972 resultados para Restriction


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Gloeobacter violaceus, a cyanobacterium lack of thylakoids, is refractory to genetic manipulations because its cells are enveloped by a thick gelatinous sheath and in colonial form. In this study, a large number of single cells were obtained by repeated pumping with a syringe with the gelatinous sheath removed. And an exogenous broad host range plasmid pKT210 was conjugatively transferred into G. violaceus. Analyses with dot-blot hybridization and restriction mapping showed that the exogenous plasmid pKT210 had been introduced into G. violaceus and stably maintained with no alteration in its structure. pKT210 extracted from G. violaceus exconjugants could be transformed into the mcr - mrr - E. coli strain DH10B but not the mcr(+) mrr(+) strain DH5alpha, which suggests that a methylase system may be present in G. violaceus.


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Purification of genotypes from baculovirus isolates provides understanding of the diversity of baculoviruses and may lead to the development of better pesticides. Here, we report the cloning of different genotypes from an isolate of Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) by using a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC). A transfer vector (pHZB10) was constructed which contained an Escherichia coli mini-F replicon cassette within the upstream and downstream arms of HaSNPV polyhedrin gene. Hz2e5 cells were co-transfected with wild-type HaSNPV DNA and pHZB10 to generate recombinant viruses by homologous recombination. The DNA of budded viruses (BVs) was used to transform E. coli. One of the bacmid colonies, HaBacHZ8, has restriction enzyme digestion profiles similar to an in vivo cloned strain HaSNPV-G4, the genome of which has been completely sequenced. For testing the oral infectivity, the polyhedrin gene of HaSNPV was reintroduced into HaBacHZ8 to generate the recombinant bacmid HaBacDF6. The results of one-step growth curves, electron microscopic examination, protein expression analysis and bioassays indicated that HaBacDF6 replicated as well as HaSNPV-G4 in vitro and in vivo. The biologically functional HaSNPV bacmids obtained in this research will facilitate future studies on the function genomics and genetic modification of HaSNPV. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Poyang Lake is the largest lake and the main nursery area in the middle basin of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. We compared molecular genetic markers of silver carp among populations of the Changjiang River, the Ganjiang River and the Poyang Lake using the ND5/6 region of mtDNA. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of this region revealed distinct variation between the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River populations. The Poyang Lake is linked with the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River. Shared RFLP fragments between the Ganjiang River population and the Poyang Lake population are as high as 61.4%. The value is 47.74% between the populations of the Changjiang River and that of the Poyang Lake. Frequencies of bands peculiar to the Ganjiang River population are the same as in the Poyang Lake population. We conclude that the Poyang Lake silver carp population consists mainly of the Ganjiang River population. The water level of the Poyang Lake outlet, which is higher than that of the Changjiang River in the silver carp spawning season, supports this conclusion.


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Although common carp is the major fish species in Asian and European aquaculture and many domestic varieties have occurred, there is a controversy about the origination of European domestic common carp. Some scientists affirmed that the ancestor of European domestic common carp was Danube River wild common carp, but others considered it might be Asian common carp. For elucidating origination of European domestic common carp, we chose two representative European domestic common carp strains (German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp) and one wild common carp strain of Cyprinus carpio carpio subspecies (Volga River wild common carp) and two Asian common carp strains, the Yangtze River wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and traditionally domestic Xingguo red common carp, as experimental materials. ND5-ND6 and D-loop segments of mitochondrial DNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing respectively. The results revealed that HaeIII and DdeI digestion patterns of ND5-ND6 segment and sequences of control region were different between European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that German mirror carp and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp belonged to two subspecies, C. carpio carpio and C. carpio haematopterus, respectively. Therefore, there were different ancestors for domestic carp in Europe: German mirror carp was domesticated from European subspecies C. carpio carpio and Russian scattered scaled mirror carp originated from Asian subspecies C. carpio haematopterus.


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Mitochondrial DNA ND5/6 region was studied by PCR-RFLP analysis among ten representative strains belonging to three subspecies (Cyprinus carpio carpio, Cyprinus carpio haematopterus and Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). A total of 2.4 kb fragment was amplified and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis with nine restriction endonucleases subsequently. The results indicated that each subspecies owned one hyplotype and four restriction enzymes (Dde I, HaeIII, Taq I and Mbo I) produced diagnostic restriction sites which could be used for discriminating the three subspecies and as molecular genetic markers for assistant selective breeding of common carp.


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Three virus isolates, RGV-9506, RGV-9807 and RGV-9808, were obtained from cultured pig frogs Rana grylio undergoing lethal infections. Previously, the first isolate, RGV-9506, was shown to be an iridovirus based on ultrastructural and morphological studies. In the present study, the original isolate, along with 2 recent ones, were more extensively characterized by experimental infection studies, histopathology, electron microscopy, serological reactivity, gel electrophoresis of viral polypeptides and DNA restriction fragments, PCR amplification, and nucleic acid sequence analysis of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene. The 3 isolates were shown to be identical to each other, and very similar to FV3, the type species of the genus Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae). These results suggest that RGV should be considered a strain of FV3, and indicate that FV3-like iridoviruses are capable of causing widespread, severe disease among cultured frogs.


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Penaeid shrimp is the natural host of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) that can cause high mortality in the infected hosts. Attempts to obtain sufficient amounts of purified intact WSSV for characterization have been unsuccessful. Using crayfish, Cambarus clarkii as a proliferation system, a large amount of infectious WSSV was reproduced and intact WSSV viral particles were purified with a new isolation medium by ultra-centrifugation. Purified WSSV particles were very sensitive to organic solvents and the detergent, Triton X-100. The size of the rod-shape, somewhat elliptical, intact WSSV was 110-130 x 260-350 mm with a long, tail-like envelope extension. The naked viral nucleocapsid was about 80 x 350 nm, and it possessed 15 spiral and cylindrical helices composed of 14 globular capsomers along its long axis, and a 'ring' structure at one terminus. Distinct WSSV genome DNA patterns were obtained when the purified genomic dsDNA of WSSV was digested with five different restriction enzymes (HindIII, XhoI, B(BamHI, SalI, and SacI). In addition, at least 13 major and distinct protein bands could be observed when purified intact WSSV viruses were separated by SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie Brilliant R-250 staining. The estimated molecular weights of these proteins were 190, 84, 75, 69, 68, 58, 52, 44, 28, 27.5, 23, 19, and 16 kD, respectively. Both the 44 and 190 kD proteins were easily removed if the hemolymph from the: WSSV infected crayfish was transiently treated with 1%, Triton X-100 before it was subjected to gradient centrifugation, indicating that both of them are located on the surface of the viral envelope. These characteristics are consistent with WSSV isolated from the penaeid shrimp. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To gain information on the integration pattern of pMThGH-transgene, 50 transgenes were recovered from F-4 generation of pMThGH transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L,) and 33 recovered genes were analyzed. The restriction maps of these recovered genes were constructed by digestion with five kinds of enzymes. These transgenes can be classified into 4 types according to their restriction maps. Only one type of transgenes maintains its original molecular form, whereas the other three types are very different from the original one and vary each other on both molecular weight and restriction maps. This implies that the sequences of most transgenes have been deleted and/or rearranged during integration and inheritance. The results of PCR amplification and Southern blot hybridization indicate that MThGH in Type I transgene keeps intact but most of its sequence has been deleted in other three types. All these results suggest that transgenes in F-4 generation of transgenic carp are highly polymorphic. Two DNA fragments concerning integration site of transgenes were cloned from recovered transgenes, and found to be homologous to the 5'UTR of beta -actin gene of common carp and mouse mRNA for receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), respectively.


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This paper discovers some shortcomings in the algorithm for the incorporation of Si into GaAs in the GaAs VPE process. These faults arise from neglecting a link, the compatibility relationship, in chemical thermodynamics. The meaning of said relationship is as follows: In an equilibrium complex system, each species can only contribute one and the same quantity (its equilibrium quantity) to the different equilibria of the various reactions involving it; yet even under this restriction, every equilibrium constant is satisfied, and all the reaction equilibria coexist compatibly in the system. Only by adding the relationship can the equilibrium theory for the complex system be complete. This paper also tells its position in chemical thermodynamics. Such a compatibility concept directly leads to an equivalence principle: In a complex system, a certain species can usually be simultaneously formed by many chemical reactions; when the system has reached equilibrium under fixed environmental conditions, the equilibrium quantity of said species calculated according to each chemical equation of these reactions will be equal and the various reaction approaches will be equivalent, provided that for all the reactants and all the other products of these reactions their equilibrium quantities in the system are respectively taken as corresponding knowns for the calculations, which is extremely useful for seeking a functional relation among the species' equilibrium quantities in a system (Si contamination is one of the examples). Under the guidance of those arguments, the various schools' algorithms for the Si contamination can be uniformized and simplified, and the contamination quantity relation between Si and O, two very important impurities, is found.


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Accurate measurement of transit time for acoustic wave between two sensors installed on two sides of a furnace is a key to implementing the temperature field measurement technique based on acoustical method. A new method for measuring transit time of acoustic wave based on active acoustic source signal is proposed in this paper, which includes the followings: the time when the acoustic source signal arrives at the two sensors is measured first; then, the difference of two arriving time arguments is computed, thereby we get the transit time of the acoustic wave between two sensors installed on the two sides of the furnace. Avoiding the restriction on acoustic source signal and background noise, the new method can get the transit time of acoustic wave with higher precision and stronger ability of resisting noise interference.


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It is reported that when a light beam travels through a slab of left-handed medium in the air, the lateral shift of the transmitted beam can be negative as well as positive. The necessary condition for the lateral shift to be positive is given. The validity of the stationary-phase approach is demonstrated by numerical simulations for a Gaussian-shaped beam. A restriction to the slab's thickness is provided that is necessary for the beam to retain its profile in the traveling. It is shown that the lateral shift of the reflected beam is equal to that of the transmitted beam in the symmetric configuration.


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本文旨在研究氮肥缺失对旱地土壤细菌群落多样性的影响。采用直接提取土壤微生物总DNA的方法,对不施肥(CK)、适量施肥(F1)、和缺氮施肥(F2)3种不同施肥水平土样DNA进行提取,扩增细菌16S rDNA基因片段,建立克隆文库。用限制性内切酶HhaI和RsaI进行PCR-RFLP分析,分别得到146、187、11个酶切类型。采用α多样性的测度对试验结果进行分析统计结果表明,不同处理间土壤细菌的多样性(H′、Ds和Dg)和物种丰富度(dMa、R2和E)均为F1>CK>F2;λ、dMa、E和H′指数在不同施肥处理间的变异系数达到56.96%~163.1%,尤其Simpson指数λ是非常敏感的指标,处理间的差异最大,表明氮肥缺失严重影响土壤细菌群落多样性,合理施肥有利于土壤细菌的多样性。


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肝细胞癌是世界上多发的肿瘤之一,在中国及东南亚地区尤为多见,其死亡率高且预后差。肝癌具有多种发病原因且伴有多种肿瘤相关基因的分子突变。细胞连接分子(紧密连接、粘着连接、桥粒)在维护细胞极性及上皮细胞屏障方面起着重要作用,其表达异常与恶性肿瘤发生、发展有很大相关性。Symplekin 是新近发现的紧密连接相关分子,紧密连接分子 Symplekin 是多定位与多功能的蛋白,除参与上皮细胞紧密连接的形成外,Symplekin 还参与RNA 3’端腺苷酸化的过程,并且具有调节细胞增殖的作用。我们前期工作发现Symplekin 在癌前病变、恶性病变的肝细胞中明显降低,可能参与肝细胞的恶性转化。研究紧密连接分子Symplekin 在肝脏疾病中表达及调控机制对于阐明肝癌发生的机理及对于肝癌的预防和治疗具有十分重要的意义。多种分子调控机制导致基因表达水平的降低,如:基因启动子区域的超甲基化现象,基因核心启动子区域的碱基缺失,炎症相关因子TNF-alpha 和/或 INF-gamma导致基因表达水平的下降以及microRNAs对于靶基因的下调作用。因此,本研究利用Bisulfite restriction PCR、半定量PCR、q-RT-PCR、Western-blot等方法检测Symplekin在肝硬化、肝癌及多种癌细胞系中表达水平改变,及其在肝癌及肝癌细胞系中表达降低的机理——启动子区域发生 CpG岛的甲基化;启动子区域缺失;细胞因子TNF-alpha 和 IFN-gamma 对Symplekin 表达水平的影响;MicroRNAs在癌细胞系中与Symplekin的相对表达情况。实验结果显示(1)Symplekin 在肝硬化和肝癌组织中mRNA 表达水平呈下降趋势, Symplekin 在癌细胞系如肝癌细胞系( HepG2 、HuH-7 )、肺癌细胞系(GLC,Spca-1,Ncih446,801D)、宫颈癌细胞系(Hela)、乳腺癌细胞系(Mcf-7)中表达均下降。(2)利用细胞因子TNF-alpha、INF-gamma 同时处理HepG2 细胞系,Symplekin mRNA、蛋白均表达下降。(3)应用q-RT-PCR 检测5 个细胞系中Symplekin、Mir-124 的相对表达量,发现Mir-124 和Symplekin 表达量变化有相反趋势。(4)应用bisulfite restriction PCR 对13 例肝癌组织、10 例肝硬化组织、4 例正常肝组织以及肝癌细胞系HepG2 、Huh7 启动子区域甲基化状态进行检测,发现Symplekin 启动子区域都无甲基化现象;(5)同时,对8 例肝癌组织、10 例正常肝组织、5 例上皮细胞系及6 例白血病细胞系启动子区域缺失进行检测,发现Symplekin 启动子区域确实有碱基缺失,但其在肝癌组织、肝硬化组织、正常肝组织间没有统计学意义。实验结果提示Symplekin 很可能在肝细胞的恶性转化中起着重要的作用,此外 Symplekin 表达下降可能不仅参与肝癌发生且与其它肿瘤的发生具有相关性。推测在肝炎、肝硬化中,Symplekin 的下降可能会导致紧密连接功能下降,肝胆管上皮屏障功能降低, CB(结合胆红素)返流入血中,可能也是造成黄疸形成的原因之一。在肝脏疾病炎症反应过程中,细胞因子可能会协同作用影响Symplekin 的表达。Mir-124 有可能直接负调控Symplekin 的表达从而导致其表达降低。而Symplekin 启动子区域甲基化或缺失与肝癌发生无相关性。结论:(1)Symplekin 在大部分肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌组织中mRNA 表达水平呈下降趋势,这表明Symplekin 很可能在肝细胞的恶性转化中起着重要的作用。(2)Symplekin 在癌细胞系如肝癌细胞系(HepG2,HuH-7)肺癌细胞系(GLC,Spca-1,Ncih446,801D)、宫颈癌细胞系(Hela)、乳腺癌细胞系(Mcf-7)中表达均下降,这提示Symplekin 表达下降可能不仅参与肝癌发生而且参与其它肿瘤的发生。(3)Symplekin 启动子区域甲基化或缺失在肝癌、肝硬化及正常肝组织之间无显著性差异,表明在肝癌发生时Symplekin 的表达下降可能与启动子DNA 甲基化和缺失无关。(4)体外实验表明炎症细胞因子TNF-alpha 与INF-gamma 的协同参可能是体内Symplekin 表达及调控的机制之一。(5)Mir-124 对于Symplekin 的负调控作用也可能是体内Symplekin 表达及调控的机制之一。炎症细胞因子TNF-alpha 与INF-gamma 及Mir-124 可能在肝脏疾病及肝癌发生过程中起着重要作用。