999 resultados para Pedro III, Emperador de Rusia


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In 1345, the unique worship of Saint Charlemagne was institutionalized in the cathedral of Gerona. The roots (and for many, the reasons) of this celebration are found in the existence of an old local legend, the well-known testimonies to which go back to the eleventh century. Nevertheless, a lengthy analysis of the facts that marked the life of the cathedral during the long permanence Amau de Montrodon had there—first in quality of canon (1297-1335) and later as bishop (1333-1348)- make it possible for us to verify that the promotion of the cult to San Charlemagne falls within a complex program of ideological and symbolic exaltation of the See of Girona that was designed by this notable and restlessly active ecclesiastic


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Contient : 1 Recueil de généalogies portugaises ; 2 Recueil de généalogies extraites "de hum livro de Nunalvares Pereira" ; 3 Recueil de généalogies : "Estos linages que se siguen se copiaron de un libro de Alonsso Lopez de Haro de los linages de Portugal, y, por lo que dize en el de los Pimenteles, parece se le dio Nunalbarez Pereyra." ; 4 "Desçendencia dos Teives feita por D. Belchor de Teive." ; 5 Notes sur divers membres de la famille de Mello ou Merlo ; 6 "Familia y quadrilla de Blasco Ximeno." Cette généalogie se termine par une notice sur D. Gomez d'Avila y Toledo, deuxième marquis de Velada ; 7 "Linhagem dos de Castelbranco, recopilada por Dom Manoel de Castelbranco, conde de Villanova." ; 8 Notes généalogiques sur les familles Pinheiro, Manoel et Tserclaes ; 9 "Memoria dos titulos que os reis de Portugal criarão de novo neste reyno," de João Ier à Philippe III ; 10 "Los grandes y titulos de Castilla." ; 11 "Visoreys e governadores da India." ; 12 Notes généalogiques sur les Souza et les Maldonado ; 13 "Adiantados que ouve em Portugal." ; 14 "Epitaphios que estão no mosteiro de S. Antonio da Castanheyra." ; 15-34 Documents relatifs à la prise de la ville de Salvador (Bahia, Brésil) par les hollandais (1624) et à la reprise par l'armée hispano-portugaise (1625) ; 15 "Lista dos navios, capitaes d'elles e soldados, fidalgos e nobres que se embarcarão e partirão ao soccorro da Bahia, a 21 de novembro de 1624, sendo capitão geral d'esta armada don Manoel de Meneses." ; 16 "Relaçaõ do dinheiro e cousas reduzidas a elle com que este reyno servio a Sua Magd na ocasiaõ do apresto da armada para o socorro da Bahia no Brasil, que vae ao todo noventa e tres contos coatrocentos e hum mil." 1624 ; 17 "Relaçaõ da armada que partio de Lisbóa em socorro da Bahia e do susseço que teve." ; 18 "Carta para hum fidalgo recidente na corte de Madrid, em que brevemente se relata o corpo principal de toda a armada, que d'este porto de Lixboa salio para a empreza da Bahya, aos 23 de novembro de 1624." Lisbonne, 12 décembre 1624 ; 19 "Relaçaõ das armadas de Sua Magde do dia em que chegaraõ a Bahia e do que se tem feito na expugnaçaõ do enemigo, desde 29 de março que foi vespera de Pascoa, em que deraõ fundo na dita Baia as armadas, ate 22 abril, em que se mandou a Pernambuco o papel de que se tirou esta rellaçaõ, a qual mandaraõ os governadores de Portugal a Sua Magde." 1625 ; 20 "Relaçion de Lorenço Perez Carballo de lo que pasa en la Baya, de quinçe de abril de 1625." ; 21 "Copia da carta que dom Manoel de Menezes, capitaõ mor da armada da esquadra de Portugal, escreveo a S. Mgde, da Bahia, dando conta do que succedeo nella, desde 29 de março te 12 de mayo de 1625." ; 22 "Relaçaõ de que o capitaõ don Manoel de Meneses faz mençaõ na sua carta atraz." 1625 ; 23 "Discurso breve del suçeso que han tenido las armas de su Magd en la jornada del Brasil, desde que salieron de España asta la rrestauraçion de la çiudad de San Salvador, que tomaron los Olandeses en diez de mayo del año pasado de mill y seisçientos y veinte y quatro... Fecha en diez de mayo de mill y seisçientos y veinte y cinco." ; 24 "Copia de las cartas y respuestas que ubo de parte de los Olandeses y Don Fadrique de Toledo Ossorio, desde 28 de abril [1625] hasta 30 que se rindio la plaza" de San Salvador ; 25 "Capitulos conspirados por el sor Coronel y los del Conssejo en la Baya para ofreçer a su Exa Don Fadrique de Toledo, general por su Mgd d'España." 29 et 30 avril 1625 ; 26" Relacion del viaje y sucesso de la Armada que por mandado de su Magestad partio al Brasil, a echar de alli los enemigos que lo ocupavam. Francisco de Avendaño y Vilela. En Sevilla por Francisco de Lyra, año de 1625." ; 27 "Relaçion de la jornada que ba haziendo la armada real a las partes del Brasil, que salio de la baya de Cadiz, martes á catorze de henero de seiscientos y veinte y cinco." ; 28 État-major des tercios de D. Juan de Orellana et D. Pedro Osorio et du tercio de Naples du marquis de Torrecusso, embarqués à Cadix pour le Brésil, le 14 janvier 1625 ; 29 "Brevis, succinta ac vera narratio expeditionis illius, quam quidam mercatores sub auspiciis et autoritate illustrium D. D. ordinum Holandiae, Zelandiae, etc. suseperunt in Brasilium, anno 1623." ; 30 Relation de combats entre Portugais et Hollandais sur les côtes du Brésil ; 31 Notes généalogiques sur les familles Costa, Correa de Moura et Moreno, communiquées au compilateur du recueil par D. Luis Lobo et D. Antonio Correa Barem ; 32 "Relaçaõ do que o capitaõ Francisco de Padilha fes en quanto andou nos asaltos ate a vinda da armada." 1624 ; 33 Relation de l'attaque de Sam Bento au Brésil, en 1625 ; 34 Relation de l'expédition des flottes espagnole et portugaise au Brésil et de la prise de San Salvador. 1625


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Exemplaire enluminé, aux armes de Jean de Derval, avec plusieurs grandes miniatures, parmi lesquelles, au fol. 393 v°, une peinture à pleine page représentant Pierre Le Baut, offrant son livre à Jean de Derval et à sa femme Hélène de Laval ; au bas de cette miniature, la devise : Sans plus. — Au fol. 1 v°, on lit la devise : « Tout pour une. Argentré. Ay. »


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NovoTTF-100A (TTF) is a portable device delivering low-intensity, intermediate-frequency, alternating electric fields using noninvasive, disposable scalp electrodes. TTF interferes with tumor cell division, and it has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) based on data from a phase III trial. This presentation describes the updated survival data 2 years after completing recruitment. Adults with rGBM (KPS ≥ 70) were randomized (stratified by surgery and center) to either continuous TTF (20-24 h/day, 7 days/week) or efficacious chemotherapy based on best physician choice (BPC). The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS), and secondary endpoints were PFS6, 1-year survival, and QOL. Patients were randomized (28 US and European centers) to either TTF alone (n ¼ 120) or BPC (n ¼ 117). Patient characteristics were balanced, median age was 54 years (range, 23-80 years), and median KPS was 80 (range, 50-100). One quarter of the patients had debulking surgery, and over half of the patients were at their second or later recurrence. OS in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population was equivalent in TTF versus BPC patients (median OS, 6.6vs. 6.0 months; n ¼ 237; p ¼ 0.26; HR ¼ 0.86). With a median follow-up of 33.6 months, long-term survival in the TTF group was higher than that in the BPC group at 2, 3, and 4 years of follow-up (9.3% vs. 6.6%; 8.4% vs. 1.4%; 8.4% vs. 0.0%, respectively). Analysis of patients who received at least one treatment course demonstrated a survival benefit for TTF patients compared to BPC patients (median OS, 7.8 vs. 6.0 months; n ¼ 93 vs. n ¼ 117; p ¼ 0.012; HR ¼ 0.69). In this group, 1-year survival was 28% vs. 20%, and PFS6 was 26.2% vs. 15.2% (p ¼ 0.034). TTF, a noninvasive, novel cancer treatment modality shows significant therapeutic efficacy with promising long-term survival results. The impact of TTF was more pronounced when comparing only patients who received the minimal treatment course. A large-scale phase III trial in newly diagnosed GBM is ongoing.


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Appropriate curing is important for concrete to obtain the designed properties. This research was conducted to evaluate the curing effects of different curing materials and methods on pavement properties. At present the sprayed curing compound is a common used method for pavement and other concrete structure construction. Three curing compounds were selected for testing. Two different application rates were employed for the white-pigmented liquid curing compounds. The concrete properties of temperature, moisture content, conductivity, and permeability were examined at several test locations. It was found, in this project, that the concrete properties varied with the depth. Of the tests conducted (maturity, sorptivity, permeability, and conductivity), conductivity appears to be the best method to evaluate the curing effects in the field and bears potential for field application. The results indicated that currently approved curing materials in Iowa, when spread uniformly in a single or double application, provide adequate curing protection and meet the goals of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Experimental curing methods can be compared to this method through the use of conductivity testing to determine their application in the field.


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Background In a previous study, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) reported a scoring system to predict survival of patients with low-grade gliomas (LGGs). A major issue in the diagnosis of brain tumors is the lack of agreement among pathologists. New models in patients with LGGs diagnosed by central pathology review are needed. Methods Data from 339 EORTC patients with LGGs diagnosed by central pathology review were used to develop new prognostic models for progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Data from 450 patients with centrally diagnosed LGGs recruited into 2 large studies conducted by North American cooperative groups were used to validate the models. Results Both PFS and OS were negatively influenced by the presence of baseline neurological deficits, a shorter time since first symptoms (<30 wk), an astrocytic tumor type, and tumors larger than 5 cm in diameter. Early irradiation improved PFS but not OS. Three risk groups have been identified (low, intermediate, and high) and validated. Conclusions We have developed new prognostic models in a more homogeneous LGG population diagnosed by central pathology review. This population better fits with modern practice, where patients are enrolled in clinical trials based on central or panel pathology review. We could validate the models in a large, external, and independent dataset. The models can divide LGG patients into 3 risk groups and provide reliable individual survival predictions. Inclusion of other clinical and molecular factors might still improve models' predictions.