854 resultados para Paperboard boxes
None issued in 1897, 1901 and 1905
Includes also his The Book-keeper's diploma; or a full and lucid treatise on the equation of payments, N.Y., 1937. Also Preston's estimates of boxes, and casks ...
Mode of access: Internet.
Unexploded Japanese ordnance cordoned off; includes additional supply boxes and disassembled ordnance. Caption; "Japanese Rocket Bomb."
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) perform above chance on invisible displacement tasks despite showing few other signs of possessing the necessary representational abilities. Four experiments investigated how dogs find an object that has been hidden in 1 of 3 opaque boxes. Dogs passed the task under a variety of control conditions, but only if the device used to displace the object ended up adjacent to the target box after the displacement. These results suggest that the search behavior of dogs was guided by simple associative rules rather than mental representation of the object's past trajectory. In contrast, Experiment 5 found that on the same task, 18- and 24-month-old children showed no disparity between trials in which the displacement device was adjacent or nonadjacent to the target box.
Developmental- and tissue-specific expression of globin genes is mediated by a few key elements within the proximal promoter of each gene. DNA-binding assays previously identified NF-Y, GATA-1, C/EBP beta and C/EBP gamma as candidate regulators of beta-globin transcription via the CCAAT-box, a promoter element situated between CACC- and TATA-boxes. We have identified C/EBP delta as an additional beta-globin CCAAT-box binding protein. In reporter assays, we show that C/EBP delta can co-operate with EKLF, a CACC-box binding protein, to activate the beta-globin promoter, whereas C/EBP gamma inhibits the transcriptional activity of EKLF in this assay. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The adsorption of simple Lennard-Jones fluids in a carbon slit pore of finite length was studied with Canonical Ensemble (NVT) and Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulations (GEMC). The Canonical Ensemble was a collection of cubic simulation boxes in which a finite pore resides, while the Gibbs Ensemble was that of the pore space of the finite pore. Argon was used as a model for Lennard-Jones fluids, while the adsorbent was modelled as a finite carbon slit pore whose two walls were composed of three graphene layers with carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. The Lennard-Jones (LJ) 12-6 potential model was used to compute the interaction energy between two fluid particles, and also between a fluid particle and a carbon atom. Argon adsorption isotherms were obtained at 87.3 K for pore widths of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 nm using both Canonical and Gibbs Ensembles. These results were compared with isotherms obtained with corresponding infinite pores using Grand Canonical Ensembles. The effects of the number of cycles necessary to reach equilibrium, the initial allocation of particles, the displacement step and the simulation box size were particularly investigated in the Monte Carlo simulation with Canonical Ensembles. Of these parameters, the displacement step had the most significant effect on the performance of the Monte Carlo simulation. The simulation box size was also important, especially at low pressures at which the size must be sufficiently large to have a statistically acceptable number of particles in the bulk phase. Finally, it was found that the Canonical Ensemble and the Gibbs Ensemble both yielded the same isotherm (within statistical error); however, the computation time for GEMC was shorter than that for canonical ensemble simulation. However, the latter method described the proper interface between the reservoir and the adsorbed phase (and hence the meniscus).
Previous research suggests that chimpanzees understand single invisible displacement. However, this Piagetian task may be solvable through the use of simple search strategies rather than through mentally representing the past trajectory of an object. Four control conditions were thus administered to two chimpanzees in order to separate associative search strategies from performance based on mental representation. Strategies involving experimenter cue-use, search at the last or first box visited by the displacement device, and search at boxes adjacent to the displacement device were systematically controlled for. Chimpanzees showed no indications of utilizing these simple strategies, suggesting that their capacity to mentally represent single invisible displacements is comparable to that of 18-24-month-old children.
The present work documents how the logic of a model's demonstration and the communicative cues that the model provides interact with age to influence how children engage in social learning. Children at ages 12, 18, and 24 months (n = 204) watched a model open a series of boxes. Twelve-month-old subjects only copied the specific actions of the model when they were given a logical reason to do so- otherwise, they focused on reproducing the outcome of the demonstrated actions. Eighteen-month-old subjects focused on copying the outcome when the model was aloof. When the model acted socially, the subjects were as likely to focus on copying actions as outcomes, irrespective of the apparent logic of the model's behavior. Finally, 24-month-old subjects predominantly focused on copying the model's specific actions. However, they were less likely to produce the modeled outcome when the model acted nonsocially.
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and young children (Homo sapiens) have difficulty with double invisible displacements in which an object is hidden in two nonadjacent boxes in a linear array. Experiment 1 eliminated the possibility that chimpanzees' previous poor performance was due to the hiding direction of the displacement device. As in Call (2001), subjects failed double nonadjacent displacements, showing a tendency to select adjacent boxes. In Experiments 2 and 3, chimpanzees and 24-month-old children were tested on a new adaptation of the task in which four hiding boxes were presented in a diamond-shaped array on a vertical plane. Both species performed above chance on double invisible displacements using this format, suggesting that previous poor performance was due to a response bias or inhibition problem rather than a fundamental limitation in representational capacity.
Using the two largest collections of Mus musculus and Homo sapiens transcription start sites ( TSSs) determined based on CAGE tags, ditags, full- length cDNAs, and other transcript data, we describe the compositional landscape surrounding TSSs with the aim of gaining better insight into the properties of mammalian promoters. We classified TSSs into four types based on compositional properties of regions immediately surrounding them. These properties highlighted distinctive features in the extended core promoters that helped us delineate boundaries of the transcription initiation domain space for both species. The TSS types were analyzed for associations with initiating dinucleotides, CpG islands, TATA boxes, and an extensive collection of statistically significant cis- elements in mouse and human. We found that different TSS types show preferences for different sets of initiating dinucleotides and ciselements. Through Gene Ontology and eVOC categories and tissue expression libraries we linked TSS characteristics to expression. Moreover, we show a link of TSS characteristics to very specific genomic organization in an example of immune- response- related genes ( GO: 0006955). Our results shed light on the global properties of the two transcriptomes not revealed before and therefore provide the framework for better understanding of the transcriptional mechanisms in the two species, as well as a framework for development of new and more efficient promoter- and gene- finding tools.
The effect of the box shape on the dynamic behavior of proteins simulated under periodic boundary conditions is evaluated. In particular, the influence of simulation boxes defined by the near-densest lattice packing (NDLP) in conjunction with rotational constraints is compared to that of standard box types without these constraints. Three different proteins of varying size, shape, and secondary structure content were examined in the study. The statistical significance of differences in RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface, number of hydrogen bonds, and secondary structure content between proteins, box types, and the application or not of rotational constraints has been assessed. Furthermore, the differences in the collective modes for each protein between different boxes and the application or not of rotational constraints have been examined. In total 105 simulations were performed, and the results compared using a three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for properties derived from the trajectories and a three-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for collective modes. It is shown that application of roto-translational constraints does not have a statistically significant effect on the results obtained from the different simulations. However, the choice of simulation box was found to have a small (5-10%), but statistically significant effect on the behavior of two of the three proteins included in the study. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In this paper, we compare a well-known semantic spacemodel, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) with another model, Hyperspace Analogue to Language (HAL) which is widely used in different area, especially in automatic query refinement. We conduct this comparative analysis to prove our hypothesis that with respect to ability of extracting the lexical information from a corpus of text, LSA is quite similar to HAL. We regard HAL and LSA as black boxes. Through a Pearsonrsquos correlation analysis to the outputs of these two black boxes, we conclude that LSA highly co-relates with HAL and thus there is a justification that LSA and HAL can potentially play a similar role in the area of facilitating automatic query refinement. This paper evaluates LSA in a new application area and contributes an effective way to compare different semantic space models.
This paper presents an innovative approach for signature verification and forgery detection based on fuzzy modeling. The signature image is binarized and resized to a fixed size window and is then thinned. The thinned image is then partitioned into a fixed number of eight sub-images called boxes. This partition is done using the horizontal density approximation approach. Each sub-image is then further resized and again partitioned into twelve further sub-images using the uniform partitioning approach. The features of consideration are normalized vector angle (α) from each box. Each feature extracted from sample signatures gives rise to a fuzzy set. Since the choice of a proper fuzzification function is crucial for verification, we have devised a new fuzzification function with structural parameters, which is able to adapt to the variations in fuzzy sets. This function is employed to develop a complete forgery detection and verification system.