954 resultados para Reasonable Accommodation


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So far, various calculation models for the vertical distribution of suspended sediment concentration have been produced by several investigators from different theories. The limitations of all these models imply that it is possible to find a more reasonable model, for which each previous model can be included as special case. The formulation of a reasonable general model is the purpose of this paper.


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The creep and relaxation behaviour of laminated glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) in three-point bending were studied both experimentally and analytically. Creep and relaxation experiments were carried out on eight types of specimens, consisting of glass fibre fabric reinforced epoxy beams. While the bending deflexion and creep strains were measured in the creep tests, the load and relaxation strain were recorded in the relaxation tests. Marked creep effects were seen in the tests, where the environment temperature was 50°C and the period of the measurement was 60 min. An attempt to predict the creep deflexion and relaxation behaviour was made. The transverse shear effect on creep deflexion was taken into account. The predicted results were compared with experimental ones. They were found to be in reasonable agreement, but the linearization assumption, upon which the relaxation behaviour analysis was based, appears to lead to larger inaccuracies in the results.


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The compressible laminar boundary-layer flows of a dilute gas-particle mixture over a semi-infinite flat plate are investigated analytically. The governing equations are presented in a general form where more reasonable relations for the two-phase interaction and the gas viscosity are included. The detailed flow structures of the gas and particle phases are given in three distinct regions : the large-slip region near the leading edge, the moderate-slip region and the small-slip region far downstream. The asymptotic solutions for the two limiting regions are obtained by using a seriesexpansion method. The finite-difference solutions along the whole length of the plate are obtained by using implicit four-point and six-point schemes. The results from these two methods are compared and very good agreement is achieved. The characteristic quantities of the boundary layer are calculated and the effects on the flow produced by the particles are discussed. It is found that in the case of laminar boundary-layer flows, the skin friction and wall heat-transfer are higher and the displacement thickness is lower than in the pure-gas case alone. The results indicate that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct quantitatively and a relevant non-Stokes relation of the interaction between the two phases should be specified when the particle Reynolds number is higher than unity.


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presented in a general form where more reasonable relations for the two-phase


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that the Stokes-interaction relation is reasonable qualitatively but not correct


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Published as an article in: Economic Modelling, 2011, vol. 28, issue 3, pages 1140-1149.


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[ES] Los programas de innovación rural han supuesto un verdadero revulsivo para determinadas regiones europeas, por cuanto han representado una cuantiosa inversión que ha necesitado de una adecuada gestión para dirigir el destino de unos fondos estructurales. En este sentido, el presente trabajo analiza la inversión de estos programas de desarrollo en medidas de apoyo al sector del turismo rural, que han supuesto un importante incremento de la oferta a diversos niveles: aumento de alojamientos rurales, del número de plazas disponibles para turistas, rehabilitación del patrimonio, puesta en valor de elementos históricos y recuperación, en definitiva, del patrimonio histórico, cultural, arquitectónico y natural del mundo rural.


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[ES] El sector de la construcción tiene, en España, una notable importancia, por su aportación al PIB (del entorno del 10%) y al empleo (en torno al 10%) y porque aglutina un amplio tejido empresarial. El deterioro de la situación económica y la saturación del mercado residencial han llevado a una fuerte contracción de la actividad constructiva, después una larga época de crecimiento.


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The Sarasota-Manatee area is a water-short area and the study was undertaken in 1963 in order to determine the storage capability and discharge rates of the Myakka water shed. It was found that many of the streams of the water shed were virtually dry during part of every year. However, the basins of the Myakka lakes, through which the river flows offer some storage potential, that if properly developed would provide a continuance drift of about seven million gallons of water per day of good quality water that would be high in color and temperature upon occasion. With reasonable treatment some of this water could be used to meet the present needs of the rapidly expanding coastal areas. (PDF contains 40 pages.)


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The European Commission Report on Competition in Professional Services found that recommended prices by professional bodies have a significant negative effect on competition since they may facilitate the coordination of prices between service providers and/or mislead consumers about reasonable price levels. Professional associations argue, first, that a fee schedule may help their members to properly calculate the cost of services avoiding excessive charges and reducing consumers’ searching costs and, second, that recommended prices are very useful for cost appraisal if a litigant is condemned to pay the legal expenses of the opposing party. Thus, recommended fee schedules could be justified to some extent if they represented the cost of providing the services. We test this hypothesis using cross‐section data on a subset of recommended prices by 52 Spanish bar associations and cost data on their territorial jurisdictions. Our empirical results indicate that prices recommended by bar associations are unrelated to the cost of legal services and therefore we conclude that recommended prices have merely an anticompetitive effect.


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Salvinia (Salvinia minima Willd.) is a water fern found in Florida waters, usually associated with Lemna and other small free-floating species. Due to its buoyancy and mat-forming abilities, it is spread by moving waters. In 1994, salvinia was reported to be present in 247 water bodies in the state (out of 451 surveyed public waters, Schardt 1997). It is a small, rapidly growing species that can become a nuisance due to its explosive growth rates and its ability to shade underwater life (Oliver 1993). Any efforts toward management of salvinia populations must consider that, in reasonable amounts, its presence is desirable since it plays an important role in the overall ecosystem balance. New management alternatives need to be explored besides the conventional herbicide treatments; for example, it has been shown that the growth of S. molesta can be inhibited by extracts of the tropical weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) and its purified toxin parthenin (Pande 1994, 1996). We believe that cattail, Typha spp. may be a candidate for control of S. minima infestations. Cattail is an aggressive aquatic plant, and has the ability to expand over areas that weren't previously occupied by other species (Gallardo et al. 1998a and references cited there). In South Florida, T. domingensis is a natural component of the Everglades ecosystem, but in many cases it has become the dominant marsh species, outcompeting other native plants. In Florida public waters, this cattail species is the most dominant emergent species of aquatic plants (Schardt 1997). Several factors enable it to accomplish opportunistic expansion, including size, growth habits, adaptability to changes in the surroundings, and the release of compounds that can prevent the growth and development of other species. We have been concerned in the past with the inhibitory effects of the T. domingensis extracts, and the phenolic compounds mentioned before, towards the growth and propagation of S. minima (Gallardo et al. 1998b). This investigation deals with the impact of cattail materials on the rates of oxygen production of salvinia, as determined through a series of Warburg experiments (Martin et al. 1987, Prindle and Martin 1996).


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The paper presents a reasonable analysis for dynamic response and failure process of a plane multi-layered media, which are subjected to a blast loading. This blast loading is induced by a cylindric explosive put on the center of top surface of the layered media. With the help of numerical simulation technique provided by LS-DYNA software, the whole process of explosion wave propagation and attenuation can be revealed. The feature of local failure around the blasting site is also discussed in some detail. Our focus will be on the explosion wave attenuation for the hard-soft-hard sandwich layers. As seen in the paper, the computational results are delivered in a feasible way by comparing with experimental data.


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The authors have endeavored to create a verified a-posteriori model of a planktonic ecosystem. Verification of an empirically derived set of first-order, quadratic differential equations proved elusive due to the sensitivity of the model system to changes in initial conditions. Efforts to verify a similarly derived set of linear differential equations were more encouraging, yielding reasonable behavior for half of the ten ecosystem compartments modeled. The well-behaved species models gave indications as to the rate-controlling processes in the ecosystem.


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Validated by comparison with DNS, numerical database of turbulent channel flows is yielded by Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Three conventional techniques: uv quadrant 2, VITA and mu-level techniques for detecting turbulent bursts are applied to the identification of turbulent bursts. With a grouping parameter introduced by Bogard & Tiedemann (1986) or Luchik & Tiederman (1987), multiple ejections detected by these techniques which originate from a single burst can be grouped into a single-burst event. The results are compared with experimental results, showing that all techniques yield reasonable average burst period. However, uv quadrant 2 and mu-level are found to be superior to VITA in having large threshold-independent range.


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In this paper, the penetration process of ogive-nose projectiles into the semi-infinite concrete target is investigated by the dimensional analysis method and FEM simulation. With the dimensional analysis, main non-dimensional parameters which control the penetration depth are obtained with some reasonable hypothesis. Then, a new semi-empirical equation is present based on the original work of Forrestal et al., has only two non-dimensional combined variables with definite physical meanings. To verify this equation, prediction results are compared with experiments in a wide variation region of velocity. Then, a commercial FEM code, LS-DYNA, is used to simulate the complex penetration process, that also show the novel semi-empirical equation is reasonable for determining the penetration depth in a concrete target.