997 resultados para Participação e cidadania


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A prática desportiva é hoje uma das atividades humanas mais importantes, atraindo milhões de crianças pelo prazer que proporciona, pelos ídolos desportivos, convívio social ou por influência familiar. Destes, muitos optam pela prática desportiva federada, em idade cada vez mais precoce. Este estudo pretendeu auscultar os treinadores de Andebol de Portugal sobre as orientações a seguir na participação desportiva, preparação para a competição e sobre o formato desta durante as etapas de formação. Aplicou-se um questionário a uma amostra constituída por 276 treinadores de Andebol de Portugal. Analisou-se a normalidade e homogeneidade dos dados, recorrendo-se ao SPSS 18, procedendo-se igualmente à análise descritiva. Recorreu-se à estatística teste Kruskal Wallis para verificar se havia diferenças significativas entre grupos de treinadores de acordo com o grau técnico e ao teste Mann-Whitney, para verificar a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre grupos em função da região (sig.-0,05). Para o tratamento das perguntas 5, 7 e 10, utilizou-se o método da análise de conteúdo. Os treinadores afirmaram: 1) a competição deve estar orientada para a formação (minis, bambis, infantis) e mais orientada para os resultados (iniciados, Juvenis), considerando estes muito importantes apenas nos juvenis; 2) a preparação deve ser multilateral (minis, bambis) e especializada (juvenis); 3) a competição deve ser informal (minis, bambis), formal (infantis) e formal com 2ªfase e play-off (iniciados e juvenis); 4) que é importante que a prática proporcione aos jovens momentos de divertimento e prazer; 5) que as competições nacionais e internacionais são importantes para todos os escalões; 6) que as provas a eliminar não devem existir ou apenas devem acontecer no escalão de juvenis; 7) que devem existir regulamentos técnicos ou pedagógicos de forma a modelar a competição até ao escalão de iniciados.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo caracterizar a população escolar do 5.º ao 12º anos de escolaridade do concelho de Santana, relativamente aos níveis de adiposidade, de aptidão e actividade física, actividades sedentárias e hábitos alimentares. A amostra foi constituída por 505 jovens de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 22 anos, distribuídos por quatro grupos etários. A composição corporal foi caracterizada através de: 1) do IMC, com base nos valores de referência de Cole et al. (2000), para determinar excesso de peso e obesidade, e de Cole et al. (2007), para a subnutrição; 2) cálculo da %MG através das pregas subcutâneas segundo as fórmulas de Slaughter et al. (1988), e classificada segundo Lohman (1987). A aptidão física foi avaliada segundo as orientações da bateria de testes Fitnessgram (Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, 2002). As actividades sedentárias e os hábitos alimentares foram avaliados através de questionários (Sallis et al., 1999 e Wilson et al., 2008 respectivamente), e o grupo de participação desportiva, determinado a partir de questões relativas à prática de actividades desportivas organizadas. Os resultados demonstram uma taxa de prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade de 26,7%, sendo superior a taxa de prevalência nos participantes do sexo masculino e de idade mais baixa. Ao nível da actividade física organizada extracurricular, verificou-se que 41,5% indicaram praticar outra actividade (DE ou DF), para além das aulas de EF. Relativamente a aptidão física, constatamos que metade da população avaliada, foi classificada abaixo da Zona Saudável de Aptidão Física (ZSAptF), em pelo menos 3, dos 6 testes motores avaliados. A aptidão aeróbia revelou-se como uma das componentes da aptidão com maior taxa de insucesso (54,8%). Ainda na aptidão, verificamos que os participantes classificados abaixo ZSAptF na componente aptidão aeróbia diferiam dos classificados dentro da ZSAptF, nos parâmetros: a) obesidade; b) restantes testes motores da aptidão física avaliados; c) actividades sedentárias (navegar da net; jogo de vídeo portáteis); d) participação desportiva; e) frequência de consumo de bebidas açucaradas, sendo que em média, os alunos classificados abaixo da ZSAptF, apresentam valores superiores de obesidade, piores prestações nos testes motores, menor probabilidade de participarem em actividades organizadas extracurriculares e menor consumo de bebidas açucaradas.


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A presente pesquisa faz parte de nosso estudo realizado junto a Orquestra Cidadã Meninos do Coque e tem por objetivo principal refletir acerca de como o ensino da música com vistas ao resgate da cidadania de crianças e adolescentes assistidos pelo projeto da referida orquestra pode ser visto sob a égide da inovação pedagógica. Para isso, num primeiro momento, em seu arcabouço teórico, que compreendido pelos capítulos segundo e terceiro, inicialmente traçamos nossas considerações sobre a prática pedagógica e a educação não formal, visando à questão da inovação e da formação para cidadania; e, logo em seguida adentramos na questão do ensino de música e a construção da cidadania, tendo-se por foco o trabalho realizado pela Orquestra Cidadã Meninos do Coque. Já num segundo momento, tratamos das questões metodológicas (capítulo quarto), cuja base foi a etnopesquisa orientado por Macedo (2006), a qual teve como instrumentos a observação participante, o uso de entrevistas e de questionários semiestruturados, além da análise documental, cujos resultados são apresentados no capítulo quinto, o qual traz como título “Educação informal e movimentos populares: a importância do ensino da música no resgate da cidadania de crianças assistidas pela ONG Orquestra Cidadã como uma forma de inovação pedagógica” diante do qual pudemos perceber o caráter inovador do trabalho empreendido pela orquestra em estudo, que na busca de atingir os objetivos pretendidos expande sua metodologia para a realidade de seus alunos e com isso alcança saltos de desenvolvimento, trazendo para as crianças e jovens um novo olhar sobre si mesmos e sobre o seu futuro.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre o Projeto Arte na Praça, desenvolvido no município de Guaraciaba do Norte, Ceará, Brasil, e descreve suas dimensões inovadoras que convergem para a produção de um sujeito educativo autônomo, criativo e proativo. Visou ainda, compreender as repercussões do projeto, no desenvolvimento cognitivo dos educandos, numa perspectiva da aprendizagem formal. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se na abordagem qualitativa, de natureza etnográfica. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados a observação participante, o diário de campo e as entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os sujeitos foram alunos e professores do Projeto e das escolas onde estudam alunos do Projeto. Numa primeira etapa abordamos as concepções de sociedade, arte, inovação pedagógica, educação, educação formal e não-formal, entre outras. A pesquisa revelou que o Projeto Arte na Praça desenvolve práticas pedagógicas inovadoras, que permitem estimular a formação da autonomia dos sujeitos participantes; privilegiar a criatividade; desenvolver práticas pedagógicas centradas no aluno; valorizar aspectos individuais, em sintonia com o desenvolvimento do grupo; promover o diálogo e a liberdade de expressão, em decorrência da educação pela arte. Concluímos que as metodologias inovadoras deste Projeto geram autoestima nos sujeitos participantes; proporcionam cidadania e senso de responsabilidade; melhoram o desempenho escolar; preocupam-se com a formação integral do indivíduo e desenvolvem a concentração, o espírito de participação e de liderança nos educandos. Dessa forma, a pesquisa mostrou a existência de impactos positivos do Projeto Arte na Praça ao nível da formação dos educandos onde o diálogo entre arte e educação se realiza.


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A presente pesquisa é uma iniciativa que partiu da realização do Curso de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade da Madeira- Funchal- Portugal, objetivando entender a proposta de promover mudanças nas práticas educativas, com a perspectiva de analisar a aprendizagem, através da prática enfocada no projeto escolar “Da Informação ao Conhecimento”. Sendo esta, o objeto de estudo que propõe o conceito de que leitura e escrita são instrumentos fundamentais para a formação do ser, portanto devem ser estimuladas logo nos primeiros anos da existência humana e perdurar por toda a vivência. Lembrando que serão consideradas facilitadoras de autonomia, segurança e desenvolvimento pessoal se abordadas de forma individual ou coletiva. Trata-se de um estudo que visa encontrar Inovação nas práticas educativas para romper com o atual paradigma fabril que sistematiza a educação nos dias atuais, propondo um novo modelo educacional no qual o aluno é agente construtor, enquanto o professor assume o papel de mediador. Refere-se a um estudo qualitativo descritivo, com características voltadas para etnografia, pois, analisa os costumes, hábitos e valores de um grupo de estudantes do ensino médio de uma escola da rede pública do estado do Ceará –Brasil. Em consonância com os estudos realizados compreendemos que diante das dificuldades apresentadas no trabalho pedagógico da escola pública é possível perceber inovação no ambiente escolar, a partir do reconhecimento de que a leitura constitui-se como ferramenta propulsora para uma boa formação de leitores críticos e conscientes. Esta iniciativa tem embasamento na orientação epistemológica das ideias de Freire (1987, 1999, 2008), Soares (2009), Mendonça (2009), Bourdieu e Passeron (2008), Lajolo (1993), Morin (2007), Papert (2008), Sousa e Fino (2007) Toffler (1971) Koch (2006), dentre outros que contribuíram para a análise dos diversos aspectos sócio-culturais evidenciados.


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TORRES, Gilson de Vasconcelos; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. Atividades educativas na prevencao da AIDS em uma rede basica municipal de saude: participacao do enfermeiro. Rev.latino-am.enfermagem, Ribeirao Preto, v.7, n.2, p.71-77, abril 1999. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 set. 2010.


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The managing Conselho of public politics constitute one of the main experiences of democracy in Brazil contemporary representing a conquest for construction of a democratic institutionalism. The historical newness consists of the intensification and the institutionalization of the dialogue between government and society - in public and plural canals - as condition for an allocation more efficient joust and of the public resources. In this context the present study it objectified to understand from readings of the performance of represented group of bencheses the dynamics of functioning of the Tourist Conselho Pólo Costa das Dunas while space of participation and social control. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the civil society and the public sphere to the construction of the citizenship to the conception formation and dynamics of the social control through Conselho of public politics. A qualitative perspective the case study was adopted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The profiles capacities and limitations of the members of the Conselho had been identified constitution social and dynamic organization of functioning of the Conselho and the readings of the members of the Conselho concerning the power to decide instances and participation. The results had shown that the allotment of being able in the Conselho does not occur of equal form. The functions of coordination of the activities of the Conselho are assumed by the representatives of the public agencies. Level of qualification of council members also if presents as difficulty to development of activities of Conselho since the majority of the interviewed ones disclosed unreliability and unfamiliarity when thematic specific that runs away from its organizacional reality they are boarded in the assemblies. Of this form the Conselho if presents more as half of institutional legitimation of what half of characterization of the creation of a public sphere properly said. Finally he could himself be concluded that a democratic culture inexists that inside crosses practical the institutional ones of the Conselho thus limiting the possibility to reach the effective social control of the public politics of tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte


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The present study aims to understand the process of Participation of the Health Council- CMS in the formularization, implementation and control of the Municipal health plan of Pedras de Fogo, through four criteria of quality of participation considered by Demo (1993): representation, legitimacy, base participation, and self-responsibility. The criteria of representation is related to the quality of politics of the representative over the representings. Legitimacy is related to the politics` quality of the process of participation based on norms and rules that stipulate the participation, the base participation is a necessary political support so that the power authorization directed to the representings can be effective and the self-responsibility refers to the capacity of being responsible when it concerns to the public service or property. Through the descriptive and exploratory study a qualitative method was adopted to consider the conditions of the participation of the twelve council members of the City council of Health of Pedras de Fogo, through a formulated Instrument based on the criteria of DEMO (1993). It was concluded that the quality of the participation of the council members of the CMS of Pedras de Fogo understands essential aspects of the criteria of quality considered by Demo (1993) but it shows fragilities as unfamiliarity with the norms that legitimize the performance of the council; unfamiliarity of its condition of being an agent and the importance of the participation of the base for the reinforcement of its participation, as well as inertia related to the check and rendering of accounts on its performance. This way it makes sense that the participation of the council in the four criteria of quality of politics considered in this paper needs to improve


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The present study regards an applied qualitative social research (descriptive) which approaches the matter between old age and Brazilian social actions performed in social projects, aiming a qualified life and citizenship for this group of age. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age regarding social actions from the government directed to old age individual treatment for life quality improvement. The theoretical fundamentals of this work is, in a first moment, about old age and certain existing theories about aging process, as well as the differences and perspectives that come up throughout this process. In a second moment, some reflections are developed about the relation between life quality and leisure regarding old age, with the conception and historical rescue about these questions, as well as the evidence of leisure as an instrument of well-being feasibility and a better life quality in old age. Then the study contextualizes Brazilian government treatment to old age individuals, cutting off the Constitution of Republic from 1988 and some social attitudes taken by the government in a try to reach this specific group. Finally, the study presents the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age , as a social program which belongs to extension activities from Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), which aims old age treatment and their citizenship and life quality. After the application of a semi-structured interview using the technique of Analysis of content for the Analysis and Discussion of Results, it is possible to conclude that the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age fulfils its objective regarding contribution, through offered leisure activities, for old age well-being and life quality improvement. Hence, on this regard, it is possible to observe the importance and value of government actions, social projects and programs assisting old age individuals, for they are able to provide this group the opportunity to live out activities that allow their citizenship and socialization, regarding well-being and life quality improvement.


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The State and Public Administration have gone through several reforms in search of a quick operation and the provision of services with quality. With the democratization of the country and the issue of the Constitution in 1988, further reform of the State and Public Administration, joined the government agenda in 1995 and included among its objectives, the principles of participation and social control. In view of this, it raises the Public Ombudsman in order to be a channel for the participation of users in the management of public affairs, social control, transparency of administrative actions, improving the quality of service and meeting the needs of the community. The aim of this study is to assess whether the Ombudsman of the State Department of Public Health to contribute to the period 2006-2008, for the improvement of specialized consulting services. The research is characterized as descriptive, qualitative approach. The collection technique used was the interview, conducted with 37 service users and two servants of the Ombudsman. The analysis was developed based on the perception of users and servers in the opinion of the Ombudsman. The most relevant results of the research showed that 41% of users search the Ombudsman because they believed that solve the problem presented. However, even with this level of public acceptance, the Ombudsman reached average index of resolvability of 53% in the period. In his role has not developed mechanisms for quality control of services, which is mentioned by 67% of users. It turned out the same fact in relation to popular participation, which is confirmed by 84% of users. For 24% of users, the problems raised were resolved, and of these, 56% believe that the Ombudsman has contributed to the positive outcome. As a result of the search results, it appears that the Ombudsman's SESPA / PA, is not fulfilling its role to ensuring the democratization of articipation in management, social control and has limited contribution to solving the problems of users and to improve the quality of services


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The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis


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The globalization of markets has confirmed for the processes of change in organizations both in structure and in management. This dynamic was also observed in credit unions because they are financial institutions and are under the rules of the Brazil´s Financial System. Given the context of organizational changes in the financial capital has played the traditional management reform is urgent. In organizations credit unions, given its dual purpose, because in the same organizational environment and capitalism coexist cooperative whose logics are antagonistic, but can live through the balance between instrumental rationality and substantive rationality in credit unions. Based on this concept a new form of management should be thought to be able to accommodate the demand of cooperative, community, government and the market. Hybridization has been observed in management practices` COOPERUFPA into dimensions financial, social and solidarity participation with a trend in paradigmatic form of hybrid management, in that it directly or indirectly affect the management decisions in the credit union. The hybrid management is a trend that has been setting the basis for societal transformation, so that credit unions promote actions of welfare oriented cooperative members and the community around the same time that attend the dynamics of market globalization. These actions, in the context of hybrid management should be implemented by COOPERUFPA from the sociability of the remains and the wide diffusion of solidarity culture between cooperative partnership as a way to recover their participation in trade relations, financial and the social collective developement. For the members of COOPERUFPA financial interest is evidenced in greater relevance for the social interest given its dominant relationship as "mere customer" of the credit union, however, the proactive participation of the life of the cooperative credit union is one of its expectative among of participation of to share power in decisions by general meetings. This passivity`s cooperator of the COOPERUFPA in defending the ideals overshadowed the spread of cooperative principles and values of cooperation among them. Thus his conception for COOPERUFPA in the financial dimension, social and solidarity democracy, performed transversely. The COOPERUFPA for not developing an education policy for the cooperation among its members, contributed to a process of collective alienation of cooperative ideals, since the cooperative do not understand the reality that surrounds them as members of an organization whose mission is to social and financial sustainability of its members


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The subject Responsibility Enterprise Social (RSE) is relatively recent in the half national academic and the world of the management businesses as practical. For the lack of socialization of experiences and clarity of concepts, shunting lines in the agreement of the subject and the conduction of the interventions occur. It was looked to inquire, in this research, the development of the project of Social Responsibility Enterprise ―School of Computer science and Citizenship‖ of a situated company in the State of Pará, objectifying to evaluate it and later to understand it. For this, one searched to describe the characteristics and structure of the School, to identify to the lines and lines of direction adopted for this Project and to identify to the influence and results of the same in the life of pupils, professors and egresses of the School. It is characterized for a study of case with qualitative boarding of descriptive character, carried through interviews structuralized in a sample of 21 divided members of the School between professors, pupils and egresses. It was used of the analysis of categorical content, having as axle for the interpretation of the data the Social Responsibility, the Digital Inclusion and the Education. The gotten results inform that the infrastructure has challenges to face, point disparities between the conception and practical of the categories characterized in the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the EIC and the influence that, exactly under limits, the life of the professors, pupils reaches and egress. One evidenced that Social action for damages of this company when come back toward this project, they had not been evidenced. For this prism, these actions had only remained in the assistencialist speech and not structural, being thus, the company is not fulfilling its paper of transforming element of the reality of its clientele and the population that lives in it s around


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The organizations are characterized as dynamic spaces, they are being revisited and redefined, because they constitute structural human spaces and new vain outlines won expression. As it begins, of the non consensus in its conception, it is explicit the complexity degree that is identified in the plurality and diversity, brought by the people that compose them, characterizing it as accomplishment space, of happiness and also of conflict, of relationships of power and organizational limits and from birth and burial of faiths, values, norms, symbols, knowledge and rituals, therefore, deeply human. In that way, to know the administration of the organization is preponderant condition for the format of the human relationships to be delineated in its living. Like this the work makes an option in knowing the social administration, this work tries to know and analyze the values and beginnings of the social administration; revealling characteristics and specificities of the organizational performance of UNIPOP that contribute to the formation of the conception of Social Administration, it tends as source of the information the managers of the institution; to identify the formative values of UNIPOP that contribute to the youths' partner-political action in the community, tends for reference the current students of the organization and last to evaluate values structurates and supporting that interconnection between the organizational Administration, formation youth's program, participation and autonomy and attendance, starting from the existences gained by the exits, of that program. This way, the research will be qualitative, looking for understanding starting from their documents, the existence of those values


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico