990 resultados para Russell, Malinda.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää koirarotujen sisäistä ja välistä perinnöllistä muuntelua ja populaatioiden rakenteita. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Finnzymes Oy:ltä saatua koirien mikrosatelliittimerkkeihin perustuvaa genotyypitysaineistoa. Lopullisessa aineistossa oli 395 koiraa kymmenestä keskenään varsin erilaisesta rodusta. Koirien määrä rotua kohti vaihteli 31:stä 53:een. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 18 mikrosatelliittilokusta. Alleelirikkaus vaihteli mikrosatelliittilokuksissa välillä 2,0 – 9,9. Kaikkein muuntelevin lokus oli AHT137 ja vähiten muunteleva AHTk211. Jackrussellinterrierin alleelirikkaus oli yli kaikkien lokusten tarkasteltuna suurinta ja cavalier kingcharlesinspanielin pienintä. Eniten Hardy-Weinbergin tasapainosta poikkeavia mikrosatelliittilokuksia oli schipperke- rodulla. Coton de tulearin, saksanpaimenkoiran ja suomenlapinkoiran kaikki mikrosatelliittilokukset olivat Hardy-Weinbergin tasapainossa. Cavalier kingcharlesinspanielin havaittu heterotsygotia-aste oli matalin kaikkien lokusten yli tarkasteltuna (0,50) ja suomenlapinkoiran korkein (0,73). Ainoat tilastollisesti merkitsevät FIS-arvot olivat schipperken lokuksessa INU030 (0,39) ja kaikkien lokusten yli tarkasteltuna (0,11). Eniten populaatioiden välisiin eroihin perustuvaa muuntelua oli cavalier kingcharlesinspanielin ja pitkäkarvaisen collien välillä (FST = 0,34) ja vähiten chihuahuan ja coton de tulearin välillä (FST = 0,07). Koko aineistossa noin 17,7 % populaatioiden välisestä geneettisestä muuntelusta johtui populaatioiden välisistä eroista. Rodut ovat tulosten perusteella selvästi erillisiä populaatioita. Coton de tulearin alleeliparit olivat selvästi eniten kytkentäepätasapainossa keskenään (94) ja tiibetinspanielin vähiten (15). Pitkäkarvaisen collien tehollinen populaatiokoko oli pienin (35) ja chihuahuan suurin (86). U seiden populaatiogeneettisten tunnuslukujen perusteella nousivat esiin cavalier kingcharlesinspanieli, pitkäkarvainen collie ja schipperke perinnöllisen muuntelun vähäisyyden perusteella ja chihuahua, jackrussellinterrieri ja suomenlapinkoira keskimääräistä suuremman perinnöllisen muuntelun perusteella. Selityksiä geneettisen monimuotoisuuden vaihteluun näillä roduilla löytyy rotujen historiasta.
A comparison of microsite occupancy and the spatial structure of regeneration in three areas of late-successional Norway spruce dominated forest. Pallas-Ylläs is understood to have been influenced only by small-scale disturbance; Dvina-Pinega has had sporadic larger-scale disturbances; Kazkim has been affected by fire. All spruce and birch trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ?10 cm were mapped in five stands on 40 m x 400 m transects, and those with DBH < 10 cm on 2 or 4 m x 400 m subplots. Microsite type was inventoried at 1m intervals along the centre line and for each tree with DBH < 10 cm. At all study areas small seedlings (h < 0.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) preferentially occupied disturbed microsites. In contrast, spruce saplings (h ? 1.3 m, DBH <10 cm) at all study areas showed less, or no, preference. At Pallas-Ylläs spruce seedlings (h < 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) and saplings (h ? 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) exhibited spatial correlation at scales from 32-52 m. At Dvina-Pinega saplings of both spruce and birch exhibited spatial correlation at scales from 32-81 m. At Kazkim spatial correlation of seedlings and saplings of both species was exhibited over variable distances. No spatial cross-correlation was found between overstorey basal area (DBH ? 10 cm) and regeneration (h ? 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) at any study area. The results confirm the importance of disturbed microsites for seedling establishment, but suggest that undisturbed microsites may sometimes be more advantageous for long-term tree survival. The regeneration gap concept may not be useful in describing the regeneration dynamics of late-successional boreal forests.
XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.
Fly ash and silica fume are two pozzolans that have been widely used for improved concrete strength and durability. Silica fume displays a greater pozzolanic reactivity than fly ash primarily due to its finer particle size. The reactivity of fly ash can be improved by reducing its particle size distribution. This paper discusses the fresh and hardened properties of concrete made with an ultra-fine fly ash (UFFA) produced by air classification. Durability testing for chloride diffusivity, rapid chloride permeability, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and sulfate attack was also conducted It was found that at a given workability and water content, concrete containing UFFA could be produced with only 50% of the high-range water-reducer dosage required for comparable silica fume concrete. Similar early strengths and durability measures as silica fume concrete were observed when a slightly higher dosage of UFFA was used with a small reduction (10%) in water content.
The component and system reliability based design of bridge abutments under earthquake loading is presented in the paper. Planar failure surface has been used in conjunction with pseudo-dynamic approach to compute seismic active earth pressures on an abutment. The pseudo-dynamic method, considers the effect of phase difference in shear waves, soil amplification along with the horizontal seismic accelerations, strain localization in backfill soil and associated post-peak reduction in the shear resistance from peak to residual values along a previously formed failure plane. Four modes of stability viz. sliding, overturning, eccentricity and bearing capacity of the foundation soil are considered in the analysis. The series system reliability is computed with an assumption of independent failure modes. The lower and upper bounds of system reliability are also computed by taking into account the correlations between four failure modes, which is evaluated using the direction cosines of the tangent planes at the most probable points of failure.
The characteristics of neurological, psychiatric, developmental and substance-use disorders in low-and middle-income countries are unique and the burden that they have will be different from country to country. Many of the differences are explained by the wide variation in population demographics and size, poverty, conflict, culture, land area and quality, and genetics. Neurological, psychiatric, developmental and substance-use disorders that result from, or are worsened by, a lack of adequate nutrition and infectious disease still afflict much of sub-Saharan Africa, although disorders related to increasing longevity, such as stroke, are on the rise. In the Middle East and North Africa, major depressive disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder are a primary concern because of the conflict-ridden environment. Consanguinity is a serious concern that leads to the high prevalence of recessive disorders in the Middle East and North Africa and possibly other regions. The burden of these disorders in Latin American and Asian countries largely surrounds stroke and vascular disease, dementia and lifestyle factors that are influenced by genetics. Although much knowledge has been gained over the past 10 years, the epidemiology of the conditions in low-and middle-income countries still needs more research. Prevention and treatments could be better informed with more longitudinal studies of risk factors. Challenges and opportunities for ameliorating nervous-system disorders can benefit from both local and regional research collaborations. The lack of resources and infrastructure for health-care and related research, both in terms of personnel and equipment, along with the stigma associated with the physical or behavioural manifestations of some disorders have hampered progress in understanding the disease burden and improving brain health. Individual countries, and regions within countries, have specific needs in terms of research priorities.
El presente estudio se estableció durante la época de postrera de 1998, en la hacienda experimental El "Plantel" ubicado a 200 msnm, 12' 03' Latitud Norte y 86° 06' Longitud Oeste, con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de tres niveles de nitrógeno (60, 90, 120 kg/ha) y tres densidades de siembra (56 000, 71 000 y 85000 plantas/ha) sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L). Var. NB-6. El diseño experimental utilizado fue un bifactorial con arreglo de bloques completamente al azar (BCA), cuatro repeticiones realizando un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separación de medias por Duncan con a= 0.05. Los resultados demuestran que hubo diferencia significativa para los factores en estudio en las variables de crecimiento (altura y diámetro del tallo). El factor nitrógeno presento diferencia significativa para la variable de rendimiento de grano obteniéndose los mejores resultados con los niveles de 90 y 120 kg/ha alcanzando promedios de 6 378 y 6 672.40 kg/ha, también el factor densidad mostró diferencia significativa en él número de plantas cosechadas y mazorcas cosechadas que son un componente importante para el rendimiento del cultivo. Los resultados del análisis económico demuestran que la mejor tasa de retomo marginal es de 539.15 % y se obtuvo con el tratamiento (90 kg/N. ha y 71 000 plantas /ha).
Simple process models are applied to predict microstructural changes due to the thermal cycle imposed in friction stir welding. A softening model developed for heat-treatable aluminium alloys of the 6000 series is applied to the aerospace alloy 2014 in the peak-aged (T6) condition. It is found that the model is not readily applicable to alloy 2024 in the naturally aged (T3) temper, but the softening behaviour can still be described semi-empirically. Both analytical and numerical (finite element) thermal models are used to predict the thermal histories in trial welds. These are coupled to the microstructural model to investigate: (a) the hardness profile across the welded plate; (b) alloy softening ahead of the approaching welding tool. By incorporating the softening model applied to 6082-T6 alloy, the hardness profile of friction stir welds in dissimilar alloys is also predicted. © AFM, EDP Sciences 2005.
The objective of this study was to compare the life-cycle environmental impacts of changed production structures for two consumer goods (high-density polyethylene (HDPE) shopping bags and beds) in Jamaica. A scenario technique was used to construct three alternative production structures for each product; each scenario reflecting an increase in local production in Jamaica which depended on an increased supply of input materials which may be sourced: (1) externally from overseas suppliers, (2) from post-consumer recycling, and (3) locally on the island of Jamaica. These three constructed scenarios were then compared to the existing supply chain or reference scenarios of the products. The results showed that for both case products the recycling scenario was most preferable for localising production, resulting in the lowest environmental impact. This was because the production of raw materials accounted for the largest effect on total environmental impact. As such, the most immediate environmental improvements were realised by lowering the production of virgin materials. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Companies aiming to be 'sustainability leaders' in their sector and governments wanting to support their ambitions need a means to assess the changes required to make a significant difference in the impact of their whole sector. Previous work on scenario analysis/scenario planning demonstrates extensive developments and applications, but as yet few attempts to integrate the 'triple bottom line' concerns of sustainability into scenario planning exercises. This paper, therefore, presents a methodology for scenario analysis of large change to an entire sector. The approach includes calculation of a 'triple bottom line graphic equaliser' to allow exploration and evaluation of the trade-offs between economic, environmental and social impacts. The methodology is applied to the UK's clothing and textiles sector, and results from the study of the sector are summarised. In reflecting on the specific study, some suggestions are made about future application of a similar methodology, including a template of candidate solutions that may lead to significant reduction in impacts. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sandwich beams comprising identical face sheets and a square honeycomb core were manufactured from carbon fiber composite sheets. Analytical expressions were derived for four competing collapse mechanisms of simply supported and clamped sandwich beams in three-point bending: core shear, face microbuckling, face wrinkling, and indentation. Selected geometries of sandwich beams were tested to illustrate these collapse modes, with good agreement between analytic predictions and measurements of the failure load. Finite element (FE) simulations of the three-point bending responses of these beams were also conducted by constructing a FE model by laying up unidirectional plies in appropriate orientations. The initiation and growth of damage in the laminates were included in the FE calculations. With this embellishment, the FE model was able to predict the measured load versus displacement response and the failure sequence in each of the composite beams. © 2011 American Society of Mechanical Engineers.