989 resultados para Sementes - Viabilidade


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of neem on germination and fungi incidence on seeds of three cultivars (Serrinha, BR 17 and Maranhão) of cowpea. Neem leaves were dryed, crushed and prepared dilutions of 0.5; 1.0; 2.0, 4.0 g dm -3and control. The fungi incidence was evaluated by the test filter paper and germination according to the Rules for Seeds Testing (Regras para Análise de Sementes). In the three cultivars analyzed, reduction in the incidence of Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp was observed. In relation to the influence of extracts of neem leaves on seed germination, significant effect of extract in Maranhão cultivar was observed, where all concentrations differed from the control, and propovided a considerable increase in the percentage of normal seedlings. It was concluded that the leaf extract of neem was effective in controlling Aspergillus sp, Fusarium sp , Phoma sp and Macrophomina phaseolina at different concentrations in different cultivars and seed germination was stimulated for the Maranhão cultivar.


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Seeds of Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii (Bromelioideae); Dyckia duckei, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae) and Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) were collected in the Amazon regions (Mato Grosso) and studied to describe morphological characterization and post-seminal development, which can be taxonomically useful, and to assess percent germination. All the species have epigeous germination and produce cryptocotyledonary plantlets. Seeds have no dormancy and percent germination is high (over 86%), which facilitates the production of seedlings and conservation studies. Exclusive characteristics of the genera include: the seed coat of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) has mucilage that prevents desiccation; whereas that of Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) has membranaceous wings and that of Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae) has feathery appendages, both of which make dispersal easier and establish the epiphytic habit. Initial post-seminal development of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) is marked by the emergence of primary roots, interpreted as a basal character, whereas that of Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) is marked by the emergence of the cotyledon, interpreted as a derived character. Dyckia and Tillandsia have a small tank only in the seedling phase while the contrary occurs in Aechmea.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated the effect of different fungicide and sodium hypochlorite treatments in reducing the incidence of fungi on seeds of native species of the Atlantic rainforest. The experiment was done using the completely randomized design in a 5×5 factorial with five levels of factor A (forest species) and five levels of factor B (chemical treatment and surface disinfection with sodium hypochlorite) with four replications. The fungal genera Fusarium, Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium were identified. The species 'Jacarandáda- Bahia' and 'Ipê-roxo' had lower fungal incidence, 1.0% and 1.3%, respectively. Except for 'Angico Vermelho', the fungicide pencycurom and sodium hypochlorite were not significantly different from the control in the species evaluated. Seed treatment with fungicides 'Captan' and 'Tiram' yielded satisfactory results in reducing the incidence of fungal contamination in forest species seeds.


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Understanding basic information on weed biology contributes to the implementation of appropriate management and control strategies. Thus, this work was developed to evaluate the germination of Spermacoce latifolia Aubl. seeds, an important weed in reforestation areas. The seeds were subjected to dormancy break treatments, in which the mechanical scarification, chemical treatment (H2SO 4 and KNO 3), heat treatment, and control, were evaluated. Three more tests were done determinate the effects of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C), light filters (absence of light and red, green, yellow, distant red, blue, orange and clear light) and water availability (0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8 and -1.0 MPa) on the seeds germination and vigor. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications, and the experimental plot was constituted by gerbox plastic boxes with 50 seeds. The mechanical scarification (sanding) provided the best dormancy break, indicating that Spermacoce latifolia seeds have tegument water impermeability. The seeds showed higher germination percentage under conditions of mild water stress (-0.2 MPa) and the optimal temperature was 25°C. The blue light reduced seed germination.


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Forest species with hard seeds often pose considerable problems to nursery managers because their hard and impermeable seed coats hinder and delay germination. Therefore, this work aimed to determine the most efficient, practical and low cost methodology to overcome dormancy in Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. Seed, a specie with potential for recovery of degraded areas. The seeds were submitted to chemical scarification by immersion in sulfuric acid during a period of 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes, mechanical scarification and heat treatment. After the scarification the seeds were submitted to germ test in germination chambers at 25oC and photoperiod of 14 h. Treatment with mechanical scarification showed the highest germination percentage (98%), followed by chemical scarification for 30 minutes (57%). The heat treatment in spite of obtaining a higher germination percentage than the controls had abnormal development of seedlings and is not therefore recommended for seeds of S. virgata. From the parameters utilized in this study, we recommend the use of the mechanical scarification to overcome dormancy of S. virgata seeds.


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This study aimed to evaluate crambe seeds germination and vigor under water stress conditions induced by polyethylene glycol solutions. The seeds were germinated on substrate moistened with polyethylene glycol solutions, using the osmotic potentials of 0 (control), -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, -1.0, -1.2 and -1.4 MPa. The seeds germination was evaluated by normal seedlings and root emission percentages. Vigor was evaluated by germination average time, relative frequency, velocity and synchronization index. It was observed that more negative osmotic potential caused significant reduction in crambe seed germination and vigor, and no normal seedlings was observed at potentials below -0.6 MPa.


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This research aimed to standardize the tetrazolium test for evaluation of viability of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and Schizolobium parahyba Vell. Blake seeds. It evaluated the following methodologies: seeds scarificated mechanically and soaked up by 24 and 48 hours, with posterior seed coat removal and immersed in tetrazolium solution at 0.075; 0.10 and 0.20% for 2, 3 and 4 hours, 35 °C, the dark one. The evaluated methodologies that had been efficient in the attainment of satisfactory coloration, allowing the differentiation of tissues, and in the evaluation of the physiological quality of the seeds when compared with the germination test, had been: for the species Copaifera langsdorffii, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 24 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.20% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one, and for the species guapuruvu, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 48 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.10% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one.


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The transit time of seeds ingested by frugivorous animals has important implications for the spatial distribution of seeds and their dispersal distance. Nevertheless, this parameter is rarely included in seed dispersal studies. In this paper, we provide information about the transit time of seeds of nine species of plants ingested by individuals of six species of captive birds (Turdus albicollis, T. amaurochalinus, T. leucomelas, T. rufiventris, Stephanophorus diadematus and Saltator similis). We found that (1) seeds are regurgitated quickly through the digestive tract of birds than defecated seeds, and (2) large seeds (e.g., > 5 mm in diameter for Turdus spp.) are regurgitated rather than defecated. These results corroborate other studies, but the relationship between seed size and transit time seems to be quite complex and variable, requiring more detailed studies on this important aspect of the ecology of seed dispersal and digestive physiology of frugivorous birds.


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Besides increasing productivity, nitrogen fertilization may have positives effects on seed physiological quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different forms and levels of urea in top dressing fertilization on the physiological quality of wheat seed genotypes. Seeds of three wheat genotypes (BRS 208, BRS Pardela and IWT 04008) were evaluated for four levels of nitrogen fertilization (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg.ha-1) in three forms of urea (conventional urea, urea with urease inhibitor and protected urea). The nitrogen fertilization was applied during tillering, 20 days after emergence. The seed nitrogen content, 1000 seed mass, germination and vigor (germination first count, cold test, seedling emergence in the field, dry weight of seedlings, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity) were evaluated. The IWT 04008 line and the cultivar BRS Pardela had seeds with a higher physiological quality than those of the cultivar BRS 208. The forms of urea and levels of nitrogen in topdressing did not affect seed physiological quality of the different wheat genotypes.


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Anthropogenic changes in the reproductive population density can affect the mating system and result in an increase in selfing and correlated matings. This study investigated the mating system in small fragmented populations of the insect pollinated tropical tree species Copaifera langsdorffii, using microsatellite loci and the mixed and correlated mating models. Open-pollinated seeds were collected from 15 seed-trees located in a small forest fragment (4.8 ha), denominated Bosque and from 14 other seed-trees located in other small forest fragments of the north-western region of São Paulo State. No significant differences were observed between the seed-trees from Bosque (tm=0.933±0.028) and other fragments (tm=0.971±0.032), although these estimates were significantly different from 1.0, suggesting that selfing was occurring. Differences between multilocus and unilocus outcrossing rate were significantly high in both seed-trees of Bosque (tm -ts=0.478±0.05) and other forest fragments (tm -ts=0.475±0.018), suggesting a spatial genetic structure in those stands. The results also showed high rates of correlated mating in the samples, indicating that a good part of the offspring were full-sibs. As a consequence of selfing, mating among relatives and correlated matings, the coancestry within families was equally high in the seed-trees of Bosque ((Θ=0.237) and in the seed-trees of the other forest fragments (Θ=0.241) and the effective population size was lower than expected in panmitic populations (Ne<4). The results were discussed, focusing on the sample size of seed-trees to collect seeds for genetic conservation and enviromental reforestation.


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In the process of riverine forest restoration, increasing emphasis has been given to the study of herbaceous and shrub species. However, for many of these we still lack basic knowledge, such as reproduction biology. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the production, seed germination and reproductive capacity of Tibouchina clavata (Pers.) Wurdack., a species of wide distribution in wetlands. Fruits were collected from different mother trees located on the southern coast of São Paulo state and, after processing, were subjected to germination under constant temperatures of 25 and 30°C, and alternated temperatures of 25-30°C in the first essay, and at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40°C in another essay, and at 25 °C with presence or absence of light. 10 plants were marked and, in each one, the number of fruits per plant and seed number per fruit were determined to characterize their reproductive capacity. The species germinates over a wide temperature range (15 to 35 °C), and the optimum temperature was in the range of 20 to 30 °C. Seed didn't germinate at 40 °C and could be characterized as being of absolute positive photoblastism. In general, there were over 1600 seeds per fruit and 85.000 seeds per plant. The high seed yield, coupled with good germination percentage demonstrated that this is a species with high reproductive potential.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated chewing in the laboratory on the survival of seeds of four tropical forage legumes (butterfly pea, Clitorea ternatea; estilosantes, Stylosanthes capitata/S. macrocephala 'Campo Grande; archer, Macrotyloma axillare and perennial soybean, Neonotonia wightii) submitted to different periods of acid enzymatic digestion in vitro. Three trials were conducted to observe the percentage of destroyed seeds by the mastication; to compare the germination of the seeds (intact seeds, simulated mastication, scarification with sandpaper, mastication and scarification with sandpaper). And, finally the seeds were incubated at 39oC with hydrochloric acid and pepsin for: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours. The percentages of not destroyed seeds in mastication (archer, 91,5; perennial soybean, 88.0; butterfly pea, 82.1, and estilo, 81.1), associated with the beneficial effects of scarification on germination (64.7, 60.0, 92.0 e 87.3%, respectively) and the effects of time of acid-enzymatic digestion (75% higher if they stay 24 hours in HCl + pepsin) associated to the hard and not permeable coats of legume seeds, allow a high potential for resistance, and to pass intact through the digestive tract of cattle, being able to germinate when defecated in the pastures. However, estilo should not be included in the feeding of cattle for this purpose, because it do not resists the acid-enzyme digestion.


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The propagation of 'juçara' and 'açaí' is done by seeds, but there is a great desuniformity in the germination process. In this way, the objective of this study was to verify the effect of temperature, mechanical scarification and substrate on seed germination of both species. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replications each consisting of 25 seeds. The first was conducted with 14 treatments in factorial scheme 7 x 2, seven temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35, 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition), with and without mechanical scarification. The second was constituted of eight treatments in factorial scheme 4 x 2, four substrates (sand, vermiculite, coconut fiber and soil + manure), with and without mechanical scarification. Seeds of 'juçara' palm present the highest mean percentage and germination speed index in alternating temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition and in substrates sand, vermiculite and coconut fiber. Temperatures of 30, 35, 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition in all substrates tested were the most favorable condition for 'açai' seeds. The scarification of the seeds was favorable to the germination process of 'juçara' whereas the seeds of açaí does not need to be scarified.