991 resultados para RANK ligand


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Los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) analizar las relaciones de similitud de los indicadores bibliométricos; y (2) estudiar el valor de estos para discriminar/agrupar revistas científicas. Como unidades de estudio se utilizaron los 15 indicadores brindados por SCImago Journal Rank (SCImagoJR), aplicados a las 11 revistas paleontológicas generalistas listadas en dicha fuente durante el lapso 1999-2013. Las relaciones de similitud entre los indicadores se estimaron mediante un fenograma, mientras que el valor de los indicadores para agrupar/discriminar revistas se estimó mediante un análisis de componentes principales. Los resultados permiten concluir que, al menos para las revistas consideradas en este estudio, los 15 indicadores utilizados por SCImagoJR muestran redundancia por grupos, debido a las correlaciones existentes entre indicadores de producción, por una parte, y de citación, por otra. Sin embargo, esto es válido solo a los efectos de agrupar las revistas, ya que al considerar cada indicador por separado se aprecian variaciones entre los mismos, que permiten establecer una caracterización más específica de cada revista e, incluso, colaboran a explicar los resultados del análisis multivariado. Por otra parte, los resultados coinciden con los obtenidos por otros autores al reunir en un mismo grupo al SJR y al número de citas/documento en un período de dos años y en otro al índice h y al indicador número total de citas en un lapso de tres años.


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Los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) analizar las relaciones de similitud de los indicadores bibliométricos; y (2) estudiar el valor de estos para discriminar/agrupar revistas científicas. Como unidades de estudio se utilizaron los 15 indicadores brindados por SCImago Journal Rank (SCImagoJR), aplicados a las 11 revistas paleontológicas generalistas listadas en dicha fuente durante el lapso 1999-2013. Las relaciones de similitud entre los indicadores se estimaron mediante un fenograma, mientras que el valor de los indicadores para agrupar/discriminar revistas se estimó mediante un análisis de componentes principales. Los resultados permiten concluir que, al menos para las revistas consideradas en este estudio, los 15 indicadores utilizados por SCImagoJR muestran redundancia por grupos, debido a las correlaciones existentes entre indicadores de producción, por una parte, y de citación, por otra. Sin embargo, esto es válido solo a los efectos de agrupar las revistas, ya que al considerar cada indicador por separado se aprecian variaciones entre los mismos, que permiten establecer una caracterización más específica de cada revista e, incluso, colaboran a explicar los resultados del análisis multivariado. Por otra parte, los resultados coinciden con los obtenidos por otros autores al reunir en un mismo grupo al SJR y al número de citas/documento en un período de dos años y en otro al índice h y al indicador número total de citas en un lapso de tres años.


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Los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) analizar las relaciones de similitud de los indicadores bibliométricos; y (2) estudiar el valor de estos para discriminar/agrupar revistas científicas. Como unidades de estudio se utilizaron los 15 indicadores brindados por SCImago Journal Rank (SCImagoJR), aplicados a las 11 revistas paleontológicas generalistas listadas en dicha fuente durante el lapso 1999-2013. Las relaciones de similitud entre los indicadores se estimaron mediante un fenograma, mientras que el valor de los indicadores para agrupar/discriminar revistas se estimó mediante un análisis de componentes principales. Los resultados permiten concluir que, al menos para las revistas consideradas en este estudio, los 15 indicadores utilizados por SCImagoJR muestran redundancia por grupos, debido a las correlaciones existentes entre indicadores de producción, por una parte, y de citación, por otra. Sin embargo, esto es válido solo a los efectos de agrupar las revistas, ya que al considerar cada indicador por separado se aprecian variaciones entre los mismos, que permiten establecer una caracterización más específica de cada revista e, incluso, colaboran a explicar los resultados del análisis multivariado. Por otra parte, los resultados coinciden con los obtenidos por otros autores al reunir en un mismo grupo al SJR y al número de citas/documento en un período de dos años y en otro al índice h y al indicador número total de citas en un lapso de tres años.


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The speciation of iron was investigated in three shelf seas and three deep basins of the Arctic Ocean in 2007. The dissolved fraction (<0.2 µm) and a fraction < 1000 kDa were considered here. In addition, unfiltered samples were analyzed. Between 74 and 83% of dissolved iron was present in the fraction < 1000 kDa at all stations and depth, except at the chlorophyll maximum (42-64%). Distinct trends in iron concentrations and ligand characteristics were observed from the shelf seas toward the central deep basins, with a decrease of total dissolvable iron ([TDFe] > 3 nM on the shelves and [TDFe] < 2 nM in the Makarov Basin). A relative enrichment of particulate Fe toward the bottom was revealed at all stations, indicating Fe export toward the deep ocean. In deep waters, dissolved ligands became less saturated with Fe (increase of [Excess L]/[Fe]) from the Nansen Basin via the Amundsen Basin toward the Makarov Basin. This trend was explained by the reactivity of the ligands, higher (log alpha > 13.5) in the Nansen and Amundsen basins than in the Makarov Basin (log alpha <13) where the sources of Fe and ligands were limited. The ligands became nearly saturated with depth in the Amundsen and Nansen Basins, favoring Fe removal in the deep ocean, whereas in the deep Makarov Basin, they became unsaturated with depth. Still here scavenging occurred. Although scavenging of Fe was attenuated by the presence of unsaturated organic ligands, their low reactivity in combination with a lack of sources of Fe in the Makarov Basin might be the reason of a net export of Fe to the sediment.


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Organic complexation of dissolved iron (dFe) was investigated in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in order to understand the distribution of Fe over the whole water column. The total concentration of dissolved organic ligands ([Lt]) measured by voltammetry ranged between 0.54 and 1.84 nEq of M Fe whereas the conditional binding strength (K') ranged between 10**21.4 and 10**22.8. For the first time, trends in Fe-organic complexation were observed in an ocean basin by examining the ratio ([Lt]/[dFe]), defined as the organic ligand concentration divided by the dissolved Fe concentration. The [Lt]/[dFe] ratio indicates the saturation state of the natural ligands with Fe; a ratio near 1 means saturation of the ligands leading to precipitation of Fe. Reversely, high ratios mean Fe depletion and show a high potential for Fe solubilisation. In surface waters where phytoplankton is present low dissolved Fe and high variable ligand concentrations were found. Here the [Lt]/[dFe] ratio was on average 4.4. It was especially high (5.6-26.7) in the HNLC (High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll) regions, where Fe was depleted. The [Lt]/[dFe] ratio decreased with depth due to increasing dissolved Fe concentrations and became constant below 450 m, indicating a steady state between ligand and Fe. Relatively low [Lt]/[dFe] ratios (between 1.1 and 2.7) existed in deep water north of the Southern Boundary, facilitating Fe precipitation. The [Lt]/[dFe] ratio increased southwards from the Southern Boundary on the Zero Meridian and from east to west in the Weddell Gyre due to changes both in ligand characteristics and in dissolved iron concentration. High [Lt]/[dFe] ratio expresses Fe depletion versus ligand production in the surface. The decrease with depth reflects the increase of [dFe] which favours scavenging and (co-) precipitation, whereas a horizontal increase in the deep waters results from an increasing distance from Fe sources. This increase in the [Lt]/[dFe] ratio at depth shows the very resistant nature of the dissolved organic ligands.


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We study the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the catalytic process occurring at the cathode in fuel cells, on Pt layers prepared by electrodeposition onto an Au substrate. Using a nominal Pt layer by layer deposition method previously proposed, imperfect layers of Pt on Au are obtained. The ORR on deposited Pt layers decreases with increasing Pt thickness. In the submonolayer region, however, the ORR activity is superior to that of bulk Pt. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we correlate the observed activity trend to strain, ligand, and ensemble effects. At submonolayer coverage certain atom configurations weaken the binding energies of reaction intermediates due to a ligand and ensemble effect, thus effectively increasing the ORR activity. At higher Pt coverage the activity is governed by a strain effect, which lowers the activity by decreasing the oxidation potential of water. This study is a nice example of how the influence of strain, ligand, and ensemble effects on the ORR can be deconvoluted.


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Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) bind a wide variety of lipids, which allows them to perform disparate functions. Recent reports on their multifunctionality in plant growth processes have posed new questions on the versatile binding abilities of these proteins. The lack of binding specificity has been customarily explained in qualitative terms on the basis of a supposed structural flexibility and nonspecificity of hydrophobic protein-ligand interactions. We present here a computational study of protein-ligand complexes formed between five nsLTPs and seven lipids bound in two different ways in every receptor protein. After optimizing geometries inmolecular dynamics calculations, we computed Poisson- Boltzmann electrostatic potentials, solvation energies, properties of the protein-ligand interfaces, and estimates of binding free energies of the resulting complexes. Our results provide the first quantitative information on the ligand abilities of nsLTPs, shed new light into protein-lipid interactions, and reveal new features which supplement commonly held assumptions on their lack of binding specificity.


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Agonist ligands for the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ have been shown to induce terminal differentiation of normal preadipocytes and human liposarcoma cells in vitro. Because the differentiation status of liposarcoma is predictive of clinical outcomes, modulation of the differentiation status of a tumor may favorably impact clinical behavior. We have conducted a clinical trial for treatment of patients with advanced liposarcoma by using the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ ligand troglitazone, in which extensive correlative laboratory studies of tumor differentiation were performed. We report here the results of three patients with intermediate to high-grade liposarcomas in whom troglitazone administration induced histologic and biochemical differentiation in vivo. Biopsies of tumors from each of these patients while on troglitazone demonstrated histologic evidence of extensive lipid accumulation by tumor cells and substantial increases in NMR-detectable tumor triglycerides compared with pretreatment biopsies. In addition, expression of several mRNA transcripts characteristic of differentiation in the adipocyte lineage was induced. There was also a marked reduction in immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, a marker of cell proliferation. Together, these data indicate that terminal adipocytic differentiation was induced in these malignant tumors by troglitazone. These results indicate that lineage-appropriate differentiation can be induced pharmacologically in a human solid tumor.


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The normal function of human intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is to provide adhesion between endothelial cells and leukocytes after injury or stress. ICAM-1 binds to leukocyte function-associated antigen (LFA-1) or macrophage-1 antigen (Mac-1). However, ICAM-1 is also used as a receptor by the major group of human rhinoviruses and is a catalyst for the subsequent viral uncoating during cell entry. The three-dimensional atomic structure of the two amino-terminal domains (D1 and D2) of ICAM-1 has been determined to 2.2-Å resolution and fitted into a cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of a rhinovirus–ICAM-1 complex. Rhinovirus attachment is confined to the BC, CD, DE, and FG loops of the amino-terminal Ig-like domain (D1) at the end distal to the cellular membrane. The loops are considerably different in structure to those of human ICAM-2 or murine ICAM-1, which do not bind rhinoviruses. There are extensive charge interactions between ICAM-1 and human rhinoviruses, which are mostly conserved in both major and minor receptor groups of rhinoviruses. The interaction of ICAMs with LFA-1 is known to be mediated by a divalent cation bound to the insertion (I)-domain on the α chain of LFA-1 and the carboxyl group of a conserved glutamic acid residue on ICAMs. Domain D1 has been docked with the known structure of the I-domain. The resultant model is consistent with mutational data and provides a structural framework for the adhesion between these molecules.


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Adipose differentiation is an important part of the energy homeostasis system of higher organisms. Recent data have suggested that this process is controlled by an interplay of transcription factors including PPARγ, the C/EBPs, and ADD1/SREBP1. Although these factors interact functionally to initiate the program of differentiation, there are no data concerning specific mechanisms of interaction. We show here that the expression of ADD1/SREBP1 specifically increases the activity of PPARγ but not other isoforms, PPARα, or PPARδ. This activation occurs through the ligand-binding domain of PPARγ when it is fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4. The stimulation of PPARγ by ADD1/SREBP1 does not require coexpression in the same cells; supernatants from cultures that express ADD1/SREBP1 augment the transcriptional activity of PPARγ. Finally, we demonstrate directly that cells expressing ADD1/SREBP1 produce and secrete lipid molecule(s) that bind directly to PPARγ, displacing the binding of radioactive thiazolidinedione ligands. These data establish that ADD1/SREBP1 can control the production of endogenous ligand(s) for PPARγ and suggest a mechanism for coordinating the actions of these adipogenic factors.