988 resultados para Somerville, William C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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[No. 1] is extracted from J.C. Frémont. Report of exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842; [no. 2-3] from U.S. Engineer dept. Notes of a military reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California ... By Lieut. Col. W.H. Emory; [no. 4] from U.S. Engineer dept. Exploration and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The chloroplast genes of dinoflagellates are distributed among small, circular dsDNA molecules termed minicircles. In this paper, we describe the structure of the non-coding region of the psbA minicircle from Symbiodinium. DNA sequence was obtained from five Symbiodinium strains obtained from four different coral host species (Goniopora tenuidens, Heliofungia actiniformis, Leptastrea purpurea and Pocillopora damicornis), which had previously been determined to be closely related using LSU rDNA region D1/D2 sequence analysis. Eight distinct sequence blocks, consisting of four conserved cores interspersed with two metastable regions and flanked by two variable regions, occurred at similar positions in all strains. Inverted repeats (IRs) occurred in tandem or 'twin' formation within two of the four cores. The metastable regions also consisted of twin IRs and had modular behaviour, being either fully present or completely absent in the different strains. These twin IRs are similar in sequence to double-hairpin elements (DHEs) found in the mitochondrial genomes of some fungi, and may be mobile elements or may serve a functional role in recombination or replication. Within the central unit (consisting of the cores plus the metastable regions), all IRs contained perfect sequence inverses, implying they are highly evolved. IRs were also present outside the central unit but these were imperfect and possessed by individual strains only. A central adenine-rich sequence most closely resembled one in the centre of the non-coding part of Amphidinium operculatum minicircles, and is a potential origin of replication. Sequence polymorphism was extremely high in the variable regions, suggesting that these regions may be useful for distinguishing strains that cannot be differentiated using molecular markers currently available for Symbiodinium.


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To investigate the role of the hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site (HCV IRES) domain IV in translation initiation and regulation, two chimeric IRES elements were constructed to contain the reciprocal domain IV in the otherwise HCV and classical swine fever virus IRES elements. This permitted an examination of the role of domain IV in the control of HCV translation. A specific inhibitor of the HCV IRES, vitamin B-12 was shown to inhibit translation directed by all IRES elements which contained domain IV from the HCV and the GB virus B IRES elements, whereas the HCV core protein could only suppress translation from the wild-type HCV IRES. Thus, the mechanisms of translation inhibition by vitamin B-12 and the core protein differ, and they target different regions of the IRES.


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William Aldren Turner (1864-1945), in his day Physician to the National Hospital, Queen Square, and to King's College Hospital, London, was one of the major figures in the world of epileptology in the period between Hughlings Jackson in the latter part of the 19th century and the advent of electroencephalography in the 1930s. Although he also made contributions to knowledge in other areas of neurology, and with Grainger Stewart wrote a competent textbook on that subject, Turner's main professional interest throughout his career seems to have been epilepsy. On the basis of a series of earlier, rather heavily statistical, personal publications dealing with various aspects of the disorder, he authored what became a well-accepted monograph entitled Epilepsy-a study of the idiopathic disorder, which appeared in 1907, and he also gave the 1910 Morison lectures in Edinburgh on the topic. His writings on epilepsy over a period of three decades consolidated knowledge rather than led to significant advances, but helped maintain interest in the disorder during a rather long fallow phase in the development of the understanding of its nature. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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SUMMARY. We conducted a randomized multinational study to determine whether 48 weeks of re-treatment with peginterferon- alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin would induce a sustained virological response (SVR) in relapsed chronic hepatitis C patients. Patients who had previously relapsed during 24 weeks of untreated follow-up, after having achieved an end-of-treatment virological response with 24 weeks of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa)/ribavirin combination therapy, within a phase III trial, were studied. Although the recommended dosage was the same as that used at the end of the initial trial, adjustments were permitted. Data on serious adverse events, or adverse events that resulted in dose reductions or discontinuations, were collected. Following re-treatment, the overall SVR rate in the 64 patients was 55%. The SVR rates in patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 and non-1 genotypes were 51% and 63%, respectively. Early (week 12) virological responses were seen in 39 patients (61%) and were predictive of an SVR. Re-treatment was well tolerated. The most frequent adverse events recorded were fatigue (5%) and abdominal pain (3%). Dosages of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa) and/or ribavirin were modified because of adverse events in 3% and 13% of patients, and because of laboratory abnormalities in 23% and 5% of patients, respectively. Thus, a 48-week course of peginterferon-alpha-2a (40 kDa) plus ribavirin induces an SVR in 55% of patients who relapsed during follow-up after 24 weeks of combination therapy. Physicians should not hesitate to offer re-treatment to patients who relapse after an initial, 24-week course of combination therapy, or who have prematurely stopped treatment because, for example, of laboratory abnormalities.


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The Raf-1 protein kinase is a major activator of the ERK MAPK pathway, which links signaling by a variety of cell surface receptors to the regulation of cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and migration. Signaling by Raf-1 is regulated by a complex and poorly understood interplay between phosphorylation events and protein-protein interactions. One important mode of Raf-1 regulation involves the phosphorylation-dependent binding of 14-3-3 proteins. Here, we have examined the mechanism whereby the C-terminal 14-3-3 binding site of Raf-1, S621, controls the activation of MEK-ERK signaling. We show that phosphorylation of S621 turns over rapidly and is enriched in the activated pool of endogenous Raf-1. The phosphorylation on this site can be mediated by Raf-1 itself but also by other kinase(s). Mutations that prevent the binding of 14-3-3 proteins to S621 render Raf-1 inactive by specifically disrupting its capacity to bind to ATP, and not by gross conformational alteration as indicated by intact MEK binding. Phosphorylation of S621 correlates with the inhibition of Raf-1 catalytic activity in vitro, but 14-3-3 proteins can completely reverse this inhibition. Our findings suggest that 14-3-3 proteins function as critical cofactors in Raf-1 activation, which induce and maintain the protein in a state that is competent for both ATP binding and MEK phosphorylation.


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New information on possible resource value of sea floor manganese nodule deposits in the eastern north Pacific has been obtained by a study of records and collections of the 1972 Sea Scope Expedition. Nodule abundance (percent of sea floor covered) varies greatly, according to photographs from eight stations and data from other sources. All estimates considered reliable are plotted on a map of the region. Similar maps show the average content of Ni, Cu, Mn and Co at 89 stations from which three or more nodules were analyzed. Variations in nodule metal content at each station are shown graphically in an appendix, where data on nodule sizes are also given. Results of new analyses of 420 nodules from 93 stations for mn, fe, ni, cu, CO, and zn are listed in another appendix. Relatively high Ni + Cu content is restricted chiefly to four groups of stations in the equatorial region, where group averages are 1.86, 1.99, 2.47, and 2.55 weight-percent. Prepared for United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Grant no. GO284008-02-MAS. - NTIS PB82-142571.


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The Bedford Institute of Oceanography provided ship time on the C.S.S. Hudson during the B.I.0. 1967 Metrology and IODAL Cruise for surveying two separate bottom features in the North Atlantic; the Flemish Cap and the San Pablo Seamount one of the Kelvin Seamounts (also known as the New England Seamounts) about 400 miles SSE of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Underwater photography, dredging, and drilling showed San Pablo seamount to have a very considerable covering of manganese deposit, which may be recoverable by mining. San Pablo Seamount was surveyed and sampled; good hauls were made both on the top and on the slopes, at various depths from 500-1000 fathoms; in all cases samples of an unusual stratified manganese-iron ore were recovered. In the hope of gaining additional information in the immediate sample area, one of the dredges had been previously modified to accommodate underwater photographic equipment. X-ray chemical analyses indicate that the ore contains 20 to 25 per cent MnO2, with similar amounts of Fe2O3. Since bottom photographs indicate that these deposits form a continuous cover 1 foot to 3 feet thick over most of the seamount, it is estimated that there are ore reserves in the order of 10 to 30 M tons above 1,000 fathoms.


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Compositional data for coexisting manganese nodules, micronodules, sediments and pore waters from five areas in the equatorial and S.W. Pacific have been obtained. This represents the largest study of its type ever undertaken to establish the distribution of elements between the various phases within the sediment column. The composition of manganese nodules, micronodules and sediments (on a carbonate-free basis) shows marked differences between the equatorial high productivity zone and the low productivity region of the S.W. Pacific. In the case of the nodules, th is reflects an increased supply of transition elements (notably Ni, Cu and Zn) to the nodules as a result of the in situ dissolution of siliceous tests within the sediment column in the equatorial Pacific high productivity zone. Micronodules display similar, but somewhat different, compositions to those of the associated nodules in each area. Micronodule composition is therefore influenced by the same basic factors that control nodule composition, but is modified by dissolution of the micronodules in situ within the sediment column. Locally, as in the area immediately south of the Marquesas Fracture Zone, the micronodule population is contaminated by small, angular volcanic rock fragments; this leads to apparently anomalous micronodule compositions. Micronodules appear to be a transient feature in the sediment column, especially in the equatorial Pacific. Dissolution of micronodules in the sediment column therefore represents an important source of elements for the growth of manganese nodules in the equatorial Pacific. Sediment composition is markedly influenced by the carbonate content. On a carbonate-free basis, the sediments from the equatorial high productivity zone are quite distinct in composition from those in the S.W. Pacific. This reflects differences in the lithology of the sediments. In the Aitutaki Passage, the local influence of volcanoclastic material in sediment composition has been established. The major cations and anions in pore waters measured here show no major differences between equatorial and S.W. Pacific sediments. Silica is, however, higher in equatorial Pacific pore waters reflecting the dissolution of siliceous tests in these sediments.


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The International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) commemorated William Smith (23rd March 1769 - 28th August 1839) and 200 years of geomodelling with geological surveys and academics across the globe at the 17th annual conference of the IAMG in Freiberg, Germany from the 5th to 13th September 2015. The aim of the IAMG is to promote the use of mathematics, statistics and geoinformatics in the geosciences. The annual IAMG conference is an opportunity for geoscientists to collaborate with mathematicians and statisticians and present their recent work. The

17th annual IAMG conference, with 300 participants from across the world, differed from previous IAMG conferences in that it included a special ‘Day of Surveys’ to acknowledge 200 years of science and methodologies to construct maps.


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The Porta Nocera 2 program aims to study the process of establishing and developing a Roman urban necropolis from a road network, which is an essential setting in the expression of death in the Roman time. As such, the necropolis of Porta Nocera essentially excavated between 1952 and 1958 and then in 1983 offers a privileged field study. Indeed, monuments and funerary enclosures with burial structures (graves, cremation areas) built along the road to Nocera are well preserved and allow to observe funerary practices on a relatively short time, about 160 years, since we can assume that the necropolis has been founded with the colony in 80 BC. It is then the necessity to organize a burial area according to Roman customs, which is at the origin a new landscape development until then essentially marked by the presence of the urban wall.