939 resultados para Satellite solar power stations.
Este trabalho final de mestrado baseou-se no acompanhamento da construção do hotel SANA Amoreiras, situado na Avenida Duarte Pacheco nº 12. O empreiteiro geral foi a empresa FDO Construções. Existindo também uma equipa de fiscalização, LMSA, contratada pelo Dono de Obra de forma a efectuar todo o controlo de qualidade. O TFM baseou-se no estágio efectuado para o Dono de obra do hotel onde fui devidamente acompanhada por uma engenheira, orientadora de estágio, que acompanhou de perto o desempenho da minha actividade. Esta função teve como objectivos a gestão de projecto de hotel, interligação entre projectistas e empreiteiro geral, bem prestar o devido acompanhamento de todos trabalhos a realizar. Acompanhei a realização de dois quartos modelo onde o objectivo do Dono de Obra foi testar as diversas soluções ao nível de revestimentos, sanitários, iluminação, mobiliário, decoração e outras soluções de arquitectura, soluções estas a implementar no hotel. Acompanhei também a realização de reuniões de compatibilização e coordenação de todos os projectos de especialidades com o projecto de arquitectura, nomeadamente Avac, Instalações eléctricas, Comunicações, Segurança, Águas, Esgotos, Gás, Incêndio, Cozinhas de forma a ser possível efectuar consultas aos empreiteiros e adjudicar todas estas empreitadas. Foi efectuada uma abordagem à descrição do hotel, suas características, indicação das razões que levaram à sua construção e descrição das várias empreitadas de construção realizadas até então, tal como, demolição, escavação, estrutura, acabamentos e especialidades.
Nos dias que correm questões ambientais e considerações energéticas obrigam a uma inovação constante na procura de soluções de baixo consumo energético e de impacto ambiental baixo, nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos sistemas de climatização e refrigeração. Têm vindo a ser criadas medidas, tanto a nível internacional como nacional, no sentido de reduzir as emissões nocivas para a atmosfera, consequência do excessivo consumo de combustíveis fósseis, e do aumento da rentabilidade da energia e maior utilização de energias renováveis. O presente estudo de dimensionamento de um sistema de absorção, a brometo de lítio/água, com coletores solares, tem por base o sistema de compressão existente num edifício de serviços no centro de Lisboa. Foi efetuada uma analise simplificada dos seus dados de consumo energético, de maneira a verificar a viabilidade económica da substituição do equipamento existente e instalação de um sistema de coletores solares. Concluiu-se que a substituição do equipamento e a instalação de coletores solar, não é atrativa do ponto de vista económico, nesta solução em particular. Contudo, verifica-se uma considerável redução do impacto ambiental do consumo energético do edifício.
O objeto da presente tese é o estudo comparativo do desempenho de soluções de aquecimento de águas quentes sanitárias (AQS) de dois sistemas solares alternativos, um sistema do tipo Termossifão “versus” um sistema de Circulação Forçada. Foi realizada uma campanha de medições durante um ano, que permitiu avaliar o desempenho dos dois sistemas e as poupanças que resultaram da utilização de um sistema solar, em comparação com um sistema convencional de aquecimento de águas quentes com recurso a gás natural. Estes dados experimentais foram confrontados com os resultados de simulação fornecidos por software dedicado ao cálculo de energia em sistemas solares, conhecido como SolTerm. Concluiu-se que, para o perfil de consumo estabelecido, os sistemas de Circulação Forçada e de Termossifão Reais, tiveram um desempenho equivalente. Na simulação realizada no SolTerm, o sistema Termossifão foi mais eficiente, com um fração solar de 69,7%. Já para o sistema de Circulação Forçada a fração solar foi de 63,3%, com uma diferença de produtividade anual de 67 kWh/m2 de coletor. Contrariamente ao que era previsto pelo SolTerm, ambos os sistemas Reais tiveram desempenhos inferiores, obtendo frações solares de 55,8% e 58,5% para o Termossifão e Circulação Forçado respetivamente. Para o Termossifão esta diferença foi mais acentuada, ao passo que no Circulação Forçada se aproximou do comportamento previsto na simulação.
This article analyses the painted panels of the moliceiro boat, a traditional working boat of the Ria de Aveiro region of Portugal. The article examines how the painted panels have been invented and reinvented over time. The boat and its panels are contextualized both within the changing socio-economic conditions of the Ria de Aveiro region, and the changing socio-political conditions of Portugal throughout the 20th century and until the present day. The article historically analyses the social significance of ‘moliceiro culture’, examining in particular the power relations it expresses and its ambiguous past and present relationships with the political and the economic powers of the Portuguese state. The article unpacks some of the complexity of the relations that have pertained between public and private, local and national, folk culture and ‘art’, and popular and institutional in the Ria de Aveiro region in particular, and Portugal more generally.
The increased integration of wind power into the electric grid, as nowadays occurs in Portugal, poses new challenges due to its intermittency and volatility. Hence, good forecasting tools play a key role in tackling these challenges. In this paper, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference approach is proposed for short-term wind power forecasting. Results from a real-world case study are presented. A thorough comparison is carried out, taking into account the results obtained with other approaches. Numerical results are presented and conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This article reports on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of boron-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si: H) thin films. The films were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) at a substrate temperature of 150 degrees C. Crystalline volume fraction and dark conductivity of the films were determined as a function of trimethylboron-to-silane flow ratio. Optical constants of doped and undoped nc-Si: H were obtained from transmission and reflection spectra. By employing p(+) nc-Si: H as a window layer combined with a p' a-SiC buffer layer, a-Si: H-based p-p'-i-n solar cells on ZnO:Al-coated glass substrates were fabricated. Device characteristics were obtained from current-voltage and spectral-response measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Power converters play a vital role in the integration of wind power into the electrical grid. Variable-speed wind turbine generator systems have a considerable interest of application for grid connection at constant frequency. In this paper, comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with three power converter topologies: matrix, two-level and multilevel. A fractional-order control strategy is studied for the variable-speed operation of wind turbine generator systems. The studies are in order to compare power converter topologies and control strategies. The studies reveal that the multilevel converter and the proposed fractional-order control strategy enable an improvement in the power quality, in comparison with the other power converters using a classical integer-order control strategy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the development and the implementation of a multi-agent system for integrated diagnosis of power transformers. The system is divided in layers which contain a number of agents performing different functions. The social ability and cooperation between the agents lead to the final diagnosis and to other relevant conclusions through integrating various monitoring technologies, diagnostic methods and data sources, such as the dissolved gas analysis.
All over the world Distributed Generation is seen as a valuable help to get cleaner and more efficient electricity. Under this context distributed generators, owned by different decentralized players can provide a significant amount of the electricity generation. To get negotiation power and advantages of scale economy, these players can be aggregated giving place to a new concept: the Virtual Power Producer. Virtual Power Producers are multi-technology and multi-site heterogeneous entities. Virtual Power Producers should adopt organization and management methodologies so that they can make Distributed Generation a really profitable activity, able to participate in the market. In this paper we address the integration of Virtual Power Producers into an electricity market simulator –MASCEM – as a coalition of distributed producers.
The introduction of wind power generation in several countries around the world, including in European countries, where energy policy directives have encouraged the use of renewables, led to several changes in market and power systems operation. The intensive integration of these sources has led to situations in which the demand is lower than the available renewable resources. In these situations a part of the available generation is wasted if not used for storage or to supply additional demand. This paper proposes a real time demand response methodology based on changing the electricity price for the consumers expecting an increase in the demand in the periods in which that demand is lower than the available renewable generation. The consumers response to the changes in electricity price is characterized by their price elasticity of demand considered distinct for each consumer type. The proposed methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system, in the context of the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL). The renewable-based producers are considered as special producers, with special tariffs, and so it is important to use the energy available as it will be paid anyway. In this context, consumers are entities actively participating in the operation of the market.
Power systems have been suffering huge changes mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation and to the operation in competitive environments. Virtual power players can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. Resource management gains an increasing relevance in this competitive context, while demand side active role provides managers with increased demand elasticity. This makes demand response use more interesting and flexible, giving rise to a wide range of new opportunities.This paper proposes a methodology for managing demand response programs in the scope of virtual power players. The proposed method is based on the calculation of locational marginal prices (LMP). The evaluation of the impact of using demand response specific programs on the LMP value supports the manager decision concerning demand response use. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 32 bus network with intensive use of distributed generation.
Smart Grids (SGs) appeared as the new paradigm for power system management and operation, being designed to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires a more efficient Energy Resource Management (ERM) and, simultaneously, makes this a more complex problem, due to the intensive use of distributed energy resources (DER), such as distributed generation, active consumers with demand response contracts, and storage units. This paper presents a methodology to address the energy resource scheduling, considering an intensive use of distributed generation and demand response contracts. A case study of a 30 kV real distribution network, including a substation with 6 feeders and 937 buses, is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. This network is managed by six virtual power players (VPP) with capability to manage the DER and the distribution network.
The reactive power management is an important task in future power systems. The control of reactive power allows the increase of distributed energy resources penetration as well as the optimal operation of distribution networks. Currently, the control of reactive power is only controlled in large power units and in high and very high voltage substations. In this paper a reactive power control in smart grids paradigm is proposed, considering the management of distributed energy resources and of the distribution network by an aggregator namely Virtual Power Player (VPP).
This paper presents a direct power control (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFCs). Matrix converters (MCs) allow the direct ac/ac power conversion without dc energy storage links; therefore, the MC-based UPFC (MC-UPFC) has reduced volume and cost, reduced capacitor power losses, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of direct power control (DPC) based on sliding mode control techniques are established for an MC-UPFC dynamic model including the input filter. As a result, line active and reactive power, together with ac supply reactive power, can be directly controlled by selecting an appropriate matrix converter switching state guaranteeing good steady-state and dynamic responses. Experimental results of DPC controllers for MC-UPFC show decoupled active and reactive power control, zero steady-state tracking error, and fast response times. Compared to an MC-UPFC using active and reactive power linear controllers based on a modified Venturini high-frequency PWM modulator, the experimental results of the advanced DPC-MC guarantee faster responses without overshoot and no steady-state error, presenting no cross-coupling in dynamic and steady-state responses.
The large penetration of intermittent resources, such as solar and wind generation, involves the use of storage systems in order to improve power system operation. Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G) can operate as a means for storing energy. This paper proposes an algorithm to be included in a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, which performs an intelligent management of three types of consumers: domestic, commercial and industrial, that includes the joint management of loads and the charge/discharge of EVs batteries. The proposed methodology has been implemented in a SCADA system developed by the authors of this paper – the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM). Any event in the system, such as a Demand Response (DR) event, triggers the use of an optimization algorithm that performs the optimal energy resources scheduling (including loads and EVs), taking into account the priorities of each load defined by the installation users. A case study considering a specific consumer with several loads and EVs is presented in this paper.