.
One of the fascinating properties of the central nervous system is its ability to learn: the ability to alter its functional properties adaptively as a consequence of the interactions of an animal with the environment. The auditory localization pathway provides an opportunity to observe such adaptive changes and to study the cellular mechanisms that underlie them. The midbrain localization pathway creates a multimodal map of space that represents the nervous system's associations of auditory cues with locations in visual space. Various manipulations of auditory or visual experience, especially during early life, that change the relationship between auditory cues and locations in space lead to adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior and to corresponding changes in the functional and anatomical properties of this pathway. Traces of this early learning persist into adulthood, enabling adults to reacquire patterns of connectivity that were learned initially during the juvenile period.
Traditionally, libraries have provided a modest amount of information about grants and funding opportunities to researchers in need of research funding. Ten years ago, the University of Washington (UW) Health Sciences Libraries and Information Center joined in a cooperative effort with the School of Medicine to develop a complete, library-based grant and funding service for health sciences researchers called the Research Funding Service. The library provided space, access to the library collection, equipment, and electronic resources, and the School of Medicine funded staff and operations. The range of services now includes individual consultation appointments, an extensive Web site, classes on funding database searching and writing grant applications, a discussion series that frequently hosts guest speakers, a monthly newsletter with funding opportunities of interest to the six health sciences schools, extensive files on funding sources, and referral services.