779 resultados para PrEP


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We are writing to comment on the work of Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616). During the course of subsequent discussions between the authors and ourselves, it has become clear that the published sedimentary nitrogen isotopic values for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 724 are in error. Our reanalysis of sediment samples from the same intervals has revealed a significant offset from the original d15N data, requiring a revised assessment of their initial interpretation. The purposes of this comment are to (1) address the origin of these errors; (2) outline a protocol for future validation of nitrogen isotopic analyses; and (3) provide revised interpretations of the sedimentary d15N data in terms of the regional relative contributions of denitrification and nitrogen fixation and mean state of the southwest monsoon. (2) Nitrogen isotopic values measured on late Quaternary sediments at Arabian Sea ODP Site 724 by Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616) are inexplicably different from a number of published records of d15N from very nearby on the Oman margin (Altabet et al., 1995, doi:10.1038/373506a0; 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900035; 2002, doi:10.1038/415159a; Higginson et al., 2004, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2004.03.015) and elsewhere in the Arabian Sea (Reichart et al., 1998, doi:10.1029/98PA02203). These data were generated using similar instrumentation (elemental analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer) and analytical methodology to those already published. Concerned by this clear discrepancy, we analyzed aliquots of sediment from the same depth intervals for nitrogen abundance and bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopes. We have been unable to duplicate the values published by Tamburini et al. (2003, doi:10.1029/2000PA000616 ), even after analysis of multiple replicates and due consideration of natural sediment heterogeneities and postrecovery sample storage.


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This data set contains profiles of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations retrieved from measurements made by the Kiruna Microwave Radiometer (KIMRA), housed at the Swedish Institute for Space Physics, Kiruna. The data is retrieved on a standard pressure grid that is 62 layers, spaced approximately equally in altitude between 2 km and 124 km. The current time range of the data is December 2008 to May 2015, with data gaps corresponding to Summer periods when the CO concentrations in the middle atmosphere drop to very low values, or to non-operation of the instrument. The profile information is considered useful between approximately 48 km and 86 km, specifically where the measurement response is above 0.8. If the CO profiles are being compared to another data set with significantly higher altitude resolution, the averaging kernel matrix should be used to smooth the higher resolution data. The error in the profile from statistical noise on the measured spectrum is also provided. This work has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research through the research project: Role Of the Middle atmosphere in Climate (ROMIC, https://romic.iap-kborn.de).


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Coccolithophores are a key phytoplankton group that exhibit remarkable diversity in their biology, ecology, and calcitic exoskeletons (coccospheres). An understanding of the physiological processes that underpin coccosphere architecture is essential for maximizing the information that can be retrieved from their extensive fossil record. Using culturing experiments on four modern species from three long-lived families, we investigate how coccosphere architecture responds to population shifts from rapid (exponential) to slowed (stationary) growth phases as nutrients become depleted. These experiments reveal statistical differences in cell size and the number of coccoliths per cell between these two growth phases, specifically that cells in exponential-phase growth are typically smaller with fewer coccoliths, whereas cells experiencing growth-limiting nutrient depletion have larger coccosphere sizes and greater numbers of coccoliths per cell. Although the exact numbers are species-specific, these growth-phase shifts in coccosphere geometry are common to four different coccolithophore families (Calcidiscaceae, Coccolithaceae, Isochrysidaceae, Helicosphaeraceae), demonstrating that this is a core physiological response to nutrient depletion across a representative diversity of this phytoplankton group. Polarised light microscopy was used for all coccosphere geometry measurements.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Pre-exposure prophylaxis" (PrEP) has been recently developed as a prevention strategy which involves the administration of drugs to non-infected individuals who present high exposure or susceptibility to HIV. Although this use is not approved in our country, several guidelines recommend PrEP as a prevention option in adult MSM, heterosexual men and women, and users of parenteral drugs at risk of acquiring the infection. This article presents the characteristics that an ideal agent to be used as PrEP should meet, recent efficacy published data and barriers for the implementation of this new strategy. On the other hand, the role of hospital pharmacists will be discussed.


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"Objetivos: Rever os conhecimentos existentes sobre a Profilaxia de Pré-Exposição (PrEP) na prevenção da infeção por VIH, nomeadamente o papel da circuncisão médica masculina, dos antirretrovirais de administração oral e dos microbicidas tópicos. Fontes de Dados: Artigos publicados na PubMed e informação presente na base de dados de ensaios clínicos (www.clinicaltrials.gov). Métodos: Revisão compreensiva da literatura. Resultados: A circuncisão médica masculina é uma estratégia preventiva que demonstra uma eficácia de 48 a 60 por cento. A utilização de antirretrovirais por via oral como prevenção da infeção por VIH tem eficácia variável que depende essencialmente da taxa de adesão (62,2 por cento no estudo TDF2, com adesão de 84,1 por cento; 44 por cento no estudo iPrEx, com adesão de <50 por cento; 48,9 por cento no estudo Bangkok, com adesão de 67 por cento; 67-75 por cento no estudo Partners PrEP, com adesão de 82 por cento; e 6 por cento no estudo FEM-PrEP, com adesão de 40 por cento). Em relação aos microbicidas tópicos, o estudo CAPRISA 004 demonstrou que um gel de tenofovir a 1 por cento pode reduzir de forma significativa (≥39 por cento, dependendo da taxa de adesão) a taxa de infeção por VIH. O gel PRO2000 causou uma redução não significativa da taxa de infeção por VIH (30 por cento). Conclusões: A circuncisão médica masculina é uma intervenção custo-efectiva, mas requer estratégias de comunicação cuidadosas para ser bem-sucedida. A PrEP utilizando antirretrovirais é igualmente eficaz, mas está muito dependente da adesão à terapêutica por parte do indivíduo. No que respeita aos microbicidas, o gel de tenofovir a 1 por cento é atualmente a única opção promissora."


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El presente estudio de caso busca examinar la incidencia de las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo implementadas por el Frontex y el gobierno Italiano en las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia de los migrantes irregulares, económicos y solicitantes de asilo en la Isla de Lampedusa, en el periodo 2011-2015. De esta manera, se identifican las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo implementadas por Frontex y el gobierno Italiano. Se examina la situación de la seguridad humana en la crisis migratoria de la Isla, y se analiza la relación entre las medidas migratorias de control fronterizo y las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia de los migrantes. El resultado de la investigación permite plasmar, las consecuencias negativas que han tenido las medidas migratorias en cuanto a las condiciones mínimas de supervivencia, lo que ha desembocado en una crisis humanitaria.


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El planteamiento inicial del plan de negocios para Tamarindo Seco tiene como objetivo encontrar oportunidades de negocio con los productos actuales para involucrase y aportar al sector de consumo masivo en lo que se refiere a la alimentación saludable, con el único fin de cumplir un propósito superior, promover una cultura medio ambiental sostenible a través de la modificación en el manejo que se le da a los desperdicios que genera el consumo masivo de alimentos en Colombia y la región. Teniendo una trazabilidad de los productos que permitan tener políticas de comercio justo con cada uno de los implicados en el proceso productivo como comercial.