945 resultados para Sindicatos - Trabalhadores rurais - Santarém (PA)


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Identificar e analisar o comportamento motor em termos coordenativos em crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos de idade nos concelhos de Rio Maior e Santarém foi um dos nossos propósitos ao iniciar este processo científico. As crianças foram avaliadas com o teste MABC-2, exibindo os resultados do seu padrão motor coordenativo numa amostra representativa da população em causa. Com base nestes resultados analisámos o padrão motor coordenativo em função da idade, sexo, lateralidade. Observámos o comportamento das crianças com provável DCD e risco em termos da preferência e consistência da lateralidade. Posteriormente usando um teste de Midline Crossing procurámos analisar a dinâmica do uso da mão numa vertente de sistemas não lineares. Ainda nesta perspetiva teórica analisámos o equilíbrio, aspeto considerado preocupante nesta desordem para algumas crianças, através da análise de recorrência. Os instrumentos usados diferiram entre estudos em função dos objetivos de cada um: MABC-2, Midline Crossing, Questionário de Van Strien. Outro dos objetivos do nosso estudo recaiu no processo de intervenção junto de crianças em risco ou com provável desordem coordenativa no desenvolvimento. Em relação à nossa amostra encontrámos na literatura uma percentagem similar em termos de incidência de crianças com provável DCD e risco, por sexo e lateralidade. Constatámos que a percentagem de crianças com provável DCD apresenta uma representatividade percentual de acordo com a literatura. Existindo uma maior percentagem de sinistrómanos com provável DCD e do sexo masculino. Verificámos através dos sistemas não lineares que o comportamento das crianças com provável DCD se assemelha às crianças típicas, necessitando de um reforço na intervenção de forma a colmatar algumas das suas dificuldades. Verificámos que as crianças DCD são mais suscetíveis aos constrangimentos extrínsecos. Finalmente concluímos que a intervenção pode criar condições de excelência para modificar os padrões e perfis de comportamento.


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This thesis aims to investigating the cantadores and the toadas in the Boi Bumbá, debating questions which put together around the construction and performance of amo s and cantador s role in the Boi Bumbá Caprichoso of Belém-PA city and exploring the extent of toadas its characteristics, functions, the uses that are made of theirs and the relations that establishes between them and the cantadores. The problematic of the research consisted on analysing what the amos, cantadores and toadas represent in the whole context of boi-bumbá plays in Belém, nowadays. Considering this perspective, I tried to identify on Boi Caprichoso the most meaningful expressions which were related to toadas and how the roles of amo and cantador were performed. Participative observation, ethnical research, open and semistructured interviews were used as research methods. The role performances on Boi Caprichoso plays an essential part on the playing realization, highlighting themselves as pivotal characters. These performances, characterized by the vocal presence, also highlighted the size that toadas occupy in the whole play, and pointed the way for an emerging model of presentation, in which both toada and cantador appear as central figures


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The aim of this study was to test the Ecological Apparency Hypothesis comparing two rural communities in João Câmara (RN) and Remigio (PB), in the Northeast of Brazil. This hypothesis assumes that plants are perceived, known and used by human populations according to their local availability. The most used species would be the ones that are more available in the forest (apparent), and apparently suffer greater pressure of use. Communities were consulted through semi-structured interviews. In Remigio 42 people were interviewed, and 50 in João Câmara. The importance of each species was evaluated considering the distinction between citations from current and potential uses. The ethnobotanical information was associated with phytosociological parameters collected by the point-centered quarter method in forested areas, where 50 transects were distributed in each community, and 4,000 individuals sampled in total. Based on the interviews, 58 useful species were recorded, 42 genera and18 families. In the phytosociological study 30 species, 22 genera and 12 families in João Câmara, In Remígio were identified 34 species, 22 genera and nine families.The species were grouped into 11 categories of use. The ecological appearance was confirmed only in the João Câmara, which best explained the relationship between local availability and use of timber resources. Positive correlations were observed also between the technology category VUpotential and dominance. The point-centered quarter was efficient to test appearance, however, further studies through the point-centered quarter method are recommended


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This study aims to identify the social representations built on senior care health workers of Primary Care. This is an exploratory research within the subsidized social representations held in 100 Basic Health Units in the city of João Pessoa-PB, with a sample of n= 204 workers of both sexes, who agreed to participate. To collect the data used to set an interview in two parts: the first looked at the Test of Free Association of Words using the inductive stimulus "senior care". The interviews were analyzed with the help of a software for quantitative analysis of textual data ALCESTE (version 2010). The results were interpreted from the theoretical framework of social representations. The study included 178 women (87.25%) and 26 men (12.75%), working in Family Health Units in the city of João Pessoa, the majority are aged between 40-49 years of age ( 28.92%), and have higher education with 81.86%. The results of Alceste link to the term inducer six (6) where the hierarchical classes representing senior care workers as synonymous with care and attention, showing situations neglect of the elderly, for that patience is required to promote the increase of disease prevention and living with the elderly to generate humanization in health services. It is considered that the social representations of health workers on assistance to the elderly may support modeling of strategic actions in health services with health promotion programs for large groups, able to modify practices and behavior in elder care and strengthening the policy was directed at the elderly


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That work looked for to point out the different conceptions on the family agriculture and the established self-consumption practices inside the unit of production. Hypothesis: due to the conditions, more and more restricted of producing for the self-consumption, the rural families are more favorable present her situation of alimentary insecurity as severe as for the urban families, unlike what he/she defends. The research was accomplished in three states of the Northeast: Paraíba; Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. The results revealed that among the main factors that expose those families to situations of constant alimentary vulnerability are had: the low quality of the alimentary consumption in what concerns the readiness, to the diversification and mainly, to the accessibility. The analyses can be to subsidize a reflection concerning the alimentary pattern of families rural front to the precepts of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) politics


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This work discusses how schooling processes can contribute to young settlers resignify their relationship with rural settlements where they live. We want to understand youngster s place, his relationship with local community, social movements and their acting, after formation, at their localities. Thereunto, we tracked a group of students of Land Teaching Course, developed through a partnership between UFRN, INCRA and MST in the years 2004 to 2007. We observed their trajectories, the learnings provided by the Course and how Formation Centre experiences contributed to their agent conditions, offering them choice opportunities on different fields. We understand that formation process enabled them to have individual gains, widening their range of choices, while have contributed to development of areas in which they live, from their collective action. Social practices experienced in collective environment, combined with education access, provided a set of knowledge. These learnings have enabled youngsters to assume positions in participation areas which have been opened at school, while teachers, at social movements and at associations that manage the settlements


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This thesis is the result of a study on the role of technical assistance in the process of agroecological transition, which are under way in rural settlements in the territory of Mato Grande, Rio Grande do Norte. Your goal is, from the Technical Assistance Program, Social and Environmental (ATES), launched in 2004 by INCRA understand to what extent this action accomplished their goal of doing a job with a focus on agroecology. To this end, we chose to work with a qualitative methodology, through interviews with settlers, advisors and representatives of INCRA. They also contributed to developing this thesis, the direct observations, which offer visits to settlements and advisory bodies in the Rede Pardal, apart from participation in meetings and activities in which they were being discussed the issues of advice, agroecology and rural settlements. The thesis is divided into five chapters, plus introduction and conclusion. The first three refer to a theoretical analysis and historical about the process of land reform, and as a result the establishment of rural settlements, the importance of peasant tradition for the design of agro-ecological design and the relationship between agricultural models and proposals advice to the countryside. In two subsequent chapters, there was a panoramic picture of the territory of Mato Grande, settlements and groups that make up this research, for then analyze the performance of advisory services in these settlements, with the parameter, agroecology. It was found that the advice in this perspective, suffers a series of constraints, causing a gap between the ideal proposed in the manual and the actual practiced in their daily lives. Still, it is concluded that the ATES has contributed to innovations in productive groups who are experiencing agroecological processes, which can be regarded as shoots for the transition to a new dynamic of development.


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This study aimed to contribute to the discussion of social capital, seeking to relate that to the access, use and water resources management in the Sao Francisco Vale, specifically in rural areas of the wilderness of San Francisco situated in the State of Bahia and Pernambuco. As, stimulate action possibilities for individuals (family rural) apart by a patrimony public so precious that is water. Besides a theoretical discussion of social capital (networks, trust, participation) and rural development. We applied 387 questionnaires to farmers and some interviews with actors social of territorial forum and committee of the São Francisco basin where it was possible to correlate our variables in order to confirm our hypothesis: social capital is a key element to ensure access, use and management of water for rural families living in irrigated and rainfed areas