962 resultados para Space environment


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This study aimed to assess the microbiology of food and hand contact surfaces in the retail environment and the potential for these surfaces to act as vehicles for the spread of foodborne pathogens. During the survey, 10 stores in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) were visited by student Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) who took swab samples from four surfaces: conveyor belts, long-life shopping bags, shopping trolley handles and keypads on card payment units. The swab samples were examined for the presence of the pathogens Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria. The Aerobic Colony Counts, as well as the levels of E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae, were also determined. In addition, structured questionnaires were used with retailers to establish the stores’ regimes for the cleaning of conveyor belts. Similarly, shoppers donating their long-life shopping bags for sampling were questioned about how they normally use these bags, and the results were compared with those from the microbiological survey. The results indicated that the hygiene of the surfaces sampled was good, with Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria not detected in any of the samples, and levels of both Enterobacteriaceae and E. coli were below the limits of detection in all but one sample. Aerobic Colony Counts varied but none of the results obtained would be deemed ‘unacceptable’ or ‘unsatisfactory’ under guidelines for ready-to-eat foods


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Evidence Review 8 - Improving access to green spaces Briefing 8 - Improving access to green spaces This pair of documents, commissioned by Public Health England, and written by the UCL Institute of Health Equity, address the role of green space in improving health locally. The first part of the evidence review defines ‘accessible’ green space and provides an overview of the evidence linking access to green spaces with health benefits, setting out the potential for reducing health inequalities. The second part provides an overview of interventions implemented at the local level to increase equitable access and use of good quality green spaces. Local authorities and local organisations have taken action on these issues through the implementation of interventions to: 1. Create new areas of green space and improve the quality of existing green spaces 2. Increase accessibility, engagement and use of green spaces The full evidence review and a shorter summary briefing are available to download above. This document is part of a series. An overview document which provides an introduction to this and other documents in the series, and links to the other topic areas, is available on the ‘Local Action on health inequalities’ project page. A video of Michael Marmot introducing the work is also available on our videos page.


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ABSTRACT This dissertation investigates the, nature of space-time as described by the theory of general relativity. It mainly argues that space-time can be naturally interpreted as a physical structure in the precise sense of a network of concrete space-time relations among concrete space-time points that do not possess any intrinsic properties and any intrinsic identity. Such an interpretation is fundamentally based on two related key features of general relativity, namely substantive general covariance and background independence, where substantive general covariance is understood as a gauge-theoretic invariance under active diffeomorphisms and background independence is understood in the sense that the metric (or gravitational) field is dynamical and that, strictly speaking, it cannot be uniquely split into a purely gravitational part and a fixed purely inertial part or background. More broadly, a precise notion of (physical) structure is developed within the framework of a moderate version of structural realism understood as a metaphysical claim about what there is in the world. So, the developement of this moderate structural realism pursues two main aims. The first is purely metaphysical, the aim being to develop a coherent metaphysics of structures and of objects (particular attention is paid to the questions of identity and individuality of these latter within this structural realist framework). The second is to argue that moderate structural realism provides a convincing interpretation of the world as described by fundamental physics and in particular of space-time as described by general relativity. This structuralist interpretation of space-time is discussed within the traditional substantivalist-relationalist debate, which is best understood within the broader framework of the question about the relationship between space-time on the one hand and matter on the other. In particular, it is claimed that space-time structuralism does not constitute a 'tertium quid' in the traditional debate. Some new light on the question of the nature of space-time may be shed from the fundamental foundational issue of space-time singularities. Their possible 'non-local' (or global) feature is discussed in some detail and it is argued that a broad structuralist conception of space-time may provide a physically meaningful understanding of space-time singularities, which is not plagued by the conceptual difficulties of the usual atomsitic framework. Indeed, part of these difficulties may come from the standard differential geometric description of space-time, which encodes to some extent this atomistic framework; it raises the question of the importance of the mathematical formalism for the interpretation of space-time.


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Sophia Housing Gardening Project was set up in 2008. The Gardening Project has enhanced the living environment for the tenants and creates a space where people can socialize and interact. DCC Community Development Section Lead Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 8 Target Groups Homeless people Funding DCC Community Development Section Lead


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Windsor Women’s Centres’ Food for Thought project provides a multi-functional inner-city green space, which facilitates activities for participants that empowers them to recognise healthy lifestyle choices. This space provides the means through which women and their families in the community can improve their environment, health and wellbeing. They also encompass a range of activities which improve the nutrition of service users from children to the elderly and will improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of their community.


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Episodic memories for autobiographical events that happen in unique spatiotemporal contexts are central to defining who we are. Yet, before 2 years of age, children are unable to form or store episodic memories for recall later in life, a phenomenon known as infantile amnesia. Here, we studied the development of allocentric spatial memory, a fundamental component of episodic memory, in two versions of a real-world memory task requiring 18 month- to 5-year-old children to search for rewards hidden beneath cups distributed in an open-field arena. Whereas children 25-42-months-old were not capable of discriminating three reward locations among 18 possible locations in absence of local cues marking these locations, children older than 43 months found the reward locations reliably. These results support previous findings suggesting that allocentric spatial memory, if present, is only rudimentary in children under 3.5 years of age. However, when tested with only one reward location among four possible locations, children 25-39-months-old found the reward reliably in absence of local cues, whereas 18-23-month-olds did not. Our findings thus show that the ability to form a basic allocentric representation of the environment is present by 2 years of age, and its emergence coincides temporally with the offset of infantile amnesia. However, the ability of children to distinguish and remember closely related spatial locations improves from 2 to 3.5 years of age, a developmental period marked by persistent deficits in long-term episodic memory known as childhood amnesia. These findings support the hypothesis that the differential maturation of distinct hippocampal circuits contributes to the emergence of specific memory processes during early childhood.


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Résumé : Une épidémie de gale sarcoptique (Sarcoptes scabiei) touche le canton de Genève depuis 1996. Nous avons étudié l'impact de cette maladie sur différents caractères comportementaux du renard roux (Vulpes vulpes) : l'écologie alimentaire, les comportements spatiaux et l'activité, ainsi que les contacts sociaux. Nous avons également évalué si la gale pouvait influencer la composition et la transmission de la communauté helminthique intestinale du renard. En effet, cette espèce est l'hôte de parasites qui sont liés à des zoonoses importantes, en particulier le ténia échinocoque du renard (Echinococcus multilocularis) pour lequel Genève est considérée comme une zone de haute endémie. Durant 5 années, des carcasses de renards ont été récoltées sur l'ensemble du canton. Nous les avons disséquées et avons conservé différents échantillons pour des analyses ultérieures. Des données sur le poids, l'âge et le statut reproductif des femelles ont ainsi pu être obtenues. Les contenus stomacaux ont été analysés pour déterminer le régime alimentaire, les intestins pour collecter des helminthes, des échantillons de sang pour faire des sérologies et des échantillons de peau pour récupérer les sarcoptes. Des renards sauvages ont également été capturés et équipés de colliers émetteurs afin de déterminer leur activité et leur utilisation de l'espace. Finalement, nous avons réalisé des affûts sur des terriers et des observations nocturnes à l'aide d'un détecteur thermique afin d'étudier les contacts sociaux. Nous avons ensuite considéré tous ces aspects pour comparer les renards galeux aux individus sains. Trois catégories de gale ont été prises en compte selon l'importance de l'infection. L'épidémie a traversé le canton en 8 ans environ et elle a provoqué une forte diminution des populations de renard. Les animaux malades étaient caractérisés par un poids réduit, ils utilisaient des domaines vitaux réduits et présentaient un rythme d'activité irrégulier. En ce qui concerne le régime alimentaire, les renards galeux avaient souvent des estomacs vides ou contenant peu d'aliments d'origine animale. Cette réduction de l'alimentation ne semble pas seulement être liée à des capacités de prédation réduite, mais également à un désintérêt face à la nourriture. Tous les changements de comportement cités étaient plus marqués chez les animaux soumis à une forte infestation. Dix taxons d'helminthes ont été identifiés dans les intestins des renards analysés. Deux d'entre eux représentent un risque de santé publique: Echinococcus multilocularis et Toxocara carvis. Pour ces helminthes, nous n'avons pas identifié de différences de prévalence entre les renards galeux et les animaux sains, mais la charge parasitaire était significativement supérieure chez les individus galeux, en particulier ceux souffrant d'une infestation importante. Ceci est probablement lié à une susceptibilité accrue des individus qui présentent une condition physique amoindrie et des défenses immunitaire affaiblies. Selon nos résultats, nous pouvons conclure que la gale induit des changements comportementaux importants et que ces changements ont une influence potentielle sur la transmission de la gale elle-même, mais également sur la transmission du reste de la communauté parasitaire de l'hôte. Les individus qui souffrent d'une infestation importante sont susceptibles de provoquer une contamination de l'environnement accrue en ce qui concerne des helminthes pouvant provoquer des zoonoses. La gale apparaît être un facteur à ne pas négliger dans le cadre de la gestion de la faune sauvage, mais également en ce qui concerne des problématiques de santé publique. Summary An epidemic outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) has struck the canton of Geneva since 1996. The impact of the disease on various behavioural traits of the main host, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), was investigated: feeding ecology, spatial behaviour and activity, and social contacts. We also evaluated if mange might have an influence on the composition and transmission of the intestinal helminth community of foxes. Indeed, this species is host of parasites with potential zoonotic importance, particularly the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) for which Geneva is reported as endemic area. During 5 years, red fox carcasses have been collected throughout the canton. They were then dissected and various samples conserved for further analysis. Data on weight, age, and reproductive status of females were obtained. Stomach content were analysed for diet analysis, intestines to recover helminths, blood to proceed to ELISAs and skin samples to check for the presence of Sarcoptes mites. Further, wild foxes were captured and fitted with transmitters in order to determine their activity pattern and space use. Finally, we proceeded to direct observations at dens and using a thermal imaging sensor at night to gain information about social contacts. A comparison between healthy and mangy foxes was made for all these aspects. Three categories of mangy foxes were considered from moderately to severely infected. The epidemic wave crossed the canton in about 8 years and induced a significant reduction in fox densities. Mangy individuals appeared to have reduced body weights, to use more restricted home ranges and exhibited an irregular activity pattern. Regarding food, sick foxes often had empty stomachs and consumed less food items of animal origin. The reduction in food intake appeared to be linked not only to a reduced ability to hunt, but also to a reduced interest in food. The changes observed were particularly pronounced in individuals with severe infestation. Ten helminth taxa were recovered from the intestines on the analysed fox carcasses. Two of them have an importance with regard to human public health: Echinococcus multilocularis and Toxocara cams. The prevalence of these helminths did not differ between healthy and mangy foxes, however the worm burden was significantly higher in mangy foxes, particularly those with severe mange. This is probably linked to an increased susceptibility in individuals with a reduced body condition and weakened immune defences. From our observations, we can conclude that mange induces pronounced behavioural changes in the red fox, and that those changes influence the transmission risks of mange itself, but also of the rest of the parasite community of the host. Individuals with severe mange are for example likely to increase the environment contamination of free living stages of helminths with zoonotic importance. Mange appears thus to represent a factor not to be neglected for the management of wild species and for public health issues.


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Triatoma venosa presents a restricted geographical distribution in America and is considered as a secondary vector of Chagas disease in Colombia and Ecuador. A total of 120 adult insects were collected in domestic and peridomestic habitats in an endemic area of the department of Boyacá, Colombia, in order to determine their genetic structure through morphometric and molecular techniques. The head and wings of each specimen were used for the analyses of size, shape, and sexual dimorphism. A significant sexual dimorphism was found, although no differences in size among the studied groups were detected. Differences were found in the analyzed structures except for male heads. DNA was extracted from the legs in order to carry out the internal transcriber space-2 (ITS-2) amplification and the randon amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. Length polymorphisms were not detected in the ITS-2. Fst and Nm values were estimated (0.047 and 3.4, respectively). The high genetic flow found among the insects captured in the domicile and peridomiciliary environment does not permit a genetic differentiation, thus establishing the peridomicile as an important place for epidemiological surveillance.


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Rifting processes, leading to sea-floor spreading, are characterized by a sequence of events: transtensive phase of extension with syn-rift volcanism; simple shear extension accompanied by lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric up-welling and thermal uplift of the rift shoulder and asymmetric volcanism. The simple shear model of extension leads to an asymmetric model of passive margin: a lower plate tilted block margin and an upper plate flexural, ramp-like margin- Both will be affected by thermal contraction and subsidence, starting soon after sea-floor spreading. Based on these actualistic models Tethyan margins are classified as one type or the other. Their evolution from the first transtensional phase of extension to the passive margin stage are analyzed. Four main rifting events are recognized in the Tethyan realm: an episode of lower Paleozoic events leading to the formation of the Paleotethys; a Late Paleozoic event leading to the opening of the Permotethys and East Mediterranean basin: an early Mesozoic event leading to the opening of the Pindos Neotethys and a Jurassic event related to the opening of the Alpine/Atlantic Neotethys. Type margins are given as example of each rifting event: -Northern Iran (Alborz) as a type area for the Late Ordovician to Silurian rifting of Paleotethys. -Northern India and Oman for the Late Carboniferous to early Permian rifting of Permotethys. -The East Mediterranean (Levant, Tunisia) as a Late Carboniferous rifting event. -The Neotethyan rifting phases are separated in two types: an eastern Pindos system found in Turkey and Greece is genetically linked to the Permotethys with a sea-floor spreading delayed until middle Triassic: a western Alpine system directly linked to the opening of the central Atlantic is characterized by a Late Triassic transtensive phase, an early to Middle Liassic break-away phase and. following sea-floor spreading, a thermal subsidence phase starting in Dogger. Problems related to the closure of the Paleozoic oceanic domains are reviewed. A Late Permian, early Triassic phase of `'docking'' between an European accretionary prism (Chios) and a Paleotethyan margin is supported by recent findings in the Mediterranean area. Back-arc rifting within the European active margin led to the formation of marginal seas during Permian and Triassic times and will contribute to the closure of the Paleozoic oceans.


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The overarching purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the safety and promote the protection of patients, staff and visitors by ensuring that dangerous items or hazardous substances are not brought into the in-patient setting, including illicit substances, prescribed / over the counter medications, dangerous items and alcohol or any other hazardous or potentially hazardous item or substance.


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This paper examines theoretical and methodological implications of Clifford Geertz's approach to religion as he formulated it in 'Religion as a cultural system' (Geertz 1966), where religion and culture seem to be defined as functional equivalents. The paper considers religious symbols in the public space, using two examples from contemporary reality - one being a certain expression spoken by the copilot of Egypt Air Flight 990, the other being the headscarf controversy in France - in order to explore how the anthropologist relates the microsituations he observes to an all-embracing context