984 resultados para Salmonella Paratyphi
Animals (122 mice) were infected each with eighty cercariae of S. mansoni and subsequently challenged intravenously eight weeks later with the following gram-negative organisms. S. typhi, E. coli, Klebsiella-enterobacter species, Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Enumeration of bacteria in the liver, spleen and blood and S. mansoni from the portal sistem was performed from one to four weeks later in infected animals. A significant difference between infection produced by S. typhi and other gram negative organisms was observed: S. typhi persisted longer in the spleen and liver and could be recovered from S. mansoni worms up to three weeks following bacterial infection. Other gram negative bacteria disappeared from S. mansoni worms after two weeks of initial challenge. Additional animals (51 mice) infected with S. mansoni were given S. typhi, E. coli or sterile saline. After two weeks, animals were sacrificed and the recovery rate of worms from the portal system, and the mesenteric and hepatic oogram were determined. in animals infected with E. coli a significant decrease in the number of worms was observed compared to the saline control group; thirty worms were recovered in the control group compared to two worms in e. coli infected animals. In addition, the patterns of oviposition was significantly different in these latter animals suggesting complete inhibition of this process. Following S. typhi infection the difference in recovery of worms and pattern of oviposition was minimal. These findings suggest a difference in the interaction of various gram negative bacteria and S. mansoni and are consistent with the clinical observation of prolonged salmonella bacteremia in patients with schistosomiasis.
Durante el desarrollo del proyecto se ha podido constatar la relevancia de la utilización de métodos alternativos de conservación tales como la alta presión hidrostática; así como el efecto añadido de los bioconservantes naturales aplicados en masa o envasado activo en la seguridad alimentaria de los productos cárnicos curado cocidos. Asimismo el desarrollo y la identificación, cuantificación de los patógenos alimentarios a estudio (Listeria monocytogenes y Salmonella spp) mediante técnicas de biología molecular, PCR convencional, PCR cuantitativa y NASBA, además de suponer un importante logro científico, ha significado una enorme ventaja en los ensayos tipo “challenge test” tanto por rapidez en la analítica realizada como para la evaluación simultánea de un número elevado de muestras por ensayo. Cabe destacar la importancia del NASBA en la detección selectiva de células viables.
A presente revisão aborda a literatura disponível sobre a vacinação anti-tifoídica. Sentiu-se desde o início a falta de um modelo experimental adequado para avaliar a potência da vacina e somente dados imcompletos e parciais foram obtidos de modelos humanos e animais em relação aos mecanismos imunológicos básicos da resposta à vacinação. Por esta razão um grande número de diferentes métodos foram propostos e usados, fornecendo variações em vários aspectos, tais como: a) tipo de amostra bacteriana utilizada no preparo da vacina; b) métodos de preparo (germes mortos por aquecimento e adição de preservativo, por éter, álcool, acetona, lisados bacterianos, germes vivos atenuados, etc.); c) composição da vacina; d) vias de inoculação (intradérmica, subcutânea, oral, etc.); e) variação do número de microrganismos; d) variação na dose e/ou intervalo entre as doses. Muitos ensaios de campo não foram conclusivos. Foi considerado que estes ensaios iniciais não tiveram controles adequados os quais foram introduzidos posteriormente em ensaios bem planejados, e patrocinados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde em várias partes do mundo (Iugoslávia, Polônia, União Soviética, ìndia e Condado de Tonga). Os dados disponíveis de tais ensaios permitiram as seguintes conclusões: a) a vacina inativada por etanol foi de pouco ou nenhum valor profilático; b) algumas vacinas inativadas ofereceram significante proteção; c) a vacina inativada por acetona é mais eficaz; d) não há proteção para as S. paratyphi A e B nas doses empregadas na TAB. Quando empregada a S. paratyphi B em doses maiores, esta proteção é obtida; e) os testes em animais de laboratórios não podem ser completamente correlacionados com a efetividade no homem bem como o título de anticorpos para os antígenos H, o e Vi; f) uma dose (0,5 a 1 ml de uma suspensão contendo 10*9 bactérias por ml) da vacina inativada por acetona da razoável proteção por um curto período, enquanto duas doses (intervalo de 4 semanas) dão maior proteção e por tempo mais longo; g) a proteção oferecida pela vacinação é maior nos jovens que nos adultos; h) a vacina oral inativada (Typhoral) não oferece proteção mesmo em doses elevadas. Algumas experiências com animais (camundongos, chimpanzés) e voluntários humanos indicaram que uma melhor proteção foi obtida com vacinas vivas atenuadas. Contudo em tais experiências houve persistência tanto da amostra vacinante como da amostra desafio e ainda uma relação significante entre a amostra da vacina rugosa utilizada para imunização e lesões renais abacterianas de natureza desconhecida.
Os resultados dos trabalhos acumulados a partir do início do século permitem concluir que, apesar de numerosos progressos e estudos dos pontos de vista químico, imunoquímico, genético e biológico, o (s) antígeno (s) responsável (is) pela imunidade nas salmoneloses sistêmicas ainda não está (ao) definido (s). As mais diversas preparações têm sido propostas como possiveis imunogenos, bem como uma ampla variedade de modelos experimentais e de métodos de avaliação da resposta imune. Em relacao ao primeiro aspecto, sendo a Salmonella typhi, em condições naturais, um patógeno exclusivo do homem, os resultados obtidos em animais de laboratório frequentemente não se correlacionaram com os obtidos em seres humanos. Salienta-se que a pesquisa da resposta imune tem sido limitada na maioria das vezes a avaliação do titulo de aglutininas para os antigenos O, H e Vi; ou a testes de proteção passiva ou ativa em camundongos. A imunidade celular tem sido definida, principalmente por testes cutâneos, com preparações de natureza proteica, de composição variável e estrutura quimica mal-definida. Todos os dados revistos levam a conclusão de que até o presente, ignora-se o, ou os mecanismos de imunoproteção nas salmoneloses sistemicas.
Amostras de fezes de 646 crianças sadias entre 0-5 anos de idade, residentes em três comunidades com discretas diferenças nas condições econômicas e sanitárias, foram cultivadas oara isolamento de enteropatógenos (Escherichia coli, enteropatogênico clássico e invasor, Shigella e Salmonella) obtendo-se positivação para as bactérias pesquisadas em 82 (12,69%) das crianças. E. coli enteropatogênica clássica foi isolada com maior freqüência (6,04%) seguida por Shigella (4,1%) e Salmonella (2,17%). E. coli invasor só foi isolada em duas ocasiões. Evidencia-se através das análises bacteriológicas, um declínio significativo nos isolamentos das enterobactérias patogênicas, onde as condições econômico-sanitárias eram melhores. O percentual de 12,69% de portadores de enteropatógenos bacterianos, evidencia o papel desempenhado pelos assintomáticos na propagação e manutençãoa dos agentes de processos entéricos.
Foram analisadas 326 amostras de fezes diarréicas provenientes de crianças entre 0 a 5 anos, internadas em dois hospitais de reidratação do Recife, Pernambuco. Foi introduzido o meio de Cary & Blair a 4 -C para transporte das fezes, não havendo diferença no percentual de isolamento quando o material permaneceu no meio de transporte entre 3 a 7 dias. Dos exames, 19,02% estavam positivos para um ou mais dos agentes bacterianos pesquisados, tendo sido encontrados 26 Salmonella de 3 espécies, 21 Escherichia coli enteroinvasiva, 10 Shigella de 3 sorotipos e 1 Yersisnia enterocolitica.
Aqueous extracts of seven species used in Brazilian popular medicine (Achyrocline satureoides, Iodina rhombifolia, Desmodium incanum, Baccharis anomala, Tibouchina asperior, Luehea divaricata, Maytenus ilicifolia) were screened to the presence of mutagenic activity in the Ames test (Salmonella/microsome). Positive results were obtained for A. satureoides, B anomala and L. divaricata with microsomal activation. As shown elsewhere (Vargas et al., 1990) the metabolites of A. satureoides extract also show the capacity to induce prophage and/or SOS response in microscreen phage induction assay and SOS spot chromotest.
Mucosal surfaces represent the main sites of interaction with environmental microorganisms and antigens. Sentinel cells, including epithelial cells and dendritic cells (DCs), continuously sense the environment and coordinate defenses for the protection of mucosal tissues. DCs play a central role in the control of adaptive immune responses owing to their capacity to internalize foreign materials, to migrate into lymph nodes and to present antigens to naive lymphocytes. Some pathogenic microorganisms trigger epithelial responses that result in the recruitment of DCs. These pathogens hijack the recruited DCs to enable them to infect the host, escape the host's defense mechanisms and establish niches at remote sites.
PURPOSE: To determine whether syngeneic retinal cells injected in the vitreous cavity of the rat are able to initiate a proliferative process and whether the ocular inflammation induced in rats by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) promotes this proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: Primary cultured differentiated retinal Müller glial (RMG) and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells isolated from 8 to 12 postnatal Lewis rats were injected into the vitreous cavity of 8- to 10-week-old Lewis rats (10(5) cells/eye in 2 microlieter sterile saline), with or without the systemic injection of 150 microgram LPS to cause endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU). Control groups received an intravitreal injection of 2 microliter saline. At 5, 15, and 28 days after cell injections, PVR was clinically quantified, and immunohistochemistry for OX42, ED1, vimentin (VIM), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and cytokeratin was performed. RESULTS: The injection of RMG cells, alone or in combination with RPE cells, induced the preretinal proliferation of a GFAP-positive tissue, that was enhanced by the systemic injection of LPS. Indeed, when EIU was induced at the time of RMG cell injection into the vitreous cavity, the proliferation led to retinal folds and localized tractional detachments. In contrast, PVR enhanced the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the anterior segment of the eye. CONCLUSIONS: In the rat, syngeneic retinal cells of glial origin induce PVR that is enhanced by the coinduction of EIU. In return, vitreoretinal glial proliferation enhanced the intensity and duration of EIU.
Bovine abortion of unknown infectious etiology still remains a major economic problem. Thus, we investigated whether Brucella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Coxiella burnetii are associated with abortion and/or stillbirth in Tunisian dairy cattle. Using a pan-Chlamydiales PCR, we also investigated the role of Chlamydiaceae, Waddlia chondrophila, Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and other members of the Chlamydiales order in this setting. Veterinary samples taken from mid to late-term abortions from twenty dairy herds were tested. From a total of 150 abortion cases collected, infectious agents were detected by PCR in 73 (48.66%) cases, 13 (8.66%) of which represented co-infections with two infectious agents. Detected pathogens include Brucella spp (31.3%), Chlamydiaceae (4.66%), Waddlia chondrophila (8%), Parachlamydia acanthamoebae (5.33%), Listeria monocytogenes (4.66%) and Salmonella spp. (3.33%). In contrast, Campylobacter spp. and Coxiella burnetii DNA were not detected among the investigated veterinary samples. This demonstrates that different bacterial agents may cause bovine abortion in Tunisia. This is the first report suggesting the role of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae in bovine abortion in Africa. Further studies with a larger number of samples are necessary to confirm whether this emerging pathogen is directly linked to abortion in cattle.
In hospital-based series viral hepatitis B has been frequently described in association with schistosomiasis whilst in field-based studies the association has not been confirmed. The association between schistosomiasis and Salmonella bacteraemia has been well documented. More recently, acute schistosomiasis has been shown to be a facilitating factor in the genesis of pyogenic liver abscesses caused by Staphylococcus aureus. New evidences indicate an interaction between the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and schistosomiasis. In this paper, data on the association of schistosomiasis with other infections are updated.
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS, endotoxins) are main constituents of the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, with the 'endotoxic principle' lipid A anchoring LPS into the membrane. When LPS is removed from the bacteria by the action of the immune system or simply by cell dividing, it may interact strongly with immunocompetent cells such as mononuclear cells. This interaction may lead, depending on the LPS concentration, to beneficial (at low) or pathophysiological (at high concentrations) reactions, the latter frequently causing the septic shock syndrome. There is a variety of endogenous LPS-binding proteins. To this class belong lactoferrin (LF) and hemoglobin (Hb), which have been shown to suppress and enhance the LPS-induced cytokine secretion in mononuclear cells, respectively. To elucidate the interaction mechanisms of endotoxins with these proteins, we have investigated in an infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) study the interaction of LPS or lipid A monolayers at the air/water interface with LF and Hb proteins, injected into the aqueous subphase. The data are clearly indicative of completely different interaction mechanisms of the endotoxins with the proteins, with the LF acting only at the LPS backbone, whereas Hb incorporates into the lipid monolayer. These data allow an understanding of the different reactivities in the biomedicinal systems.
The essential oil (EO) of Ocimum gratissimum inhibited Staphylococcus aureus at a concentration of 0.75 mg/ml. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for Shigella flexineri, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., and Proteus mirabilis were at concentrations ranging from 3 to 12 mg/ml. The endpoint was not reached for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (>=24 mg/ml). The MICs of the reference drugs used in this study were similar to those presented in other reports. The minimum bactericidal concentration of EO was within a twofold dilution of the MIC for this organism. The compound that showed antibacterial activity in the EO of O. gratissimum was identified as eugenol and structural findings were further supported by gas chromatography/mass spectra retention time data. The structure was supported by spectroscopic methods.
One hundred and thirty cases of diarrhea and 43 age-matched controls, 0 to 5 years old, were studied in a pediatric outpatient unit from a poor peri urban area of Porto Velho, Rondônia. Eighty percent of diarrheal cases were observed in the groups under 2 years of age. Rotavirus (19.2%) was the most frequent enteropathogen associated with diarrhea, followed by Shigella flexneri (6.15%) and S. sonnei (1.5%) and Salmonella sp. (6.9%). Four cases of E. coli enterotoxigenic infections (3.1%), E. coli enteropathogenic (EPEC)(2.3%) one case of E. coli enteroinvasive infection (0.8%) and one case of Yersinia enterocolitica (0.8%) were also identified. Mixed infections were frequent, associating rotavirus, EPEC and Salmonella sp. with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia.
PURPOSE: To determine whether bovine corneal endothelial (BCE) cells and keratocytes express the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) after exposure to cytokines and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and to study the regulation of NOS by growth factors. METHODS: Cultures of bovine corneal endothelial cells and keratocytes were exposed to increasing concentrations of LPS, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). At selected intervals after exposure, nitrite levels in the supernatants were evaluated by the Griess reaction. Total RNA was extracted from the cell cultures, and messenger RNA levels for inducible NOS (NOS-2) were measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). RESULTS: Exposure of BCE cells and keratocytes to LPS and IFN-gamma resulted in an increase of nitrite levels that was potentiate by the addition of TNF-alpha. Analysis by RT-PCR demonstrated that nitrite release was correlated to the expression of NOS-2 messenger RNA in BCE cells and keratocytes. Stereoselective inhibitors of NOS and cycloheximide inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release in both cells, whereas transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) slightly potentiated it. Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) inhibited LPS-IFN-gamma-induced nitrite release and NOS-2 messenger RNA accumulation in keratocytes but not in BCE cells. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that in vitro activation of keratocytes and BCE cells by LPS and cytokines induces NOS-2 expression and release of large amounts of NO. The high amounts of NO could be involved in inflammatory corneal diseases in vivo.