783 resultados para Savanna woodland


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.


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Vast montado areas are threatened by degradation, as the result of a long history of land use changes. Since improved pastures have been installed aiming soil quality improvement and system sustainability, it is crucial to evaluate the effects of these management changes on soil organic matter status and soil biological activity, as soil quality indicators. Therefore, a 35-yr old improved pasture and a natural pasture were studied, considering areas beneath tree canopy and in the open. Total organic C, total N, hot water soluble (HWS) and particulate (POM) C, microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), C mineralization rate (CMR) and net N mineralization rate (NMR) were determined. In addition, for a 1-yr period, soil β-glucosidase, urease, proteases and acid phosphomonoesterase were periodically determined. Improved pasture promoted the increase of soil C and N through POM-C increment, particularly beneath the trees canopies. The two study pastures did not show differences regarding soil microbial biomass, but variations in CMR, HWS-C and N availability (proteases and urease activities) suggest divergent soil microbial communities. Tree regulator role on C, N and P transformation processes in soil was confirmed


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Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.


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The federally endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov) persists in rare oak/pine grassland communities spanning across the Great Lakes region, relying on host plant wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis). Conservation efforts since 1992 have led to the development of several programs that restore and monitor habitat. This study aims to evaluate Karner blue habitat selection in the state of Wisconsin and develop high-resolution tools for use in conservation efforts. Spatial predictive models developed during this study accurately predicted potential habitat across state properties based on soils and canopy cover, and identified ~51-100% of Karner blue occurrences based on lupine and shrub/tree cover, and focal nectar plant abundance. When evaluated relative to American bison (Bison bison), Karner blues and lupine were more likely to occur in areas of low disturbance, but aggregated where bison were recently present in areas of moderate/high disturbance. Lupine C:N ratio increased relative to cover of shrubs/trees and focal nectar plant abundance and decreased relative to cover of groundlitter. Karner blue density increased with lupine C:N ratio, decreased with nitrogen content, and was not related to phenolic levels. We strongly suggest that areas of different soil textures must be managed differently and that maintenance techniques should generate a mix of shrubs/tree cover (10-45%), groundlitter cover (~10-40%), >5% cover of lupine, and establish an abundance of focal nectar plants. This study provides unique tools for use in conservation and should aid in focusing management efforts and recovery of this species.


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Although Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) plays a pivotal role in the ecology and economy of the Amazon, and occurs in a variety of habitats, little is known about the influence of habitat on the reproductive biology of this palm. My dissertation focuses on the reproductive biology of M. flexuosa in three habitats in Roraima, Brazil: undisturbed forest, undisturbed forest-savanna ecotone, and savanna disturbed by plantations of the exotic tree, Acacia mangium. First, I calculated sex ratios and linked precipitation patterns with phenology. Sex ratios were female-biased. Precipitation was negatively associated with flowering, and positively associated with fruiting. Habitat appears to have no significant influence on phenology of M. flexuosa, although short-term climate variation may affect phenology of this species. Second, I examined floral biology, observed floral visitors, and performed exclusion experiments to determine the pollination system of M. flexuosa. Fruit set did not differ significantly between the visitor exclusion treatment and the control, but was significantly lowest in the wind + visitor exclusion treatment, suggesting that this dioecious palm is anemophilous, independent of habitat. Third, I identified the abiotic and biotic factors explaining variation in fruit mass, seed mass, seed number per fruit, and total fruit yield among habitats. Soil moisture and flooding during the wet season were the best predictors of fruit and seed output. The number of leaves, diameter at breast height, and height were all accurate predictors of reproductive output, but crown volume did not accurately predict fruit yields. Results re-evaluate traditional assumptions about wind-pollination in the tropics, and highlight abiotic and biotic factors responsible for variation in reproductive output of M. flexuosa, with implications for effective management of this palm. Finally, I interviewed harvesters and vendors to document the traditional knowledge and market dynamics of the fruit of M. flexuosa, buriti. Traditional knowledge corroborated results from scientific studies. Vendors argued that the price of buriti must increase, and must fluctuate with varying supply. With appropriate economic incentives to vendors/harvesters, Roraima may expand its market infrastructure for buriti, effectively stimulating the regional economy and practicing sustainable harvesting.


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Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.


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La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.


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La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.


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This thesis investigates the place-names of four parishes in Berwickshire and compares coastal and inland naming patterns. Berwickshire is a large county that borders on northern England and historically formed part of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria. Partly due to the survival of extensive archives from the medieval priory of Coldingham, preserved in Durham Cathedral Archives, this county holds some of Scotland’s earliest recorded place- names. The parishes that form the research area are grouped together in the north-east of the county. Two of these parishes, Abbey St Bathans and Bunkle & Preston, are inland, and two, Cockburnspath and Coldingham, have extensive coastlines. The diversity of this group of parishes allows a comparative study of the place-names of coastal and inland areas to be undertaken. The topography of Berwickshire’s thirty-two parishes is very varied, and the four parishes have been chosen to reflect this range of landscapes. The place-names within the four parishes examined in this thesis derive almost exclusively from Old English, Older Scots, Modern Scots including Standard Scottish English, with a small minority derived from Old Norse, Gaelic, and Brittonic. The chronology of Old English, Older Scots, and Modern Scots is defined as given in the Concise Scots Dictionary: Old English is the period up to 1100, Older Scots is the period 1100-1700, and Modern Scots is the period 1700 onwards (CSD, 1985: xiii). Often with place-names it is not possible to give a precise dating for the coining of a toponym. For the purposes of this study, the language label given for a toponym is that of the date of the earliest record of the place-name with earlier linguistic evidence supplementing discussion. This thesis focuses on the names of topographic features, for example hills, rocks and woodland, and the role of perception in their naming. In order to compare the role of perception in inland and coastal naming, this thesis includes a diachronic study of the toponymy of the research area, along with two case studies. The first of these is a study of the toponymy of relief features, which focuses on generic elements in order to compare the perception of one type of referent in the two environments. The second is a study of the ‘colour’ category, which focuses on qualifying elements in order to compare the use of colour terms in the two environments. This thesis is the first comparative study of inland and coastal place-names, and it is one of the first to investigate new ways of using fieldwork as a central part of its methodology. In doing so it proposes innovative and nuanced ways to understand the toponymy of diverse landscapes within a community.


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In Andalusia, southern Spain, each game estate applies its own rules and presents its results in annual hunting reports, which have been mandatory for Spanish game estates since 1989. We used the information about hunting yields, included in 32134 annual hunting reports produced during the period 1993/94 to 2001/02 by 6049 game estates, to determine the current distribution of hunting yields of big and small game species in Andalusia. Using generalised linear models and a geographic information system, we determined the most favourable municipalities to big and small game, respectively, and delimited potential areas to attain good hunting yields for big and small game at a 1-km2 resolution. Municipalities and areas favourable to big game are mainly located in the Sierra Morena and the westernmost fringe of the Betic Range, while those favourable to small game occupy the upper Guadalquivir River valley. There is a clear segregation between big and small game species according to the physiography and land uses of the territory. Big game species are typical of Mediterranean woodland areas, while the most emblematic small game species prefer agricultural areas. Our results provide a territorial ordination of hunting yields in southern Spain and have several potential applications in strategic planning for hunting activities and biodiversity conservation in Andalusia that can be extrapolated to other regions.


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Cork oak tree (Quercus suber L.), in Portugal, is considered the national tree and have special demands and legal protection when dealing with silviculture management (pruning, debarking, thinning). Being a species of slow growth, cork oak transplanting procedures can be a valuable asset either from the economic or ecological rationales to relocate trees, re-populate areas affected by high tree mortality, increase tree density to control erosion on montado ecosystems or landscape design. This study focuses the impacts and physiological responses of ten juvenile rain fed cork oak trees (with diameter at breast height between 6 and 16cm), when subjected to transplant operations. The work was conducted in a cork oak woodland experimental plot at the campus of the University of Évora (SW Portugal), during the year of 2015. Tree’s transplants were performed with a truck-mounted hydraulic spade transplanter coupled with a proposed methodology to maximize tree survival rates, addressing techniques to limit canopy transpiration and to improve root systems prior to transplant. Tree ecophysiological indicators (sap flow, leaf water potentials and stomatal conductance) were monitored comprising the periods before and after transplant operations, and water stress avoidance practices were established to promote post-transplant tree status recovery, including irrigation to match average daily accumulated sap flow. Transplant operations were considered successful when the tree's water uptake inferred from sap flow exhibited a high correlation with solar radiation and returned to its undisturbed or pre-transplant water potential gradients in the following 2 to 3 weeks. The post-transplant tree nourishment follow up included permanent sap flow measurements and identified the time elapsed after transplantation from which the tree recovers its normal transpiration thresholds and response. Our results suggest that by following the proposed methodology the sampled cork oak trees exhibited a transplant success rate of 90%.


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ABSTRACT: Changes in carbon stocks in different compartments of soil organic matter of a clayey Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (Typic Haplustox), caused by the substitution of native savanna vegetation (cerrado sensu stricto) by agroecosystems, were assessed after 31 years of cultivation. Under native vegetation, a stock of 164.5 Mg ha-1 C was estimated in the 0.00-1.00 m layer. After 31 years of cultivation, these changes in soil C stocks were detected to a depth of 0.60 m. In the case of substitution of cerrado sensu stricto by no-tillage soybean-corn rotation, a reduction of at least 11 % of the soil C pools was observed. However, the adoption of no-tillage as an alternative to tillage with a moldboard plow (conventional system) reduced CO2 emissions by up to 12 %.


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A degradação das pastagens pode ser definida como um processo evolutivo de perda de vigor, produtividade e capacidade de recuperação natural, e é atualmente um dos maiores problemas para a pecuária brasileira. Estudos recentes com imagens de satélites de sensoriamento remoto apresentam resultados promissores para identificar e mapear diferentes níveis de degradação em pastagens. Estas imagens também permitem monitor ao longo dos anos o processo de degradação em escala local ou regional. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em avaliar o uso de imagens fusionadas dos sensores HRC e CCD do satélite CBERS-2B, para identificar e caracterizar áreas com pastagens degradadas nos municípios de Corguinho e Rio Negro no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. As imagens foram processadas utilizando o aplicativo SPRING. A classificação foi baseada na segmentação, no MAXVER e na Bhattacharya gerando um mapa temático das áreas de pastagens degradadas na escala de 1:50.000.