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Épicure de Samos (341-270 a.C) fut l'un des plus importants penseurs de l'Antiquité. Le philosophe du Jardin, comme il a été connue, aurait écrit au moins 300 volumes. Ayant vécu dans une Grèce sans l'autonomie des temps passés, a vu l'atténuation du sens de liberté (eleutheria) dans le domaine social. En outre, la théorie atomiste que lui précédée et lui a influencée postulais un déterminisme qui avait entraîné la fatalité et l'élimination des eleutheria aussi dans le domaine de la nature (physis). Dans ce contexte, il donne, de la physiología, une forme originale à l'étude de la physis, afin de postuler l'existence du hasard (tychè) agissant dans le monde phisique et de la liberté, dans l‟action humaine. S‟il fait cela, c‟est parce qu‟il croit que être libre est condition du bonheur et celle-ci réside dans le plaisir. Pour cela, Épicure va présenter l'indéterminisme dans le domaine de la physiologie, garantissant l'existence d'un mouvement de déclinaison de l'atome - le parênklisis. Ainsi, dans ce travail, nous allons effectuer une analyse de la façon de se montrer le sens d‟eleutheria développé dans la pensée de ce maître et comment il interagit avec son projet d'éthique. En particulier, nous discutons de comment, de la physiología, Épicure pense un éthos-llibre tourné vers la réalisation du plaisir, de la vie heureuse. Pour cela, nous utilisons la Lettre à Hérodote, la Lettre à Pítocles, la Lettre à Ménécée, 81 Sentences Vaticanes, 40 Maximes Fondamentales et les rapports doxographie


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Diese Masterthese beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung der Frage nach dem Begriff Leben ohne Warum basierend auf den Werken des Meisters Eckhart, genauer gesagt, auf den Deutschen Predigten , auf Das Buch der göttlichen Tröstung , Von dem edlen Menschen , Die Reden der Unterweisung und Von Abgeschiedenheit . Bei der Theorie der Abgeschiedenheit versucht man die Idee des Lebens ohne warum zu verstehen und zu zeigen, die Gott und der Mensch ent-decken kann. So wird erstmals eine Reflexion darüber beschrieben, was Abgeschiedenheit ist, und zwar mittels dreier Dimensionen: Ontik, Ontologisch und Mystik. Die Ontik der absoluten Armut fordert eine Analyse der Ontologie aller Ontik und das bedeutet nach Eckhart das Gotteswesen in seiner Gottheit, die unbegreifbar für den Menschen ist. Unterdessen bringt die Analyse des Wesens Gottes des Menschenlebens wieder die Einheit zwischen dem Ontischen und dem Ontologischen in der Welt. Die mystische Dimension begründet diese Einheit als Absolutum ohne Warum . Aber die Möglichkeit des Sprechens und des Denkens über die Abgeschiedenheit führt zum erfüllten Leben. Es gibt keine endgültige Predigt, keine wundersame Methode, keinen bekannten Weg oder keine leistungsfähige Strategie dafür nur in der Vollendung des Lebens ist es möglich, die subtile Äusserung von Gott, die uns entgeht, zu empfinden. Um diese Erfüllung zu erklären und die Lebensbedeutung als ohne Warum zu verstehen, untersucht diese Masterthese unter vier Perspektiven: arché und telos des Lebens, die Zeit unter dem Begriff des nun, das verbum und das ego sum qui sum, was das Leben als ohne Warum beweist und die Beharrlichkeit in der täglich von der Welt verstandenen Transzendenz. Es ist schwierig die Tiefe des Leben-ohne-Warum-Begriffs von Meister Eckhart auszudrücken, weil seine ganze Bemühung darin besteht, die Kräfte dieser Ent-deckung vor einer begrenzten Bestimmung zu schützen. Und in dieser Hinsicht öffnet er einen neuen Horizont für den Grund des Lebens. Es gibt keine Routine und Determination bei Meister Eckhart. Alles, was ist, spiegelt das Außerordentliche, seine dringende Absicht ist die Widerherstellung der Einheit mit dem Gegenwärtigen, mit dem Wesentlichen, mit dem Leben im Alltag ohne Warum


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The present research deals with a philosophical reflection about the constitution of the subject religious and moral in the thought of Freud, starting from of question of religion while one of the various spaces concretion of the individual morality. Our hypothesis is that religion presents itself as a space of revival of the primary relationship with the mother of the subject and as a moral agency. That primary relationship corresponds to the period before the Oedipus complex. The cut caused in the Oedipus complex sake in the an emptiness the subject, leading him to a situation of helplessness. In trying to fill the emptiness and consequently out of the situation of displeasure occasioned by the helplessness, the individual seeks diverses means, between which, the religion. The religion, that sense, quest for one part, that support be filling of the existential emptiness, triggered in the Oedipus complex, and on the other, works as a staunch ally of the Superego, which for turn is direct heir of the Oedipus complex and whose function is to require of the subject to moral living, as is established by the social body, where the individual is inserted. Therefore, we seek to draw this subject starting from general ideas of the philosophy, about the moral, as well as some theoretical elements of freudian thought, since his idea of the origin of the culture, morality and religion the more specific elements that pertain to the individual subject, ie, the psychism


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work is part of an effort of consolidation of a daily search for powder technology at the Department of Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. This work objective the study and development of new ceramic materials from raw materials abundant at the region. For this, were studied ceramic mixtures of powders from diatomite-titania to aiming at a new ceramic material from powder technology. The experimental work involved a characterization of ceramic powders from a diatomite-titania mixture. The powders obtained were pressed and then parameters like variation of mass, linear shrinkage, activation energy and the mechanism of sintering are studied in function of the time and temperature of sintering, beyond microstructural analysis. The obtained results allow us estimate the optimizing of sintering conditions of this material


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In this thesis we investigate physical problems which present a high degree of complexity using tools and models of Statistical Mechanics. We give a special attention to systems with long-range interactions, such as one-dimensional long-range bondpercolation, complex networks without metric and vehicular traffic. The flux in linear chain (percolation) with bond between first neighbor only happens if pc = 1, but when we consider long-range interactions , the situation is completely different, i.e., the transitions between the percolating phase and non-percolating phase happens for pc < 1. This kind of transition happens even when the system is diluted ( dilution of sites ). Some of these effects are investigated in this work, for example, the extensivity of the system, the relation between critical properties and the dilution, etc. In particular we show that the dilution does not change the universality of the system. In another work, we analyze the implications of using a power law quality distribution for vertices in the growth dynamics of a network studied by Bianconi and Barabási. It incorporates in the preferential attachment the different ability (fitness) of the nodes to compete for links. Finally, we study the vehicular traffic on road networks when it is submitted to an increasing flux of cars. In this way, we develop two models which enable the analysis of the total flux on each road as well as the flux leaving the system and the behavior of the total number of congested roads


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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We study magnetic interface roughness in F/AF bilayers. Two kinds of roughness were considered. The first one consists of isolated defects that divide the substrate in two regions, each one with an AF sub-lattice. The interface exchange coupling is considered uniform and presents a sudden change in the defects line, favoring Neel wall nucleation. Our results show the interface field dependence of the threshold thickness for the reorientation of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic film. Angular profiles show the relaxation of the magnetization, from Neel wall, at the interface, to reoriented state, at the surface. External magnetic field, perpendicular to the easy axis of the substrate, favors the reoriented state. Depending, of the external magnetic field intensity, parallel to the easy axis of the AF, the magnetization profile at surface can be parallel or perpendicular to the field direction. The second one treats of distributed deffects, periodically. The shape hysteresis curves, exchange bias and coercivity were characterized by interface field intensity and roughness pattern. Our results show that dipolar effects decrease the exchange bias and coercivity


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We investigate several diffusion equations which extend the usual one by considering the presence of nonlinear terms or a memory effect on the diffusive term. We also considered a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. For these equations we have obtained a new classes of solutions and studied the connection of them with the anomalous diffusion process. We start by considering a nonlinear diffusion equation with a spatial time dependent diffusion coefficient. The solutions obtained for this case generalize the usual one and can be expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions present in the generalized thermostatistics context (Tsallis formalism). After, a nonlinear external force is considered. For this case the solutions can be also expressed in terms of the q-exponential and q-logarithm functions. However, by a suitable choice of the nonlinear external force, we may have an exponential behavior, suggesting a connection with standard thermostatistics. This fact reveals that these solutions may present an anomalous relaxation process and then, reach an equilibrium state of the kind Boltzmann- Gibbs. Next, we investigate a nonmarkovian linear diffusion equation that presents a kernel leading to the anomalous diffusive process. Particularly, our first choice leads to both a the usual behavior and anomalous behavior obtained through a fractionalderivative equation. The results obtained, within this context, correspond to a change in the waiting-time distribution for jumps in the formalism of random walks. These modifications had direct influence in the solutions, that turned out to be expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler or H of Fox functions. In this way, the second moment associated to these distributions led to an anomalous spread of the distribution, in contrast to the usual situation where one finds a linear increase with time


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Lithium (Li) is a chemical element with atomic number 3 and it is among the lightest known elements in the universe. In general, the Lithium is found in the nature under the form of two stable isotopes, the 6Li and 7Li. This last one is the most dominant and responds for about 93% of the Li found in the Universe. Due to its fragileness this element is largely used in the astrophysics, especially in what refers to the understanding of the physical process that has occurred since the Big Bang going through the evolution of the galaxies and stars. In the primordial nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang moment (BBN), the theoretical calculation forecasts a Li production along with all the light elements such as Deuterium and Beryllium. To the Li the BNB theory reviews a primordial abundance of Log log ǫ(Li) =2.72 dex in a logarithmic scale related to the H. The abundance of Li found on the poor metal stars, or pop II stars type, is called as being the abundance of Li primordial and is the measure as being log ǫ(Li) =2.27 dex. In the ISM (Interstellar medium), that reflects the current value, the abundance of Lithium is log ǫ(Li) = 3.2 dex. This value has great importance for our comprehension on the chemical evolution of the galaxy. The process responsible for the increasing of the primordial value present in the Li is not clearly understood until nowadays. In fact there is a real contribution of Li from the giant stars of little mass and this contribution needs to be well streamed if we want to understand our galaxy. The main objection in this logical sequence is the appearing of some giant stars with little mass of G and K spectral types which atmosphere is highly enriched with Li. Such elevated values are exactly the opposite of what could happen with the typical abundance of giant low mass stars, where convective envelops pass through a mass deepening in which all the Li should be diluted and present abundances around log ǫ(Li) ∼1.4 dex following the model of stellar evolution. In the Literature three suggestions are found that try to reconcile the values of the abundance of Li theoretical and observed in these rich in Li giants, but any of them bring conclusive answers. In the present work, we propose a qualitative study of the evolutionary state of the rich in Li stars in the literature along with the recent discovery of the first star rich in Li observed by the Kepler Satellite. The main objective of this work is to promote a solid discussion about the evolutionary state based on the characteristic obtained from the seismic analysis of the object observed by Kepler. We used evolutionary traces and simulation done with the population synthesis code TRILEGAL intending to evaluate as precisely as possible the evolutionary state of the internal structure of these groups of stars. The results indicate a very short characteristic time when compared to the evolutionary scale related to the enrichment of these stars


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The objective of this work is to problematize a strong identification of Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898-1986), a norte-riograndense author, to the city of Natal, analyzing the constitution of a spaciality that takes this author as this city s intellectual exponent and cultural monument, which I name as Natal cascudiana. In this sense, I investigate the process of Câmara Cascudo s monumentalization by the city of Natal, questioning the way his life has been articulated to the site of his production. Bearing this in mind, I have structured the work in three parts: on the first one, I examine the emerging of this identity relationship considering the intellectual formation of young Cascudinho and the beginnings of his literary activities, verifying the reasons that led him to remain in Natal; on the second part I investigate his appointment as Natal s historian in 1948, discussing the ways through which this intellectual function institutionalized the works of Cascudo and conferred the city with a historical knowledge of itself; and finally, I analyze the constitution of a city memory regarding Cascudo, that has transformed him into spatial marks and urban toponym: names of streets, museum, library, bookstores etc. On these terms, I deal with the biographic gender to achieve a history of the city s spaces, problematizing the monumentalization of Cascudo in Natal, interrogating the emerging of this Natal cascudiana


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This piece wants to investigate the relations between gender identities and the toponymy in Caicó city. To do so, we will discuss the reason why places are named, the practice of naming places, so as the process of choosing the names of neighborhoods, streets and city public squares. Thereby, we will investigate the space changes in Caicó city since its formation, as a village, until the decade of 1970. This period of time was chosen in order to discuss the toponymic process of the city, besides having noticed that public places and locations in Caico with the feminine nominations only appear from the second half of the 60s decade and in the beginning of the 70s. This way, we preferred to investigate who were the first Caicó women to have their names in the urban space; why women only begin to have homage from the decade of the 60s on; what is the importance and the location of the places with feminine names; and what gender image is there on this homage


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This research stands in discussions involving the relationship between memory, history and space. We will work with the Café São Luiz in the neighborhood of Cidade Alta in Natal, an place which remains open and founded in 1953. The place was opened in the district of greater movement of the 1950s, a zone of concentration of commerce and leisure. In consequence an impulse of memory, the Café São Luiz was represented by different statements, which they built a space that serves to support memory and identity of a group. The speeches elaborate the Café São Luiz as a monument, a place of memory according to Pierre Nora. Among these discourses of construction of the Café São Luiz stands out the 1982 book titled Na Calçada do Café São Luiz by José Luiz Silva. This research aims to discuss the construction of the Café São Luiz as a place of memory, questioning their representations, traversing the authorship of speeches over the place


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In this work I have searched the symbolical sense of a specific place. I have started from the theoretical assumption that places are social relations resulting from material and symbolical conditions developed in a certain time and by certain factors. In this sense, I have analyzed the symbolical aspect of sugar plantation from some literary works created by the writer José Lins do Rego from the state of Paraíba. I intend to analyze the symbolical dimension senses, values and images used by this writer to show the sugar plantation. Giving special attention to the works from the named cycle of sugar plantation , I have searched for the senses and meanings used in José Lins do Rego literary discourse to create a fictional sugar plantation, showing this place in a specific way. Based in cultural history, I have used several sources: literary works, prefaces of books, memory works, journalistic works, letters written by intellectual men and history books. My time of analysis is from 1919 the beginning of José Lins do Rego s intellectual activity - until 1943 publication of Fogo Morto, last literary work that I have analyzed. In symbolical terms, what is sugar plantation, this place that has totally touched José Lins do Regos life and literary work? That was the structural question that has determined the present research