991 resultados para Salivary duct calculi
BAFF (BLyS, TALL-1, THANK, zTNF4) is a member of the TNF superfamily that specifically regulates B lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Mice transgenic (Tg) for BAFF develop an autoimmune condition similar to systemic lupus erythematosus. We now demonstrate that BAFF Tg mice, as they age, develop a secondary pathology reminiscent of Sjögren's syndrome (SS), which is manifested by severe sialadenitis, decreased saliva production, and destruction of submaxillary glands. In humans, SS also correlates with elevated levels of circulating BAFF, as well as a dramatic upregulation of BAFF expression in inflamed salivary glands. A likely explanation for disease in BAFF Tg mice is excessive survival signals to autoreactive B cells, possibly as they pass through a critical tolerance checkpoint while maturing in the spleen. The marginal zone (MZ) B cell compartment, one of the enlarged B cell subsets in the spleen of BAFF Tg mice, is a potential reservoir of autoreactive B cells. Interestingly, B cells with an MZ-like phenotype infiltrate the salivary glands of BAFF Tg mice, suggesting that cells of this compartment potentially participate in tissue damage in SS and possibly other autoimmune diseases. We conclude that altered B cell differentiation and tolerance induced by excess BAFF may be central to SS pathogenesis.
Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is a conformal radiotherapy that produces concave and irregular target volume dose distributions. IMRT has a potential to reduce the volume of healthy tissue irradiated to a high dose, but this often at the price of an increased volume of normal tissue irradiated to a low dose. Clinical benefits of IMRT are expected to be most pronounced at the body sites where sensitive normal tissues surround or are located next to a target with a complex 3D shape. The irradiation doses needed for tumor control are often markedly higher than the tolerance of the radiation sensitive structures such as the spinal cord, the optic nerves, the eyes, or the salivary glands in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Parotid gland salivary flow is markedly reduced following a cumulative dose of 30 50 Gy given with conventional fractionation and xerostomia may be prevented in most patients using a conformal parotid-sparing radiotherapy technique. However, in cohort studies where IMRT was compared with conventional and conformal radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of laryngeal or oropharyngeal carcinoma, the dosimetric advantage of IMRT translated into a reduction of late salivary toxicity with no apparent adverse impact on the tumor control. IMRT might reduce the radiation dose to the major salivary glands and the risk of permanent xerostomia without compromizing the likelihood for cure. Alternatively, IMRT might allow the target dose escalation at a given level of normal tissue damage. We describe here the clinical results on postirradiation salivary gland function in head and neck cancer patients treated with IMRT, and the technical aspects of IMRT applied. The results suggest that the major salivary gland function can be maintained with IMRT without a need to compromise the clinical target volume dose, or the locoregional control.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) regulates the sodium reabsorption in the principal cells of collecting duct of the nephron, and is essential for the maintenance of Na+ balance and blood pressure. ENaC is regulated by hormones such as aldosterone and vasopressin, by serine proteases. The functional ENaC channel expressed at the cell surface is a hetemultimeric complex composed by the homologous a, ß and y subunits. Several functional and biochemical studies have provided evidence that the ENaC is a heterotetramer formed by 2a lß and ly subunits. Recently, a channel homologue of ENaC, the acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1 has been crystallized as a homotrimer. This discrepancy in the subunit composition of these two channels of the same family, motivated us to revisit the subunit oligomerization of the purified functional abg EnaC channel complex. His(6)ENaC a ß y subunits were expressed in Xenopus leavis oocytes. The three ENaC subunits copurify on Ni+2-NTA agarose beads in a aßy ENaC complex. On Western blot, the ENaC subunits show typical post-translation modifications associated with a functional channel. Using differentially tagged ENaC subunits, we could demonstrate that 2 different a ENaC co- purify with ß and y subunits, whereas only one single ß and y are detected in the ENaC complex. Comparison of the mass of the aßy ENaC complex on Western blot under non reducing conditions with different ENaC dimeric, trimmeric and tetratemeric concatamers indicate that the ENaC channel complex is a heterotetramer made of 2a-, lß-, and ly ENaC subunits. Our result will certainly not provide the last words on the subunit stoichiometry of the ENaC/ASIC channels, but hopefully will promote the réévaluation of the cASICl crystal structure for its functional relevance. -- Le canal épithélial sodique ENaC est responsable de la réabsorption du sodium dans les cellules principales du tubule collecteur rénal et joue un rôle important dans le maintien de l'homéostasie sodique et le maintien de la pression artérielle. Ce canal est régulé par des hormones telles que l'aldostérone ou la Vasopressine mais également par des sérines protéases. ENaC est un canal multimerique constitué des trois sous-unités homologues a, ß and y. De nombreuses études fonctionnelles et biochimiques ont montré que le canal ENaC fonctionnel exprimé à la surface cellulaire est un canal formé de 4 sous unités avec une stoichiometric préférentielle de 2 sous-unités a, 1 sous-unité ß et 1 sous-unité y. Récemment, la cristallisation du canal sodique sensible au pH acide, ASIC, un autre membre de la famille ENaC/Deg, a mis en évidence un canal homotrimérique. Cette divergence dans la composition en sous-unités formant les complexes ENaC et ASIC, deux canaux de la même famille de gènes, nous a motivé à réinvestiguer le problème de l'oligomérisation du complexe fonctionnel ENaC après purification. Dans ce but le complexe ENaC fait des sous-unités aßy marquées par un épitope His 6 ont été exprimées dans l'ovocyte de Xenopus leavis. Les trois sous-unités aßy du complexe ENaC peuvent être co-purifiées sur des billes d'agarose Ni+2-NTA et montrent les modifications post-traductionnelles attendues pour le complexe fonctionnel ENaC exprimé en surface. Nous avons pu démontrer que ce complexe ENaC fonctionnel, est formé de deux sous-unités a différentes, mais de une seule sous-unité ß et une seule sous-unité y, suggérant un complexe ENaC formé de plus de trois sous-unités. L'estimation de la masse du complexe fonctionnel ENaC par Western blot, en comparaison avec des constructions concatemériques de ENaC faites de 2, 3, ou 4 sous-unités indique que le complexe aßy ENaC fonctionnel est une hétérotétramère composé de 2 sous-unités a, une ß et une y. Ces expériences ne représentent pas le fin d'une controverse quant à la structure des canaux ENaC et ASIC, mais soulèvent la question de la relevance fonctionnelle de la structure tridimentionelle du canal ASIC révélée par crystallographie.
Regulation of sodium balance is a critical factor in the maintenance of euvolemia, and dysregulation of renal sodium excretion results in disorders of altered intravascular volume, such as hypertension. The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is thought to be the only mechanism for sodium transport in the cortical collecting duct (CCD) of the kidney. However, it has been found that much of the sodium absorption in the CCD is actually amiloride insensitive and sensitive to thiazide diuretics, which also block the Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) located in the distal convoluted tubule. In this study, we have demonstrated the presence of electroneutral, amiloride-resistant, thiazide-sensitive, transepithelial NaCl absorption in mouse CCDs, which persists even with genetic disruption of ENaC. Furthermore, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) increased excretion of Na+ and Cl- in mice devoid of the thiazide target NCC, suggesting that an additional mechanism might account for this effect. Studies on isolated CCDs suggested that the parallel action of the Na+-driven Cl-/HCO3- exchanger (NDCBE/SLC4A8) and the Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchanger (pendrin/SLC26A4) accounted for the electroneutral thiazide-sensitive sodium transport. Furthermore, genetic ablation of SLC4A8 abolished thiazide-sensitive NaCl transport in the CCD. These studies establish what we believe to be a novel role for NDCBE in mediating substantial Na+ reabsorption in the CCD and suggest a role for this transporter in the regulation of fluid homeostasis in mice.
SummaryRegulation of renal Na+ transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na+ and K+ homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na+ reabsorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), via the Na+-CI" cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), and the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule and collecting duct. Importantly, aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. The ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 is expressed along the ASDN and regulates ENaC: under aldosterone induction, the serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1 phosphorylates Nedd4-2 on S328, thus preventing the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction, ubiquitylation and degradation of the channel. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 regulates NCC. In transfected HEK293 cells, Nedd4-2 co-immunoprecipitates with NCC and stimulates NCC ubiquitylation at the cell surface. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, co- expression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreases NCC activity and surface expression. This inhibition is prevented by SGK1 in a kinase-dependent manner. Moreover, we show that NCC expression is up-regulated in inducible renal tubule-specific Nedd4-2 knockout mice and in mDCT15 cells silenced for Nedd4-2. On the other hand, in inducible renal tubule-specific SGK1 knockout mice, NCC expression is down-regulated.Interestingly, in contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated NCC inhibition is independent of a PY motif in NCC. Moreover, whereas single mutations of Nedd4-2 S328 or S222 to alanine do not interfere with SGK1 action, the double mutation enhances Nedd4-2 activity and abolishes SGK1-dependent inhibition. These results indicate that NCC expression and activity is controlled by a regulatory pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2, and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.RésuméLa régulation du transport de sodium est cruciale dans le maintien de la pression artérielle. L'aldostérone stimule la réabsorption de Na+ dans la partie du néphron sensible à l'aldostérone (ASDN), via le co-transporteur Na+-CI" (NCC) au niveau du tubule contourné distale et via le canal à sodium (Epithelial Na+ Channel ; ENaC) dans la deuxième partie du tubule contourné distale, dans le tube connecteur et le tube collecteur. L'aldostérone augmente l'expression de NCC au niveau protéique par un mécanisme non élucidé. La protéine ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2 est exprimée tout le long du néphron sensible à l'aldostérone. ENaC est connu pour être régulé par Nedd4-2. Suite à une stimulation par l'aldostérone, la kinase Ser/Thr SGK1 phosphoryle Nedd4-2, ce qui empêche l'interaction entre Nedd4-2 et ENaC. Dans des cellules HEK293 transfectées, nous avons montré que Nedd4-2 interagit avec le co-transporteur NCC et stimule l'ubiquitylation de NCC à la surface. Nous avons montré dans les oocytes de Xenopus laevis que l'expression de NCC avec Nedd4-2 diminue l'activité du co-transporteur. Cette diminution n'est pas observée lorsqu'on exprime NCC avec le mutant inactif de Nedd4-2. Cette inhibition de NCC est contrée par SGK1. L'effet de SGK1 sur NCC dépend de son activité kinase. Nous avons montré dans des souris knock-out pour Nedd4-2, dans le néphron et de manière inductible, que l'expression de NCC est augmentée. Nous avons également montré que la suppression de la protéine Nedd4-2 dans les cellules mDCT15 provoque l'augmentation de NCC. Au contraire dans les souris knock-out pour la kinase SGK1, dans le néphron et de manière inductible, nous observons une diminution de la protéine NCC. Contrairement à ce qui a été montré pour le canal ENaC l'inhibition de NCC par Nedd4-2 est indépendante des motifs PY. De plus, La mutation des sérines 328 ou 222 sur Nedd4-2 en alanine n'interfère pas avec l'action de SGK1 pour prévenir l'inhibition. Par contre, la double mutation, les sérines 222 et 328 mutées en alanine, augmente l'action de Nedd4-2 sur l'activité de NCC et prévient l'effet de SGK1. Ces résultats montrent que l'expression et l'activité de NCC sont contrôlées par une voie de régulation impliquant Nedd4-2-SGK1 et nous fournissent une explication pour l'augmentation de NCC observé après une induction avec l'aldostérone.Résumé large publicOn estime que des millions de personnes seraient hypertendues. L'hypertension artérielle est responsable d'environ 8 millions de décès par ans dans le monde. L'hypertension est responsable de la moitié environs des accidents cardiaques, mais aussi des accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Il est très important de comprendre les mécanismes qui se trouvent derrière cette pathologie.Le co-transporteur NCC joue un grand rôle dans le maintien de la balance sodique. Il a été montré que des perturbations dans l'expression de NCC pouvaient engendrer de l'hypertension.Le co-transporteur NCC est exprimé dans la partie distale du néphron, l'unité fonctionnelle du rein. Plusieurs études ont montrées que NCC était sous le contrôle de l'hormone aldostérone.Le travail de cette thèse consiste à étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de NCC. On a ainsi pu montrer que NCC interagit avec la protéine ubiquitine ligase Nedd4-2. La protéine Nedd4-2 diminue l'expression de NCC à la surface cellulaire et aussi son activité Nous avons également montré que la kinase SGK1 pouvait prévenir l'interaction entre Nedd4-2 et NCC par phosphorylation de Nedd4-2. Nous avons montré dans des souris deletée pour Nedd4-2, dans le néphron, que l'expression de NCC est augmentée. Nous avons également montré que la suppression de la protéine Nedd4-2 dans les cellules mDCT15 provoque l'augmentation de NCC. Au contraire, dans les souris deletée pour la kinase SGK1, dans le néphron, nous observons une diminution de la protéine NCC. La connaissance des processus impliqués dans la régulation du co-transporteur NCC pourrait amener au développement de nouveau médicaments pour soigner l'hypertension.
We report an unusual case of ischemic cecal perforation after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for an impacted stone at the distal end of the right ureter of a ureterosigmoidostomy in a 78-year-old female patient.
PURPOSE: To analyze outcomes after right portal vein embolization extended to segment IV (right PVE + IV) before extended right hepatectomy, including liver hypertrophy, resection rates, and complications after embolization and resection, and to assess differences in outcomes with two different particulate embolic agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1998 and 2004, transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with particles and coils was performed in 44 patients with malignant hepatobiliary disease, including metastases (n = 24), biliary cancer (n = 14), and hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 6). Right PVE + IV was considered if the future liver remnant (FLR; segments II/III with or without I) was less than 25% of the total estimated liver volume (TELV). Tris-acryl microspheres (100-700 microm; n = 21) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles (355-1,000 microm; n = 23) were administered in a stepwise fashion. Smaller particles were used to occlude distal branches, followed by larger particles to occlude proximal branches until near-complete stasis. Coils were then placed in secondary portal branches. Computed tomographic volumetry was performed before and 3-4 weeks after right PVE + IV to assess FLR hypertrophy. Liver volumes and postembolization and postoperative outcomes were measured. RESULTS: After right PVE + IV with PVA particles, FLR volume increased 45.5% +/- 40.9% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 6.9% +/- 5.6%. After right PVE + IV with tris-acryl microspheres, FLR volume increased 69.0% +/- 30.7% and FLR/TELV ratio increased 9.7% +/- 3.3%. Differences in FLR volume (P = .0011), FLR/TELV ratio (P = .027), and resection rates (P = .02) were statistically significant. Seventy-one percent of patients underwent extended right hepatectomy (86% after receiving tris-acryl microspheres, 57% after receiving PVA). Thirteen patients (29%) did not undergo resection (extrahepatic spread [n = 9], inadequate hypertrophy [n = 3], other reasons [n = 1]). No patient developed postembolization syndrome or progressive liver insufficiency after embolization or resection. One death after resection occurred as a result of sepsis and hemorrhage. Median hospital stays were 1 day after right PVE + IV and 7 days after resection. CONCLUSION: Transhepatic ipsilateral right PVE + IV with use of particles and coils is a safe, effective method for inducing contralateral hypertrophy before extended right hepatectomy. Embolization with small spherical particles provides improved hypertrophy and resection rates compared with larger, nonspherical particles.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) regulates the sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct principal cells of the nephron. ENaC is mainly regulated by hormones such as aldosterone and vasopressin, but also by serine proteases, Na+ and divalent cations. The crystallization of an ENaC/Deg member, the Acid Sensing Ion Channel, has been recently published but the pore-lining residues constitution of ENaC internal pore remains unclear. It has been reported that mutation aS589C of the selectivity filter on the aENaC subunit, a three residues G/SxS sequence, renders the channel permeant to divalent cations and sensitive to extracellular Cd2+. We have shown in the first part of my work that the side chain of aSer589 residue is not pointing toward the pore lumen, permitting the Cd2+ to permeate through the ion pore and to coordinate with a native cysteine, gCys546, located in the second transmembrane domain of the gENaC subunit. In a second part, we were interested in the sulfhydryl-reagent intracellular inhibition of ENaC-mediated Na+ current. Kellenberger et al. have shown that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl reagents underlying the involvement of intracellular cysteines in the internal regulation of ENaC. We set up a new approach comprising a Substituted Cysteine Analysis Method (SCAM) using intracellular MTSEA-biotin perfusion coupled to functional and biochemical assays. We were thus able to correlate the cysteine-modification of ENaC by methanethiosulfonate (MTS) and its effect on sodium current. This allowed us to determine the amino acids that are accessible to intracellular MTS and the one important for the inhibition of the channel. RESUME : Le canal épithélial sodique ENaC est responsable de la réabsorption du sodium dans les cellules principales du tubule collecteur rénal. Ce canal est essentiellement régulé par voie hormonale via l'aldostérone et la vasopressine mais également par des sérines protéases, le Na+ lui-même et certains cations divalents. La cristallisation du canal sodique sensible au pH acide, ASIC, un autre membre de la famille ENaC/Deg, a été publiée mais les acides aminés constituant le pore interne d'ENaC restent indéterminés. Il a été montré que la mutation aS589C du filtre de sélectivité de la sous-unité aENaC permet le passage de cations divalents et l'inhibition du canal par le Cd2+ extracellulaire. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que la chaîne latérale de la aSer589 n'est pas orientée vers l'intérieur du pore, permettant au Cd2+ de traverser le canal et d'interagir avec une cysteine native du second domaine transrnembranaire de la sous-unité γENaC, γCys546. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au mécanisme d'inhibition d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl internes. Kellenberger et al. ont montré l'implication de cystéines intracellulaires dans la régulation interne d'ENaC par les réactifs sulfhydryl. Nous avons mis en place une nouvelle approche couplant la méthode d'analyse par substitution de cystéines (SCAM) avec des perfusions intracellulaires de MTSEAbiotine. Ainsi, nous pouvons meure en corrélation les modifications des cystéines d'ENaC par les réactifs methanethiosulfonates (MTS) avec leur effet sur le courant sodique, et donc mettre en évidence les acides aminés accessibles aux MTS intracellulaires et ceux qui sont importants dans la fonction du canal.
Hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and oligo-amenorrhea are clinical expressions of hyperandrogenism, one of the most frequent endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age. Women referred to our endocrine clinics for skin symptoms of hyperandrogenism underwent a laboratory workup to evaluate hormone measurements and received antiandrogen therapy. We retrospectively analyzed the outcome of 228 consecutive patients investigated over 6 years.Patients with hirsutism had higher levels of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and salivary testosterone; lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); and a higher prevalence of oligo-amenorrhea than patients with alopecia, while patients with acne showed intermediate values. Hirsutism score correlated positively with androstenedione, DHEAS, and salivary testosterone, and correlated negatively with SHBG; salivary testosterone showed the highest correlation coefficient. Total testosterone was not significantly different among patients with hirsutism, alopecia, or acne, and did not significantly correlate with hirsutism score. Hirsutism and oligo-amenorrhea were the most sensitive symptoms of hyperandrogenism, and no androgenic parameter alone allowed us to identify all cases of hyperandrogenism.Patients of central European origin sought consultation with milder hirsutism scores than patients of southern European origin. There was, however, no difference in the clinical-biological correlation between these groups, arguing against differences in skin sensitivity to androgens.Polycystic ovary syndrome, defined as hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and oligo-amenorrhea, was diagnosed in 63 patients (27.6%), an underestimate compared with other reports that include systematic ovarian ultrasound studies. Neither pelvic ultrasound, used in a limited number of cases, nor the luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone ratio helped to distinguish patients with polycystic ovary syndrome from the other diagnostic groups. These included hyperandrogenism (hirsutism or elevated androgens) and eumenorrhea (101 patients; 44.3%); normal androgens (acne or alopecia and eumenorrhea) (51 patients; 22.4%); isolated low SHBG (7 patients; 3.1%); nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (4 patients; 1.8% of total, 4.9% of patients undergoing cosyntropin stimulation tests); and ovarian tumor (2 patients; 0.9%).Ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate treatment lowered the hirsutism score to 53.5% of baseline at 1 year, and was also effective in treating acne and alopecia. The clinical benefit is ascribed to the peripheral antiandrogenic effect of cyproterone acetate as well as the hormone-suppressive effect of this combination. Salivary testosterone showed the most marked proportional decrease of all the androgens under treatment. Cost-effectiveness and tolerance of ethinylestradiol and high-dose cyproterone acetate compared well with other antiandrogenic drug therapies for hirsutism. The less potent therapy with spironolactone only, a peripheral antiandrogen without hormone-suppressive effect, was effective in treating isolated alopecia in patients with normal androgens.
During a blood meal, Lutzomyia intermedia sand flies transmit Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite causing tegumentary leishmaniasis. In experimental leishmaniasis, pre-exposure to saliva of most blood-feeding sand flies results in parasite establishment in absence of any skin damages in mice challenged with dermotropic Leishmania species together with saliva. In contrast, pre-immunization with Lu. intermedia salivary gland sonicate (SGS) results in enhanced skin inflammatory exacerbation upon co-inoculation of Lu. intermedia SGS and L. braziliensis. These data highlight potential unique features of both L. braziliensis and Lu. intermedia. In this study, we investigated the genes modulated by Lu. intermedia SGS immunization to understand their potential impact on the subsequent cutaneous immune response following inoculation of both SGS and L. braziliensis. The cellular recruitment and global gene expression profile was analyzed in mice repeatedly inoculated or not with Lu. intermedia. Microarray gene analysis revealed the upregulation of a distinct set of IFN-inducible genes, an immune signature not seen to the same extent in control animals. Of note this INF-inducible gene set was not induced in SGS pre-immunized mice subsequently co-inoculated with SGS and L. braziliensis. These data suggest the parasite prevented the upregulation of this Lu. intermedia saliva-related immune signature. The presence of these IFN-inducible genes was further analyzed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) sampled from uninfected human individuals living in a L. braziliensis-endemic region of Brazil thus regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites. PBMCs were cultured in presence or absence of Lu. intermedia SGS. Using qRT-PCR we established that the IFN-inducible genes induced in the skin of SGS pre-immunized mice, were also upregulated by SGS in PBMCs from human individuals regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites, but not in PBMCs of control subjects. These data demonstrate that repeated exposure to Lu. intermedia SGS induces the expression of potentially host-protective IFN-inducible genes.
Objective: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the gold standard in the treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of occurrence and risk factors of iatrogenic bile duct injuries (IBDI) in the LC and study their treatment modalities. Methods: Between January 2000 and December 2011, a series of 13 patients (6 men, 7 women, mean age 66.7 years, mean BMI 27.9 kg/m2) underwent IBDI in our institution for 2'840 LC performed. These patients were identified retrospectively using a wide range of classification codes in our medical center for archiving. Their medical records were examined individually to identify a IBDI. Results: The frequency of IBDI was 0.46% (n=13). The most common indication for surgery was acute cholecystitis (69.2%). The main cause was the confusion of the common bile duct with the cystic duct in 38.5% of cases. Strasberg classification applied to our sample identified the following injuries: A (n=4), D (n=4), E1 (n=3) and E5 (n=2). They were diagnosed intraoperatively in 46.2% of cases and postoperatively in 53.8% of cases. The rate of type D lesions was significantly higher in the group with intraoperative recognition (p= 0.009), while the rate of type A lesions was significantly higher in the group with postoprative recognition (p = 0.026). Intraoperatively, 83.3% of the lesions were treated by primary suture with a biliary drainage and a hepatico-jejunal anastomosis was performed immediately in one case (16.7%). Postoperatively, 85.7% of the lesions were treated by non-surgical techniques in first- line and 4 of them have undergone biliary surgery later. The total number of therapeutic procedures for each IBDI after LC was significantly higher when the diagnosis was made postoperatively (3.4 vs. 1.5, p= 0.040). Conclusion: This study has identified a patient at risk of IBDI, this one is relatively old, overweight and has an inflammatory environment. Misidentification of biliary anatomy remains the main cause. There is a clear relationship between the timing of recognition and the type of injury involved. The primary suture with adequate drainage seems to be the method of choice for intraoperative discovery, while in case of postoperative recognition, the treatment must be adapted after a multidisciplinary consensus by combining interventional radiology, endoscopy and surgery.
Ophthalmoscopy performed for the early diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is painful for preterm infants, thus necessitating interventions for minimizing pain. The present study aimed to establish the effectiveness of human milk, compared with sucrose, for pain relief in premature infants subjected to ophthalmoscopy for the early diagnosis of ROP. This investigation was a pilot, quasi-experimental study conducted with 14 premature infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a university hospital. Comparison between the groups did not yield a statistically significant difference relative to the crying time, salivary cortisol, or heart rate (HR). Human milk appears to be as effective as sucrose in relieving acute pain associated with ophthalmoscopy. The study’s limitations included its small sample size and lack of randomization. Experimental investigations with greater sample power should be performed to reinforce the evidence found in the present study.
Inositol Inpp5k (or Pps, SKIP) is a member of the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases family with a poorly characterized function in vivo. In this study, we explored the function of this inositol 5-phosphatase in mice and cells overexpressing the 42-kDa mouse Inpp5k protein. Inpp5k transgenic mice present defects in water metabolism characterized by a reduced plasma osmolality at baseline, a delayed urinary water excretion following a water load, and an increased acute response to vasopressin. These defects are associated with the expression of the Inpp5k transgene in renal collecting ducts and with alterations in the arginine vasopressin/aquaporin-2 signalling pathway in this tubular segment. Analysis in a mouse collecting duct mCCD cell line revealed that Inpp5k overexpression leads to increased expression of the arginine vasopressin receptor type 2 and increased cAMP response to arginine vasopressin, providing a basis for increased aquaporin-2 expression and plasma membrane localization with increased osmotically induced water transport. Altogether, our results indicate that Inpp5k 5-phosphatase is important for the control of the arginine vasopressin/aquaporin-2 signalling pathway and water transport in kidney collecting ducts.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of prayer on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quasi-experimental study, with pre and post-intervention. Twenty patients admitted to treatment of continuous intravenous chemotherapy were recruited. The volunteers were evaluated through interviews using a questionnaire of sociodemographic, clinical and spiritual characteristics, the Index of Religiosity Duke University and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Vital signs were measured and collected salivary cortisol. The intervention was applied prayer and data collection occurred in three phases: first collection (baseline), pre and post-intervention. Results: The data found between the pre and post-intervention samples showed different statistically significant for state anxiety (p= <0.00), blood pressure (systolic, p=0.00, diastolic, p=<0.00) and respiratory rate (p=0.04). Conclusion: Prayer, therefore, proved to be an effective strategy in reducing the anxiety of the patient undergoing chemotherapy.