796 resultados para Savola, Mika


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Front Row: Pam Kosanke, Blanca LeBron (mgr.), Traci Conrad (captain), Catherine Davie, Tammy Mika (captain), Carrie Silver (mgr.).

Middle Row: Rebecca Tune, Marie Barda, Melissa Gentile, Jamie Gillies, Courtney Murdock, Kate Eiland, Karmen Lappo.

Back Row: Kristen Hunter, Stefanie Volpe, Mary Conner, Kelsey Kollen, Chrissy Garza, Melissa Taylor, Lisa Beard, Kim Bugel.


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Front Row: Kathryn Gleason, Kelly Holmes, Jennifer Smith, Kellyn Tate, Sara Griffin

Second Row: Tracy Conrad, Jen McKittrick, Tracy Taylor, Mary Adams, Tracy Carr

Third Row: manger Blanca LeBron, Tammy Mika, Erin Martino, Cathy Davie, Jessica Lang, Cheryl Pearcy, Lisa Kelley

Back Row: head coach Carol Hutchins, assistant coach Kelly Kovach, assistant coach Bonnie Tholl.

University of Michigan Softball 1997 (bl010265)Front Row: Sara Griffin, Kellyn Tate, Jessica Lang (captain), Kelly Holmes, Jen Smith, Tracy Taylor, Jen McKittrick, Lisa Kelley.


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Molecular interactions between microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and water were investigated by attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR/IR) spectroscopy. Moisture-content-dependent IR spectra during a drying process of wet MCC were measured. In order to distinguish overlapping O–H stretching bands arising from both cellulose and water, principal component analysis (PCA) and, generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) and second derivative analysis were applied to the obtained spectra. Four typical drying stages were clearly separated by PCA, and spectral variations in each stage were analyzed by 2DCOS. In the drying time range of 0–41 min, a decrease in the broad band around 3390 cm−1 was observed, indicating that bulk water was evaporated. In the drying time range of 49–195 min, decreases in the bands at 3412, 3344 and 3286 cm−1 assigned to the O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), the O3H3cdots, three dots, centeredO5 intrachain H-bonds and the H-bonds in Iβ phase in MCC, respectively, were observed. The result of the second derivative analysis suggests that water molecules mainly interact with the O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain H-bonds. Thus, the H-bonding network in MCC is stabilized by H-bonds between OH groups constructing O6H6cdots, three dots, centeredO3′ interchain H-bonds and water, and the removal of the water molecules induces changes in the H-bonding network in MCC.


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Ontology search and reuse is becoming increasingly important as the quest for methods to reduce the cost of constructing such knowledge structures continues. A number of ontology libraries and search engines are coming to existence to facilitate locating and retrieving potentially relevant ontologies. The number of ontologies available for reuse is steadily growing, and so is the need for methods to evaluate and rank existing ontologies in terms of their relevance to the needs of the knowledge engineer. This paper presents AKTiveRank, a prototype system for ranking ontologies based on a number of structural metrics.


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In a Data Envelopment Analysis model, some of the weights used to compute the efficiency of a unit can have zero or negligible value despite of the importance of the corresponding input or output. This paper offers an approach to preventing inputs and outputs from being ignored in the DEA assessment under the multiple input and output VRS environment, building on an approach introduced in Allen and Thanassoulis (2004) for single input multiple output CRS cases. The proposed method is based on the idea of introducing unobserved DMUs created by adjusting input and output levels of certain observed relatively efficient DMUs, in a manner which reflects a combination of technical information and the decision maker's value judgements. In contrast to many alternative techniques used to constrain weights and/or improve envelopment in DEA, this approach allows one to impose local information on production trade-offs, which are in line with the general VRS technology. The suggested procedure is illustrated using real data. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Florida State University and University of Helsinki Information technology has the potential to deliver education to everybody by high quality online courses and associated services, and to enhance traditional face-to-face instruction by, e.g., web services offering virtually unlimited practice and step-bystep solutions to practice problems. Regardless of this, tools of information technology have not yet penetrated mathematics education in any meaningful way. This is mostly due to the inertia of academia: instructors are slow to change their working habits. This paper reports on an experiment where all the instructors (seven instructors and six teaching assistants) of a large calculus course were required to base their instruction on online content. The paper will analyze the effectiveness of various solutions used, and finishes with recommendations regarding best practices.


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Most existing approaches to Twitter sentiment analysis assume that sentiment is explicitly expressed through affective words. Nevertheless, sentiment is often implicitly expressed via latent semantic relations, patterns and dependencies among words in tweets. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that automatically captures patterns of words of similar contextual semantics and sentiment in tweets. Unlike previous work on sentiment pattern extraction, our proposed approach does not rely on external and fixed sets of syntactical templates/patterns, nor requires deep analyses of the syntactic structure of sentences in tweets. We evaluate our approach with tweet- and entity-level sentiment analysis tasks by using the extracted semantic patterns as classification features in both tasks. We use 9 Twitter datasets in our evaluation and compare the performance of our patterns against 6 state-of-the-art baselines. Results show that our patterns consistently outperform all other baselines on all datasets by 2.19% at the tweet-level and 7.5% at the entity-level in average F-measure.


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Social media has become an effective channel for communicating both trends and public opinion on current events. However the automatic topic classification of social media content pose various challenges. Topic classification is a common technique used for automatically capturing themes that emerge from social media streams. However, such techniques are sensitive to the evolution of topics when new event-dependent vocabularies start to emerge (e.g., Crimea becoming relevant to War Conflict during the Ukraine crisis in 2014). Therefore, traditional supervised classification methods which rely on labelled data could rapidly become outdated. In this paper we propose a novel transfer learning approach to address the classification task of new data when the only available labelled data belong to a previous epoch. This approach relies on the incorporation of knowledge from DBpedia graphs. Our findings show promising results in understanding how features age, and how semantic features can support the evolution of topic classifiers.


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In this paper we show how event processing over semantically annotated streams of events can be exploited, for implementing tracing and tracking of products in supply chains through the automated generation of linked pedigrees. In our abstraction, events are encoded as spatially and temporally oriented named graphs, while linked pedigrees as RDF datasets are their specific compositions. We propose an algorithm that operates over streams of RDF annotated EPCIS events to generate linked pedigrees. We exemplify our approach using the pharmaceuticals supply chain and show how counterfeit detection is an implicit part of our pedigree generation. Our evaluation results show that for fast moving supply chains, smaller window sizes on event streams provide significantly higher efficiency in the generation of pedigrees as well as enable early counterfeit detection.


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The contribution of different-sized businesses to job creation continues to attract policymakers’ attention; however, it has recently been recognised that conclusions about size were confounded with the effect of age. We probe the role of size, controlling for age, by comparing the cohorts of firms born in 1998 over their first decade of life, using variation across half a dozen northern European countries Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK to pin down size effects. We find that a very small proportion of the smallest firms play a crucial role in accounting for cross-country differences in job growth. A closer analysis reveals that the initial size distribution and survival rates do not seem to explain job growth differences between countries, rather it is a small number of rapidly growing firms that are driving this result.


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Precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in the two hemispheres is a key for understanding the Earth's climate dynamics. For the last glacial period, ice core studies have revealed strong coupling of the largest millennial-scale warm events in Antarctica with the longest Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland through the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It has been unclear, however, whether the shorter Dansgaard-Oeschger events have counterparts in the shorter and less prominent Antarctic temperature variations, and whether these events are linked by the same mechanism. Here we present a glacial climate record derived from an ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, which represents South Atlantic climate at a resolution comparable with the Greenland ice core records. After methane synchronization with an ice core from North Greenland, the oxygen isotope record from the Dronning Maud Land ice core shows a one-to-one coupling between all Antarctic warm events and Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger events by the bipolar seesaw. The amplitude of the Antarctic warm events is found to be linearly dependent on the duration of the concurrent stadial in the North, suggesting that they all result from a similar reduction in the meridional overturning circulation.


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We thank John Clapp, Martijn Dröes, Mika Kortelainen, and Song Shi for helpful comments. Financial support from the Academy of Finland, the OP‐Pohjola Group Research Foundation, the Kluuvi Foundation, and the Emil Aaltonen Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.


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Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), including its severe form, vascular dementia (VaD), is the second most common form of dementia. The genetic etiology of sporadic VCI remains largely unknown. We previously conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of all published genetic association studies of sporadic VCI prior to 6 July 2012, which demonstrated that APOE (ɛ4, ɛ2) and MTHFR (rs1801133) variants were associated with susceptibility for VCI. De novo genotyping was conducted in a new independent relatively large collaborative European cohort of VaD (nmax = 549) and elderly non-demented samples (nmax = 552). Where available, genotype data derived from Illumina's 610-quad array for 1210 GERAD1 control samples were also included in analyses of genes examined. Associations were tested using the Cochran-Armitage trend test: MTHFR rs1801133 (OR = 1.36, 95% CI 1.16-1.58, p = <0.0001), APOE rs7412 (OR = 0.62, 95% CI 0.42-0.90, p = 0.01), and APOE rs429358 (OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.17-2.16, p = 0.003). Association was also observed with APOE epsilon alleles; ɛ4 (OR = 1.85, 95% CI 1.35-2.52, p = <0.0001) and ɛ2 (OR = 0.67, 95% CI 0.46-0.98, p = 0.03). Logistic Regression and Bonferroni correction in a subgroup of the cohort adjusted for gender, age, and population maintained the association of APOE rs429358 and ɛ4 allele.


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Kyrönjoen yläosan tulvasuojeluhankkeen eri osille on useita lupapäätöksiä, joissa luvanhaltijana on valtio. Lupapäätöksissä on velvoite tarkkailla mm. vaikutuksia Kyrönjoen ja sen alapuolisen merialueen kala-, rapu- ja nahkiaiskantoihin. Tässä raportissa on vuoden 2015 kalataloustarkkailutulosten lisäksi metallien ainevirtaama-arvio Tieksin pumppaamon kautta vuoden 2015 aikana pumpatuista vesistä. Vuonna 2015 poikasnuottasaaliit olivat useita edellisvuosia pienemmät Peuralassa, Voitilassa ja Österfjärdenillä, mikä oli suurelta osin seurausta särjen ja ahvenen poikasten vähäisyydestä. Saaliin vähäisyyteen vaikuttivat olosuhteet joessa, sillä vuolas virtaus haittasi nuottaamista. Pienet samana vuonna kuoriutuneet kalat olivat lisäksi saattaneet kulkeutua pyyntipaikoilta pois veden mukana kesän 2015 ajankohtaan nähden tavanomaista suurempien virtaamien aikaan. Kuhan poikasten yksikkösaalis Kylänpäässä oli suurempi kuin milloinkaan aikaisemmin 20-vuotisen tarkkailun aikana. Sähkökalastuksissa vuonna 2015 saatiin kaksi harjusta Harjankoskelta, ja kyseessä olivat ensimmäiset pyyntipaikoilta tavatut harjukset vuodesta 2011 aloitetun vuosittaisen tarkkailun aikana. Harjukset olivat pituudeltaan 19 cm ja 9 cm, joten ne olivat kuoriutuneet ilmeisesti vuosina 2014 ja 2015. Koskenkorvan padon alapuolelta saatiin kuusi 15–17 cm pituista lohta, joista yhden rasvaevä oli ehjä, kun taas muiden rasvaevät oli leikattu. Lohet olivat ilmeisesti peräisin Luonnonvarakeskuksen alueelle tekemistä istutuksista. Verkkosaalis vuonna 2015 oli edellisvuotta pienempi kaikilla pyyntipaikoilla eikä esimerkiksi kuhaa saatu lainkaan. Kyrönjoen vaellussiian kutunousutarkkailu jäi useiden edellisvuosien tapaan lyhytkestoiseksi virtaaman voimakkaan kasvun vuoksi, mutta saaliiksi saatiin 49 siikaa. Koeravustuksissa ei saatu lainkaan rapuja. Nahkiaisen toukkia löydettiin Mustasaaren Voitilasta yhteensä seitsemän yksilöä. Tieksin pumppaamon kautta vuoden 2015 aikana pumpatuissa vesissä tutkittujen metallien yhteenlasketut ainevirtaamat olivat lähes samat kuin vuonna 2013, vaikka sekä pumpatut vesimäärät että havaitut metallipitoisuudet erosivat suuresti vuosien välillä. Vuoden 2015 ainevirtaama-arvio on aiempaa luotettavampi, sillä näytteitä saatiin varsin kattavasti ajankohtina, jolloin pumpattiin paljon.