927 resultados para South East-Asia


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Mit dieser Arbeit wird am Beispiel der Gimpel der Gattung Pyrrhula (Aves: Fringillidae) eine vergleichende phylogenetische Methodik angewandt. Der dafür gewählte Untersuchungsansatz beinhaltet v.a. molekulargenetische und morphologische Methoden, deren Ergebnisse vor dem biogeographischen Hintergrund der Gattung analysiert werden. Diese Arbeit bestätigt die traditionelle Abgrenzung der Gimpel gegenüber den anderen Formen der Finkenfamilie. Die Gattung stellt eine monophyletische Gruppe dar und ist sowohl anhand molekulargenetischer als auch morphologischer Merkmale hervorragend umgrenzbar. Eine Vereinigung mit der Schwestergattung Pinicola ist demgegenüber nicht gerechtfertigt. Die mit klassischen Untersuchungsverfahren bestimmten Gruppierungen der Gattung lassen sich auch mit modernen Methoden bestätigen. Pyrrhula besteht aus drei Hauptverwandtschaftsgruppen: „Südostasiatische Gimpel“ (P. nipalensis und P. leucogenis), „Himalayagimpel“ (P. aurantiaca, P. erythaca, P. erythrocephala) und „Eurasische Gimpel“ (P. pyrrhula s.l.). Innerhalb von P. pyrrhula s.l. lassen sich drei genetisch und morphologisch unterschiedlich differenzierte Untergruppierungen mit eigenständige Merkmalskombinationen ausmachen: P. (p.) murina, P. (p.) cineracea und P. (p.) griseiventris. Das Entstehungszentrum von Pyrrhula befand sich vermutlich im südöstlichen Asien. Anhand der molekulargenetischen und biogeographischen Daten lassen sich ungefähre Ausbreitungs- und Diversifizierungsprozesse datieren. Vom Entstehungszentrum ging eine präpleistozäne Ausbreitungswelle aus, die die Aufspaltung der Stammlinienvertreter der Südostasiatischen Gimpel und später die der Himalayagimpel-Stammlinie zur Folge hatten. Etwa zeitgleich begann die Ausbreitung der Vorfahren der Eurasischen Gimpel bis ins westliche Südeuropa. Im frühen Pleistozän spalteten sich die Vorläufer des rezenten P. aurantica ab, gefolgt von der Trennung der südostasiatischen Stammlinie in die Vorfahren von P. nipalensis und P. leucogenis. Daraufhin folgten rasche spätpleistozäne Ausbreitungen und Diversifizierungen, die das Überdauern von Gimpeln in südostchinesischen bzw. mediterranen Glazialrefugien nahelegen. Dabei trennten sich die Stammlinien von P. erythrocephala und P. erythaca ungefähr gleichzeitig mit jenen der Stammlinien von P. pyrrhula s.str., P. (p.) murina und P. (p.) griseiventris. Die P. (p.) cineracea-Stammlinie folgte wiederum etwas später. Die Vorläufer der heutigen P. pyrrhula s.str. nahmen im späten Pleistozän mehrfach ostwärts gerichtete Ausbreitungen vor, während derer sie sich über weite Teile Eurasiens bis nach Kamtschatka verbreiteten. Die morphologischen Differenzierungen der einzelnen Formen wurden wahrscheinlich stark durch die geographischen Verhältnisse beeinflusst. Neben Isolationseffekten auf Inseln (murina) spielten vermutlich auch pleistozäne Refugialgebiete der Mandschurei und Japans für die Entstehung der heutigen griseiventris und das nordmongolische Refugium für cineracea eine große Rolle. Der gefiedermorphologische Geschlechtsmonomorphismus von P. nipalensis und P. leucogenis könnte dabei einen stammesgeschichtlich ancestralen Zustand darstellen, jener von murina ist dagegen sicher eine sekundäre Reduktionserscheinung. Auf Grundlage des Biospezieskonzeptes erlauben die erarbeiteten phylogenetischen Daten, die Gattung Pyrrhula entweder in sechs oder in neun Arten (inkl. zweier Superspezies) zu unterteilen. Der zahlenmäßige Unterschied entsteht dabei durch die unterschiedliche Klassifikation der Formen murina, cineracea und griseiventris, die entweder P. pyrrhula als Subspezies angeschlossen werden oder als Angehörige einer Superspezies P. [pyrrhula] Artrang erhalten.


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Thirty microsatellite markers were analysed in 1426 goats from 45 traditional or rare breeds in 15 European and Middle Eastern countries. In all populations inbreeding was indicated by heterozygosity deficiency (mean FIS = 0.10). Genetic differentiation between breeds was moderate with a mean FST value of 0.07, but for most (c. 71%) northern and central European breeds, individuals could be assigned to their breeds with a success rate of more than 80%. Bayesian-based clustering analysis of allele frequencies and multivariate analysis revealed at least four discrete clusters: eastern Mediterranean (Middle East), central Mediterranean, western Mediterranean and central/northern Europe. About 41% of the genetic variability among the breeds could be explained by their geographical origin. A decrease in genetic diversity from the south-east to the north-west was accompanied by an increase in the level of differentiation at the breed level. These observations support the hypothesis that domestic livestock migrated from the Middle East towards western and northern Europe and indicate that breed formation was more systematic in north-central Europe than in the Middle East. We propose that breed differentiation and molecular diversity are independent criteria for conservation.


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The Mediterranean Region has many morphologic, geographical, historical, and societal characteristics, which make its climate scientifically interesting. The concept of Mediterranean climate is characterized by mild wet winters and warm to hot, dry summers and occur on the west side of continents between about 30° and 40° latitude. However, the presence of a relatively large mass of water is unique to the actual Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean Sea is a marginal and semi-enclosed sea; it is located on the western side of a large continental area and is surrounded by Europe to the North, Africa to the South, and Asia to the East. The chapter discusses that the climate of the Mediterranean region is to a large extent forced by planetary scale patterns. The time and space behavior of the regional features associated with such large-scale forcing is complex. Orography and land–sea distribution play an important role establishing the climate at basin scale and its teleconnections with global patterns. Different levels of services of readiness to emergencies, technological, and economic resources are likely to result in very different adaptation capabilities to environmental changes and new problems. The different economic situations and demographic trends are likely to produce contrasts and conflicts in a condition of limited available resources and environmental stress.


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The number of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased markedly over the past few decades as a result of astounding successes in pediatric cardiac care. Nevertheless, it is now well understood that CHD is not cured but palliated, such that life-long expert care is required to optimize outcomes. All countries in the world that experience improved survival in CHD must face new challenges inherent to the emergence of a growing and aging CHD population with changing needs and medical and psychosocial issues. Founded in 1992, the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD) is the leading global organization of professionals dedicated to pursuing excellence in the care of adults with CHD worldwide. Recognizing the unique and varied issues involved in caring for adults with CHD, ISACHD established a task force to assess the current status of care for adults with CHD across the globe, highlight major challenges and priorities, and provide future direction. The writing committee consisted of experts from North America, South America, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and Oceania. The committee was divided into subgroups to review key aspects of adult CHD (ACHD) care. Regional representatives were tasked with investigating and reporting on relevant local issues as accurately as possible, within the constraints of available data. The resulting ISACHD position statement addresses changing patterns of worldwide epidemiology, models of care and organization of care, education and training, and the global research landscape in ACHD.


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Reconstructions of the deposition rate of windblown mineral dust in ocean sediments offer an important means of tracking past climate changes and of assessing the radiative and biogeochemical impacts of dust in past climates. Dust flux estimates in ocean sediments have commonly been based on the operationally defined lithogenic fraction of sediment samples. More recently, dust fluxes have been estimated from measurements of helium and thorium, as rare isotopes of these elements (He-3 and Th-230) allow estimates of sediment flux, and the dominant isotopes (He-4 and Th-232) are uniquely associated with the lithogenic fraction of marine sediments. In order to improve the fidelity of dust flux reconstructions based on He and Th, we present a survey of He and Th concentrations in sediments from dust source areas in East Asia, Australia and South America. Our data show systematic relationships between He and Th concentrations and grain size, with He concentrations decreasing and Th concentrations increasing with decreasing grain size. We find consistent He and Th concentrations in the fine fraction (<5 μm) of samples from East Asia, Australia and Central South America (Puna-Central West Argentina), with Th concentrations averaging 14 μg/g and He concentrations averaging 2 μcc STP/g. We recommend use of these values for estimating dust fluxes in sediments where dust is dominantly fine-grained, and suggest that previous studies may have systematically overestimated Th-based dust fluxes by 30%. Source areas in Patagonia appear to have lower He and Th contents than other regions, as fine fraction concentrations average 0.8 μcc STP/g and 9 μg/g for 4He and 232Th, respectively. The impact of grain size on lithogenic He and Th concentrations should be taken into account in sediments proximal to dust sources where dust grain size may vary considerably. Our data also have important implications for the hosts of He in long-traveled dust and for the 3He/4He ratio used for terrigenous He in studies of extraterrestrial He in sediments and ice. We also investigate the use of He/Th ratios as a provenance tracer. Our results suggest differences in fine fraction He/Th ratios between East Asia, Australia, central South America and Patagonia, with ratios showing a positive relationship with the geological age of source rocks. He/Th ratios may thus provide useful provenance information, for example allowing separation of Patagonian sources from Puna-Central West Argentina or Australian dust sources. He/Th ratios in open-ocean marine sediments are similar to ratios in the fine fraction of upwind dust source areas. He/Th ratios in mid-latitude South Atlantic sediments suggest that dust in this region primarily derives from the Puna-Central West Argentina region (23–32°S) rather than Patagonia (>38°S). In the equatorial Pacific, He/Th ratios are much lower than in extratropical Pacific sediments or potential source areas measured as a part of this study (East Asia, South America, Australia) for reasons that are at present unclear, complicating their use as provenance tracers in this region.


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This paper examines cross-country patterns of economic growth by estimating a stochastic frontier production function for 80 developed and developing countries and decomposing output change into factor accumulation, total factor productivity growth, and production efficiency improvement. In addition, this paper incorporates the quality of inputs in analyzing output growth, where the productivity of capital depends on its average age, while the productivity of labor depends on its average level of education. Our growth decomposition involves five geographic regions - Africa, East Asian, Latin America, South Asia, and the West. Factor growth, especially capital accumulation, generally proves much more important than either the improved quality of factors or total factor productivity growth in explaining output growth. The quality of capital positively and significantly affects output growth in all groups. The quality of labor, however, only possesses a positive and significant effect on output growth in Africa, East Asia, and the West. Labor quality owns a negative and significant effect in Latin America and South Asia.


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Magnetostratigraphy has been serving as a valuable tool for dating and confirming chronologies of lacustrine sediments in many parts of the world. Suitable paleomagnetic records on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and adjacent areas are, however, extremely scarce. Here, we derive paleomagnetic records from independently radiocarbon-dated sediments from two lakes separated by 250 km on the southern central TP, Tangra Yumco and Taro Co. Studied through alternating field demagnetization of u-channel samples, characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions document similar inclination patterns in multiple sediment cores for the past 4000 years. Comparisons to an existing record from Nam Co, a lake 350 km east of Tangra Yumco, a varve-dated record from the Makran Accretionary Wedge, records from Lakes Issyk-Kul and Baikal, and a stack record from East Asia reveal many similarities in inclination. This regional similarity demonstrates the high potential of inclination to compare records over the Tibetan Plateau and eventually date other Tibetan records stratigraphically. PSV similarities over such a large area (>3000 km) suggest a large-scale core dynamic origin rather than small scale processes like drift of the non-dipole field often associated with PSV records.


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A map of the tidal flats of China, Manchuria and Korea depicted in US Army Map Service Series L500, L542 and L552 topographic maps (compiled between 1950 and 1964). The topographic maps were georeferenced against prominent topographical features in L1T processed Landsat imagery and the foreshore flat class was manually delineated. For further information refer to Murray et. al. (2014).


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Aim To test whether the radiation of the extremely rich Cape flora is correlated with marine-driven climate change. Location Middle to Late Miocene in the south-east Atlantic and the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) off the west coast of South Africa. Methods We studied the palynology of the thoroughly dated Middle to Late Miocene sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1085 retrieved from the Atlantic off the mouth of the Orange River. Both marine upwelling and terrestrial input are recorded at this site, which allows a direct correlation between changes in the terrestrial flora and the marine BUS in the south-east Atlantic. Results Pollen types from plants of tropical affinity disappeared, and those from the Cape flora gradually increased, between 10 and 6 Ma. Our data corroborate the inferred dating of the diversification in Aizoaceae c. 8 Ma. Main conclusions Inferred vegetation changes for the Late Miocene south-western African coast are the disappearance of Podocarpus-dominated Afromontane forests, and a change in the vegetation of the coastal plain from tropical grassland and thicket to semi-arid succulent vegetation. These changes are indicative of an increased summer drought, and are in step with the development of the southern BUS. They pre-date the Pliocene uplift of the East African escarpment, suggesting that this did not play a role in stimulating vegetation change. Some Fynbos elements were present throughout the recorded period (from 11 Ma), suggesting that at least some elements of this vegetation were already in place during the onset of the BUS. This is consistent with a marine-driven climate change in south-western Africa triggering substantial radiation in the terrestrial flora, especially in the Aizoaceae.


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A 30 m.y. stable isotopic record of marine-deposited black carbon from regional terrestrial biomass burning from the northern South China Sea reveals photosynthetic pathway evolution for terrestrial ecosystems in the late Cenozoic. This record indicates that C3 plants negatively adjusted their isotopic discrimination and C4 plants appeared gradually as a component of land vegetation in East Asia since the early Miocene, a long time before sudden C4 expansion occurred during the late Miocene to the Pliocene. The changes in terrestrial ecosystems with time can be reasonably related to the evolution of East Asian monsoons, which are thought to have been induced by several intricate mechanisms during the late Cenozoic and could contribute significantly to the post-Miocene marine carbonate isotope decline.