861 resultados para Responsibility to Protect (R2P)


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Overland flow on a hillslope is significantly influenced by its microtopography, slope length and gradient, and vegetative cover. A 1D kinematic wave model in conjunction with a revised form of the Green-Ampt infiltration equation was employed to evaluate the effect of these surface conditions. The effect of these conditions was treated through the resistance parameter in the kinematic wave model. The resistance in this paper was considered to be made up of grain resistance, form resistance, and wave resistance. It was found that irregular slopes with microtopography eroded more easily than did regular slopes. The effect of the slope gradient on flow velocity and flow shear stress could be negative or positive. With increasing slope gradient, the flow velocity and shear stress first increased to a peak value, then decreased again, suggesting that there exists a critical slope gradient for flow velocity and shear stress. The vegetative cover was found to protect soil from erosion primarily by enhancing erosion-resisting capacity rather than by decreasing the eroding capability of overland flow.


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Resumen: Este artículo estudia las teorías sobre el origen, contagio y control del cólera en el siglo XIX, los intentos de las autoridades de la Argentina por contrarrestar estas epidemias y por último, la campaña anticolérica de 1910. Hasta ese momento, las medidas preventivas habían priorizado la vigilancia, desinfección y aislamiento de viviendas, objetos y personas infectadas. Pero el reciente descubrimiento de la transmisión el cólera por individuos asintomáticos hizo que en 1910 el Departamento Nacional de Higiene (DNH) impusiese un sistema de análisis bacteriológico obligatorio. En particular, el artículo examina las ideas y actividades de José Penna, quien en 1910 se desempeñaba como director del DGN y de Salvador Mazza. Un médico recién recibido, este último estuvo a cargo del laboratorio bacteriológico del lazareto de Martín García donde se sometía a estudio a todos los pasajeros de tercera clase provenientes de zonas infectadas de cólera. El DNH presentó la campaña anticolérica de 1910 como resultado de la experiencia acumulada durante el siglo XIX, del progreso científico y administrativo de la Argentina y de los esfuerzos de las autoridades por proteger a la nación. En un momento en que la elite argentina luchaba para mantener su dominio, tanto reprimiendo como buscando co-optar a la oposición, las cuestiones de salud pública constituyeron un elemento importante de la retórica política.


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Resumen: Las células madre tienen dos características naturales únicas, que son su capacidad de división celular indefinida, y de regeneración y reparación de tejidos. Esto genera un gran interés en las áreas de investigación y tratamiento de enfermedades que aún no tienen cura y son motivadoras de una importante fuente de esperanza para los pacientes. Surge, entonces, el dilema ético de definir cuáles serán los recursos para obtenerlas, procesarlas y determinar la seguridad y eficacia de su uso en la aplicación clínica. Un enfoque personalista ontológico considerará la protección de todos los participantes en los procesos de investigación: los donantes de células, los participantes de la investigación y los pacientes que serán beneficiarios de estos tratamientos, de manera de proteger a todos los involucrados sin exponer a riesgos a unos para salvar a otros.


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Resumen: El artículo analiza el principio de subsidiariedad en la dirección de personas y gestión intra-empresa en base a la aplicación propuesta en el documento pontificio La vocación del líder empresarial: una reflexión. En primer lugar, analiza a la empresa y al líder empresarial como agentes sociales que deben practicar una caridad inteligente que contribuya al bien común. Luego, se centra en el diseño organizacional, y en su sistema de incentivos y políticas corporativas y en el debate acerca de la posibilidad de atribuir o no responsabilidad moral a la empresa en tanto grupo humano organizado. La autora postula que si bien la organización actúa muchas veces como condicionante de la libertad de sus integrantes, es importante destacar que esto no debe ser determinante, y que un verdadero líder debe actuar regido por el principio de subsidiariedad


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Resumen: El hecho de seleccionar a los plásticos dentro de nuestro proyecto es porque son en particular, partes abundantes y visibles en la composición de los residuos generados en nuestra sede UCA Campus Rosario. Razonamos que son varias las áreas que los producen en forma cotidiana o de modo transitorio (como es el caso de eventos), a las que podemos sumar un accionar ambientalmente responsable. Ello nos impone la responsabilidad de proponer algún modo de re-utilizarlos en el diseño de ciertos elemento que los integre como materia prima, material de aporte, insumo o material auxiliar, con un amplio campo de posibilidades como es en la construcción, a partir de una mirada desde la ingeniería ambiental. La metodología de trabajo que desarrollamos implica inspeccionar la materia prima con la cual se va a trabajar, a los fines de conocerla fehacientemente, así como internalizar la posible combinación entre los distintos tipos de plásticos de acuerdo a su composición y su respuesta en la integración con otros materiales de uso tradicional, de acuerdo a experiencias reconocidas Desde una mirada lineal la educación sola no alcanza, como tampoco la tecnología ni las medidas parciales son suficientes para aliviar este tremendo desequilibrio que venimos heredando. Ante estos hechos es perentorio comprender la complejidad, actuar desde allí descubriendo la conexión invisible entre el ser humano y el medio, y los seres humanos entre sí. Debido a ello entendemos que para restaurar el medio ambiente en principio hay que comenzar por restaurar los vínculos y los ciclos que los contienen, esto implica re-ciclar.


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[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):


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Fisheries management actions taken to protect one species can have unintended, and sometimes positive, consequences on other species. For example, regulatory measures to reduce fishing effort in the winter gillnet fishery for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) off North Carolina (NC) also led to decreases in the number of bycaught bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). This study found that a marked decrease in fishing effort for spiny dogfish in NC also corresponded with a marked decrease in winter stranding rates of bottlenose dolphins with entanglement lesions (P= 0.002). Furthermore, from 1997 through 2002, there was a significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.79; P= 0.0003) between seasonal bycatch estimates of bottlenose dolphins in gill nets and rates of stranded dolphins with entanglement lesions. With this information, stranding thresholds were developed that would enable the detection of those increases in bycatch in near real-time. This approach is valuable because updated bycatch estimates from observer data usually have a time-lag of two or more years. Threshold values could be used to detect increases in stranding rates, triggering managers immediately to direct observer effort to areas of potentially high bycatch or to institute mitigation measures. Thus, observer coverage and stranding investigations can be used in concert for more effective fishery management.


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Forward: Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LKNMS) was designated in 1981 to protect and promote the study, teaching, and wise use of the resources of Looe Key Sanctuary (Plate A). In order to wisely manage this valuable resource, a quantitative resource inventory was funded by the Sanctuary Programs Division (SPD), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in cooperation with the Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami; the Fisher Island Laboratory, United States Geological Survey; and the St. Petersburg Laboratory, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources. This report is the result of this cooperative effort. The objective of this study was to quantitatively inventory selected resources of LKNMS in order to allow future monitoring of changes in the Sanctuary as a result of human or natural processes. This study, referred to as Phase I, gives a brief summary of past and present uses of the Sanctuary (Chapter 2); and describes general habitat types (Chapter 3), geology and sediment distribution (Chapter 4), coral abundance and distribution (Chapter 5), the growth history of the coral Montastraea annularis (Chapter 6), reef fish abundance and distribution (Chapter 7), and status of selected resources (Chapter 8). An interpretation of the results of the survey are provided for management consideration (Chapter 9). The results are expected to provide fundamental information for applied management, natural history interpretation, and scientific research. Numerous photographs and illustrations were used to supplement the report to make the material presented easier to comprehend (Plate B). We anticipate the information provided will be used by managers, naturalists, and the general public in addition to scientists. Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were taken at Looe Key Reef by Dr. James A. Bohnsack. The top photograph in Plate 7.8 was taken by Michael C. Schmale. Illustrations were done by Jack Javech, NMFS. Field work was initiated in May 1983 and completed for the most part by October 1983 thanks to the cooperation of numerous people and organizations. In addition to the participating agencies and organizations we thank the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute and the Division of Parks and Recreation, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources for their logistical support. Special thanks goes to Billy Causey, the Sanctuary Manager, for his help, information, and comments. We thank in alphabetical order: Scott Bannerot, Margie Bastian, Bill Becker, Barbara Bohnsack, Grant Beardsley, John Halas, Raymond Hixon, Irene Hooper, Eric Lindblad, and Mike Schmale. We dedicate this effort to the memory of Ray Hixon who participated in the study and who loved Looe Key. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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Coral reefs exist in warm, clear, and relatively shallow marine waters worldwide. These complex assemblages of marine organisms are unique, in that they support highly diverse, luxuriant, and essentially self-sustaining ecosystems in otherwise nutrient-poor and unproductive waters. Coral reefs are highly valued for their great beauty and for their contribution to marine productivity. Coral reefs are favorite destinations for recreational diving and snorkeling, as well as commercial and recreational fishing activities. The Florida Keys reef tract draws an estimated 2 million tourists each year, contributing nearly $800 million to the economy. However, these reef systems represent a very delicate ecological balance, and can be easily damaged and degraded by direct or indirect human contact. Indirect impacts from human activity occurs in a number of different forms, including runoff of sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants associated with forest harvesting, agricultural practices, urbanization, coastal construction, and industrial activities. Direct impacts occur through overfishing and other destructive fishing practices, mining of corals, and overuse of many reef areas, including damage from souvenir collection, boat anchoring, and diver contact. In order to protect and manage coral reefs within U.S. territorial waters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce has been directed to establish and maintain a system of national marine sanctuaries and reserves, and to monitor the condition of corals and other marine organisms within these areas. To help carry out this mandate the NOAA Coastal Services Center convened a workshop in September, 1996, to identify current and emerging sensor technologies, including satellite, airborne, and underwater systems with potential application for detecting and monitoring corals. For reef systems occurring within depths of 10 meters or less (Figure 1), mapping location and monitoring the condition of corals can be accomplished through use of aerial photography combined with diver surveys. However, corals can exist in depths greater than 90 meters (Figure 2), well below the limits of traditional optical imaging systems such as aerial or surface photography or videography. Although specialized scuba systems can allow diving to these depths, the thousands of square kilometers included within these management areas make diver surveys for deeper coral monitoring impractical. For these reasons, NOAA is investigating satellite and airborne sensor systems, as well as technologies which can facilitate the location, mapping, and monitoring of corals in deeper waters. The following systems were discussed as having potential application for detecting, mapping, and assessing the condition of corals. However, no single system is capable of accomplishing all three of these objectives under all depths and conditions within which corals exist. Systems were evaluated for their capabilities, including advantages and disadvantages, relative to their ability to detect and discriminate corals under a variety of conditions. (PDF contains 55 pages)


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The 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium was held at the Delta Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida U.S.A. from March 4-8, 1997. The symposium was hosted by Florida Atlantic University, Mote Marine Laboratory, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, Florida Atlantic University and the Comité Nacional para la Conservación y Protección de las Totugas Marinas. The 17th was the largest symposium to date. A total of 720 participants registered, including sea turtle biologists, students, regulatory personnel, managers, and volunteers representing 38 countries. In addition to the United States, participants represented Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Bonaire, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, Guatemala, Greece, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Seychelles, Scotland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In addition to the 79 oral, 2 video, and 120 poster presentations, 3 workshops were offered: Selina Heppell (Duke University Marine Laboratory) provided “Population Modeling,” Mike Walsh and Sam Dover (Sea World-Orlando) conducted “Marine Turtle Veterinary Medicine” and “Conservation on Nesting Beaches” was offered by Blair Witherington and David Arnold (Florida Department of Environmental Protection). On the first evening, P.C.H. Pritchard delivered a thoughtful retrospect on Archie Carr that showed many sides of a complex man who studied and wrote about sea turtles. It was a presentation that none of us will forget. The members considered a number of resolutions at the Thursday business meeting and passed six. Five of these resolutions are presented in the Commentaries and Reviews section of Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(3):442-444 (1997). The symposium was fortunate to have many fine presentations competing for the Archie Carr Best Student Presentations awards. The best oral presentation award went to Amanda Southwood (University of British Columbia) for “Heart rates and dive behavior of the leatherback sea turtle during the internesting interval.” The two runners-up were Richard Reina (Australian National University) for “Regulation of salt gland activity in Chelonia mydas” and Singo Minamikawa (Kyoto University) for “The influence that artificial specific gravity change gives to diving behavior of loggerhead turtles”. The winner of this year’s best poster competition was Mark Roberts (University of South Florida) for his poster entitled “Global population structure of green sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) using microsatellite analysis of male mediated gene flow.” The two runners-up were Larisa Avens (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) for “Equilibrium responses to rotational displacements by hatchling sea turtles: maintaining a migratory heading in a turbulent ocean” and Annette Broderick (University of Glasgow) for “Female size, not length, is a correlate of reproductive output.” The symposium was very fortunate to receive a matching monetary and subscription gift from Anders J. G. Rhodin of the Chelonian Research Foundation. These enabled us to more adequately reward the fine work of students. The winners of the best paper and best poster awards received $400 plus a subscription to Chelonian Conservation and Biology. Each runner up received $100. The symposium owes a great debt to countless volunteers who helped make the meeting a success. Those volunteers include: Jamie Serino, Alan Bolton, and Karen Bjorndal, along with the UF students provided audio visual help, John Keinath chaired the student awards committee, Mike Salmon chaired the Program Commiteee, Sheryan Epperly and Joanne Braun compiled the Proceedings, Edwin Drane served as treasurer and provided much logistical help, Jane Provancha coordinated volunteers, Thelma Richardson conducted registration, Vicki Wiese coordinated food and beverage services, Jamie Serino and Erik Marin coordinated entertainment, Kenneth Dodd oversaw student travel awards, Traci Guynup, Tina Brown, Jerris Foote, Dan Hamilton, Richie Moretti, and Vicki Wiese served on the time and place committee, Blair Witherington created the trivia quiz, Tom McFarland donated the symposium logo, Deborah Crouse chaired the resolutions committee, Pamela Plotkin chaired the nominations committee, Sally Krebs, Susan Schenk, and Larry Wood conducted the silent auction, and Beverly and Tom McFarland coordinated all 26 vendors. Many individuals from outside the United States were able to attend the 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium thanks to the tireless work of Karen Eckert, Marydele Donnelly, and Jack Frazier in soliciting travel assistance for a number of international participants. We are indebted to those donating money to the internationals’ housing fund (Flo Vetter Memorial Fund, Marinelife Center of Juno Beach, Roger Mellgren, and Jane Provancha). We raise much of our money for international travel from the auction; thanks go to auctioneer Bob Shoop, who kept our auction fastpaced and entertaining, and made sure the bidding was high. The Annual Sea Turtle Symposium is unequaled in its emphasis on international participation. Through international participation we all learn a great deal more about the biology of sea turtles and the conservation issues that sea turtles face in distant waters. Additionally, those attending the symposium come away with a tremendous wealth of knowledge, professional contacts, and new friendships. The Annual Sea Turtle Symposium is a meeting in which pretenses are dropped, good science is presented, and friendly, open communication is the rule. The camaraderie that typifies these meetings ultimately translates into understanding and cooperation. These aspects, combined, have gone and will go a long way toward helping to protect marine turtles and toward aiding their recovery on a global scale. (PDF contains 342 pages)


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One goal of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) is to protect the unique community found within the Sanctuary’s boundaries. An understanding of the ecological interactions, including trophic structure, among these organisms is necessary to realize this goal. Therefore, diet information for 184 fish species was summarized from 113 published studies. Among the fish included are 84 fish species currently known to reside in Gray’s Reef NMS. The locations of these studies ranged from the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the northeast United States to northern Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean. All of the species described in this bibliography occur in the southeast United States and are, therefore, current or potential residents of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Each entry includes the objectives, brief methods, and conclusions of the article. The bibliography is also indexed by species. (PDF contains 64 pages.)


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The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS or Sanctuary) planned and organized the 1998 Research Workshop as part of its mission to protect and improve understanding of its marine resources through research and education programs. The Sanctuary is also mandated to coordinate and facilitate information exchanges and sponsors periodic research workshops to that end. The goals of the 1998 Research Workshop were as follows: A. Highlight and prioritize research needs for the Sanctuary relative to the development of a framework for a five-year research plan; B. Build on results from the Olympic Coast Marine Research Workshop of 1996; C. Present recent/ongoing research; D. Share multi-disciplinary information; E. Select priority sites for multi-disciplinary studies; and F. Promote student participation and research. (PDF contains 93 pages.)


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This is a copy of an article published in the Human gene therapy © 2012 copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Human gene therapy is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com.


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290 p. (Bibliogr. 257-290) Correo electrónico de la autora: ana.delpozo@ehu.es


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These guidelines have been produced to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries particularly with regard to the need for responsibility in the post– harvest sector of the fish producing industry. The industry that produces fish for food has three major areas of responsibility: to the consumer of the food to ensure that it is safe to eat, is of expected quality and nutritional value, to the resource to ensure that it is not wasted and to the environment to ensure that negative impacts are minimized. In addition the industry has a responsibility to itself to ensure the continued ability of many millions of people throughout the world to earn a gainful living from working within the industry. Article 11.1 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other related parts of the Code are concerned particularly with these responsibilities. This publication provides annotation to and guidance on these articles to assist those charged with implementation of the Code to identify possible courses of action necessary to ensure that the industry is conducted in a sustainable manner. (PDF contains 42 pages)