779 resultados para School verse, English


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The John de la Howe School presents an annual report to the governor and General Assembly with descriptions and budget of each program, objectives, department reports, organizational charts and historical statements.


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Finnish youth are constantly exposed to music and lyrics in English in their free time. It is likely that this has a positive effect on vocabulary learning. Learning vocabulary while simultaneously accompanied with melodies is likely to result in better learning outcomes. The present thesis covers a study on the vocabulary learning of traditional and music class ninth graders in a south-western upper comprehensive school in Finland, mainly concentrating on vocabulary learning as a by-product of listening to pop music and learning vocabulary through semantic priming. The theoretical background presents viable linguistic arguments and theories, which provide clarity for why it would be possible to learn English vocabulary via listening to pop songs. There is conflicting evidence on the benefits of music on vocabulary learning, and this thesis sets out to shed light on the situation. Additionally, incorporating pop music in English classes could assist in decreasing the gap between real world English and school English. The thesis is a mixed method research study consisting of both quantitative and qualitative research materials. The methodology comprises vocabulary tests both before and after pop music samples and a background questionnaire filled by students. According to the results, all students reported liking listening to music and they clearly listened to English pop music the most. A statistically significant difference was found when analysing the results of the differences in pre- and post-vocabulary tests. However, the traditional class appeared to listen to mainstream pop music more than the students in the music class, and thus it seems likely that the traditional class benefited more from vocabulary learning occurring via listening to pop songs. In conclusion, it can be established that it is possible to learn English vocabulary via listening to pop songs and that students wish their English lectures would involve more music-related vocabulary exercises in the future. Thus, when it comes to school learning, pop songs should be utilised in vocabulary learning, which could also in turn result in more diverse learning and the students could, more easily than before, relate to the themes and topics of the lectures. Furthermore, with the help of pop songs it would be possible to decrease the gap between school English and real-world English.


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El presente estudio describe las percepciones de los profesores fiscales de inglés en relación a las estrategias aprendidas durante una capacitación realizada en el año 2012 por un grupo de investigadores de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Cuenca. En el año 2014, este grupo de investigadores inició un proyecto para analizar el impacto de dicha capacitación. Este es el marco contextual en el cual se desarrolla el análisis de la percepción docente. La propuesta está basada en el método exploratorio. El instrumento de investigación fue la entrevista personal a diez profesores que participaron de la capacitación en el año 2012. Los resultados fueron analizados con la ayuda del Software Atlas ti. Se identificaron catorce códigos diferentes que fueron agrupados en cuatro grupos de familias: estrategias comunicativas, aprendizaje significativo, percepciones de las necesidades e inconsistencias. Todas estas familias de códigos convergieron alrededor del Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas (ABT), el cual permitía generar un outcome, cuyo significado específico es la generación de un producto a partir del uso del idioma inglés por parte de los estudiantes. Un hallazgo importante fue que casi todos los profesores recordaron varias estrategias aprendidas en la capacitación, mismas que sumaron un total de nueve, además la mitad de docentes estaba usando el outcome en sus clases, ello da cuenta de la percepción positiva que tienen los docentes sobre el curso, a pesar de haber transcurrido dos años de su clausura.


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Este trabajo de investigación se trata de Cuentacuentos de respuesta física total y su influencia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Inglés como segunda lengua de los estudiantes del octavo grado de Educación General Básica del Colegio "INTEGRACIÓN ANDINA" en la ciudad de Cuenca en el Año Lectivo 2014 y 2015. Es necesario un nuevo sistema educativo para responder a las necesidades de la sociedad actual para permitir el desarrollo general de la educación, implementando un nuevo programa de enseñanza en el aprendizaje del Inglés a través de la narración. La búsqueda de una mejor manera de aprender y enseñar es responsabilidad ineludible de todos los maestros que deben enfrentar los desafíos con entusiasmo mientras se mira hacia innovaciones futuras permitiendo a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades de escucha y demás destrezas. Dado que el 90% de conocimiento de un nuevo idioma se adquiere a través de la lectura; el uso de Cuentacuentos ayuda a los estudiantes a adquirir el conocimiento necesario que será la base para un alto nivel cultural, tanto en el aprendizaje y en el desarrollo de habilidades de lenguaje, la lectura es un medio esencial para el desarrollo cultural en Educación. La falta de preparación en la lectura obstaculiza los esfuerzos del maestro secundario para lograr una formación integral en el alumno. Es necesario implementar estrategias para tratar de superar la falta de lectura, mediante el uso de la narración de cuentos en clase para animar a los estudiantes a leer en casa.


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Se analizan y recomiendan algunas técnicas de redacción, para promover la escritura de párrafos descriptivos, entre estudiantes de secundaria o principiantes. El estudio parte de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación llevada a cabo en un colegio del distrito de Pérez Zeledón (Costa Rica). Se propone una secuencia de técnicas fundamentadas en el enfoque de escritura equilibrada, el enfoque de escritura guiada, la redacción como proceso, las estrategias del aprendizaje, los estilos de aprendizaje y la teoría de inteligencias múltiples. Composition techniques designed to promote the writing of descriptive paragraphs by high school students are analyzed and recommended. This study is based on the results gathered from research conducted in a high school located in the district of Pérez Zeledón (Costa Rica). A proposal of a sequence of techniques has been developed, applying the Balanced Approach, the Guided Writing Approach, Process Approach, Leaming Strategies, Leaming Styles, and Multiple Intelligences Theory.


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Este trabajo de investigación analiza los resultados de un estudio realizado en el Colegio Privado María Auxiliadora en la ciudad de Cuenca, en el uso de la narración como una estrategia comunicativa para mejorar la habilidad de hablar Inglés de los estudiantes de Inglés como lengua extranjera. En este trabajo se intentará demostrar que la narración es un método pedagógico adecuado para desarrollar las habilidades de hablar en estudiantes de sexto nivel que están inscritos en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera. Los resultados significativos se reportan usando una Rúbrica dos veces: antes del proceso y después del mismo. La prueba estadística utilizada fue de Wilcoxon y el valor crítico fue 0,05. Los resultados mostraron una mejora en todos los cinco componentes diferentes de la rúbrica. La conclusión más importante es que los cuentos de hadas victorianos pueden ser incluidos dentro de la clase y que motiva a hablar el idioma Inglés.


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Information and communication technologies play an increasingly important role in society, in the sense that all areas and professions make use of digital resources. The school can not be brushed off this reality, aim to create full subjects and integrated in society today. Educational software can be used very early in the education of children, but they must be carefully and monitoring. This article aims to present the results of the use of educational software in English to the awareness of context with children of pre-school education in kindergarten, nursery center Redemptorist Fathers - The smallest fox in White Castle, a 21 group children under 5 years. Early awareness of foreign language such as English can be started with digital multimedia capabilities and various software available on the market. However, the small study described the case reveals some resistance from parents and educators, in the preparation of these to choose and monitor the use of ICT by children, in addition to also highlight the self-interest of the children involved and their learning a few words in English language in different contexts of daily worked. The study opens perspectives on close monitoring needs of such uses and training of educators in the field of use of resources multilingual awareness in pre-school education.


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Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-22 22:05:24.246


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There are different ideas when it comes to the use of either Swedish or English during EFL lessons. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ choice of language in the upper elementary EFL classroom in Swedish schools and their arguments for the use of one or the other. In order to find out which language different teachers use and why, semi-structured interviews with six different teachers were carried out. All respondents were currently teaching English in grade 4-6. The results of the study show that the teachers’ most commonly used language in the EFL classroom is English. However, several of the teachers mention that they also use Swedish, for example when it comes to explaining difficult instructions or grammar. All teachers participating in this study mention the importance of hearing and using English in order for the pupils to learn English and therefore they try to use mostly English. Nevertheless, this study only has six participants, all living in the same county and working at schools with many similarities, which makes it difficult to draw any generalizable conclusions. To be able to draw better conclusions, a study would have to be conducted with more participants within a larger area.


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The Task Force focused on the following questions: 1. What is the current high school experience? 2. How well is the current system preparing students for college and careers? 3. What are the current barriers or system roadblocks? The High School Task Force provided findings and recommendations following an examination and evaluation of the design of the high school experience in South Carolina.


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These regulations provide specific policy guidance for members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets.


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This is a list and map of South Carolina schools involved in the SC Farm to Preschool and SC Farm to School Program.


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The purpose of this research was to discover if there was any significant measure of association between a student's family cultural background, primary home language, secondary school language of instruction, high school average and/or English placement level and the likelihood of him or her succeeding in his or her program. Because of both program and demographic differences between «hard» and «soft» technologies, including student population (more specifically gender ratios and student average ages in specific programs), program writing requirements and practical skill program activities, the research was limited to the hard technologies where students work hands-on with hardware and/or computers.||Résumé : L'objectif de cette recherche était de découvrir s'il y avait un lien significatif quelconque entre les origines linguistiques familiales de l'étudiant, ses origines culturelles, sa moyenne au secondaire et/ou ses résultats au test de classement en anglais, et ses chances de compléter ses cours d'anglais et de philosophie dans le délai prescrit de trois ans. Compte tenu des nombreuses différences entre les programmes de formation technique en termes de profil étudiant - sexe et âge en particulier - et d'exigences au niveau de l'écrit et de la pratique, il a été décidé de limiter cette recherche afin d'avoir un échantillon plus uniforme. La recherche porte donc uniquement sur les techniques où l'étudiant est appelé à travailler de façon pratique sur l'ordinateur et où les exigences au niveau de l'écrit et de la recherche sont dans l'ensemble peu élevées.


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This thesis focuses on the history of the inflexional subjunctive and its functional substitutes in Late Middle English. To explore why and how the inflexional subjunctive declined in the history of English language, I analysed 2653 examples of three adverbial clauses introduced by if (1882 examples), though (305 examples) and lest (466 examples). Using a corpus-based approach, this thesis argues that linguistic change in subjunctive constructions did not happen suddenly but rather gradually, and the way it changed was varied , and that different constructions changed at different speeds in different environments. It is well known that the inflexional subjunctive declined in the history of English, mainly because of inflexional loss. Strangely however this topic has been comparatively neglected in the scholarly literature, especially with regard to the Middle English period, probably due to the limitations of data and also because study of this development requires very cumbersome textual research. This thesis has derived and analysed the data from three large corpora in the public domain: the Middle English Grammar Corpus (MEG-C for short), the Innsbruck Computer Archive of Machine-Readable English Texts (ICAMET for short), and some selected texts from The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, part of the Middle English Compendium that also includes the Middle English Dictionary. The data were analysed from three perspectives: 1) clausal type, 2) dialect, and 3) textual genre. The basic methodology for the research was to analyse the examples one by one, with special attention being paid to the peculiarities of each text. In addition, this thesis draw on some complementary – indeed overlapping -- linguistic theories for further discussion: 1) Biber’s multi-dimensional theory, 2) Ogura and Wang’s (1994) S-curve or ‘diffusion’ theory, 3) Kretzchmar’s (2009) linguistics of speech, and 4) Halliday’s (1987) notion of language as a dynamic open system. To summarise the outcomes of this thesis: 1) On variation between clausal types, it was shown that the distributional tendencies of verb types (sub, ind, mod) are different between the three adverbial clauses under consideration. 2) On variation between dialects, it has been shown that the northern area, i.e. the so-called Great Scandinavian Belt, displays an especially high comparative ratio of the inflexional subjunctive construction compared to the other areas. This thesis suggests that this result was caused by the influence of Norse, relating the finding to the argument of Samuels (1989) that the present tense -es ending in the northern dialect was introduced by the influence of the Scandinavians. 3) On variation between genres, those labelled Science, Documents and Religion display relatively high ratio of the inflexional subjunctive, while Letter, Romance and History show relatively low ratio of the inflexional subjunctive. This results are explained by Biber’s multi-dimensional theory, which shows that the inflexional subjunctive can be related to the factors ‘informational’, ‘non-narrative’, ‘persuasive’ and ‘abstract’. 4) Lastly, on the inflexional subjunctive in Late Middle English, this thesis concludes that 1) the change did not happen suddenly but gradually, and 2) the way language changes varies. Thus the inflexional subjunctive did not disappear suddenly from England, and there was a time lag among the clausal types, dialects and genres, which can be related to Ogura and Wang’s S-curve (“diffusion”) theory and Kretzchmars’s view of “linguistic continuum”. This thesis has shown that the issues with regard to the inflexional subjunctive are quite complex, so that research in this area requires not only textual analysis but also theoretical analysis, considering both intra- and extra- linguistic factors.