988 resultados para Population trend


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Epuisement émotionnel, déshumanisation progressive de la relation avec l'autre et un sentiment d'échec professionnel. Le burnout est tout ça à la fois. La difficulté est de déceler à temps ces symptômes qui peuvent mettre parfois des mois, voire des années à se déclarer. Définition et tour d'horizon du burnout.


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Summary (in English) Computer simulations provide a practical way to address scientific questions that would be otherwise intractable. In evolutionary biology, and in population genetics in particular, the investigation of evolutionary processes frequently involves the implementation of complex models, making simulations a particularly valuable tool in the area. In this thesis work, I explored three questions involving the geographical range expansion of populations, taking advantage of spatially explicit simulations coupled with approximate Bayesian computation. First, the neutral evolutionary history of the human spread around the world was investigated, leading to a surprisingly simple model: A straightforward diffusion process of migrations from east Africa throughout a world map with homogeneous landmasses replicated to very large extent the complex patterns observed in real human populations, suggesting a more continuous (as opposed to structured) view of the distribution of modern human genetic diversity, which may play a better role as a base model for further studies. Second, the postglacial evolution of the European barn owl, with the formation of a remarkable coat-color cline, was inspected with two rounds of simulations: (i) determine the demographic background history and (ii) test the probability of a phenotypic cline, like the one observed in the natural populations, to appear without natural selection. We verified that the modern barn owl population originated from a single Iberian refugium and that they formed their color cline, not due to neutral evolution, but with the necessary participation of selection. The third and last part of this thesis refers to a simulation-only study inspired by the barn owl case above. In this chapter, we showed that selection is, indeed, effective during range expansions and that it leaves a distinguished signature, which can then be used to detect and measure natural selection in range-expanding populations. Résumé (en français) Les simulations fournissent un moyen pratique pour répondre à des questions scientifiques qui seraient inabordable autrement. En génétique des populations, l'étude des processus évolutifs implique souvent la mise en oeuvre de modèles complexes, et les simulations sont un outil particulièrement précieux dans ce domaine. Dans cette thèse, j'ai exploré trois questions en utilisant des simulations spatialement explicites dans un cadre de calculs Bayésiens approximés (approximate Bayesian computation : ABC). Tout d'abord, l'histoire de la colonisation humaine mondiale et de l'évolution de parties neutres du génome a été étudiée grâce à un modèle étonnement simple. Un processus de diffusion des migrants de l'Afrique orientale à travers un monde avec des masses terrestres homogènes a reproduit, dans une très large mesure, les signatures génétiques complexes observées dans les populations humaines réelles. Un tel modèle continu (opposé à un modèle structuré en populations) pourrait être très utile comme modèle de base dans l'étude de génétique humaine à l'avenir. Deuxièmement, l'évolution postglaciaire d'un gradient de couleur chez l'Effraie des clocher (Tyto alba) Européenne, a été examiné avec deux séries de simulations pour : (i) déterminer l'histoire démographique de base et (ii) tester la probabilité qu'un gradient phénotypique, tel qu'observé dans les populations naturelles puisse apparaître sans sélection naturelle. Nous avons montré que la population actuelle des chouettes est sortie d'un unique refuge ibérique et que le gradient de couleur ne peux pas s'être formé de manière neutre (sans l'action de la sélection naturelle). La troisième partie de cette thèse se réfère à une étude par simulations inspirée par l'étude de l'Effraie. Dans ce dernier chapitre, nous avons montré que la sélection est, en effet, aussi efficace dans les cas d'expansion d'aire de distribution et qu'elle laisse une signature unique, qui peut être utilisée pour la détecter et estimer sa force.


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A new phylogenetic analysis of the Nyssorhynchus subgenus (Danoff-Burg and Conn, unpub. data) using six data sets {morphological (all life stages); scanning electron micrographs of eggs; nuclear ITS2 sequences; mitochondrial COII, ND2 and ND6 sequences} revealed different topologies when each data set was analyzed separately but no heterogeneity between the data sets using the arn test. Consequently, the most accurate estimate of the phylogeny was obtained when all the data were combined. This new phylogeny supports a monophyletic Nyssorhynchus subgenus but both previously recognized sections in the subgenus (Albimanus and Argyritarsis) were demonstrated to be paraphyletic relative to each other and four of the seven clades included species previously placed in both sections. One of these clades includes both Anopheles darlingi and An. albimanus, suggesting that the ability to vector malaria effectively may have originated once in this subgenus. Both a conserved (315 bp) and a variable (425 bp) region of the mitochondrial COI gene from 15 populations of An. darlingi from Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, Peru and Venezuela were used to examine the evolutionary history of this species and to test several analytical assumptions. Results demonstrated (1) parsimony analysis is equally informative compared to distance analysis using NJ; (2) clades or clusters are more strongly supported when these two regions are combined compared to either region separately; (3) evidence (in the form of remnants of older haplotype lineages) for two colonization events; and (4) significant genetic divergence within the population from Peixoto de Azevedo (State of Mato Grosso, Brazil). The oldest lineage includes populations from Peixoto, Boa Vista (State of Roraima) and Dourado (State of São Paulo).


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OBJECTIVE: The associations between inflammation, diabetes and insulin resistance remain controversial. Hence, we assessed the associations between diabetes, insulin resistance (using HOMA-IR) and metabolic syndrome with the inflammatory markers high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: Two thousand eight hundred and eighty-four men and 3201 women, aged 35-75, participated in this study. METHODS: C-reactive protein was assessed by immunoassay and cytokines by multiplexed flow cytometric assay. In a subgroup of 532 participants, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed to screen for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). RESULTS: IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP were significantly and positively correlated with fasting plasma glucose (FPG), insulin and HOMA-IR. Participants with diabetes had higher IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels than participants without diabetes; this difference persisted for hs-CRP after multivariate adjustment. Participants with metabolic syndrome had increased IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels; these differences persisted after multivariate adjustment. Participants in the highest quartile of HOMA-IR had increased IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels; these differences persisted for TNF-α and hs-CRP after multivariate adjustment. No association was found between IL-1β levels and all diabetes and insulin resistance markers studied. Finally, participants with IGT had higher hs-CRP levels than participants with a normal OGTT, but this difference disappeared after controlling for body mass index (BMI). CONCLUSION: We found that subjects with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and increased insulin resistance had increased levels of IL6, TNF-α and hs-CRP, while no association was found with IL-1β. The increased inflammatory state of subjects with IGT is partially explained by increased BMI.


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Genetic evidence for the occurrence of two Cryptosporidium parvum subgroups is presented. This evidence is based on restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of several independent loci. Sequence analysis of the b -tubulin intron revealed additional polymorphism. The stability of the genetic profiles following passage of C. parvum isolates between different hosts was investigated.


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In Switzerland, the ongoing reforms of fiscal federalism put municipalities under increased fiscal stress. A majority of the municipalities had responded by increasing the cooperation with neighbouring municipalities over the last few years. Simultaneously, many discuss or are directly involved in a possible amalgamation project. Accordingly, the paper aimed at describing how cooperation has presently developed between Swiss municipalities, in order to illustrate the existing trend towards amalgamation. Current surveys helped us estimate the growing importance of inter-municipal arrangements together with the surge of amalgamations. A further goal was to investigate if cantonal financial incentives to municipal amalgamation essentially benefit the cantonal community, following the fiscal equivalence principle, or if they rather benefit amalgamating municipalities. In reality, equivalence does not exist. However, this may possibly be the condition to reduce inequality among amalgamating municipalities.


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This study focuses on the possibility of experimental hybridization among host snail species for Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil, with morphological characterization of the hybrids found. By using albinism as a genetic marker, intraspecific crossbreedings were performed between two strains of each species involved, in addition to interspecific crossbreedings; the only viable crossbreeding was between pigmented Biomphalaria glabrata (Paulista, PE) and albino B. tenagophila (Joinville, SC), with the formation of F1 and F2 generations. All offspring in F1 displayed black eyes and a renal ridge on the mantle, while F2 displayed dissociated morphological traits. With regard to reproduction, F1 was more efficient than F2. The experiment's results suggest post-zygotic reproductive isolation.


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OBJECTIVES: Darunavir is a protease inhibitor that is administered with low-dose ritonavir to enhance its bioavailability. It is prescribed at standard dosage regimens of 600/100 mg twice daily in treatment-experienced patients and 800/100 mg once daily in naive patients. A population pharmacokinetic approach was used to characterize the pharmacokinetics of both drugs and their interaction in a cohort of unselected patients and to compare darunavir exposure expected under alternative dosage regimens. METHODS: The study population included 105 HIV-infected individuals who provided darunavir and ritonavir plasma concentrations. Firstly, a population pharmacokinetic analysis for darunavir and ritonavir was conducted, with inclusion of patients' demographic, clinical and genetic characteristics as potential covariates (NONMEM(®)). Then, the interaction between darunavir and ritonavir was studied while incorporating levels of both drugs into different inhibitory models. Finally, model-based simulations were performed to compare trough concentrations (Cmin) between the recommended dosage regimen and alternative combinations of darunavir and ritonavir. RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption adequately characterized darunavir and ritonavir pharmacokinetics. The between-subject variability in both compounds was important [coefficient of variation (CV%) 34% and 47% for darunavir and ritonavir clearance, respectively]. Lopinavir and ritonavir exposure (AUC) affected darunavir clearance, while body weight and darunavir AUC influenced ritonavir elimination. None of the tested genetic variants showed any influence on darunavir or ritonavir pharmacokinetics. The simulations predicted darunavir Cmin much higher than the IC50 thresholds for wild-type and protease inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 strains (55 and 550 ng/mL, respectively) under standard dosing in >98% of experienced and naive patients. Alternative regimens of darunavir/ritonavir 1200/100 or 1200/200 mg once daily also had predicted adequate Cmin (>550 ng/mL) in 84% and 93% of patients, respectively. Reduction of darunavir/ritonavir dosage to 600/50 mg twice daily led to a 23% reduction in average Cmin, still with only 3.8% of patients having concentrations below the IC50 for resistant strains. CONCLUSIONS: The important variability in darunavir and ritonavir pharmacokinetics is poorly explained by clinical covariates and genetic influences. In experienced patients, treatment simplification strategies guided by drug level measurements and adherence monitoring could be proposed.


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Objectives: Gentamicin is among the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in newborns, but large interindividual variability in exposure levels exists. Based on a population pharmacokinetic analysis of a cohort of unselected neonates, we aimed to validate current dosing recommendations from a recent reference guideline (Neofax®). Methods: From 3039 concentrations collected in 994 preterm (median gestational age 32.3 weeks, range 24.2-36.5) and 455 term newborns, treated at the University Hospital of Lausanne between 2006 and 2011, a population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed with NONMEM®. Model-based simulations were used to assess the ability of dosing regimens to bring concentrations into targets: trough ≤ 1mg/L and peak ~ 8mg/L. Results: A two-compartment model best characterized gentamicin pharmacokinetics. Model parameters are presented in the table. Body weight, gestational age and postnatal age positively influence clearance, which decreases under dopamine administration. Body weight and gestational age influence the distribution volume. Model based simulations confirm that preterm infants need doses superior to 4 mg/kg, and extended dosage intervals, up to 48 hours for very preterm newborns, whereas most term newborns would achieve adequate exposure under 4 mg/kg q. 24 h. More than 90% of neonates would achieve trough concentrations below 2 mg/L and peaks above 6 mg/L following most recent guidelines. Conclusions: Simulated gentamicin exposure demonstrates good accordance with recent dosing recommendations for target concentration achievement.


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To establish an insecticidal resistance surveillance program, Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes from São Paulo, Brazil, were colonized (PIN95 strain) and analyzed for levels of resistance. The PIN95 strain showed low levels of resistance to organophosphates [malathion (3.3-fold), fenitrothion (11.2-fold)] and a carbamate [propoxur (3.0-fold)]. We also observed an increase of 7.4 and 9.9 in a and b esterase activities, respectively, when compared with the reference IAL strain. An alteration in the sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to insecticide inhibition was also found in the PIN95 mosquitoes. The resistant allele (Ace.1R), however, was found at low frequencies (0.12) and does not play an important role in the described insecticide resistance. One year later, Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were collected (PIN96 strain) at the same site and compared to the PIN95 strain. The esterase activity patterns observed for the PIN96 strain were similar to those of the PIN95 mosquitoes. However the occurrence of the Ace.1R allele was statistically higher in the PIN96 strain. The results show that esterase-based insecticide resistance was established in the PIN95 Cx. quinquefasciatus population and that an acethylcholinesterase based resistant mechanism has been selected for. A continuous monitoring of this phenomenon is fundamental for rational mosquito control and insecticide application programs.


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Understanding the drivers of population divergence, speciation and species persistence is of great interest to molecular ecology, especially for species-rich radiations inhabiting the world's biodiversity hotspots. The toolbox of population genomics holds great promise for addressing these key issues, especially if genomic data are analysed within a spatially and ecologically explicit context. We have studied the earliest stages of the divergence continuum in the Restionaceae, a species-rich and ecologically important plant family of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa, using the widespread CFR endemic Restio capensis (L.) H.P. Linder & C.R. Hardy as an example. We studied diverging populations of this morphotaxon for plastid DNA sequences and >14 400 nuclear DNA polymorphisms from Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing and analysed the results jointly with spatial, climatic and phytogeographic data, using a Bayesian generalized linear mixed modelling (GLMM) approach. The results indicate that population divergence across the extreme environmental mosaic of the CFR is mostly driven by isolation by environment (IBE) rather than isolation by distance (IBD) for both neutral and non-neutral markers, consistent with genome hitchhiking or coupling effects during early stages of divergence. Mixed modelling of plastid DNA and single divergent outlier loci from a Bayesian genome scan confirmed the predominant role of climate and pointed to additional drivers of divergence, such as drift and ecological agents of selection captured by phytogeographic zones. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of population genomics for disentangling the effects of IBD and IBE along the divergence continuum often found in species radiations across heterogeneous ecological landscapes.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la caracterización de la microcuenca la Jabonera (Estelí, Nicaragua) enfatizando el agua como factor clave que conecta todos los elementos que interaccionan en la microcuenca y que, además delimita el área de estudio. El trabajo de campo ha consistido básicamente en la georeferenciación de los puntos de interés, la realización de encuestas a la población y la evaluación de las fuentes de agua y del agua del río mediante análisis fisicoquímicos. En el procesamiento de la información se ha elaborado cartografía temática mediante la herramienta SIG que ha servido de soporte para la interpretación de los resultados. Las características morfométricas y biofísicas favorecen que el agua precipitada se pierda rápidamente por escorrentía superficial con una tendencia moderada a crecidas e inundaciones. El agua infiltrada circula rápidamente por fracturas del material geológico con tiempos de tránsito cortos, y además, el área de recarga de los nacientes es local por lo que las fuentes son especialmente vulnerables a períodos de sequía y a la contaminación en su entorno cercano. El estudio de usos del suelo junto con la realización de análisis del agua ha permitido determinar que los agroquímicos son la principal fuente potencial de contaminación del agua en la microcuenca. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de llevar a cabo una gestión integrada del territorio que garantice un desarrollo socioambiental sostenible.


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The bathyal faunal communities of the NW Mediterranean slopes have been studied consistently in the last two decades, with a special focus on population structure, trophic dynamics and benthopelagic coupling of commercial deep-sea decapod crustaceans and fishes (reviewed in Sardà et al. 2004) and associated species (Cartes and Sardà, 1993; Company and Sardà, 1997, 2000; Cartes et al., 2001; Company et al., 2001, 2003, 2004). One of the major topographic features in the North-western Mediterranean slope is the presence of submarine canyons. Canyons play a major role in funnelling energy and organic matter from the shelf to bathyal and abyssal depths (Puig et al., 2000), but the implications of this enhanced organic supply in the deep-sea benthic communities is still mostly unknown. Trophic supply can follow two major pathways – vertical deposition in the water column (Billett et al., 1983; Baldwin et al., 1998; Lampitt et al., 2001) or down-slope advection on the margins (Puig et al., 2001; Bethoux et al., 2002; Canals et al., 2006) – and can be a limiting factor in the deep-sea, being especially important in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea (Sardà et al., 2004). Differences in the quantity, quality and timing of organic matter input to the deep seafloor have been used to explain patterns of biomass and abundance in benthic communities (Levin et al., 1994; Gooday & Turley, 1990; Billett et al., 2001; Galéron et al., 2001; Puig et al., 2001; Gage, 2003) as well as other biological process and in particular the existence of seasonal reproduction (Tyler et al., 1994; Company et al., 2004 (MEPS). Reproduction is a highly energetic process tightly linked to food availability and quality.


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Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) is the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Its efficacy during pregnancy has recently been challenged due to altered pharmacokinetic (PK) properties in this vulnerable group. The aim of this study was to determine the PK profile of AL in pregnant and nonpregnant women and assess their therapeutic outcome. Thirty-three pregnant women and 22 nonpregnant women with malaria were treated with AL (80/480 mg) twice daily for 3 days. All patients provided five venous plasma samples for drug quantification at random times over 7 days. Inter- and intraindividual variability was assessed, and the effects of covariates were quantified using a nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination with linear metabolism from drug to metabolite fitted the data best for both arthemether (AM) and lumefantrine (LF) and their metabolites. Pregnancy status and diarrhea showed a significant influence on LF PK. The relative bioavailability of lumefantrine and its metabolism rate into desmethyl-lumefantrine were, respectively, 34% lower and 78% higher in pregnant women than in nonpregnant patients. The overall PCR-uncorrected treatment failure rates were 18% in pregnant women and 5% in nonpregnant women (odds ratio [OR] = 4.04; P value of 0.22). A high median day 7 lumefantrine concentration was significantly associated with adequate clinical and parasitological response (P = 0.03). The observed reduction in the relative bioavailability of lumefantrine in pregnant women may explain the higher treatment failure in this group, mostly due to lower posttreatment prophylaxis. Hence, a modified treatment regimen of malaria in pregnancy should be considered.