998 resultados para Rosas, Sergio Eduardo
El contenido de este artículo representa el eslabón que falta en la historia publicada por la revista Informes de la Construcción sobre el proyecto y construcción de la nueva sede del Instituto, que fue el hábitat de investigación más innovador jamás construido por la Modernidad. Su difusión completa y cierra esta historia, a la vez que potencia el mensaje que Eduardo Torroja quiso transmitir agrupando los artículos que relatan esta historia, bajo un mismo título común; “El Instituto es Así”, seguramente porque durante mucho tiempo (1949-1953), defendió que no podía ser de otra manera.
El 27 de agosto se cumplieron los 100 años del nacimiento de Eduardo Torroja Miret (1899-1961), a cuya memoria va dedicada esta reunión conjunta de la Real Academia de Ciencias, a la que perteneció, y de la Academia de Ingeniería. La vida de Torroja transcurre en una de las etapas más agitadas de la historia española, pero también en una de las más fructíferas desde el punto de vista ingenieril. Precisamente esta sesión conjunta de la Academia de Ingeniería y de la Real Academia de Ciencias se plantea no como pura celebración hagiográfica sino como conmemoración, es decir, como oportunidad para reflexionar sobre los temas en los que Torroja tuvo la capacidad de ser precursor y para, tras recordar sus contribuciones, analizar la situación actual.
Solar Decathlon Europe is an international competition among universities which promotes interdisciplinary learning in engineering and architecture. Students from different disciplines participate in teams guided by several professors during a 29 month preparation period plus five weeks of on-site contest. The educational project involves designing, building and testing a solar energy house connected to the electrical grid with the strategy of maximizing self-consumption, supported by bioclimatic technologies and maintaining a low environmental footprint. It culminates in a on-site contest in which teams must assembly the house themselves, test it with ordinary real life tasks and finally disassembly it. The event has also a divulgative aim, trying to make students and visitors get interested in discovering the problems presented by real engineering and architecture applications. In addition, SDE covers R&D aspects in different fields such as energy efficiency, solar energy and bioclimatic architecture. This article presents the methodology followed during the SDE 2012 edition, in which more than 850 students participated. The obtained results show that the educational competition was a success according to the technical and professional ambitions of the students, most of them considering that their knowledge had increased in areas related to technical and multidisciplinary aspects.
The first step in order to comply with the European Union goals of Near to Zero Energy Buildings is to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Most of the building consumption is related to the use of active systems to maintain the interior comfort. Passive design strategies contribute to improve the interior comfort conditions, increasing the energy efficiency in buildings and reducing their energy consumption. In this work, an analysis of the passive strategies used in Net Energy Plus Houses has been made. The participating houses of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 competition were used as case studies. The passive design strategies of these houses were compared with the annual simulations, and the competition monitored data, especially during the Passive Monitored Period. The analysis included the thermal properties of the building envelope, geometric parameters, ratios and others passive solutions such as Thermal Energy Storage systems, evaporative cooling, night ventilation, solar gains and night sky radiation cooling. The results reflect the impact of passive design strategies on the houses' comfort and efficiency, as well as their influence in helping to achieve the Zero Energy Buildings category.
Un huerto de rosas. Sobre el Museo Antonia Mir de José María Lozano en Catarroja, Valencia
Sign.: [A]-G4
Introducción del libro PAISAJES CON ALMA de Eduardo Delgado Orusco