986 resultados para Phonetic Categories
GREC CLÀSSIC. Curs d’autoaprenentatge introductori. Dos anys. El curs consta de tretze lliçons i d’una gramàtica estructurada en quatre blocs: 1. Alfabet i diacrítics, fenòmens fonètics. 2. Morfologia nominal. 3. Morfologia verbal. 4. Infinitius i participis. Sintaxi de les oracions. L’estructura de les lliçons, excepte la primera que inclou l’alfabet, combina qüestions de morfologia nominal i verbal o de morfologia i sintaxi, tal com acostumen a fer els mètodes d’aprenentatge de les llengües modernes. Cada lliçó formula els seus objectius específics, desenvolupa la seva part de continguts i conclou amb uns exercicis pràctics d’autocorrecció. La Gramàtica, per la seva banda, està organitzada com un manual elemental de llengua grega on la persona que segueixi el curs pot ampliar la seva formació i consultar els dubtes. Parts complementàries: presentació on es formulen els objectius, la metodologia i les instruccions concretes per a seguir el curs; terminologia on s’ordenen alfabèticament els conceptes gramaticals emprats en el curs; avaluació final per tal que, més enllà dels exercicis de cada lliçó, hom pugui comprovar si ha assolit els coneixements previstos o si, en cas de no arribar-hi, ha de reforçar algunes lliçons o parts de les mateixes abans de tornar a fer l’avaluació; lèxic, ordenat alfabèticament per tal que hom pugui conèixer el significat dels mots emprats en el curs sense necessitat de consultar un diccionari. A la part d’avaluació hi ha també una enquesta per tal que les persones que segueixin el curs en facin una valoració i ens permetin corregir els seus dèficits o mancances. El projecte 2007MQD00178 ha continuat ampliant els dossiers electrònics, els exercicis autoavaluatius del seu web www.ub.edu/filologiagrega/electra i ha dedicat una part important de la seva tasca a elaborar els continguts i els programes de les assignatures dels dos primers cursos del nou grau de Filologia Clàssica.
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Every year, the World Economic Forum publishes the World Gender Gap Report mainly based on the results of the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) computed by country. This index is made out of four subindexes to capture the magnitude of the gender gap in 4 areas: educational attainment, economic participation and opportunity, political empowerment, and health and survival; its methodology was reformed in 2006. In this paper we adapt the GGGI to construct a Regional Gender Gap Index (RGGI) and we compute it by regions (Comunidades Autónomas) in Spain with 2006 data. The RGGI could be applied to other regions. Results of the RGGI show that not only are there gender gap differences between Spanish regions in Spain, but that there are at the political empowerment and economic participation and opportunity categories that those differences are strongest. Geographic distribution of the gender gap shows that the deepest gaps are, in general, located in the northern regions (Euskadi, with a high score, and Murcia and Extremadura, with low scores, being exceptions); this is mainly due to the poor participation in politics of women in those regions.
In Switzerland, national census data imply that 84.5 percent are affiliated with religious groups and national survey data imply that 15 percent attend a service on a given weekend in 2009. Research in other countries has shown that attendance is often over-reported, but the level of over-report varies across countries. Thus, in the United States, polls show high and stable levels of religious practice, while Church participation surveys indicate rates twice lower. This article assesses the validity of self-reported affiliation and attendance in Switzerland using the 2009 Swiss National Congregations Study (NCS). Results confirm the observation offered by others that the Swiss census undercounts the persuasions absent from the stylized response categories and they show for the first time that Swiss probably over-report their church attendance, though not as much as in the United States.
OBJECTIVE: The movement of the upper limbs (eg fidgeting-like activities) is a meaningful component of nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). This study examined the relationship between upper limb movements and whole body trunk movements, by simultaneously measuring energy expenditure during the course of the day. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study consisting of 88 subjects with a wide range in body mass index (17.3-32.5 kg/m(2)). The energy expenditure over a 24-h period was measured in a large respiratory chamber. The body movements were assessed by two uniaxial-accelerometers during daytime, one on the waist and the other on the dominant arm. The accelerometry scores from level 0 (=immobile) up to level 9 (=maximal intensity) were recorded. The activities of subjects were classified into eight categories: walking at two speeds on a horizontal treadmill (A & B), ambling (C), self-care tasks (D), desk work (E), meals (F), reading (G), watching TV (H). RESULTS: There was a significant relationship between the accelerometry scores from the waist (ACwaist) and that from the wrist (ACwrist) over the daytime period (R(2)=0.64; P<0.001). The ACwrist was systematically higher than the ACwaist during sedentary activities, whereas it was the reverse for walking activities. ACwrist to ACwaist ratio of activities E-H were above 1.0 and for walking activities (A-C) were below 1.0. A multiple regression analysis for predicting daytime energy expenditure revealed that the explained variance improved by 2% only when the ACwrist was added as a second predictor in addition to the ACwaist. This indicates that the effect of the ACwrist for predicting energy expenditure was of limited importance in our conditions of measurement. CONCLUSIONS: The acceleration of the upper limbs which includes fidgeting is more elevated than that of the whole body for sitting/lying down activities. However, their contribution to energy expenditure is lower than whole body trunk movements, thus indicating that the weight-bearing locomotion activities may be a key component of NEAT. However, its contribution may depend on the total duration of the upper limb movements during the course of the day.
Aquest projecte té com a objectiu l’estudi de l’estat ambiental dels hotels del municipi de Sitges i l’estudi d’aprofitament dels recursos hídrics i energètics característics d’aquesta zona del Mediterrani per hotels de 4 i 5 estrelles. Sitges és un municipi que al període estival dobla la població, i que amb una superfície de 43,85 Km2 conta amb 35 hotels i apart pensions, hostals i càmpings, per tant, el turisme és l’activitat més important a Sitges. Per desenvolupar aquest projecte s’ha realitzat una enquesta senzilla sobre qualitat ambiental per conèixer el comportament ambiental dels diferents hotels. En aquest estudi han participat 15 dels 35 hotels del municipi, ja que el 49% d’aquests romanen tancats des d’Octubre fins a Març i dels 18 hotels restants 15 han accedit a formar part d’aquest estudi. A través d’una prova pilot s’ha avaluat la implantació del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental a l’hotel Antemare i a l’hotel Sunway Playa Golf, aquests dos hotels pertanyen a la categoria de quatre estrelles, categoria que reuneix més nombre d’hotels i el tant per cent d’ocupació és major en comparació amb les altres categories. El DGQA és una ecoetiqueta de serveis que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya a partir de la revisió de l’establiment per mitjà d’un tècnic autoritzat. S’ha analitzat l’aprofitament dels recursos local com, les aigües pluvials i la radiació solar en els hotels de 4 i 5 estrelles per obtenir l’autosuficiència individual dels 9 hotels objecte d’estudi. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest estudi reflecteixen la possibilitat de millorar l’estat ambiental dels establiments hotelers, duent a terme alguns criteris bàsics com, la recollida selectiva i una major implantació d’energies renovables, així com també la utilització d’aquestes per assolir un cert nivell d’autosuficiència energètica i hídrica. La prova pilot mostra que els dos hotels estudiats estan molt a prop d’aconseguir el DGQA, els vectors on s’haurien de fer millores són, informació ambiental, energia, aigua i residus.
AIM: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of pain in Thai human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed at the HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Bangkok, Thailand from November 2002 to January 2003. Sixty-one human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients aged 4 to 15 y, an equal number of age-matched children with no chronic disease and their caregivers participated. We interviewed children and their caregivers using a structured questionnaire on pain. The main outcome measure was the percentage of human immunodeficiency virus-infected children reporting pain. RESULTS: Forty-four percent of the human immunodeficiency virus-infected children reported pain compared to 13% of the children with no chronic disease (odds ratio, OR = 5.3; 95% CI: 2.0-14.3). Seven percent of the infected children experienced chronic pain. Children in human immunodeficiency virus clinical categories B and C reported more pain than children in categories N and A (OR = 4.0, 95% CI: 1.1-14.7). Pain in infected children tended to occur in the abdomen, lower limbs or head. Only 44 percent of the infected children experiencing pain received analgesic medication. CONCLUSION: Despite being a common experience, pain is insufficiently taken into account and treated in Thai children with HIV/AIDS. Therefore, adequate pain identification, assessment and management should be systemically considered in their routine care.
L'objecte del present treball és doble. D'una banda tractem d'examinar la naturalesa dels pactes parasocials com una manifestació del principi de llibertat contractual i, per tant, de l'autonomia de la voluntat i, d'una altra, analitzar la conflictivitat que tals pactes estan provocant en relació amb el dret de societats. En tant que tals pactes, quan es perfeccionen entre tots els socis, constituïxen, junt amb els estatuts, el verdader contingut contractual de la societat, en especial quan es tracta de societats tancades, resulta un element d'incertesa que la seua operativitat quede en dubte com ocorre en la pràctica. Pensem en la importància que un pacte parasocial representa per a la protecció dels interessos de les minories i el sentiment de fracàs que es genera quan, pretenent aplicar allò que s'ha pactat per a preservar tals drets, no resulten operatius en tot allò que no haja resultat incorporat als estatuts socials, com a conseqüència de l'existència de dos categories d'obligacions contractuals: unes que, subjectes al dret de societats, representen uns drets i obligacions de categoria superior, que aquelles incloses en els pactes parasocials, que se subjecten al dret contractual. Per això, al final del treball, s'apunta la conveniència de, en la línia iniciada pel legislador quant a la regulació dels protocols familiars, normativitzar el tractament de tals pactes parasocials quan es tracte de defendre els drets de les minories socials. Finalment, la tendència legislativa de resoldre la problemàtica de la dicotomía, dret contractual versus dret societari, suscita una esperança amb el projecte de llei de modificació de la llei 60/2003 de arbitratge, en tramitació parlamentària en estos moments, on es contempla la possibilitat de sotmetre a arbitratge la impugnació d'acords socials.
Aim: This study examines the transition from fertility to obstetrical care of women who conceived through IVF. Materials & methods: 33 women filled out questionnaires before IVF, during pregnancy and after birth on infertility stress, maternal adjustment and depressive symptoms. During pregnancy, they participated in an interview about their emotional experiences regarding the transition. Responses were sorted into three categories: Autonomy, Dependence and Avoidance. Results: Exploratory results show that 51.5% of women had no difficulties making the transition (Autonomy), 21.2% had become dependent (Dependence) and 27.3% had distanced themselves from the specialists (Avoidance). Women who became dependent had more trouble adjusting to motherhood and more depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Difficulty making the transition may be linked to decreased ability to adjust to motherhood and more postpartum depressive symptoms.
INTRODUCTION: The risk that hip preserving surgery may negatively influence the performance and outcome of subsequent total hip replacement (THR) remains a concern. The aim of this study was to identify any negative impact of previous hip arthroscopy on THR. METHODS: Out of 1271 consecutive patients who underwent primary THR between 2005 and 2009, 18 had previously undergone ipsilateral hip arthroscopy. This study group (STG) was compared with two control groups (CG, same approach, identical implants; MCG, paired group matched for age, BMI and Charnley categories). Operative time, blood loss, evidence of heterotopic bone and implant loosening at follow-up were compared between the STG and the MCG. Follow-up WOMAC were compared between the three groups. RESULTS: Blood loss was not found to be significantly different between the STG and MCG. The operative time was significantly less (p < 0.001) in the STG. There was no significant difference in follow-up WOMAC between the groups. No implant related complications were noted in follow-up radiographs. Two minor complications were documented for the STG and three for the MCG. CONCLUSION: We have found no evidence that previous hip arthroscopy negatively influences the performance or short-term clinical outcome of THR.
We characterize double adjunctions in terms of presheaves and universal squares, and then apply these characterizations to free monads and Eilenberg-Moore objects in double categories. We improve upon an earlier result of Fiore-Gambino-Kock in [7] to conclude: if a double category with cofolding admits the construction of free monads in its horizontal 2-category, then it also admits the construction of free monads as a double category horizontally and vertically, and also in its vertical 2-category. We also prove that a double category admits Eilenberg-Moore objects if and only if a certain parameterized presheaf is representable. Along the way, we develop parameterized presheaves on double categories and prove a double Yoneda Lemma.
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This Working Paper aims to offer an up-to-date list of cultural relativist players and arguments with respect to human rights, constituted by China, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Malaysia and Cuba. This working paper argues that Indonesia, Iraq, Colombia and Mexico are not in the same cultural relativist group of states maintained by renowned scholars, notably Cristina Cerna and Dianne Otto. As such, apart from this form of cultural relativism based on the respect for the self-determination of indigenous peoples and communities, this working paper exposes two different categories of radical cultural relativism based on revolutionary discourse and/or radical Islamism, as well as targets the credibility on the latter two based on the information facilitated by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
French verb morphology has always been a major challenge for learners as well as teachers of French as a foreign language. Learning difficulties arise not only from the inherent complexity of the conjugation system itself, but mostly from the traditional description found in specialized books, grammars, etc. French spelling alone tends to complexify the actual oral verb morphology by more than 60%, thus hindering efficient learning. Following Dubois (1967), Csécsy (1968), Pouradier Duteil (1997), etc., I suggest an alternative approach, exclusively based on phonetic transcription, and starting with plural forms instead of singular ones (Mayer 1969). For more than 500 verbs of the 2nd and 3rd groups, this strategy allows learners to first memorize the present tense plural form e.g. /illiz/ (ils lisent, "they read") and take the stem's final consonant away to get the singular /illi/ (il lit, "he reads").
En el presente trabajo, tratamos diferentes perspectivas sobre la poética, estrategias compositivas y repercusión perceptiva del tiempo en la música de Gérard Grisey. En el primer capítulo, abordamos la concepción del tiempo como unidad y proporcionalidad duracional y su relación con otros parámetros musicales. A continuación, presentamos tres enfoques sobre el tiempo que emergen de la poética de Grisey y del análisis de sus obras: la ruptura con la proporcionalidad duracional y la relación entre tiempo y sonido, el concepto de cambio de escala temporal y la analogía entre tiempo y cosmos. En el segundo capítulo, proponemos tres categorías temporales basadas principalmente en el concepto de previsibilidad: tiempo no lineal, tiempo lineal y tiempo procesual. En el tercer y último capítulo, exponemos los fundamentos de la Teoría de la Información, su relación con el discurso de Grisey y su método de aplicación.