1000 resultados para Renal neoplasia


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Dans le néphron distal sensible à l'aldostérone, le récepteur aux minéralocorticoïdes (RM) et le récepteur aux glucocorticoids (RG) sont exprimés et peuvent être liés et activés par l'aldostérone et le Cortisol, respectivement. La réabsorption rénale de sodium est principalement contrôlée par le RM. Cependant, des modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo suggèrent que le RG pourrait également jouer un rôle dans le transport rénal du sodium. Afin d'étudier l'implication du RG et/ou du RM exprimés dans les cellules épithéliales adultes dans le transport rénal du sodium, nous avons généré deux modèles de souris, dans lesquelles l'expression du RG (Nr3c1Pax8/LC1) ou du RM (Nr3c2Pax8/LC1) peut être abolie de manière inductible et cela spécifiquement dans les tubules rénaux. Les souris déficientes pour le gène du RM survivent mais développent un phénotype sévère de PHA-1, caractérisé par un retard de croissance, une augmentation des niveaux urinaires de Na+, une diminution de la concentration du Na+ dans le plasma, une hyperkaliémie et une augmentation des niveaux d'aldostérone plasmatique. Ce phénotype empire et devient létal lorsque les souris sont nourries avec une diète déficiente en sodium. Les niveaux d'expression en protéine de NCC, de la forme phosphorylée de NCC et de aENaC sont diminués, alors que l'expression en ARN messager et en protéine du RG est augmentée. Une diète riche en Na+ et pauvre en K+ ne corrige pas la concentration élevée d'aldostérone dans le plasma pour la ramener à des niveaux conformes, mais est suffisante pour corriger la perte de poids et les niveaux anormaux des électrolytes dans le plasma et l'urine. -- In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, both the mineralocorticoid (MR) and the glucocorticoid (GR) receptor are expressed. They can be bound and activated by aldosterone and Cortisol, respectively. Renal Na+ reabsorption is mainly controlled by MR. However, in vitro and in vivo experimental models suggest that GR may play a role in renal Na+ transport. Therefore, to investigate the implication of MR and/or GR in adult epithelial cells in renal sodium transport, we generated inducible renal tubule- specific MR (Nr3c2Pax8/LC1) and GR (Nr3c1Pax8/LC1) knockout mice. MR-deficient mice survived but developed a severe PHA-1 phenotype with failure to thrive, higher urinary Na+, decreased plasma Na+ levels, hyperkalemia and higher levels of plasma aldosterone. This phenotype further worsened and became lethal under a sodium-deficient diet. NCC protein expression and its phosphorylated form, as well as aENaC protein level were downregulated, whereas the mRNA and protein expression of GR was increased. A diet rich in Na+and low in K+ did not normalize plasma aldosterone to control levels, but was sufficient to restore body weight, plasma and urinary electrolytes. Upon switch to a Na+-deficient diet, GR-mutant mice exhibited transient increased urinary Na+ and decreased K+ levels, with transitory higher plasma K+ concentration preceded by a significant increase in plasma aldosterone levels within the 12 hours following diet switch. We found no difference in urinary aldosterone levels, plasma Na+ concentration and plasma corticosterone levels. Moreover, NHE3, NKCC2, NCC


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Renal disorders are an emerging problem in HIV-infected patients. We performed a cross-sectional study of the first 1000 HIV-infected patients attended at our HIV unit who agreed to participate. We determined the frequency of renal alterations and its related risk factors. Summary statistics and logistic regression were applied. The study sample comprised 970 patients with complete data. Most were white (94%) and men (76%). Median (IQR) age was 48 (42–53) years. Hypertension was diagnosed in 19%, dyslipidemia in 27%, and diabetes mellitus in 3%. According to the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD EPI) equation, 29 patients (3%) had an eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2; 18 of them (62%) presented altered albumin/creatinine and protein/creatinine (UPC or UAC) ratios. Of the patients with eGFR> 60mL/min, it was present in 293 (30%), 38 of whom (7.1%) had UPC> 300mg/g. Increased risk of renal abnormalities was correlated with hypertension (OR, 1.821 [95%CI, 1.292;2.564]; p = 0.001), age (OR, 1.015 [95%CI, 1.001;1.030], per one year; p = 0.040), and use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) plus protease inhibitor (PI), (OR, 1.401 [95%CI, 1.078;1.821]; p = 0.012). Current CD4 cell count was a protective factor (OR, 0.9995 [95%CI, 0.9991;0.9999], per one cell; p = 0.035). A considerable proportion of patients presented altered UPC or UAC ratios, despite having an eGFR > 60mL/min. CD4 cell count was a protective factor; age, hypertension, and use of TDF plus PIs were risk factors for renal abnormalities. Based on our results, screen of renal abnormalities should be considered in all HIV-infected patients to detect these alterations early.


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A literatura relata somente alguns casos de recém-nascidos com ascite urinária, geralmente secundária a ruptura de bexiga urinária e não de um cálice renal. Este relato de caso descreve um caso raro de ascite urinária em recém-nascido com válvula de uretra posterior que teve ruptura de um cálice renal, neste caso diagnosticada, até onde sabemos, pela primeira vez por ultrassonografia.


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Renal biopsy is being increasingly proposed as a diagnostic tool to characterize small renal masses (SRM). Indeed, the wide adoption of imaging in the diagnostic workup of many diseases had led to a substantial increased incidence of SRM (diameter ≤4 cm). While modern ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have high sensitivity for detecting SRM, none is able to accurately and reliably characterize them in terms of histological features. This is currently of key importance in guiding clinical decision-making in some situations, and in these cases renal biopsy should be considered. In this review, we aim to summarize the technique, diagnostic performance, and predicting factors of nondiagnostic biopsy, as well as the future perspectives.


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PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. Insuficiéncia renal aguda. SOSPECHA Ausencia de diuresis espontánea en las prirneras 36 h. de vida. Existencia de factores de riesgo por la anamnesis (hipoxia, hemorragia, sepsis, etc.)...


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Linfangiectasia renal é uma condição rara, caracterizada por coleções parapiélicas e perirrenais, que pode progredir de assintomática para insuficiência renal crônica. É apresentado um caso de achado incidental em tomografia computadorizada de linfangiectasia renal bilateral em paciente assintomático, com descrição dos principais achados à luz dos métodos de imagem e ampla revisão da literatura.


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O rim em bolo é uma rara anormalidade do trato urinário que pode ser diagnosticada em qualquer faixa etária. Durante investigação de infecção urinária recorrente em criança de 12 anos, foi revelada em tomografia computadorizada contrastada a presença de rim direito ectópico, com fusão renal, drenado por dois ureteres. Foi iniciado tratamento profilático com nitrofurantoína e o paciente se encontra assintomático.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation.


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OBJETIVO: Calcular as frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal em pacientes menores de dois anos com cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA com primeiro quadro de infecção do trato urinário em hospital universitário brasileiro, comparando com dados da literatura internacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados laudos cintilográficos de crianças menores de dois anos de idade que realizaram cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA em um hospital universitário no Rio Grande do Sul, entre 2006 e 2009, para pesquisa de pielonefrite aguda/cicatriz renal. Revisaram-se a presença de refluxo vesicoureteral, o uso precoce de antibiótico, e a presença de comorbidades que constassem nos prontuários eletrônicos. Calculou-se a amostra com base num estudo de revisão sistemática e obteve-se um mínimo de 147 pacientes. Excluíram-se pacientes sem registro eletrônico. RESULTADOS: Cento e cinquenta e sete crianças preencheram critérios de inclusão do estudo, 48 tiveram pielonefrite aguda e 8 destas apresentaram cicatriz renal. Nem a idade nem o gênero dos pacientes apresentaram associação significativa com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,405 e p = 0,124, respectivamente). Não houve diferença estatística nas associações de refluxo vesicoureteral e pielonefrite aguda (p = 1,0) e outras comorbidades (p = 0,470) e em relação ao uso precoce de antibiótico com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,130) e cicatriz renal (p = 0,720). CONCLUSÃO: As frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal obtidas concordam com os resultados da maioria dos estudos publicados.


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Renal cystic lesions are usually diagnosed in the radiologists' practice and therefore their characterization is crucial to determine the clinical approach to be adopted and prognosis. The Bosniak classification based on computed tomography findings has allowed for standardization and categorization of lesions in increasing order of malignancy (I, II, IIF, III and IV) in a simple and accurate way. The present iconographic essay developed with multidetector computed tomography images of selected cases from the archives of the authors' institution, is aimed at describing imaging findings that can help in the diagnosis of renal cysts.


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To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma arising from a renal graft. Transplantectomy was performed in a 47-year old woman presenting to the emergency room because of general weakness. Preoperative workup revealed a 5.5 cm malignant mass of the graft which was not present on routine ultrasound performed 12 months earlier. Following transplantectomy, local recurrence developed despite complete tumor resection and interruption of immunosuppression. Despite radiation therapy, the outcome was ultimately fatal. Genetic analysis revealed that the tumor had arisen from donor tissue. Annual ultrasound surveillance might not be enough effective to screen for these rare high grade neoplasms.


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A mastopatia linfocítica acomete mulheres jovens e de meia idade e está frequentemente associada a doenças autoimunes. Seu diagnóstico é feito associando achados clínicos (espessamento ou nódulo mamário endurecido), radiológicos (aumento da densidade mamária, nódulo e calcificações), ultrassonográficos (nódulo com sombra acústica posterior), histopatológicos (fibrose e infiltrado linfocítico) e imuno-histoquímicos. É uma entidade benigna que pode simular carcinoma. Neste artigo, relata-se um caso de paciente com mastopatia linfocítica.