975 resultados para Solar radiation pressures


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The coastal upwelling system off the coast of Peru is characterized by high biological activity and a pronounced subsurface oxygen minimum zone, as well as associated emissions of atmospheric trace gases such as N2O, CH4 and CO2. From 3 to 23 December 2012, R/V Meteor (M91) cruise took place in the Peruvian upwelling system between 4.59 and 15.4°S, and 82.0 to 77.5°W. During M91 we investigated the composition of the sea-surface microlayer (SML), the oceanic uppermost boundary directly subject to high solar radiation, often enriched in specific organic compounds of biological origin like chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and marine gels. In the SML, the continuous photochemical and microbial recycling of organic matter may strongly influence gas exchange between marine systems and the atmosphere. We analyzed SML and underlying water (ULW) samples at 38 stations focusing on CDOM spectral characteristics as indicator of photochemical and microbial alteration processes. CDOM composition was characterized by spectral slope (S) values and excitation-emission matrix fluorescence (EEMs), which allow us to track changes in molecular weight (MW) of DOM, and to determine potential DOM sources and sinks. Spectral slope S varied between 0.012 to 0.043 1 nm-1 and was quite similar between SML and ULW, with no significant differences between the two compartments. Higher S values were observed in the ULW of the southern stations below 15°S. By EEMs, we identified five fluorescent components (F1-5) of the CDOM pool, of which two had excitation/emission characteristics of amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) and were highly enriched in the SML, with a median ratio SML : ULW of 1.5 for both fluorophores. In the study region, values for CDOM absorption ranged from 0.07 to 1.47 m-1. CDOM was generally highly concentrated in the SML, with a median enrichment with respect to the ULW of 1.2. CDOM composition and changes in spectral slope properties suggested a local microbial release of DOM directly in the SML as a response to light exposure in this extreme environment. In a conceptual model of the sources and modifications of optically active DOM in the SML and underlying seawater (ULW), we describe processes we think may take place (Fig. 1); the production of CDOM of higher MW by microbial release through growth, exudation and lysis in the euphotic zone, includes the identified fluorophores (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5). Specific amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4) accumulate in the SML with respect to the ULW, as photochemistry may enhance microbial CDOM release by (a) photoprotection mechanisms and (b) cell-lysis processes. Microbial and photochemical degradation are potential sinks of the amino-acid-like fluorophores (F1, F4), and potential sources of reworked and more refractory humic-like components (F2, F3, F5). In the highly productive upwelling region along the Peruvian coast, the interplay of microbial and photochemical processes controls the enrichment of amino-acid-like CDOM in the SML. We discuss potential implications for air-sea gas exchange in this area.


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23 layers of altered volcanic ash (bentonites) originating from the North Atlantic Igneous Province have been recorded in early Eocene deposits of the Austrian Alps, about 1,900 km away from the source area. The Austrian bentonites are distal equivalents of the ''main ash-phase'' in Denmark and the North Sea basin. We have calculated the total eruption volume of this series as 21,000 km**3, which occurred in 600,000 years. The most powerful single eruption of this series took place 54.0 million years ago (Ma) and ejected ca. 1,200 km**3 of ash material, which makes it one of the largest basaltic pyroclastic eruptions in geological history. The clustering of eruptions must have significantly affected the incoming solar radiation in the early Eocene by the continuous production of stratospheric dust and aerosol clouds. This hypothesis is corroborated by oxygen isotope values, which indicate a global decrease of sea surface temperatures between 1 and 2 C during this major phase of explosive volcanism.


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Atmospheric deposition of mercury to remote areas has increased threefold since pre-industrial times. Mercury deposition is particularly pronounced in the Arctic. Following deposition to surface oceans and sea ice, mercury can be converted into methylmercury, a biologically accessible form of the toxin, which biomagnifies along the marine food chain. Mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes accompanies the photochemical breakdown of methylmercury to less bioavailable forms in surface waters. Here we examine the isotopic composition of mercury in seabird eggs collected from colonies in the North Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the western Arctic Ocean, to determine geographical variations in methylmercury breakdown at northern latitudes. We find evidence for mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes. The degree of mass-independent fractionation declines with latitude. Foraging behaviour and geographic variations in mercury sources and solar radiation fluxes were unable to explain the latitudinal gradient. However, mass-independent fractionation was negatively correlated with sea-ice cover. We conclude that sea-ice cover impedes the photochemical breakdown of methylmercury in surface waters, and suggest that further loss of Arctic sea ice this century will accelerate sunlight-induced breakdown of methylmercury in northern surface waters.


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This data set provides a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of a thermokarst depression (~7 km²) on ice-complex deposits in the Arctic Lena Delta, Siberia. The DEM based on a geodetic field survey and was used for quantitative land surface analyses and detailed description of the thermokarst depression morphology. Detailed morphometrical analyses, volume calculations, and solar radiation modeling were performed and statistically analyzed by Ulrich et al. (2010) to investigate the asymmetrical thermokarst depression development and directed lake migration previously proposed by Morgenstern et al. (2008). Furthermore, the high-resolution DEM in combination with satellite data allowed detailed analyses of spatial and temporal landscape changes due to thermokarst development (Günther, 2009).


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La presente investigación parte del problema en las zonas de clima cálido - húmedo en las cuales se producen impactos asociados a la incomodidad térmica producto de la intensa radiación solar, altas temperaturas y elevada humedad. Estos factores reducen la calidad de los espacios abiertos y desarrollan en la población una actitud de rechazo hacia el uso del microespacio urbano entre edificaciones en los desarrollos urbanos - conjuntos urbanos - , los mismos frecuentemente admiten soluciones que al parecer no contribuyen a la realización de las actividades comunes de esparcimiento de la población residente. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es profundizar en la temática urbano - ambiental - social y el diseño urbano vinculada a la particularidad morfológica local, las condiciones microclimáticas, el uso del microespacio y los requerimientos de los usuarios. La finalidad de desarrollar estrategias de control microclimático del microespacio entre edificios en clima cálido - húmedo en búsqueda de soluciones óptimas que satisfagan las necesidades de los usuarios de los espacios exteriores en estas áreas residenciales. La investigación se centra en el estudio de las particularidades contextuales relacionadas con el microclima y las características urbanas - morfotipológicas, básicamente los factores microclimáticos (soleamiento y ventilación), los morfológicos y edificatorios y las características de las superficies (pavimentos). En coherencia con el objetivo propuesto el trabajo se desarrolla en cuatro fases: la primera aborda la revisión documental, literatura relevante e investigaciones relativas a la calidad ambiental, medio social, medio físico, el microespacio urbano, control y diseño sostenible, modelización proyectual y estrategias sostenibles; la segunda fase se refiere al marco contextual, características urbanas, datos climáticos locales, planes y procesos urbanos, tipologías y conformación urbana. En esta fase se describe el proceso de selección, análisis y evaluación urbano - ambiental de los casos de estudio (conjuntos residenciales). En la tercera fase se aborda el marco evaluativo y estudio de casos, consideraciones físicas, climáticas y valoración térmico - ambiental de los conjuntos residenciales seleccionados. En esta fase se aplican Técnicas Estadísticas y de Simulación Computacional y se analizan los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, la cuarta fase propositiva incluye el establecimiento de Estrategias, Principios y Lineamientos de optimación térmica y se exponen las Conclusiones parciales de la tesis, alcances y perspectivas futuras. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el análisis en las experiencias de la realidad permiten comprobar que las situaciones y alteraciones ambientales sustanciales, los niveles de afectación térmica y las condiciones de confortabilidad e impacto derivan de las características urbanas, los componentes del microespacio y de las condiciones climáticas las cuales afectan el desarrollo de las actividades y el uso efectivo del microespacio entre edificios. El análisis de los factores morfo - climáticos incidentes y el estudio de los efectos de interacción contribuyen al establecimiento de Principios y Lineamientos para la evaluación y diseño sostenible del microespacio entre edificios y el uso correcto de los elementos del clima en estas áreas urbanas destinadas a la actividad social y al esparcimiento de la población residente. ABSTRACT This research starts from the problem of hot - humid climate zones where impacts related to thermal discomfort are produced as a result from the intense solar radiation and high temperatures and humidity. These factors reduce the quality of open spaces and people develop an attitude of rejection towards the use of urban microspace among buildings within urban developments - urban complexes - . Usually, these complexes admit solutions that apparently do not contribute to the achievement of common leisure activities in the resident dwellers. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to deepen in the urban - environmental - social issue and urban design linked to the local morphological particularity, microclimate conditions, use of microspace and users’ requirements. In order to develop microclimate control strategies of microspace among buildings in hot - humid climate to look for optimal solutions that satisfy users’ needs of outdoors spaces in these residential areas. The research focuses in the study of contextual particularities related to microclimate and urban - morphotypological characteristics. Basically, microclimate (sunlight and ventilation), morphological and building factors as well as road surface characteristics. According to the proposed objective, this research is developed in four phases: the first one considers documentary review, relevant literature and researches related to environmental quality, social environment, physical environment, urban microspace, control and sustainable design, project modelling and sustainable strategies; while the second phase refers to contextual framework, urban characteristics, local climate data, plans and urban processes, typologies and urban structure. In this phase, the process of selection, analysis and urban - environmental evaluation of case studies (residential complexes) is described. The third phase approaches the assessment framework and case studies, physical and climate considerations as well as environmental - thermal evaluation of selected residential complexes. In this phase, statistical techniques and computational simulations are applied. Likewise, results obtained are analysed. Similarly, fourth and proposing phase includes the establishment of strategies, principles and guidelines of thermal optimization and partial conclusions of the thesis, scopes and future perspectives are exposed. Finally, from the results obtained, it is demonstrated that the analysis on reality experiences allow proving that situations and substantial environmental changes, levels of thermal affectations, comfort conditions and impact derive from urban characteristics, microspace components and from climate conditions which affect the development of activities and the effective use of microspace among buildings. The analysis of incidental morpho - climate factors and the study of interaction effects contribute to the establishment of principles and guidelines for the assessment and sustainable design of microspace among buildings as well as the correct use of climate elements in these urban areas oriented to social and leisure activities of resident population.


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Los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, es decir, sistemas que carecen de conexión a la red eléctrica, presentan una gran utilidad para poder llevar a cabo la electrificación de lugares remotos donde no hay medios de acceder a la energía eléctrica. El continuo avance en el número de sistemas instalados por todo el mundo y su continua difusión técnica no significa que la implantación de estas instalaciones no presente ninguna problemática. A excepción del panel fotovoltaico que presenta una elevada fiabilidad, el resto de elementos que forman el sistema presentan numerosos problemas y dependencias, por tanto el estudio de las fiabilidades de estos elementos es obligado. En este proyecto se pretende analizar y estudiar detalladamente la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados. Primeramente, el presente documento ofrece una introducción sobre la situación mundial de las energías renovables, así como una explicación detallada de la energía fotovoltaica. Esto incluye una explicación técnica de los diferentes elementos que forman el sistema energético (módulo fotovoltaico, batería, regulador de carga, inversor, cargas, cableado y conectores). Por otro lado, se hará un estudio teórico del concepto de fiabilidad, con sus definiciones y parámetros más importantes. Llegados a este punto, el proyecto aplica la teoría de fiabilidad comentada a los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, profundizando en la fiabilidad de cada elemento del sistema así como evaluando el conjunto. Por último, se muestran datos reales de fiabilidad de programas de electrificación, demostrando la variedad de resultados sujetos a los distintos emplazamientos de las instalaciones y por tanto distintas condiciones de trabajo. Se destaca de esta forma la importancia de la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, pues normalmente este tipo de instalaciones se localizan en emplazamientos remotos, sin personal cualificado de mantenimiento cercano ni grandes recursos logísticos y económicos. También se resalta en el trabajo la dependencia de la radiación solar y el perfil de consumo a la hora de dimensionar el sistema. Abstract Stand-alone photovoltaic systems which are not connected to the utility grid. These systems are very useful to carry out the electrification of remote locations where is no easy to access to electricity. The number increased of systems installed worldwide and their continued dissemination technique does not mean that these systems doesn´t fails. With the exception of the photovoltaic panel with a high reliability, the remaining elements of the system can to have some problems and therefore the study of the reliabilities of these elements is required. This project tries to analyze and study the detaila of the reliability of standalone PV systems. On the one hand, this paper provides an overview of the global situation of renewable energy, as well as a detailed explanation of photovoltaics. This includes a technical detail of the different elements of the energy system (PV module, battery, charge controller, inverter, loads, wiring and connectors). In addition, there will be a theoricall study of the concept of reliability, with the most important definitions and key parameters. On the other hand, the project applies the reliability concepts discussed to the stand-alone photovoltaic systems, analyzing the reliability of each element of the system and analyzing the entire system. Finally, this document shows the most important data about reliability of some electrification programs, checking the variety of results subject to different places and different conditions. As a conclussion, the importance of reliability of stand-alone photovoltaic systems because usually these are located in remote locations, without qualified maintenance and financial resources.These systems operate under dependence of solar radiation and the consumption profile.


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Objetivos. Análisis a través del prisma de la sostenibilidad, con un triple objetivo: consumo de energía, aspecto constructivo y recursos arquitectónicos, de algunos ejemplos destacados de vivienda aislada desde 1973, crisis del petróleo, hasta el cambio ideológico del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Emplazadas en microclimas semejantes en distintas latitudes, para extrapolar al clima mediterráneo. Ejemplos. Siete viviendas aisladas de distinto diseño conceptual, situadas en climas subtropicales, en ecosistemas variados pero de concepción medioambiental, constructiva y arquitectónica muy actual. Los ejemplos elegidos, por su intencionalidad, su diseño, y su sentido utilitario, constructivo y semiótico, se analizan desde el hecho acumulativo y el hecho reactivo, mediante el procedimiento de contrastar diversas fuentes de información. Objetivos. El análisis de cada una de las viviendas procedentes de diferentes arquitectos, se hace mediante la simulación de modelos que permitan describir la parte esencial del comportamiento de un sistema de interés, así como diseñar y realizar experimentos con el modelo para extraer conclusiones de sus resultados y apoyar la toma de decisiones proyectual. Procedimiento. En una primera fase, el medio natural queda definido por su localización, interpretación del lugar, el clima concreto (mediante climogramas generales y de isopletas), determinando un diagnóstico medioambiental para el establecimiento de estrategias a partir de los datos experimentales a contrastar con el resultado finalmente obtenido. En una segunda fase se eligen los casos más representativos de LowTech / LowEnergy y HighTech / HighEnergy. Se realiza un análisis del modelo, frente a uno de los elementos predominantes: sol, aire, agua, tierra, luna, vegetación y miscelánea. Resultados. De los casos estudiados se extraen principios aplicables en cada uno de los ámbitos: medioambiental, relacionados con la adaptabilidad energética; constructivo, en relación con la economía; y arquitectónico, vinculado con lo social, con una perspectiva diferente sobre los nuevos espacios vivibles. Conclusiones y relevancia. En los emplazamientos estudiados, los arquitectos herederos del movimiento moderno, han utilizado los recursos medioambientales pasivos y activos más actuales en cada uno de los elementos, así como la orientación, la ventilación, la radiación, la inercia térmica,…las actitudes más contemporáneas como expertos bioclimáticos. Los principios extraídos deben facilitar un proceso proyectual mediante pautas experimentales a desarrollar sin un uso desmesurado de la tecnología. Los principios y las conclusiones obtenidos servirán de aplicación a nuevos modelos conociendo los parámetros más relevantes. La modelización analógica - digital permitirá evaluar el comportamiento más aplicable según las necesidades a satisfacer. Objectives. Architectural analysis through the prism of sustainability with three aims: energy consumption, building technique and architectonical resources. The study is focused on some key examples of low density houses since 1973 (featured by the Oil crisis) until the 11th September 2001´s ideological change. These living spaces are settled in similar microclimates although in different latitudes with strong possibilities for applications in Mediterranean climates. Examples. Seven remote detached dwellings with different conceptual characters, located in subtropical climates, in different ecosystems, however with a sustainable basis and architectonical building concepts very updated. The cultural objects chosen, due to legitimate reasons such as: purpose, a plan, an utilitarian sense, constructive and semiotic, are analyzed under an accumulative perspective along with the reactive fact as the procedure to contrast and compare different sources of information. Goals. The analysis of the examples of different architects, will be done in order to simulate through models which describe and display the essential part of behaviour that corresponds to an interest system, along with the design and to try out or experiment with the model and to draw up results which support the projecting decision process. Procedure. On a first stage, the natural environment is shaped by its location, interpretation of the pace, a particular climate (through general climograms and isophlets), determining an environmental diagnosis which would be able to generate scientific conclusions in order to develop adequate strategies. Hence from experimental data we contrast with the results. On a second stage the more representative cases of LowTech / LowEnergy and HighTech / HighEnergy are choosen. We analyze the model taking into consideration and facing a key element: sun, air, water, soil, moon, vegetation and miscellany. Results. From the study cases we draw up applicable principles in each field: the ecological in relation with energetic adaptability, the constructive potential related with economy, and the social in relation with a different perspective about new architectural living spaces. Conclusions and Relevance. On those settlements studied, the heirs architects from Modern Movement, had used the passive and active, updated environmental resources in each element. For instance, aspects like orientation, ventilation, solar radiation, thermal inertia…, and the most contemporary attitude as bioclimatic expert that they are. These principles speed up through experimental guidelines, the technology is diminished and the design process be provided. The principles and conclusions generated will be useful in order to apply new models because we are able to know the most relevant key parameters. The analogical-digital modelizations allow us to revaluate the applicable behaviour according to the needs to satisfy.


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The façade is the visible part of a building, and generally consists of various different constructive systems. The sound reduction index of the closing elements for the openings on a room’s façade is a determining factor in the sound insulation from airborne noise inside the space. Windows are the transparent part of the façade, and to improve their thermal behaviour and control solar radiation, they are often fitted with a series of external and internal protections such as shutters, slats and blinds. This work contains a summary of studies carried out using field measurements of airborne sound insulation on façades in rooms, in application of the standard UNE-EN ISO 140-5:1999. In all the rooms the windows were fitted with shutter boxes and rolling shutters, and the acoustic tests were made with the shutter in two positions (extended and fully retracted). The results were analysed considering the window opening system (openable or sliding) and the type of glass pane (monolithic or insulating glass unit, IGU). In the case of sliding windows, the airborne sound insulation of façades is greater when the shutter is extended than when it is retracted, and this should be taken into account when applying the aforementioned standard.


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tWatercore distribution inside apple fruit (block or radial), and its incidence (% of tissue) were relatedto the effect of solar radiation inside the canopy as measured by a set of low-cost irradiation sensors.221 samples were harvested in two seasons from the top and the bottom of the canopy and submittedto the non-invasive and non-destructive technique of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order toobtain 20 inner tomography slices from each fruit and analyze the damaged areas using an interactive3D segmentation method. The number of fruit corresponding to each type of damage and the relevantpercentage were calculated and it was found that apples from the top of the tree were mainly of the radialtype (84%) and had more watercore (approx. 5% more) than apples from the bottom (65% radial). From theimage segmentation, the Euler number, a morphometric parameter, was extracted from the segmentedimages and related to the type of watercore symptoms. Apples with block watercore were grouped inEuler numbers between −400 and 400 with a small evolution. For apples with radial development, theEuler number was highly negative: up to −1439. Significant differences were also found regarding sugarcomposition, with higher fructose and total sugar contents in apples from the upper canopy, compared tothose in the lower canopy location. In the seasons studied (2011 and 2012), significantly higher sorbitoland lower sucrose and fructose contents were found in watercore-affected tissue compared to the healthytissue of affected apples and also compared to healthy apples.


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Cyclic fluctuations of the atmospheric temperature on the dam site, of the water temperature in the reservoir and of the intensity of solar radiation on the faces of the dam cause significant stresses in the body of concrete dams. These stresses can be evaluated first by introducing in analysis models a linear temperature distribution statically equivalent to the real temperature distribution in the dam; the stress valúes obtained from this first step must be complemented (especially in the área of dam faces) with the stress valúes resuiting from the difference between the real temperature law and the linear law at each node. In the case of arch gravity dams, and because of their characteristics of arch dam featuring a thick section, both types of temperature-induced stresses are of similar importance. Thermal stress valúes are directly linked to a series of factors: atmospheric and water temperature and intensity of solar radiation at dam site, site latitude, azimuth of the dam, as well as geometrical characteristics of the dam and thermal properties of concrete. This thesis first presents a complete study of the physical phenomenon of heat exchange between the environment and the dam itself, and establishes the participation scheme of all parameters involved in the problem considered. A detailed documental review of available methods and techniques is then carried out both for the estimation of environmental thermal loads and for the evaluation of the stresses induced by these loads. Variation ranges are also established for the main parameters. The definition of the geometrical parameters of the dam is provided based on the description of a wide set of arch gravity dams built in Spain and abroad. As a practical reference of the parameters defining the thermal action of the environment, a set of zones, in which thermal parameters reach homogeneous valúes, was established for Spain. The mean valué and variation range of atmospheric temperature were then determined for each zone, based on a series of historical valúes. Summer and winter temperature increases caused by solar radiation were also defined for each zone. Since the hypothesis of thermal stratification in the reservoir has been considered, máximum and mínimum temperature valúes reached at the bottom of the reservoir were determined for each climatic zone, as well as the law of temperature variation in function of depth. Various dam-and-foundation configurations were analysed by means of finite element 3D models, in which the dam and foundation were each submitted to different load combinations. The seasonal thermal behaviour of sections of variable thickness was analysed through the application of numerical techniques to one-dimensional models. Contrasting the results of both analyses led to conclusions on the influence of environmental thermal action on the stress conditions of the structure. Las oscilaciones periódicas de la temperatura ambiente en el emplazamiento y de la temperatura del agua en el embalse, así como de la incidencia de la radiación solar sobre los paramentos de la presa, son causa de tensiones importantes en el cuerpo de las presas de hormigón. Estas tensiones pueden ser evaluadas en primer lugar introduciendo en los modelos tridimensionales de análisis, distribuciones lineales de temperatura estáticamente equivalentes a las correspondientes distribuciones reales en el cuerpo de la presa; las tensiones así obtenidas han de complementarse (sobre todo en las cercanías de los paramentos) con tensiones cuyo origen está en la temperatura diferencia entre la ley real y la lineal en cada punto. En el caso de las presas arco-gravedad y en razón de su doble característica de presas arco y de sección gruesa, ambas componentes de la tensión inducida por la temperatura son de magnitud similar. Los valores de estas tensiones de origen térmico están directamente relacionados con la temperatura del emplazamiento y del embalse, con la intensidad de la insolación, con la latitud y el azimut de la presa, con las características geométricas de la estructura y con las propiedades térmicas del hormigón. En esta tesis se realiza, en primer lugar, un estudio completo del fenómeno físico del intercambio de calor entre el medio ambiente y el cuerpo de la presa, estableciendo el mecanismo de participación de todos los parámetros que configuran el problema. En segundo lugar se realiza a cabo una revisión documental detallada de los métodos y técnicas utilizables tanto en la estimación de las cargas térmicas ambientales como en la evaluación de las tensiones inducidas por dichas cargas. En tercer lugar se establecen rangos de variación para los principales parámetros que configuran el problema. Los parámetros geométricos de la presa se definen a partir de la descripción de un amplio conjunto de presas arco-gravedad tanto españolas como del resto del mundo. Como referencia práctica de los parámetros que definen la acción térmica ambiental se establecen en España un conjunto de zonas caracterizadas por que, en cada una de ellas, los parámetros térmicos alcanzan valores homogéneos. Así, y en base a series de valores históricos, se establecen la media y la amplitud de la variación anual de la temperatura ambiental en cada una de las zonas. Igualmente, se han definido para cada zona los incrementos de temperatura que, en invierno y en verano, produce la insolación. En relación con el agua del embalse y en la hipótesis de estratificación térmica de este, se han definido los valores, aplicables en cada una de las zonas, de las temperaturas máxima y mínima en el fondo así como la ley de variación de la temperatura con la profundidad. Utilizando modelos tridimensionales de elementos finitos se analizan diferentes configuraciones de la presa y la cimentación sometidas, cada una de ellas, a diferentes combinaciones de carga. Aplicando técnicas numéricas a modelos unidimensionales se analiza el comportamiento térmico temporal de secciones de espesor variable. Considerando conjuntamente los resultados de los análisis anteriores se obtienen conclusiones parametrizadas de detalle sobre la influencia que tiene en el estado tensional de la estructura la consideración de la acción térmica ambiental.


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A research programme is being carried out at the Institute Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial of Spain, on several aspects of the formation of nitrogen oxides in continuous flow combustion systems, considering hydrogen and hydrocarbons as fuels. The research programme is fundamentally oriented on the basic aspects of the problem, although it also includes the study of the influence on the formation process of several operational and design variables of the combusters, such as type of fuels, fuel/air ratio, degree of mixing in premixed type flames, existence of droplets as compared with homogeneous combustion.This problem of nitrogen oxides formation is receiving lately great attention, specially in connection with automobile reciprocating engines and aircraft gas turbines. This is due to the fact of the increasing frequency and intensity of photochemical hazes or smog, typical of urban areas submitted to strong solar radiation, which are originated by the action on organic compounds of the oxidants resulting from the photochemical decomposition of nitrogen dioxide N02. In the combustion process almost all nitrogen oxides are in form of NO. This nitric oxide reacts with the oxygen of the air and forms N02, this reaction only taking place in or near the exhaust of tne motors, since the N0-02 reaction becomes frozen for the concentration existing in the atmosphere.


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It is known that a green wall brings some advantages to a building. It constitutes a barrier against solar radiation, thus decreasing and delaying the incoming heat flux. The aim of this study is to quantify such advantages through analytical comparison between two facades, a vegetal facade and a conventional facade. Both were highly insulated (U-value = 0.3 W/m2K) and installed facing south on the same building in the central territory of Spain. In order to compare their thermal trend, a series of sensors were used to register superficial and indoor air temperature. The work was carried out between 17th August 2012 and 1st October 2012, with a temperature range of 12°C-36°C and a maximum horizontal radiation of 1020 W/m2. Results show that the indoor temperature of the green wall module was lower than the other. Besides, comparing superficial outdoor and indoor temperatures of the two walls to outdoor air temperatures, it was noticed that, due to the shading plants, the green wall superficial temperature was 5 °C lower on the facade, while the bare wall temperature was 15 °C higher. The living wall module temperature was 1.6 °C lower than the outdoor, while the values of the conventional one were similar to the outdoor air temperature.


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This paper assesses rural vernacular heritage established in a warm temperate climate, with dry, hot summer, in São Vicente e Ventosa (SVV), Alentejo, Portugal, and takes part in a larger investigation intending to create rehabilitation guidelines, with sustainable criteria and integration of recent technologies, to improving indoor comfort, and revert the state of deterioration. To further reach this aim, this paper proposes a four phases methodology: data collection, evaluation, simulation and development; a first survey data analysis, including climate data and the adapted comfort climograph and isopleth diagram, allows an understanding of thermal comfort and main constraints in site, as well as suitable bioclimatic strategies for SVV: high thermal inertia for tempering extreme summer conditions and the considerable temperature amplitudes throughout the year, complementarily night ventilation for passive cooling, small-sized window openings and movable shading systems for solar radiation protection. An efficient behaviour in stabilizing indoor temperature swings is revealed.


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The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a b aseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energetic behavior. The main difference between PV and CPV resides in the proper CPV modules, in particular in the inclusion of optical lements and III-V multijunction cells that are much more sensitive to spectral variations than xSi cells, while the rest of the system behaves in a way that possesses many common points with xSi technology. The modeling of the DC power output of a CPV system thus requires several impo rtant second order parameters to be considered, mainly related to optics, spectral direct solar radiation, wind speed, tracker accuracy and heat dissipation of cells.


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es realizar el pre-diseño de una instalación solar mixta fotovoltaica-térmica para satisfacer la demanda eléctrica para iluminación y para parte de las necesidades de energía térmica para agua caliente de una vivienda. El proyecto define las condiciones técnicas de la instalación a partir de la radiación solar registrada en la localización elegida. Además de incluir el estudio económico y los planos correspondientes que indican la viabilidad del mismo. Como puntos a destacar en el proyecto, se puede tomar los datos obtenidos de generación eléctrica y térmica, la viabilidad técnica y económica y el análisis de la incipiente tecnología de paneles híbridos fotovoltaicos-térmicos. La incorporación de las energías renovables es ya una realidad para las viviendas de nueva construcción, en cambio son pocas las nuevas instalaciones en edificios o viviendas ya construidas. Es importante promover este tipo de tecnologías con objetivo de reducir la dependencia actual de los combustibles fósiles y evitar así sus efectos nocivos al medio ambiente. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to carry out the draft design of a solar mixed photovoltaic-thermal installation to satisfy the electrical and thermal demand in a building, for lighting as well as for some of the energy required for water heating. The project defines the technical conditions of the system, given the solar radiation registered in the chosen location. It also includes the economic analysis and the respective plans that indicates the viability of the project. The highlights of the project are the following: electricity and thermal energy generation data, the technical and financial viability and the analysis of the new technology of the Photovoltaic-Thermal hybrid solar collectors. The inclusion of renewable energies is already a living reality for newly constructed buildings. By contrast, they are rarely implemented in old buildings. In order to be able to reduce the fossil fuels dependency, and in doing so, avoid its damaging effects on the environment, it is very important to promote the use of these cleaner technologies.