901 resultados para Pedagogic commitment
In with accordance 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, this item has submitted the fiscal year 2007 Affirmative Action in Iowa report. The report details the progress we have made to balance our workforce in FY 2007. Just as importantly, the plan describes steps to put into practice our continued commitment to increasing diversity in the state’ workforce and details our response to the challenges we face as a result of increased talent competition. The State's renewed emphases on recruitments. along with greater oversight of state agency hiring practices, are key strategies that we must aggressively employ in competing for talent and balancing our workforce.
We analyze conditions under which a candidate's campaignrhetoric may affect the beliefs of the voters over whatpolicy the candidate will implement in case he wins theelection. We develop a model of repeated elections withcomplete information in which candidates are purely ideological. Voter's strategies involve a credible threat to punish candidates that renege of their campaignpromises, and in equilibrium all campaign promises arebelieved by voters, and honored by candidates. We obtainthat the degree to which promises are credible in equilibriumis an increasing function of the value of a candidate'sreputation.
The current context of a strong competition and the ongoing search for competitive advantages requires more than processes modernization, technological and financial resources. It requires a competent workforce, strongly committed and engaged with Organization’s challenges. Under this scenario, it seems crucial to synchronize their performance with Organization’s strategy, aimed at pursuing its effective achievement. If well used, the Performance Evaluation as a strategy for Human Resource Management presents itself as an instrument to foster high levels of performance. A more recent approach of this policy refers to Performance Management representing a dynamic and participative evaluation system, which combines the development of consensual goals, support and follow-up for further execution of respective assessment. This research was based on the ENAPOR, S.A (Porto da Praia) case, with the intention of checking the alignment of its Performance Evaluation System with the Company's strategic goals and what the process features.
The context where the university admissions exams are performed is presented and the main concerns about this exams are outlined and discussed from a statistical point of view. The paper offers an illustration of the use of random coefficient models in the study of educational data. The association between two individual scores (one internal and the other external to the school) and the effect of the school in the external exam is analized by a regression model with random intercept and fixed slope. A variance component model for the analysis of the grading process is also presented. The paper ends with an outline of the main findings and the presentation of some specific proposals to improve and control the equity of the system. Some pedagogic reflections are also included.
In monetary unions, monetary policy is typically made by delegates of the member countries. This procedure raises the possibility of strategic delegation - that countries may choose the types of delegates to influence outcomes in their favor. We show that without commitment in monetary policy, strategic delegation arises if and only if three conditions are met: shocks affecting individual countries are not perfectly correlated, risk-sharing across countries is imperfect, and the Phillips Curve is nonlinear. Moreover, inflation rates are inefficiently high. We argue that ways of solving the commitment problem, including the emphasis on price stability in the agreements constituting the European Union are especially valuable when strategic delegation is a problem.
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial.
Conventional wisdom views the problem of sovereign risk as one of insufficient penalties.Foreign creditors can only be repaid if the government enforces foreign debts. And this will onlyhappen if foreign creditors can effectively use the threat of imposing penalties to the country.Guided by this assessment of the problem, policy prescriptions to reduce sovereign risk havefocused on providing incentives for governments to enforce foreign debts. For instance, countriesmight want to favor increased trade ties and other forms of foreign dependence that make themvulnerable to foreign retaliation thereby increasing the costs of default penalties.
We analyze the role of commitment in pre-play communication for ensuringefficient evolutionarily stable outcomes in coordination games. All players are a priori identical as they are drawn from the same population. In games where efficient outcomes can be reached by players coordinating on the same action we find commitment to be necessary to enforce efficiency. In games where efficienct outcomes only result from play of different actions, communication without commitment is most effective although efficiency can no longer be guaranteed. Only when there are many messages then inefficient outcomes are negligible as their basins of attraction become very small.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial. In this paper we discuss the nativist intervention of some African intellectuals in Cape Verde in order to clarify its meaning and political reach. Despite its commitment to the protection of Cape Verdeans against the Portuguese colonial oppression, those intellectuals would not be able to generate an anti-colonial movement capable of leading the colony to independence, but they left a political and cultural legacy to future generations that allowed them to fight for the preservation of their national identity and finally achieve emancipation from colonial domination in Cape Verde. Dans ce travail, nous discutons l'intervention nativiste de certains intellectuels africains au Cap-vert afin de clarifier son éssence et sa portée politique. En dépit de son engagement à protéger les Cap-verdiens contre l'oppression coloniale portugaise, ces intellectuels ne seraient pas en mesure de bâtir un mouvement anticolonial capable de conduire la colonie à l'indépendance, mais ont laissé un héritage politique et culturel aux nouvelles générations qui leur a permis de lutter pour la préservation de leur identité nationale et de parvenir enfin à l'émancipation de la domination coloniale au Cap-vert.
O processo de mudanças que vem acontecendo no mundo contemporâneo alcança, inevitavelmente, o sector público. A busca de uma nova gestão pública, que procure prestar serviços ao cidadão com qualidade e eficiência tem sido o alvo a ser alcançado pelo Estado contemporâneo. Dentro desse prisma o estudo das pessoas dentro das organizações públicas apresenta-se como estratégico. O conhecimento é gerado, processado e comunicado a grande velocidade, o que leva a sociedade a assumir novas posturas. Para enfrentar os desafios do novo milénio, as organizações terão que pensar mais nas pessoas e sobretudo, preocupar-se mais em criar estímulos que motivem os colaboradores para alcançarem tanto os objectivos da organização quanto os objectivos pessoais de cada um porque não adianta obter lucro e produtividade se a organização não desenvolver políticas e práticas que privilegiam o ser humano. Motivação envolve sentimentos de realização e de reconhecimento profissional, manifestado por meio de exercícios das tarefas e actividades que oferecem suficiente desafio e significado para o trabalho. A verdade é que a adopção de uma gestão pública focada na qualidade requer mudanças na cultura organizacional, exigindo principalmente motivação, que conduz ao esforço, dedicação, persistência e comprometimento. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se investigar a motivação como uma ferramenta para alcançar a produtividade e a excelência no desempenho das actividades na Administração Pública Cabo-verdiana. Para alcançar o objectivo deste trabalho, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a Administração dos Recursos Humanos e sobre as diversas teorias relacionadas com a motivação para o trabalho nas organizações. Utilizou-se o método inquisitivo baseado num interrogatório escrito para se obter dados referentes a motivação dos funcionários da Administração Pública.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial.
This paper argues that the strategic use of debt favours the revelationof information in dynamic adverse selection problems. Our argument is basedon the idea that debt is a credible commitment to end long term relationships.Consequently, debt encourages a privately informed party to disclose itsinformation at early stages of a relationship. We illustrate our pointwith the financing decision of a monopolist selling a good to a buyerwhose valuation is private information. A high level of (renegotiable)debt, by increasing the scope for liquidation, may induce the highvaluation buyer to buy early at a high price and thus increase themonopolist's expected payoff. By affecting the buyer's strategy, it mayreduce the probability of excessive liquidation. We investigate theconsequences of good durability and we examine the way debt mayalleviate the ratchet effect.
O trabalho de investigação que ora se apresenta entronca nas preocupações do dia a dia enquanto profissional e dirigente da educação que tem experimentado e acompanhado de perto a prática pedagógica e docente. Por esses imperativos, senti-me na obrigação de procurar uma resposta, refletir sobre as dificuldades do ensino da língua portuguesa e perceber melhor esses obstáculos, nomeadamente o erro linguístico nas práticas letivas, as causas subjacentes e, eventualmente, a quota-parte de responsabilidades dos outros intervenientes no processo, nomeadamente, dos professores de língua portuguesa e do próprio sistema. Nesta sequência, o presente estudo aborda o erro como conceito, marcado pela polissemia da sua definição, abordado pelas múltiplas metodologias de ensino, mas também como elemento central no ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua segunda, no ensino básico, em contextos de coabitação de línguas muito próximas como o português e a língua cabo-verdiana; pretendemos também elencar os procedimentos e atitudes dos atores no processo, bem como os meios didático-pedagógicos essenciais com vista a sua deteção, análise e tratamento do mesmo. A aprendizagem de uma língua segunda como o português, num contexto como o de Cabo Verde, constitui uma tarefa complexa e por vezes demorada, que não pode ser resumida a atos corriqueiros e previsíveis de sala de aula, ignorando as necessidades, disposições e interesses dos aprendentes que são colocados perante uma encruzilhada, o de aprender uma língua que não é sua, mas que não pode recusar. A aparente aproximação entre as duas línguas constitui um obstáculo acrescido, por propiciar a interferência, principal causa do erro, apesar do avanço verificado no desenvolvimento de metodologias e materiais de apoio que auxiliam e tornam mais eficiente o processo de aquisição de uma língua segunda. Para operacionalização do assunto foi elaborado um estudo com recurso à análise de erros, em quarenta e um (41) textos produzidos por alunos do 6.º ano de escolaridade de cinco escolas do ensino básico do Tarrafal, Cabo Verde, com o intuito de recolher informações, analisá-las e, após uma reflexão sobre os resultados, concluir sobre as suas implicações no ensino aprendizagem da língua portuguesa.