965 resultados para Soccer player


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CCN3, a founding member of the CCN family of growth regulators, was linked with hematology in 2003(1) when it was detected in human serum. CCN3 is expressed and secreted by hematopoietic progenitor cells in normal bone marrow. CCN3 acts through the core stem cell signalling pathways including Notch and Bone Morphogenic Protein, connecting CCN3 with the modulation of self-renewal and maturation of a number of cell lineages including hematopoietic, osteogenic and chondrogenic. CCN3 expression is disrupted in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia as a consequence of the BCR-ABL oncogene and allows the leukemic clone to evade growth regulation. In contrast, naive cord blood progenitors undergo enhanced clonal expansion in response to CCN3. Altered CCN3 expression is associated with numerous solid tumors including glioblastoma, melanoma. adrenocortical tumours, prostate cancer and bone malignancies including osteosarcoma. Mature CCN3 protein has five distinct modules and truncated protein variants with altered function are found in many cancers. Regulation by CCN3 is therefore cell type and isoform specific. CCN3 has emerged as a key player in stem cell regulation, hematopoiesis and a crucial component within the bone marrow microenvironment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study used a virtual simulated 3vs3 rugby task to investigate whether gaps opening in particular running channels promote different actions by the ball-carrier player and whether an effect of rugby expertise is verified. We manipulated emergent gaps in three different locations: gap1 in the participant’s own running channel, gap 2 in the 1st receiver's running channel, and gap3 in the 2nd receiver's running channel. Recreational, intermediate, professional and non-rugby players performed the task. They could i) run with the ball, ii) make a short pass, or iii) make a long pass. All actions were digitally recorded. Results revealed that the emergence of gaps in the defensive line with respect to the participant’s own position significantly influenced action selection. Namely, ‘run’ was most often the action performed in gap 1, ‘short pass’ in gap 2, and ‘long pass’ in gap 3 trials. Furthermore, a strong positive relationship between expertise and task achievement was found.


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In this paper we study the influence of interventions on self-interactions in a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma on a two-dimensional grid with periodic boundary conditions and synchronous updating of the dynamics. We investigate two different types of self-interaction modifications. The first type (FSIP) is deterministic, effecting each self-interaction of a player by a constant factor, whereas the second type (PSIP) performs a probabilistic interventions. Both types of interventions lead to a reduction of the payoff of the players and, hence, represent inhibiting effects. We find that a constant but moderate reduction of self-interactions has a very beneficial effect on the evolution of cooperators in the population, whereas probabilistic interventions on self-interactions are in general counter productive for the coexistence of the two different strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of the acoustical functioning of musical instruments invariably involves the estimation of model parameters. The broad aim of this paper is to develop methods for estimation of clarinet reed parameters that are representative of actual playing conditions. This presents various challenges because of the di?culties of measuring the directly relevant variables without interfering with the control of the instrument. An inverse modelling approach is therefore proposed, in which the equations governing the sound generation mechanism of the clarinet
are employed in an optimisation procedure to determine the reed parameters from the mouthpiece pressure and volume ?ow signals. The underlying physical model captures most of the reed dynamics and is simple enough to be used in an inversion process. The optimisation procedure is ?rst tested by applying it to numerically synthesised signals, and then applied to mouthpiece signals acquired during notes blown by a human player. The proposed inverse modelling approach raises the possibility of revealing information about the way in which the embouchure-related reed parameters are controlled by the player, and also facilitates physics-based re-synthesis of clarinet sounds.


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This explores the rich social, cultural and economic life of Belfast at the point when it was emerging as Ireland's largest city and a key player in the British industrial and commercial landscape. Drawing on the research of established and emerging scholars this provides a series of snapshots of many aspects of the city's devlopment and its people at this pivotal time in its history


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BRCA1 is a major player in the DNA damage response. This is evident from its loss, which causes cells to become sensitive to a wide variety of DNA damaging agents. The major BRCA1 binding partner, BARD1, is also implicated in the DNA damage response, and recent reports indicate that BRCA1 and BARD1 co-operate in this pathway. In this report, we utilized small interfering RNA to deplete BRCA1 and BARD1 to demonstrate that the BRCA1-BARD1 complex is required for ATM/ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated/ATM and Rad3-related)-mediated phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) following IR- and UV radiation-induced DNA damage. In contrast, phosphorylation of a number of other ATM/ATR targets including H2AX, Chk2, Chk1, and c-jun does not depend on the presence of BRCA1-BARD1 complexes. Moreover, prior ATM/ATR-dependent phosphorylation of BRCA1 at Ser-1423 or Ser-1524 regulates the ability of ATM/ATR to phosphorylate p53(Ser-15) efficiently. Phosphorylation of p53(Ser-15) is necessary for an IR-induced G(1)/S arrest via transcriptional induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. Consistent with these data, repressing p53(Ser-15) phosphorylation by BRCA1-BARD1 depletion compromises p21 induction and the G(1)/S checkpoint arrest in response to IR but not UV radia-tion. These findings suggest that BRCA1-BARD1 complexes act as an adaptor to mediate ATM/ATR-directed phosphorylation of p53, influencing G(1)/S cell cycle progression after DNA damage.


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Background: As bending free-kicks becomes the norm in modern day soccer, implications for goalkeepers have largely been ignored. Although it has been reported that poor sensitivity to visual acceleration makes it harder for expert goalkeepers to perceptually judge where the curved free-kicks will cross the goal line, it is unknown how this affects the goalkeeper's actual movements.

Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, an in-depth analysis of goalkeepers' hand movements in immersive, interactive virtual reality shows that they do not fully account for spin-induced lateral ball acceleration. Hand movements were found to be biased in the direction of initial ball heading, and for curved free-kicks this resulted in biases in a direction opposite to those necessary to save the free-kick. These movement errors result in less time to cover a now greater distance to stop the ball entering the goal. These and other details of the interceptive behaviour are explained using a simple mathematical model which shows how the goalkeeper controls his movements online with respect to the ball's current heading direction. Furthermore our results and model suggest how visual landmarks, such as the goalposts in this instance, may constrain the extent of the movement biases.

Conclusions: While it has previously been shown that humans can internalize the effects of gravitational acceleration, these results show that it is much more difficult for goalkeepers to account for spin-induced visual acceleration, which varies from situation to situation. The limited sensitivity of the human visual system for detecting acceleration, suggests that curved free-kicks are an important goal-scoring opportunity in the game of soccer.


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The relationship between the biological activity of NO and its chemistry is complex. The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of oxygen tension on the cytotoxicity of the NO• donor DETA/NO and to determine the effects of oxygen tension on the key RNS (reactive nitrogen species) responsible for any subsequent toxicity. The findings presented in this study indicate that the DETA/NO-mediated cytotoxic effects were enhanced under hypoxic conditions. Further investigations revealed that neither ONOO⁻ (peroxynitrite) nor nitroxyl was generated. Fluorimetric analysis in the presence of scavengers suggest for the first time that another RNS, dinitrogen trioxide may be responsible for the cytotoxicity with DETA/NO. Results showed destabilization of HIF (hypoxia inducible factor)-1α and depletion of GSH levels following the treatment with DETA/NO under hypoxia, which renders cells more susceptible to DETA/NO cytotoxicity, and could account for another mechanism of DETA/NO cytotoxicity under hypoxia. In addition, there was significant accumulation of nuclear p53, which showed that p53 itself might be a target for S-nitrosylation following the treatment with DETA/NO. Both the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and the Fas extrinsic apoptotic pathway were also activated. Finally, GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) is another important S-nitrosylated protein that may possibly play a key role in DETA/NO-mediated apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Therefore this study elucidates further mechanisms of DETA/NO mediated cytotoxicity with respect to S-nitrosylation that is emerging as a key player in the signalling and detection of DETA/NO-modified proteins in the tumour microenvironment.


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TGF-ß1 is a prototypic profibrotic cytokine and major driver of fibrosis in the kidney and other organs. Induced in high glucose-1 (IHG-1) is a mitochondrial protein which we have recently reported to be associated with renal disease. IHG-1 amplifies responses to TGF-ß1 and regulates mitochondrial biogenesis by stabilising the transcriptional co-activator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1-alpha. Here we report that the mitochondrial localization of IHG-1 is pivotal in amplification of TGF-ß1 signaling. We demonstrate that IHG-1 expression is associated with repression of the endogenous TGF-ß1 inhibitor Smad7. Intriguingly, expression of a non-mitochondrial deletion mutant of IHG-1 (?mts-IHG-1) repressed TGF-ß1 fibrotic signaling in renal epithelial cells. In cells expressing ?mts-IHG-1 fibrotic responses including CCN2/connective tissue growth factor, fibronectin and jagged-1 expression were reduced following stimulation with TGF-ß1. ?mts-IHG-1 modulation of TGF-ß1 signaling was associated with increased Smad7 protein expression. ?mts-IHG-1 modulated TGF-ß1 activity by increasing Smad7 protein expression as it failed to inhibit TGF-ß1 transcriptional responses when endogenous Smad7 expression was knocked down. These data indicate that mitochondria modulate TGF-ß1 signal transduction and that IHG-1 is a key player in this modulation.


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The influence of Fantômas novels and films on global popular culture is widely acknowledged. From the 1915 Spanish musical "Cine-fantomas" to the 1960s Italian comic book series "Diabolik," "Kriminal" and "Satanik," from Turkish B-movies such as "Fantoma Istanbulda Bulusalim" (dir. Natuk Baytan, 1967) to Julio Cortazar’s anti-imperialist pamphlet "Fantômas contra los vampiros multinacionales" (1975), Pierre Souvestre and Marcel Allain’s original literary series have engendered uncountable translations, adaptations, imitations and plagiarisms that have spread the character’s fame worldwide since its first appearance in 1911.
By focusing on the influence of Louis Feuillade’s film adaptations during the first decade of Fantômas’ long history as a transnational and transmedia icon, this paper aims to contribute to the growing interdisciplinary field that deals with the history of the supranational cultural sphere created by modern media culture. As a sort of archaeology of contemporary cultural globalization, this form of study intends to enrich previous historical surveys that had only taken into consideration specific national contexts. Moreover, it might also rebalance certain “colonizing” accounts that overemphasize the role of the cultural superpowers such as France, the UK or the US, often forgetting the appropriation of the products of international popular culture to be found in other countries. Therefore, this paper examines the transnational circulation of Fantômas films and, in particular, the creative processes engendered outside of France their origin country. As a controversial character and a central player in the relationship between cinema and literature in the crucial years when the feature and serial film boosted and legitimized the film industry, Fantômas represents an exemplary case study to discuss the cross-cultural and cross-media dynamics engendered by popular fiction.


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Nonlinear interactions take place in most systems that arise in music acoustics, usually as a result of player-instrument coupling. Several time-stepping methods exist for the numerical simulation of such systems. These methods generally involve the discretization of the Newtonian description of the system. However, it is not always possible to prove the stability of the resulting algorithms, especially when dealing with systems where the underlying force is a non-analytic function of the phase space variables. On the other hand, if the discretization is carried out on the Hamiltonian description of the system, it is possible to prove the stability of the derived numerical schemes. This Hamiltonian approach is applied to a series of test models of single or multiple nonlinear collisions and the energetic properties of the derived schemes are discussed. After establishing that the schemes respect the principle of conservation of energy, a nonlinear single-reed model is formulated and coupled to a digital bore, in order to synthesize clarinet-like sounds.


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The proposition in the title of this paper is intended to draw a link between psychological processes involved in aesthetic gestural performance (e.g. music, dance) for both performers and perceivers. In the performance scenario, the player/dancer/etc., perceptually guides their actions, and acquires the skill for a performance through their previous perceptions. On the other side, the perceiver watching, listening to and experiencing another’s motor performance, simulates the actions of the performance within the range of their own motor capabilities. These phenomena are possible due to common mechanisms of action and perception, and in tandem provide the basis for the rich experience of gestural performance.
This paper reviews evidence for these claims, using examples from the domains of music and dance performance. Questions that arise from these propositions are addressed and suggested empirical explorations of these ideas are given. Further problems in incorporating these theories about gestural performance experience within Enaction are highlighted for future discussion.


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This paper contributes to the literature on centrality measures in economics by defining a team game and identifying the key players and key groups
in the game. We extend the work of Ballester et al. (Econometrica, 2006) by incorporating a network outcome component in the players' payoff functions and prove that there is a unique interior Nash Equilibrium in pure strategies. We develop a team intercentrality measure based on alternative scenarios that capture the externality created by teammates on each player.


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This paper considers a non-cooperative network formation game where identity is introduced as a single dimension to capture the characteristics of a player in the network. Players access to the benefits from the link through direct and indirect connections. We consider cases where cost of link formation paid by the initiator. Each player is allowed to choose their commitment level to their identities. The cost of link formation decreases as the players forming the link share the same identity and higher commitment levels. We then introduce link imperfections to the model. We characterize the Nash networks and we find that the set of Nash networks are either singletons with no links formed or separated blocks or components with mixed blocks or connected.