1000 resultados para Residuos organicos como ração


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Pretende-se, com o presente estudo para dissertação, enquadrado como pré-requisitos para obtenção do grau de mestrado no curso de Ordenamento e Desenho do Território, apresentar uma proposta destinada à identificação de areeas destinadas à implementação de um aterro sanitário na ilha de Santiago. Este estudo assenta na utilização de vários parâmetros que nos permitiria ter uma localização georreferenciada para o aterro sanitário que serviria os 9 municípios da ilha de Santiago – Cabo Verde. A primeira tarefa terá como ponto de partida a estrutura de um banco de dados que permita avaliar os factores intervenientes no processo de avaliação do problema como a geologia, topografia, mapa viário, vegetação, … A ilha de Santiago, constituído por 9 municípios, não possui uma única estação de tratamento final dos resíduos sólidos urbano (RSU), que diariamente são colectados e que tem como destino final os diferentes locais, a céu aberto, sem mínimo de tratamento. Com a construção do aterro sanitário, permite a recolha de dados, no que se refere a quantidade depositada, assim como os diferentes tipos de materiais, que poderá levar a reciclagem dos diferentes componentes, reduzindo, consideravelmente, os impactos ambientais gerados por estas actividades, bem como os custos decorrentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) na identificação de áreas potenciais para a instalação de aterros sanitários que sirva toda a ilha de Santiago. Foram consideradas as características físicas, sócio-econômicas da ilha e normas técnicas existentes. Os procedimentos empregados envolveram a edição e manipulação de dados cartográficos e temáticos, a definição de parâmetros de restrição e sobreposição topológica, desenvolvidos no âmbito de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica. No final, foram identificadas áreas potenciais para instalação de aterros sanitários. Esta é uma demonstração prática de que os SIG's podem ser empregados para a solução de problemas ambientais


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The geographic ranges of Heimbra opaca (Ashmead, 1894), H. bicolor Subba Rao, 1978 and H. parallela Stage & Snelling, 1986 are extended based on study of material deposited in the entomological collections of the Laboratório de Sistemática e Bioecologia de Parasitoides e Predadores da APTA (Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil) of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brasília, DF, Brazil). Symbra potiguara Perioto & Fernandes sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) is described, illustrated and compared with S. cordobensis Stage & Snelling, 1986, the single species previously known for this genus. A key to the genera of Heimbrinae and to the species of Symbra is provided.


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Se da a conocer los resultados de la evaluación de la calidad del medio marino realizada en la bahía Pisco - Paracas, del 22 al 24 de mayo (época de actividad pesquera), con el objetivo de conocer las implicancias de los cambios bruscos en el estado de calidad del ambiente marino, producto de la actividad más importante de la zona (producción de harina y aceite de pescado), ya que esta origina gran cantidad de materia orgánica en suspensión y otros residuos que son arrojados al mar.


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Presenta los resultados de la evaluación del estado de calidad en las bahías de Mollendo, Ilo e Ite realizado del 14 al 28 de agosto de 1996. La temperatura y salinidad fueron inferiores al patrón estacional. Los niveles de oxígeno, pH, sólidos suspendidos se ajustaron a los requisitos de calidad acuática. Problemas de deterioro ambiental se observaron principalmente en playas de Ite. Se detectaron concentraciones de cobre (57,5 ug/g) en lapa (Fisurella spp.) que superaron los límites permisibles internacionales (FAO 1983). El contenido metálico de arsénico y zinc en ríos Tambo e Ilo que descargan al mar estaría asociado a residuos de plaguicidas.


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Contemporary thoracic and cardiovascular surgery uses extensive equipment and devices to enable its performance. As the specialties develop and new frontiers are crossed, the technology needs to advance in a parallel fashion. Strokes of genius or problem-solving brain-storming may generate great ideas, but the metamorphosis of an idea into a physical functioning tool requires a lot more than just a thinking process. A modern surgical device is the end-point of a sophisticated, complicated and potentially treacherous route, which incorporates new skills and knowledge acquisition. Processes including technology transfer, commercialisation, corporate and product development, intellectual property and regulatory routes all play pivotal roles in this voyage. Many good ideas may fall by the wayside for a multitude of reasons as they may not be marketable or may be badly marketed. In this article, we attempt to illuminate the components required in the process of surgical innovation, which we believe must remain in the remit of the modern-day thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.


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Como parte del Programa de la Red de Monitoreo Ambiental del IMARPE, se realizó esta primera evaluación sobre la presencia de COP en recursos vivos y en sedimentos orgánicos marinos y dulceacuícolas, en el litoral de Cañete


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Analiza el litoral costero de Pisco-Paracas y las características físico-químicas del mar en las áreas.


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Quelles sont les conditions pour l'émergence d'une mobilisation sociale en faveur du logement convenable dans la métropole de Bangalore (Inde)? Cette question, qui est au coeur de cette thèse, est particulièrement pertinente dans le contexte d'une ville où 1,7 million de personnes, soit un cinquième de la population, vit dans des bidonvilles. L'absence d'un mouvement mettant en cause l'échec des politiques publiques du logement est intéressante dans la mesure où l'Inde a hérité un système de gouvernance colonial et d'une tradition de mouvements sociaux. Pour répondre à ce questionnement, un cadre théorique issu de la littérature sur les mouvements sociaux est développé. Il s'articule autour des liens entre les opportunités politiques au niveau macro et les répertoires d'action des organisations de mouvement social (OMS) au niveau méso, de la tension entre la formalité de la loi et des politiques publiques et l'informalité des circuits d'échange, de la corruption et du clientélisme, et enfin, se focalise sur les systèmes de discours de caste et de la citoyenneté et de leur concrétisation dans des systèmes d'organisations et de réseaux sociaux. Ce cadre théorique permet d'étudier empiriquement la question à travers quatre OMS dans la ville de Bangalore. Les résultats mettent en avant l'existence de mécanismes complexes. Les opportunités politiques formelles n'étant ouvertes que sur le plan rhétorique, elles ne peuvent être véritablement utilisées que par des moyens légaux ou contentieux, ce qui nécessite des compétences sociales dont la plupart des habitants des bidonvilles sont dépourvus. L'inadéquation entre les ressources à disposition pour les logements sociaux et les besoins très importants des pauvres, donne un poids politique considérable aux acteurs en charge de l'attribution de ces ressources rares. Cet état de fait a des répercussions sur la politique électorale. Les habitants des bidonvilles représentant un poids électoral important, ils sont mobilisés à travers de pratiques clientélistes. La corruption et le clientélisme se nourrissent mutuellement pour maintenir une certaine dépendance des habitants. Les OMS qui développent un répertoire discursif remettant en cause le système de caste et qui encouragent une conscience citoyenne, se sont avérées les plus durables pour résister à la cooptation des forces politiques. Cette recherche empirique met en lumière l'inadéquation entre les prescriptions formelles dans le domaine de la gouvernance des besoins humains, tels que le logement, et les pratiques réelles sur le terrain. Cette recherche appelle à réfléchir au-delà de la diffusion du discours sur la « bonne gouvernance » vers des formes de « gouvernance vernaculaire » qui prendrait au sérieux l'informalité en développant une compréhension des avantages à court terme pour les personnes marginalisées dans la ville et les effets à long terme sur la pratique démocratique. - What are the conditions for the emergence of a social movement on the issue of adequate housing in the metropolitan city of Bangalore (India)? This question is at the heart of this dissertation and is particularly pertinent against the background that an estimated 1.7 million or about 20% of the city's population lives in slums. The absence of a movement addressing the failure of public housing policy despite India having inherited colonial systems of governance and traditions of movement is noteworthy. Answers are sought within a theoretical framework stemming from social movement theories that incorporates three linkages articulating around: Macro-level political opportunities and meso-level action repertoires of social movement organisations (SMOs), tensions between the formality of law, policy and the informality of exchange circuits of corruption and clientelism and finally around systems of discourses of caste and citizenship and their instantiation in concrete systems of social organisations and networks. This thesis is empirically investigated through a qualitative case study research design involving four sampled social movement organisations. The results bring complex mechanisms to the fore. Formal political opportunities are only rhetorically open and have to be cracked through legal weaponry or contentious escalation, which requires considerable social skills that slum-dwellers often lack. The inadequacy between the few housing resources and the vast number of slum-dwellers transform housing benefits and urban service provisions into political currency. Such a state of affairs has serious repercussions on conditions for mobilisation. They become imbricated with electoral logic, in which slum-dwellers represent large vote-banks and where corruption and clientelism feed each other to maintain a certain dependency of the poor. SMOs deploying a discursive repertoire that questioned the caste system and encouraged a pursuit of citizenship proved to be the most sustainable to resist co-option from political forces. This empirical investigation brings to light the mismatch between the formal prescriptions in the domain of the governance of basic human needs such as housing and the real practices on the ground. This research calls to reflect beyond the inadequacy of the diffused « good governance » discourse towards forms of « vernacular governance » that take informality seriously in understanding the short-term benefits for the marginalised in the city and the long-term effects on democratic practice.


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In conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS), analytical approaches leveraging biological information may further understanding of the pathophysiology of clinical traits. To discover novel associations with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of kidney function, we developed a strategy for integrating prior biological knowledge into the existing GWAS data for eGFR from the CKDGen Consortium. Our strategy focuses on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in genes that are connected by functional evidence, determined by literature mining and gene ontology (GO) hierarchies, to genes near previously validated eGFR associations. It then requires association thresholds consistent with multiple testing, and finally evaluates novel candidates by independent replication. Among the samples of European ancestry, we identified a genome-wide significant SNP in FBXL20 (P = 5.6 × 10(-9)) in meta-analysis of all available data, and additional SNPs at the INHBC, LRP2, PLEKHA1, SLC3A2 and SLC7A6 genes meeting multiple-testing corrected significance for replication and overall P-values of 4.5 × 10(-4)-2.2 × 10(-7). Neither the novel PLEKHA1 nor FBXL20 associations, both further supported by association with eGFR among African Americans and with transcript abundance, would have been implicated by eGFR candidate gene approaches. LRP2, encoding the megalin receptor, was identified through connection with the previously known eGFR gene DAB2 and extends understanding of the megalin system in kidney function. These findings highlight integration of existing genome-wide association data with independent biological knowledge to uncover novel candidate eGFR associations, including candidates lacking known connections to kidney-specific pathways. The strategy may also be applicable to other clinical phenotypes, although more testing will be needed to assess its potential for discovery in general.


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Although age-dependent effects on blood pressure (BP) have been reported, they have not been systematically investigated in large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs). We leveraged the infrastructure of three well-established consortia (CHARGE, GBPgen, and ICBP) and a nonstandard approach (age stratification and metaregression) to conduct a genome-wide search of common variants with age-dependent effects on systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial (MAP), and pulse (PP) pressure. In a two-staged design using 99,241 individuals of European ancestry, we identified 20 genome-wide significant (p ≤ 5 × 10(-8)) loci by using joint tests of the SNP main effect and SNP-age interaction. Nine of the significant loci demonstrated nominal evidence of age-dependent effects on BP by tests of the interactions alone. Index SNPs in the EHBP1L1 (DBP and MAP), CASZ1 (SBP and MAP), and GOSR2 (PP) loci exhibited the largest age interactions, with opposite directions of effect in the young versus the old. The changes in the genetic effects over time were small but nonnegligible (up to 1.58 mm Hg over 60 years). The EHBP1L1 locus was discovered through gene-age interactions only in whites but had DBP main effects replicated (p = 8.3 × 10(-4)) in 8,682 Asians from Singapore, indicating potential interethnic heterogeneity. A secondary analysis revealed 22 loci with evidence of age-specific effects (e.g., only in 20 to 29-year-olds). Age can be used to select samples with larger genetic effect sizes and more homogenous phenotypes, which may increase statistical power. Age-dependent effects identified through novel statistical approaches can provide insight into the biology and temporal regulation underlying BP associations.


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Em Santa Catarina, significativa porção dos dejetos das produções confinadas de suínos ainda está sendo jogada nos rios e córregos. Ao invés de poluentes, esses materiais poderiam ser utilizados como fertilizantes do solo, mas o uso contínuo de grandes quantidades pode ocasionar fitotoxidez de alguns nutrientes bem como poluir as águas superficiais e subterrâneas. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o rendimento de matéria seca de milho, decorrente da adição de quantidades crescentes e cumulativas de Zn ao solo, aplicadas na forma de ZnO ou de dejetos de suínos (alimentados com ração enriquecida com zinco). Foram realizados três cultivos sucessivos com 30 dias cada, em casa de vegetação, em vasos com 5,0 kg (base seca) de um Latossolo, que continha 590 g kg-1 de argila e pH 5,9. As doses de Zn utilizadas equivaleram a 0; 6,25; 12,5; 25 e 50 mg kg-1 de solo e foram aplicadas antes de cada cultivo. Determinaram-se a matéria seca da parte aérea, o Zn no solo, extraído com HCl 0,1 mol L-1, e a concentração e o acúmulo de Zn no tecido vegetal. A concentração de Zn no solo e nas plantas, assim como a quantidade de Zn absorvido, aumentou com o aumento da dose e com as reaplicações desse nutriente, tendo sido o teor de Zn no solo maior nos tratamentos com esterco suíno do que com ZnO. O rendimento de matéria seca não foi afetado pela aplicação de nenhuma das fontes de Zn, em qualquer cultivo. A adição cumulativa de até 150 mg kg-1 de Zn de solo elevou o teor de Zn no solo e na planta para valores superiores a 160 e 250 mg kg-1, respectivamente, e mesmo assim não ocasionou toxidez desse nutriente ao milho em seu estádio inicial de crescimento, mostrando que a amplitude entre suficiência e toxidez de Zn é ampla nesse solo.


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We present the results of a geological and geotechnical characterization of the metallurgic waste from the Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Union. We have studied eight tailings dams from which we collected and analysed 42 samples of metallurgic waste. We measured grainsize distribution, the specific gravity of solid particles, plasticity index, permeability, both in situ and in the laboratory, direct shear characteristicsand moisture content. According to size distribution the tailings can be classified as sandy silt. Their plasticity index ranges from medium to nil. The internal friction angle varies between 28 and 42 degrees. Cohesion is between 0 and 2.2 t/m2. The specific gravity of the solid particles ranges widely from 1.8 to 4 g/cm3. The saturated hydraulic conductivity values vary between 1.3x 10-5 and 3.2x 10-9 m/s.The water content measured in situ shows that the degree of saturation remains relatively high despite low rainfall and high evaporation rates. Several tailings dams have failed. The leading causes of tailings-dam failure are: 1) slope instability; 2) overflow; 3) erosion; and 4) subsidence or collapse. The main factor leading to dam failure is that the tailings stored in the ponds are highly saturated


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Beyond the Framingham Stroke Risk Score, prediction of future stroke may improve with a genetic risk score (GRS) based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with stroke and its risk factors. METHODS: The study includes 4 population-based cohorts with 2047 first incident strokes from 22,720 initially stroke-free European origin participants aged ≥55 years, who were followed for up to 20 years. GRSs were constructed with 324 single-nucleotide polymorphisms implicated in stroke and 9 risk factors. The association of the GRS to first incident stroke was tested using Cox regression; the GRS predictive properties were assessed with area under the curve statistics comparing the GRS with age and sex, Framingham Stroke Risk Score models, and reclassification statistics. These analyses were performed per cohort and in a meta-analysis of pooled data. Replication was sought in a case-control study of ischemic stroke. RESULTS: In the meta-analysis, adding the GRS to the Framingham Stroke Risk Score, age and sex model resulted in a significant improvement in discrimination (all stroke: Δjoint area under the curve=0.016, P=2.3×10(-6); ischemic stroke: Δjoint area under the curve=0.021, P=3.7×10(-7)), although the overall area under the curve remained low. In all the studies, there was a highly significantly improved net reclassification index (P<10(-4)). CONCLUSIONS: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with stroke and its risk factors result only in a small improvement in prediction of future stroke compared with the classical epidemiological risk factors for stroke.


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High blood pressure (BP) is more prevalent and contributes to more severe manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in African Americans than in any other United States ethnic group. Several small African-ancestry (AA) BP genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have been published, but their findings have failed to replicate to date. We report on a large AA BP GWAS meta-analysis that includes 29,378 individuals from 19 discovery cohorts and subsequent replication in additional samples of AA (n = 10,386), European ancestry (EA) (n = 69,395), and East Asian ancestry (n = 19,601). Five loci (EVX1-HOXA, ULK4, RSPO3, PLEKHG1, and SOX6) reached genome-wide significance (p < 1.0 × 10(-8)) for either systolic or diastolic BP in a transethnic meta-analysis after correction for multiple testing. Three of these BP loci (EVX1-HOXA, RSPO3, and PLEKHG1) lack previous associations with BP. We also identified one independent signal in a known BP locus (SOX6) and provide evidence for fine mapping in four additional validated BP loci. We also demonstrate that validated EA BP GWAS loci, considered jointly, show significant effects in AA samples. Consequently, these findings suggest that BP loci might have universal effects across studied populations, demonstrating that multiethnic samples are an essential component in identifying, fine mapping, and understanding their trait variability.


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La recuperación de plata contenida en efluentes electrolíticos es atractiva por su alto valor económico. Estos efluentes son catalogados como residuos tóxicos y no pueden ser evacuados a cauces públicos sin un tratamiento previo de detoxificación. Una de las vías propuestas para recuperar plata de este tipo de efluentes es la precipitación química utilizando ditionito de sodio, borohidruro de sodio o monohidrato de hidracina. En este trabajo, se discuten los aspectos más signifícativos de la utilización de estos reactivos para el citado objetivo. Se presentan resultados de la precipitación de plata con ditionito de sodio en efluentes base tiosulfato, sin eliminación de otras especies presentes. Se pone de maniflesto la capacidad de este reactivo de cumplir los objetivos de alcanzar una precipitación, prácticamente total, de la plata, dejando el metal en el efluente a niveles de menos de 1 ppm, sin introducir substancias extrañas al sistema.