876 resultados para Quality-improvement Collaboration


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Living with quality is a growing concern of the old population. There is an increasing institutionalization of the elderly, and it is in this context that active aging programs assume relevance, allowing the elderly the contact with experiences that allow them to age with quality of life, by maintaining their autonomy and promoting their physical, mental and emotional well-being. This study aims to assess the quality of life of institutionalized elderly undergoing to an active aging program. Methods: We have developed a semi-experimental study that considers the quantitative methodology in which the following instruments were used to measure the quality of life: Eurohis-Qol-8 (Pereira, Melo, Gameiro, & Canavarro, 2011) and Whoqol-Old (Vilar et al., 2010), to which sociodemographic and clinical questions were added. Assessments were made in two different moments, before and after the intervention program, in a sample of 37 institutionalized elderly. Results: Concerning the assessment of quality of life related to health (Eurohis-Qol-8), significant higher scores were obtained in the second moment (p = 0.004). Regarding the quality of life related to the elderly significant better scores were also obtained in the second assessment (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The results obtained allow us to conclude that using either of the measuring scales of Eurohis-Qol-8 or Whoqol-old, there is a perceived improvement in quality of life in those using the active aging program. Thus, institutionalized elderly must be the main target in the design and implementation of active aging programs.


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Part 12: Collaboration Platforms


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Aim: To evaluate the oral health quality of the workers of a telemarketing company and their satisfaction with the dental treatments provided by the corporative dental insurance plan. Methods: Data collection was by an online intranet questionnaire on dental service providers from Uberlândia/MG and Campinas/SP. It was addressed to 6000 associates, with objective and subjective questions, comprising the level of the telemarketing operators’ oral health, dental needs, satisfaction with dental care providers and the importance of having the laboral dental services provided by the company. Results: After analysis of the results, we observed that: 57.52% of the workers required improvement in their oral health and 56.03% mentioned prevention as the largest need, 66.70% use the dental providers’ services, but only 31.34% were satisfied with them. Conclusions: The results underscore that the workers have an intermediate level of dental needs, with prevention as top importance. Additionally, establishment of a basic attention program inside the company would increase the satisfaction and adhesion indexes of providers and the workers’ oral health.


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O presente relatório tem como objetivo a explanação e a discussão de forma concisa da atividade docente desenvolvida no ano letivo 2012/2013, na Escola Básica 2,3/S Cunha Rivara de Arraiolos com as turmas do 8.º C e 11.º D nas disciplinas de Ciências Naturais e Saúde respetivamente, sob a orientação da Doutora Marília Cid. Apresentam-se os fundamentos teóricos que sustentaram o delineamento de todas as metodologias e estratégias de ensino no sentido de promover situações de aprendizagem significativa aos alunos das turmas referidas. Este é também um testemunho da participação ativa no projeto de educação para a saúde em colaboração com as entidades promotoras de saúde no Concelho de Arraiolos no sentido de organizar atividades extracurriculares propiciadoras da aprendizagem nesta dimensão, com a dinamização de sessões de esclarecimento de Educação Sexual a várias turmas da escola e a produção de um website informativo e de apoio aos alunos do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário sobre Educação Sexual. Foi apanágio deste trabalho a análise e reflexão também evidenciadas no trabalho de investigação sobre as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito da Educação para a Saúde mas também em toda a atividade de lecionação. Esta análise e reflexão, bem como a pesquisa individual e o trabalho colaborativo permitiram o desenvolvimento progressivo das minhas capacidades, da qualidade do trabalho desenvolvido e o melhoramento da formação académica. /ABSTRACT: This report aims at explaining concisely and discussion of teaching developed in the academic year 2012/2013, at Escola Básica 2,3 / S Cunha Rivara in Arraiolos with classes C from 8th grade class and D from 11th , in the disciplines of Natural Sciences and Health respectively under the guidance of PhD Teacher Marilia Cid. Here we present the theoretical foundations that supported the design of all methodologies and teaching strategies to promote meaningful learning situations for students of classes above. This is also a testament to the active participation in the design of health education in collaboration with the health promoters in the County of Arraiolos to organize extracurricular activities conducive learning these dimensions, the organization of information sessions to various Sex Education school classes and the production of an informational website to support the students of the 3rd cycle and Secondary Education on Sexual Education. It was the hallmark of this work, analysis and reflection evidenced in research work on the activities within the Health Education but also of the entire teaching activity. This analysis and reflection as well as individual research and collaborative work allowed the progressive development of my abilities, quality of work and the improvement of academic training.


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients often have gastrointestinal symptoms which may result in malnutrition and a negative impact on their quality of life. Modulation of the gut microbiota can be a strategy to promote host health and homeostasis. Case report: The authors present a case of chronic diarrhea in a hemodialysis (HD) patient with an unknown etiology. After about one year and several failed interventions, synbiotic therapy was performed. The diarrhea episodes ceased after three months of daily supplementation and both biochemical and nutritional parameters improved. Synbyotic therapy promoted clinical benefits in this patient. Discussion: Therefore, this simple therapy may be a promising alternative in CKD and it should be tested in larger studies.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est un problème d’importance grandissante lié à des perturbations des systèmes nerveux autonome, immunitaire, et cardiovasculaire. Ces perturbations contribuent à plusieurs symptômes physiques et psychologiques invalidants. La recherche faite jusqu’ici sur des programmes d’exercice basés sur le yoga a démontré des résultats préliminaires assez prometteurs en IC. Néanmoins, il reste des lacunes à combler dans la littérature face aux populations testées, à la combinaison des mesures physiques et psychologiques, au suivi du traitement à la maison et à la perception des symptômes au quotidien. Ce projet pilote a donc pour objectif de développer un programme d’exercice complémentaire basé sur le yoga adapté aux patients souffrant d’IC, d’en mesurer la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité en plus d’obtenir des données préliminaires quant à l’impact de cette intervention à réduire la symptomatologie physique et psychologique et d’améliorer la qualité de vie (QV) de ces patients. Les deux premiers participants recrutés dans le cadre de l’étude pilote font l’objet de ce mémoire. Ils ont pris part à huit séances hebdomadaires de yoga Bali, couplé de psychoéducation et méditation tous données à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal par une instructrice certifiée dans la méthode BALI. L’élaboration des outils nécessaires au déroulement du programme, y compris le manuel d’enseignement et le DVD, la faisabilité d’une collaboration avec le personnel médical et évidement l’évaluation des effets du programme en soit sur les symptômes physiques et psychologique s sont parmi les sujets abordés. Les résultats, quoique préliminaires, semblent tendre vers une amélioration des corrélats physiologiques liés à l’insuffisance cardiaque, notamment l’activité du système nerveux autonome tel que témoigné par la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque, et l’inflammation indiqué par le niveau de CRP sanguin.


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Lors de l'intégration d'infirmières nouvellement diplômées, nommées candidates à l'exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI), ces dernières s’appuient fréquemment sur l’expérience de leurs collègues infirmières afin de les guider dans les soins à offrir (Ballem et McIntosh, 2014 ; Fink, Krugman, Casey, et Goode, 2008). Ce type de collaboration permet de faire un transfert de connaissances (D’Amour, 2002 ; Lavoie-Tremblay, Wright, Desforges, et Drevniok, 2008) et d’augmenter la qualité des soins offerts (Pfaff, Baxter, et Ploeg, 2013). Cependant, cette collaboration peut être plus difficile à initier sur certaines unités de soins (Thrysoe, Hounsgaard, Dohn, et Wagner, 2012). La littérature disponible portant principalement sur l’expérience qu’en ont les infirmières débutantes, l'expérience des infirmières quant à ce phénomène est encore méconnue. Cette étude qualitative exploratoire inspirée de l'approche de théorisation ancrée avait pour but d'explorer l’expérience d’infirmières de l’équipe de soins quant à la collaboration intra professionnelle durant l’intégration de CEPI en centre hospitalier. Des entrevues réalisées auprès de huit infirmières ont été analysées selon la démarche de théorisation ancrée. Les résultats de cette recherche ont mené à la schématisation de l'expérience d'infirmières quant à la collaboration durant l'intégration des CEPI. Cette schématisation souligne l'importance de la collaboration durant les différentes périodes d’intégration des CEPI ainsi que la complémentarité des rôles infirmiers dans l'équipe de soins, incluant l'assistante infirmière-chef, la préceptrice et l'infirmière soignante. Le résultat de cette collaboration est l’autonomie dans la tâche et le fait d’entrer dans l’équipe. En regard de cette schématisation, des recommandations ont été formulées pour la recherche, la formation, la gestion et la pratique.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est un problème d’importance grandissante lié à des perturbations des systèmes nerveux autonome, immunitaire, et cardiovasculaire. Ces perturbations contribuent à plusieurs symptômes physiques et psychologiques invalidants. La recherche faite jusqu’ici sur des programmes d’exercice basés sur le yoga a démontré des résultats préliminaires assez prometteurs en IC. Néanmoins, il reste des lacunes à combler dans la littérature face aux populations testées, à la combinaison des mesures physiques et psychologiques, au suivi du traitement à la maison et à la perception des symptômes au quotidien. Ce projet pilote a donc pour objectif de développer un programme d’exercice complémentaire basé sur le yoga adapté aux patients souffrant d’IC, d’en mesurer la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité en plus d’obtenir des données préliminaires quant à l’impact de cette intervention à réduire la symptomatologie physique et psychologique et d’améliorer la qualité de vie (QV) de ces patients. Les deux premiers participants recrutés dans le cadre de l’étude pilote font l’objet de ce mémoire. Ils ont pris part à huit séances hebdomadaires de yoga Bali, couplé de psychoéducation et méditation tous données à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal par une instructrice certifiée dans la méthode BALI. L’élaboration des outils nécessaires au déroulement du programme, y compris le manuel d’enseignement et le DVD, la faisabilité d’une collaboration avec le personnel médical et évidement l’évaluation des effets du programme en soit sur les symptômes physiques et psychologique s sont parmi les sujets abordés. Les résultats, quoique préliminaires, semblent tendre vers une amélioration des corrélats physiologiques liés à l’insuffisance cardiaque, notamment l’activité du système nerveux autonome tel que témoigné par la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque, et l’inflammation indiqué par le niveau de CRP sanguin.


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Lors de l'intégration d'infirmières nouvellement diplômées, nommées candidates à l'exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI), ces dernières s’appuient fréquemment sur l’expérience de leurs collègues infirmières afin de les guider dans les soins à offrir (Ballem et McIntosh, 2014 ; Fink, Krugman, Casey, et Goode, 2008). Ce type de collaboration permet de faire un transfert de connaissances (D’Amour, 2002 ; Lavoie-Tremblay, Wright, Desforges, et Drevniok, 2008) et d’augmenter la qualité des soins offerts (Pfaff, Baxter, et Ploeg, 2013). Cependant, cette collaboration peut être plus difficile à initier sur certaines unités de soins (Thrysoe, Hounsgaard, Dohn, et Wagner, 2012). La littérature disponible portant principalement sur l’expérience qu’en ont les infirmières débutantes, l'expérience des infirmières quant à ce phénomène est encore méconnue. Cette étude qualitative exploratoire inspirée de l'approche de théorisation ancrée avait pour but d'explorer l’expérience d’infirmières de l’équipe de soins quant à la collaboration intra professionnelle durant l’intégration de CEPI en centre hospitalier. Des entrevues réalisées auprès de huit infirmières ont été analysées selon la démarche de théorisation ancrée. Les résultats de cette recherche ont mené à la schématisation de l'expérience d'infirmières quant à la collaboration durant l'intégration des CEPI. Cette schématisation souligne l'importance de la collaboration durant les différentes périodes d’intégration des CEPI ainsi que la complémentarité des rôles infirmiers dans l'équipe de soins, incluant l'assistante infirmière-chef, la préceptrice et l'infirmière soignante. Le résultat de cette collaboration est l’autonomie dans la tâche et le fait d’entrer dans l’équipe. En regard de cette schématisation, des recommandations ont été formulées pour la recherche, la formation, la gestion et la pratique.


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The overall aim was to investigate the quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, to adapt and psychometrically evaluate the Quality from Patients’ Perspective instrument specific to palliative care (QPP-PC) and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. Methods: In the systematic literature review (I), 23 studies from 6 databases and reference lists in 2014 were synthesized by integrative thematic analysis. The quantitative studies (II–IV) had cross-sectional designs including 191 patients (73% RR) from hospice inpatient care, hospice day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care in 2013–2014. A modified version of QPP was used. Additionally, person- and organization-related conditions were assessed. Psychometric evaluation, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Main findings: Patients’ preferences for palliative care included living a meaningful life and responsive healthcare personnel, care environment and organization of care (I). The QPP-PC was developed, comprising 12 factors (49 items), 3 single items and 4 dimensions: medical–technical competence, physical–technical conditions, identity–oriented approach, and socio-cultural atmosphere (II). QPP-PC measured patients’ perceived reality (PR) and subjective importance (SI) of care quality. PR differed across settings, but SI did not (III). All settings exhibited areas of strength and for improvement (II, III). Person-related conditions seemed to be related to SI, and person- and organization-related conditions to PR, explaining 18–30 and 22-29% respectively of the variance (IV). Conclusions: The patient perspective of care quality (SI and PR) should be integrated into daily care and improvement initiatives in palliative care. The QPP-PC can measure patients’ perceptions of care quality. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred care.


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Children with chronic conditions often experience a long treatment which can be complex and negatively impacts the child's well-being. In planning treatment and interventions for children with chronic conditions, it is important to measure health-related quality of life (HrQoL). HrQoL instruments are considered to be a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) and should be used in routine practice. Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the content dimensions of HrQoL instruments for children's self-reports using the framework of ICF-CY. Method: The sample consist of six instruments for health-related quality of life for children 5 to 18 years of age, which was used in the Swedish national quality registries for children and adolescents with chronic conditions. The following instruments were included: CHQ-CF, DCGM-37, EQ-5D-Y, KIDSCREEN-52, Kid-KINDL and PedsQL 4.0. The framework of the ICF-CY was used as the basis for the comparison. Results: There were 290 meaningful concepts identified and linked to 88 categories in the classification ICF-CY with 29 categories of the component body functions, 48 categories of the component activities and participation and 11 categories of the component environmental factors. No concept were linked to the component body structures. The comparison revealed that the items in the HrQoL instruments corresponded primarily with the domains of activities and less with environmental factors. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results confirm that ICF-CY provide a good framework for content comparisons that evaluate similarities and differences to ICF-CY categories. The results of this study revealed the need for greater consensus of content across different HrQoL instruments. To obtain a detailed description of children's HrQoL, DCGM-37 and KIDSCREEN-52 may be appropriate instruments to use that can increase the understanding of young patients' needs.


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Introduction: There has been a continuous development of new technologies in healthcare that are derived from national quality registries. However, this innovation needs to be translated into the workflow of healthcare delivery, to enable children with long-term conditions to get the best support possible to manage their health during everyday life. Since children living with long-term conditions experience different interference levels in their lives, healthcare professionals need to assess the impact of care on children’s day-to-day lives, as a complement to biomedical assessments. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore and describe the use of instruments about health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in outpatient care for children with long-term conditions on the basis of a national quality registry system. Methods: The research was conducted by using comparative, cross-sectional and explorative designs and data collection was performed by using different methods. The questionnaire DISABKIDS Chronic Generic Measure -37 was used as well as semi-structured interviews and video-recordings from consultations. Altogether, 156 children (8–18 years) and nine healthcare professionals participated in the studies. Children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) (n 131) answered the questionnaire DISABKIDS and children with rheumatic diseases, kidney diseases and T1D (n 25) were interviewed after their consultation at the outpatient clinic after the web-DISABKIDS had been used. In total, nine healthcare professionals used the HRQOL instrument as an assessment tool during the encounters which was video-recorded (n 21). Quantitative deductive content analysis was used to describe content in different HRQOL instruments. Statistical inference was used to analyse results from DISABKIDS and qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews and video-recordings. Results: The findings showed that based on a biopsychosocial perspective, both generic and disease-specific instruments should be used to gain a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s HRQOL. The DISABKIDS instrument is applicable when describing different aspects of health concerning children with T1D. When DISABKIDS was used in the encounters, children expressed positive experiences about sharing their results with the healthcare professional. It was discovered that different approaches led to different outcomes for the child when the healthcare professionals were using DISABKIDS during the encounter. When an instructing approach is used, the child’s ability to learn more about their health and how to improve their health is limited. When an inviting or engaging approach is used by the professional, the child may become more involved during the conversations. Conclusions: It could be argued that instruments of HRQOL could be used as a complement to biomedical variables, to promote a biopsychosocial perspective on the child’s health. According to the children in this thesis, feedback on their results after answering to web-DISABKIDS is important, which implies that healthcare professionals need to prioritize time for discussions about results from HRQOL instruments in the encounters. If healthcare professionals involve the child in the discussion of the results of the HRQOL, misinterpreted answers could be corrected during the conversation. Concurrently, this claims that healthcare professionals invite and engage the child.


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The South Carolina Statewide Transportation Improvement Program is the six-year transportation improvement program for all projects and program areas receiving federal funding, including pavements, bridges, upgrades, freight, safety, congestion mitigation and air quality, transportation alternatives program, railroad crossings, planning, State Infrastructure Bank payments, preventative maintenance and operations, and public transportation. The STIP is formatted to include summaries of statewide programming, as well as project information by county. In addition, regional project tables are included to account for multi-jurisdictional projects.