991 resultados para Plancton--Norvège--Svalbard


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The combined effects of ocean warming and acidification were compared in larvae from two populations of the cold-eurythermal spider crab Hyas araneus, from one of its southernmost populations (around Helgoland, southern North Sea, 54°N, habitat temperature 3-18°C; collection: January 2008, hatch: January-February 2008) and from one of its northernmost populations (Svalbard, North Atlantic, 79°N, habitat temperature 0-6°C; collection: July 2008, hatch: February-April 2009). Larvae were exposed to temperatures of 3, 9 and 15°C combined with present-day normocapnic (380 ppm CO2) and projected future CO2 concentrations (710 and 3,000 ppm CO2). Calcium content of whole larvae was measured in freshly hatched Zoea I and after 3, 7 and 14 days during the Megalopa stage. Significant differences between Helgoland and Svalbard Megalopae were observed at all investigated temperatures and CO2 conditions. Under 380 ppm CO2, the calcium content increased with rising temperature and age of the larvae. At 3 and 9°C, Helgoland Megalopae accumulated more calcium than Svalbard Megalopae. Elevated CO2 levels, especially 3,000 ppm, caused a reduction in larval calcium contents at 3 and 9°C in both populations. This effect set in early, at 710 ppm CO2 only in Svalbard Megalopae at 9°C. Furthermore, at 3 and 9°C Megalopae from Helgoland replenished their calcium content to normocapnic levels and more rapidly than Svalbard Megalopae. However, Svalbard Megalopae displayed higher calcium contents under 3,000 ppm CO2 at 15°C. The findings of a lower capacity for calcium incorporation in crab larvae living at the cold end of their distribution range suggests that they might be more sensitive to ocean acidification than those in temperate regions.


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Total sediment oxygen consumption rates (TSOC or Jtot), measured during sediment-water incubations, and sediment oxygen microdistributions were studied at 16 stations in the Arctic Ocean (Svalbard area). The oxygen consumption rates ranged between 1.85 and 11.2 mmol m**-2 d**-1, and oxygen penetrated from 5.0 to >59 mm into the investigated sediments. Measured TSOC exceeded the calculated diffusive oxygen fluxes (Jdiff) by 1.1-4.8 times. Diffusive fluxes across the sediment-water interface were calculated using the whole measured microprofiles, rather than the linear oxygen gradient in the top sediment layer. The lack of a significant correlation between found abundances of bioirrigating meiofauna and high Jtot/Jdiff ratios as well as minor discrepancies in measured TSOC between replicate sediment cores, suggest molecular diffusion, not bioirrigation, to be the most important transport mechanism for oxygen across the sediment-water interface and within these sediments. The high ratios of Jtot/Jdiff obtained for some stations were therefore suggested to be caused by topographic factors, i.e. underestimation of the actual sediment surface area when one-dimensional diffusive fluxes were calculated, or sampling artifacts during core recovery from great water depths. Measured TSOC correlated to water depth raised to the -0.4 to -0.5 power (TSOC = water depth**-0.4 to -0.5) for all investigated stations, but they could be divided into two groups representing different geographical areas with different sediment oxygen consumption characteristics. The differences in TSOC between the two areas were suggested to reflect hydrographic factors (such as ice coverage and import/production of reactive particulate organic material) related to the dominating water mass (Atlantic or polar) in each of the two areas. The good correlation between TSOC and water depth**-0.4 to -0.5 rules out any of the stations investigated to be topographic depressions with pronounced enhanced sediment oxygen consumption.


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Radiosonde measurements obtained at the Arctic site Ny-Ålesund (78.9° N, 11.9° E), Svalbard, from 1993 to 2014 have been homogenized accounting for instrumentation discontinuities by correcting known errors in the manufacturer provided profiles. From the homogenized data record, the first Ny-Ålesund upper-air climatology of wind, temperature and humidity is presented, forming the background for the analysis of changes during the 22-year period. Particularly during the winter season, a strong increase in atmospheric temperature and humidity is observed, with a significant warming of the free troposphere in January and February up to 3 K per decade. This winter warming is even more pronounced in the boundary layer below 1 km, presumably amplified by mesoscale processes including e.g. orographic effects or the boundary layer capping inversion. Though the largest contribution to the increasing atmospheric water vapour column in winter originates from the lowermost 2 km, no increase in the contribution by specific humidity inversions is detected. Instead, we find an increase in the humidity content of the large scale background humidity profiles. At the same time, the tropospheric flow in winter is found to occur less frequent from northerly directions and to the same amount more frequent from the South. We conclude that changes in the atmospheric circulation lead to an enhanced advection of warm and moist air from lower latitudes to the Svalbard region in the winter season, causing the warming and moistening of the atmospheric column above Ny-Ålesund.


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Lipids of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum, collected from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) in 2001, were analysed to investigate seasonal variability and fate of dietary lipids. Total lipids, lipid classes and fatty acid and alcohol compositions were determined in animals, which were selected according to age-group and season. Changes in lipids of age-group 0 animals were followed during growth from spring to autumn. Total lipids increased from May to September. Lipids as percentage of dry mass were lowest in August indicating their use for reproduction. Higher values occurred in September, which may be due to lipid storage for overwintering. Wax esters were the major lipid class accounting for about 50% of total lipids in age-group 0 animals from July and August. Phospholipids were the second largest lipid fraction with up to 46% in this age-group. The principal fatty acids of M. ovum from all age-groups were 22:6(n-3), 20:5(n-3) and 16:0. Wax ester fatty alcohols were dominated by 22:1(n-11) and 20:1(n-9) followed by moderate proportions of 16:0. The unique feature of M. ovum lipids was the high amount of free fatty alcohols originating probably from the dietary wax esters. In May, free alcohols exhibited the highest mean proportion with 14.6% in age-group 0 animals. We present the first data describing a detailed free fatty alcohol composition in zooplankton. This composition was very different from the alcohol composition of M. ovum wax esters because of the predominance of the long-chain monounsaturated 22:1 (n-11) alcohol accounting for almost 100% of total free alcohols in some samples. The detailed lipid composition clearly reflected feeding of M. ovum on the herbivorous calanoid species, Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus, the abundant members of the zooplankton community in Kongsfjorden. Other copepod species or prey items seem to be less important for M. ovum.