996 resultados para Shantz, Douglas H


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A economia agrícola da região Norte Fluminense é, historicamente, dependente da atividade sucroalcooleira. Na tentativa de reduzir tal dependência, vêm sendo adotados incentivos ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na região, particularmente através do “Programa Frutificar”. O presente trabalho visa a avaliar os impactos desse programa, sob a óticade sua contribuição para elevar a produção de frutas e diversificar a agricultura regional. A análise foi efetuada mediante o emprego do modelo , shift-sharede taxas geométricas de crescimento, e do Índice de Diversificação. De mão dessas análises, pode-se concluir que foi constatada a redução da área agrícola da região, particularmente associada à queda nas áreas cultivadas com cana-deaçúcar, arroz, milho e feijão. Por outro lado, no período sob estímulo do “Programa Frutificar”, verificouse aumento do cultivo das fruteiras: abacaxi, banana e coco-da-baía. Esta constatação é um indicativo da contribuição da fruticultura como fator de diversificação da economia agrícola regional. Cabe ressaltar que a economia da região Norte Fluminense é ainda fortemente dependente do setor sucroalcooleiro.


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Neste trabalho descrevemos a apresentação clínica e dos exames de imagem, bem como a utilização da radioterapia exclusiva, em um caso de hemangioma vertebral sintomático. Após três meses de seguimento, houve melhora parcial da dor. Recomendamos dose total de 40 Gy, em frações diárias de 2 Gy. Em seguida é apresentada revisão da literatura.


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OBJETIVO: Análise comparativa da resposta bioquímica em pacientes submetidos à teleterapia exclusiva ou associada à braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose para tumores localizados da próstata. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: De novembro de 1997 a janeiro de 2000, 74 pacientes foram submetidos à teleterapia com 45 Gy e reforço com braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose com irídio-192 e dose de 16 Gy em quatro inserções (BT). Estes foram comparados a 29 pacientes submetidos à teleterapia com 45 Gy e reforço com arcoterapia e dose mediana de 24 Gy (RT) entre outubro de 1996 e fevereiro de 2000. Nos dois grupos houve associação ocasional de hormonioterapia neoadjuvante. Sobrevida atuarial livre de doença em três anos (SB3) e fatores prognósticos pré-tratamento da resposta bioquímica, como o antígeno prostático-específico inicial (PSAi), escore de Gleason da biópsia de próstata (EG) e estádio clínico (EC), foram analisados. RESULTADOS: O seguimento mediano foi de 25 meses para o grupo RT e 37 meses para o BT. Na análise atuarial, a SB3 foi de 51% e 73% (p = 0,032) para RT e BT, respectivamente. Na análise estratificada pelo PSAi, a SB3 para RT e BT foi de 85,7% e 79,1% (p = 0,76) para PSAi < 10 ng/mL e de 38% e 68% (p = 0,023) para PSAi > 10 ng/mL, respectivamente. Quando estratificado pelo EG, a SB3 para RT e BT foi de 37% e 80% (p = 0,001) para EG < 6 e 78% e 55% para EG > 6 (p = 0,58); estratificando-se pelo EC, a SB3 para RT e BT foi de 36% e 74% (p = 0,018) para EC < T2a e 73% e 69% para EC > T2a (p = 0,692), respectivamente. O risco relativo bruto de recidiva bioquímica foi de 2,3 (95% IC: 1,0-5,1) para os pacientes tratados com RT, em relação à BT; quando ajustado pelo PSAi e EG, o risco relativo de recidiva bioquímica foi de 2,4 (95% IC: 1,0-5,7). CONCLUSÃO: A modalidade de tratamento foi fator prognóstico independente de recidiva bioquímica, com maior controle bioquímico associado à BT. Nossos resultados preliminares sugerem que o maior benefício com BT foi obtido nos pacientes com PSAi > 10 ng/mL, EC < T2a e EG < 6.


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OBJETIVO: A colocação de cateter para acesso venoso central é uma prática médica cada vez mais comum, sendo a fratura e embolização de fragmentos do cateter raras, porém correspondem aos corpos estranhos intravasculares mais comuns. O objetivo é demonstrar nossa experiência na retirada desses corpos estranhos intravasculares utilizando técnicas endovasculares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva dos últimos cinco anos permitiu a avaliação de dez casos consecutivos, com a idade variando entre nove meses e 67 anos. RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi realizado com sucesso em todos os casos, por diferentes técnicas, sem complicações. Os locais mais comuns de alojamento dos fragmentos foram átrio direito, veia cava superior e artéria pulmonar esquerda. A retirada desses corpos estranhos por técnicas endovasculares é procedimento relativamente simples quando comparado à alternativa cirúrgica, tendo sido utilizada com segurança e sucesso em inúmeros pacientes. Os dispositivos disponíveis mostraram-se bastante eficazes, sendo o laço o mais versátil. CONCLUSÃO: A alta taxa de sucesso com poucas complicações relatadas, mesmo em crianças, permite a afirmação que os corpos estranhos intravenosos devem ser extraídos por técnicas percutâneas sempre que possível. Contudo, a familiarização com as diversas técnicas é fundamental, permitindo combinações e modificações, adaptando-as à situação do caso.


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Despite the importance of the 4,4'-dithiodipyridine as an electrode modifier on the protein electrochemical studies and as a remarkable bridged-ligand on conducting electronic density in binuclear mixed valence complexes, there is no data available in the literature concerning acid-base behavior of this compound. Aiming to afford such information we undertook the ionization equilibrium study of this ligand. Although two acid species, DTDPH+ and DTDPH2+ have been detected in solution, only the diacid-form was possible to be isolated as a perclorate salt DTDPH2(ClO4)2. The ionization constants for the two step equilibrium processes (pKa1=2.70 and pKa2=4.80) were determined by using the spectrophotometric technique and aqueous solutions of CF3COONa, mu=0,1 mol.L-1 .


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This paper describes variations in the profile of the main volatile organic compounds present in Brazilian sugar cane spirits distilled in copper and stainless steel distillers. The main organic compounds: aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and esters, were determined through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and High Resolution Gas Cromatography (HRGC). The spirits produced in copper distillers exhibit higher contents of aldehydes with respect to the ones produced in stainless steel. The inverse is true with respect to the higher alcohol and ester contents. No significant variation has been observed for the carboxylic acids.


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Abstract Background HIV-1 infection increases plasma levels of inflammatory markers. Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) does not restore inflammatory markers to normal levels. Since intensification of cART with raltegravir reduced CD8 T-cell activation in the Discor-Ral and IntegRal studies, we have evaluated the effect of raltegravir intensification on several soluble inflammation markers in these studies. Methods Longitudinal plasma samples (0–48 weeks) from the IntegRal (n = 67, 22 control and 45 intensified individuals) and the Discor-Ral studies (44 individuals with CD4 T-cell counts<350 cells/µl, 14 control and 30 intensified) were assayed for 25 markers. Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Spearman test and linear mixed models were used for analysis. Results At baseline, different inflammatory markers were strongly associated with HCV co-infection, lower CD4 counts and with cART regimens (being higher in PI-treated individuals), but poorly correlated with detection of markers of residual viral replication. Although raltegravir intensification reduced inflammation in individuals with lower CD4 T-cell counts, no effect of intensification was observed on plasma markers of inflammation in a global analysis. An association was found, however, between reductions in immune activation and plasma levels of the coagulation marker D-dimer, which exclusively decreased in intensified patients on protease inhibitor (PI)-based cART regimens (P = 0.040). Conclusions The inflammatory profile in treated HIV-infected individuals showed a complex association with HCV co-infection, the levels of CD4 T cells and the cART regimen. Raltegravir intensification specifically reduced D-dimer levels in PI-treated patients, highlighting the link between cART composition and residual viral replication; however, raltegravir had little effect on other inflammatory markers.


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Analysis of alcohols, esters and carbonyl compounds were performed using HRGC and HPLC techniques in samples of fusel oils from three different Brazilian alcohol distilleries. High content of isoamyl alcohol (390 g.L-1), isobutyl alcohol (158 g.L-1), ethyl alcohol (28,4 g.L-1), methyl alcohol (16,6 g.L-1) and n-propyl alcohol (11,9 g.L-1) were found. These compounds represent 77 ± 8 % of the approximated weight of a liter of fusel oils. The obtained results show the feasibility of using fusel oils as low-cost raw material for the synthesis of chemicals.


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Cadmium UPD on Au was studied by voltammetric and microgravimetric measurements. In the oxide formation/reduction potential region, a mass increasing/decreasing of 32 ng cm-2 was associated to incorporation/elimination of one oxygen per active site. The modifications promoted in the voltammetric and mass profiles by 10-5 M Cd(ClO4)2 are restricted to potentials more negative than 0.4 V. After a 120 s potential delay at 0.05 V, the positive sweep reveals an anodic peak with charge of 40 muC cm-2 and mass decrease of 22 ng cm-2, associated to Cd ads dissolution. Sulphate or chloride was added to the solution without significant influence, due to the low coverage with Cd or anions.


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The presence of ethyl carbamate in cachaças, tiquiras, whiskies and grapes was investigated by GC-MS, monitoring the m/z 62 ion. The external standard method was used for quantitation in 188 samples (126 cachaças, 37 tiquiras, 6 grappas and 19 whiskies). The results of the study for cachaça were analysed considering the geographic origin, distillation type (still or column), bottle coloration (amber or transparent) and ageing. The average contents of ethyl carbamate in cachaças and tiquiras were 0.77 and 2.4 mg L-1, respectively. These values were higher than the mean concentration found in grapes (0.045 mg L-1) and whiskies (0.14 mg L-1). On average the cachaças distilled in column tend to present higher values of ethyl carbamate than those from still. In the sampling studied it was not possible to define a correlation between content of ethyl carbamate, bottle coloration and ageing time.


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The quantitative chemical analysis of the Brazilian sugar cane spirit distilled from glass column packaged with copper, stainless steel, aluminum sponge, or porcelain balls is described. The main chemical compounds determined by gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization (FID) and flame photometric (FPD) detectors and liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector are aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols, esters and dimethylsulfite (DMS). The spirits produced either in columns filled with copper or aluminum pot still exhibits the lowest DMS contents but the higher sulfate and methanol contents, whereas spirits produced in stainless steel or porcelain showed higher DMS concentration and lower teors of sulfate ion and methanol. These observations are coherent with DMS oxidation to sulfate, with methanol as by product, in the presence of either copper or aluminum.


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The fact that alpha- and beta-chitin adopt different arrays in the solid state is explored to emphasize their different properties and distinct spectral characteristics and X ray diffraction patterns. The methods for their extraction from the biomass in view of the preservation of their native structures and aiming to fulfill the claims of purity and uniformity for potential applications are discussed. The different arrays adopted by alpha- and beta-chitin also result in distinct reactivities toward the deacetylation reaction. Thus, the deacetylation of beta-chitin is more efficient owing to the better accessibility to amide groups due to the lower crystallinity of this polymorph.


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Solid dextrans are thermally stable polysaccharides losing water only at 160ºC. According to IR, X-ray, DTA and DSC data no noticeable changes in dextran configuration occurs at this temperature. The total content of dextrans analyzed in 26 samples of Brazilian sugars and 57 samples of sweetened cachaças ranged from 109.5 to 1840 mg/kg and 1.6 to 11.2 mg/L with medians of 999.8 mg/kg and 5.9 mg/L respectively. Samples of sweeted cachaças have been monitored for turbidity, total soluble dextran content and weight of precipitate formed during 275 days. Precipitate formation is a kinetically controlled process which ends after 275 days when the total concentration of soluble dextrans becomes smaller than 0.25 mg/L.